NU 220 head-to-toe template 16 PDF

Title NU 220 head-to-toe template 16
Course Health Assessment
Institution University of Massachusetts Boston
Pages 2
File Size 79.2 KB
File Type PDF
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practical for compentency...


Head-to-toe Physical Examination Name:____________________________________________

NU220 Expected Time on Task : 30 Minutes

Evaluator:_______________________________ Starting Time:______________ Completion Time:________________ Total Score:_________________/100 points. Scoring: Maximum points: exam complete and technique correct throughout. Students need a score of > 90 points to pass Points Score/Comments Possible

4 5

4 1 5






General Survey Appearance, body, mobility, behavior Vital Signs BP, HR, RR, T Skin, Nails, Hair Inspection (throughout) (3) Temperature, Capillary refill (1) Head Inspect and palpation of skull (1) Ears External inspection (1) Whisper (CN VIII) (1) Otoscopic (3) Eyes Inspection external eye (1) Visual acuity (CNII) (1) EOM (CN III, VI, VI) (1), Visual fields (1) Pupillary reflexes (1) Face Symmetry (1) Sensation (CN V) (1) Wrinkle eyebrows, smile/frown, puff out cheeks (CN VII) (1) Nose & Paranasal sinuses Inspect nasal mucosa (septum/turbinates) (1) Palpate for sinus tenderness (1) Patency and CNI (1) Mouth/Pharynx Teeth/gingiva, palate, buccal mucosa (2) Tongue (CN XII) symmetry; inspect under tongue (1) Pharynx (CN IX, X) ‘ah’ uvula rise (1) Gag reflex (CN IX, X) (1) Neck Lymph nodes (periauricular, postauricular, occipital, tonsillar/jugulodigastric, submental, superficial cervical, posterior cervical, deep cervical & supraclavicular) (4)

Strength, ROM, shoulder shrug (CN XI) (2)







4 3 5 tr rev 8/16

Thorax Respiratory rhythm, labor (2) Chest expansion (1) Palpation (tactile fremitus posterior) (1) Percussion (resonance-posterior) (2) Auscultation (anterior/posterior) (3) Heart Carotid pulse bilaterally (one at a time) (1) Inspection, palpation (heaves, thrills, PMI) (2) Dynamic auscultation (bell & diaphragm) (3) Abdomen Inspection (1) Auscultation (bowel sounds, bruits: aortic, renal) (2) Percussion (all quadrants; liver span) (2) Palpation light & deep-all quadrants (3) Extremities Inspection/palpation both sides at same time (2) Axillary & inguinal lymph nodes (1) Pulses (radial, brachial, femoral, dorsalis pedis & posterior tibial) (3) Sensation hands & feet (1) Neurologic Mental Status (3) DTRs (biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, knee, Achilles, Babinski) (3) Cerebellar (RAM, heel-to-shin, Romberg) (1) Gait (regular, heel-to-toe) (1) Motor strength upper and lower extremities both sides at same time (1) Musculoskeletal Inspection/palpation/ROM Cervical spine (1) Hands and wrists (1) Elbows (1) Shoulders (1) Spine (1) Hips (1) Knees (1) Ankles (1) Organization Instructions to examinee Subjective interview questions: 1 point per subjective question (maximum 5)...

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