COMM296 Syllabus 2018 W1 PDF

Title COMM296 Syllabus 2018 W1
Course Introduction To Marketing
Institution The University of British Columbia
Pages 9
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COMM 296: Introduction to Marketing Professor So-Eun Park

COURSE INFORMATION Instructor: So-Eun Park Phone: 604-822-8384 Division: Marketing & Behavioural Science Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon 12:30pm – 1:30pm or by Appointment (or Email to set up an appointment) Office Location: Henry Angus 565 Class Times and Location: • • •

Section 101: Mon/Wed, 8:30am – 10:00am at HA 345 Section 102: Mon/Wed, 10:00am – 11:30am at HA 345 Section 105: Mon/Wed, 2:30pm – 4:00pm at HA 345

Co-requisites: COMM 293 and one of COMM 295, ECON 201, or ECON 301 Course Duration: September 4 to December 1, 2018 Course Website:

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to provide a broad introduction to the field of marketing. Marketing is far more than just selling or advertising within a business setting; it is a major part of everyday life. This course will illustrate the importance of marketing and will help students develop fundamental marketing knowledge and skills applicable to all specializations within business. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to: • Define marketing and its role in creating value for consumers, society and organizations; • Analyze ethical issues in marketing and understand organizations’ ethical responsibilities; • Examine an organization’s strengths and limitations, core competencies, and key success factors in the context of the analyzed macro-environment; • Analyze the personal and interpersonal influences on consumer behavior and the steps to making a purchase decision; • Differentiate between secondary and primary research, and conduct marketing research; • Apply the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) process; • Differentiate between the four elements of the marketing mix and integrate them in a balanced, strategic marketing plan for an existing product/organization. COURSE RESOURCES & MATERIALS Required textbook: Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2017) Marketing (6th Ed). McGraw-Hill Irwin. • Previous editions: You may buy the 5th Ed. but it is your responsibility to locate corresponding chapters and pages for reading assignments. 4th Ed. or earlier versions are not recommended. • •

E-book: You may choose the print version or the e-book version of the textbook. You do not need both. ConnectPlus bundle: ConnectPlus/LearnSmart online resources are not required, but may be accessed by registering at:! (If the print version is purchased new through the UBC Bookstore, it comes bundled with the ConnectPlus online resources.)

Required technology: iClicker. We will use iClickers in every class. Course website: The course will be supported on UBC Canvas: Before each lecture, preview slides will be posted. Complete material will become available after the lecture. -1-

COMM 296: Introduction to Marketing Professor So-Eun Park

ASSESSMENT Summary Online Pre-tests In-class Participation iClicker questions In-class Activities and Oral Participation Team Project: Marketing Plan Team: Jump Start Your Research Team: Situation Analysis and SWOT Team: STP Plan worksheet Team: Marketing Strategy Video Individual: Peer Video Review Individual: Team Evaluation Midterm Exam Final Exam Bonus credit for participating in research

5% 15% (5%) (10%) 30% (1%) (12%) (2%) (13%) (2%) (*) 20% 30% 3%

Assessment Details Online pre-tests – 5% With the goal of providing a more active learning experience in the classroom, students will complete regular online pre-tests to guide their class preparation. This frees up class time for higher-level application of and interaction with key concepts and tools. The online pre-tests are due every Wednesday 8am and based on assigned readings on Page 4. Specifically, they cover the readings due for Monday and Wednesday of the same week (e.g. the pre-test due Oct 17 8am will cover readings due on Oct 15 Monday and Oct 17 Wednesday of that week). Each pre-test has 5 to 7 questions (either multiple choice or T/F) and will be published one week prior to its due date. You will be given one chance to submit each pre-test. Note that in the weeks with no reading assignments due, no pre-tests are due. In-class participation – 15% Developing business professionalism means learning to listen actively, think critically, communicate effectively, and work as a positive, productive contributor; these skills will be evaluated through students’ active engagement in class. Verbal contributions that add value will be noted. (Name cards will be supplied and will help students to get credit for their contributions; no name card, no credit.) Use uppercase, black and bold fonts on your name card. •

iClicker questions (5%): iClicker questions will be at the beginning of each class to reward and incentivize arriving at class on time. You will receive 1 point for participation and 1 point for getting the right answer. For example, on a day with 2 iClicker questions, the full points are 4; if you answer all correctly, you will receive 4 points; if you answer only one question correctly, you will receive 3 points. o No iClicker Rule: In the “unlikely” event that you came to class on time but forgot to bring your iClicker, you must speak with me at the end of class about your situation AND email me on the same day with the title “[COMM 296] No iClicker Today”. In this case, you will receive the participation portion of the points. o iClicker Registration: you must register your iClicker device on the Canvas course site in order to receive iClicker grades. Otherwise, the instructor cannot link the iClicker devices to corresponding students. o iClicker Grade Availability: iClicker grades will be published monthly. -2-

COMM 296: Introduction to Marketing Professor So-Eun Park

In-class activities and oral participation (10%): o Many class sessions will include activities that use worksheets to be completed individually or in small groups. Each worksheet will be graded as either check or check plus with check plus being outstanding. Worksheets will not be returned back to the students but can be accessed anytime at the instructor’s office upon request. o Participation is highly valued. Attendance is necessary, but not sufficient for participation; to earn these marks, students must actively participate in class by: 1) thoughtfully asking or answering questions about concepts from lectures or readings, 2) drawing connections between concepts, 3) sharing their experiences or points of view with the class, or 4) building on (but not merely repeating) points raised by others. Don’t be afraid to express opinions; there are no stupid questions indeed! o Note: We will use fixed seats and name cards to help students get credit for verbal contributions that add value; no name card, no credit. Poor attendance, consistent tardiness, and/or use of devices will negatively impact participation marks (see below for course policies).

Team projects: Marketing plan assignments – 30% Students will apply the course concepts to marketing analysis and planning for real organizations. Working in assigned teams of 4-6, students will choose from a given list of companies as the basis for completing a series of four team assignments and one individual assignment (more details about each assignment will be provided on the course website; see due dates in course schedule on Page 3): 1) Team: Jump Start Your Research 1% 2) Team: Situation Analysis and SWOT 12% 3) Team: STP Plan worksheet 2% 4) Team: Marketing Strategy Video 13% 5) Individual: Peer Video Review 2% 6) Individual: Team Evaluation (*) (*) At the end of the term, students will complete a mandatory evaluation of each team member’s contribution (including their own) to the team’s assignments. Individual grades on team assignments may be subject to adjustment based on team evaluations. Reductions can be significant if an individual has contributed little to the team. If reductions shall be made, they will be based on the survey results, i.e., what an individual’s team members think of as his or her contribution to the team project; hence, the lower contribution, the larger deductions. Generally, where team members are reliable and contribute, no adjustments are made. This assignment is not worth any points; however, failure to complete the evaluation will incur a 10% deduction on all team assignments. Important note: any serious conflicts among team members (to the extent that collective teamwork is impossible) must be brought to the instructor’s attention immediately. Midterm exam – 20%; and final exam – 30% There will be a midterm and a final exam (not cumulative). Exams will ONLY cover materials that are explicitly taught or discussed in class, whether they be from the textbook or from lecture slides. This has two implications: First, you will never get caught off guard in the exam with a question based on a tiny example that was never discussed during class; Second, it is of the utmost importance—even more so because of the first implication— that you attend the lectures. The lectures will cover more than textbook examples and involve in-depth elaboration and discussion of the lecture slides. Optional participation in marketing studies – Bonus marks up to 3% Students may volunteer to participate in marketing studies for bonus marks up to 3%. Details will be provided both in class and on the course website.


COMM 296: Introduction to Marketing Professor So-Eun Park

COURSE SCHEDULE (Subject to change at instructor’s discretion. Frequently check for syllabus updates) WK



Wed, Sep 5 Mon, Sep 10


CLASS TOPIC Welcome & Course Overview Why Marketing is Important? Fixed Seats Start.



Course Syllabus Information Sheet & Name Card (Black, Bold) Bonus Mark Info Session

Wed, Sep 12

Marketing Strategy

Ch. 2 pp. 22-28

Mon, Sep 17

Marketing Plan

Ch. 2 pp. 29-45

Wed, Sep 19

Consumer Behavior I

Ch. 6 pp. 112-126

Mon, Sep 24

Consumer Behavior II

Ch. 6 pp. 126-135

Wed, Sep 26

Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP)

Ch. 9 pp. 176-199

Mon, Oct 1

Marketing Research

Ch. 10 pp. 200-221

Wed, Oct 3

Product Strategy I

Ch. 11 pp. 222-226 Ch. 12 pp. 265-271

Mon, Oct 8

Thanksgiving Day. No Class.

Wed, Oct 10

Team Work Day

Mon, Oct 15

Product Strategy II

Wed, Oct 17

No Class Midterm Exam on Oct 19

Mon, Oct 22

Pricing Strategy I

Ch. 14 pp. 292-310

Wed, Oct 24

Pricing Strategy II

Ch. 14 pp. 292-310

Mon, Oct 29

Pricing Strategy III

Ch. 14 pp. 292-310

Wed, Oct 31

Pricing Strategy IV & Auction

Ch. 14 pp. 292-310

Mon, Nov 5


Wed, Nov 7

Distribution Strategy I

Mon, Nov 12

Remembrance Day. No Class

Wed, Nov 14

Team Work Day

Mon, Nov 19

Distribution Strategy II

Ch. 19 pp. 318-331

Wed, Nov 21

Promotion Strategy I

Ch. 18 pp. 386-390

Mon, Nov 26

Promotion Strategy II

Ch. 18 pp. 372-375; 393; 399-405

Wed, Nov 28

Final Review

Individual: Peer Video Reviews Individual: Team Evaluations Both Due by Dec 2 (Sunday) 11:59pm

Final Exam

Individual: Final Exam (TBD)






Team: Jump Start Your Research Due by Sep 26 (Wednesday) 11:59pm

Team: Situation Analysis & SWOT Due by Oct 12 (Friday) 11:59pm Ch. 11 pp. 227-243 Individual: Midterm Exam Oct 19 (Friday) 6:30-8:00pm (SWNG 121 & 122)



Teams Announced in Class Team: Complete Team Charter during Class

Team: STP Plan worksheet Due by Oct 28 (Sunday) 11:59pm



Ch. 15 pp. 318-331





Team: Marketing Strategy Video Due by Nov 25 (Sunday) 11:59pm

COMM 296: Introduction to Marketing Professor So-Eun Park

COURSE AND INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES Class Preparation: Guidance on how to prepare for each class will be posted to the Canvas course website. It is each student’s responsibility to understand what is required and to complete the necessary readings and other preparation that is directed. Attendance: On-time attendance is expected. Consistent late attendance will affect the participation grade. Missed iClicker questions at the beginning of classes due to late attendance will affect your grade as well. Electronic Devices: • Laptops and tablets are not permitted in class and must be stowed out of the way, except during specified in-class activities; advance notice will be provided for any in-class activities that require laptops. • Cell phones must be either turned off or muted during classes. • Students misusing laptops or cell phones may be asked to leave the classroom. Misuse of laptops or cell phones in class will affect the participation grade. Assignment Deadlines: Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due and must be submitted on the Canvas course site through assignment drop box by 11:59pm, Pacific time and UBC server time, on the due date. Late assignments will be subject to penalty as follows: 15% penalty if submitted 5 minutes to 24 hours late; 30% penalty if submitted 24-72 hours late; and a grade of zero if submitted more than 72 hours late. Missed Activities, Assignments, and Exams: •

There are no make-ups for any missed in-class activities or iClicker questions. You must attend your registered section to earn those marks.

Special accommodations for missed exams will only be made in the case of illness, emergency, or compassionate reasons. Such excuses as prior personal travel plans and extra-curricular commitments are not legitimate reasons. If you miss an exam or lecture due to illness, emergency, or compassionate reasons, please contact the Sauder Undergraduate Office 1 as soon as possible.

Academic Honesty: Students are expected to adhere to UBC’s Academic Honesty policy and standards 2 . Any instances of cheating 3 will be strongly dealt with according to UBC’s procedures for Discipline for Academic Misconduct4 . Cheating includes, but is not limited to: • Asking a classmate to bring your iClicker to class or to complete an in-class task for you if you are unable to attend; asking a classmate to complete an assignment or an exam for you. • Completing an iClicker question, an in-class task, an assignment, or an exam for a classmate. • Sharing exam questions or answers. • Using or having open any books, papers, devices, computer files, webpages, or materials other than the exam itself during exams. Email: Please use the subject heading [COMM 296] so that your email can be easily located in the email inbox. Please write your emails professionally with a proper format. Send any email inquiries regarding assignments and exams up to 36 hours prior to respective deadlines and exam times to allow for enough time for correspondences.

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COMM 296: Introduction to Marketing Professor So-Eun Park

MARKETING PLAN PROJECT OVERVIEW Marketing analysis and planning are significant activities for the majority of firms. The purpose of this series of assignments is for you, working as part of a team, to apply the concepts you learn in your coursework to marketing analysis and planning for a real good or service. Each assigned team of 4-6 students will choose a B2C (business-to-consumer) company. Although you do not need to choose from the list in the “Researching Companies” tab on the COMM 296/COMM 465 Research Guide 5 of the David Lam Library, it is a good place to start. These company guides/profiles have been created by the reference librarians of the David Lam Library to jump start your research (but additional research will be expected!). ASSIGNMENT SPECIFICATIONS *Read carefully these specifications as they apply to all assignments. Marks will be deducted for failure to follow these requirements. Treat these specifications as a final checklist before submitting it to the assignment dropbox on Canvas! • References: You must cite all secondary sources using APA format, both within your writing and in separate References Lists. Penalties will apply for missing citations and inconsistent style. o UBC Guide to “Getting Started with APA Citation Style”: o APA Style Guide: • Electronic Submission: Submit assignments electronically on the course Canvas site through the assignment drop boxes. Only one copy of each assignment is required per team. • File Naming Convention: All assignments must be saved using the following file naming convention: Sec#[hyphen]Team#[hyphen]Assignment#.pdf (e.g., Sec102-Team4-Assignment3.pdf if you’re in Section 102, Team 4 and submitting Assignment 3). Assignments not named this way will receive a grade deduction of 10%. • Plagiarism Prevention: All assignments will be submitted to, UBC’s plagiarism prevention system. For information on plagiarism and plagiarism prevention, review the Academic Integrity Resource Guide6. • Assignment deadlines: Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due on Canvas by 11:59pm, Pacific time and UBC server time. Late assignments will be subject to penalty as follows: 5% deduction if submitted 5-59 minutes late; 15% deduction if submitted 1-24 hours late; 30% deduction if submitted 24-72 hours late; and a grade of zero if submitted more than 72 hours late. These additional specifications apply to the Situation Analysis & SWOT assignment. Marks will be deducted for missing these requirements. • Cover Page: The cover page must include course and section numbers, team number, team members’ names and student numbers, assignment number/title, and date. Assignment page limits do not include the cover page. • Margins: Minimum 1” • Line Spacing: Single – but make good use of headings/subheadings and white space for maximum readability! • Font: Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, or Georgia • Font Size: 11 pt. • Page Limits: Stated page limits do not include the cover page, references list, or appendices. Respect the page limits outlined in each assignment section. Marks will be deducted for surpassing page limits, and work that extends beyond the page limit will not be graded. • PDF Format: You must submit in PDF format. If your computer does not have a PDF file format, download one free from the internet.

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COMM 296: Introduction to Marketing Professor So-Eun Park [ASSIGNMENT 1] TEAM: JUMP START YOU RESEARCH (1%)

Due Sep. 26 (Wed) at 11:59pm (UBC server time).

View the videos David Lam Library reference librarians have created to help guide you in effective research strategies: “Introduction to Seconda...

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