Nutriwellness Questions 2017-1 PDF

Title Nutriwellness Questions 2017-1
Author Ashley Williams
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution El Paso Community College
Pages 8
File Size 162.4 KB
File Type PDF
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DIET AND ENERGY ANALYSIS ACTIVITY Using NUTRIWELLNESS Pasadena City College Name: Ashley Williams Due Date: May 29, 2019 Points: (max. available 75) Class Days/ Time: MW 7:00am – 8:25am Instructor: Pacheco Part 1 OVERVIEW Objectives The object of this exercise is to gain experience in using the computer to analyze the nutrient content of his/her diet and interpret the computer analysis data. You will be using a NUTRIWELLNESS program that comes with your book for your project. Use your results from the computer project to answer the discussion questions and evaluate your food intake and energy expenditure. Watch the web tutorial located on the profile summary page Create your personalized profile A code that is located on the front cover of your book will activate your NUTRIWELLNESS account. You will be asked to set up a profile. Enter your food intakes You are ready to enter information about the type and serving size of food you consume each day for three days. 1. Go to the log meals button 2. Go to add new food and type the name of the food and click SEARCH to find the food you ate. The NUTRIWELLNESS database contains almost 20,000 foods including ethnic foods, fast foods, convenience foods and supplements. 3. The more specific the search, the easier it will be to find your food. For example if you put in “cereal” you will get over 200 different types of cereal. Use the brand name if possible.

4. When you locate the food item that matches what you ate, highlight the food, choose the appropriate serving size, INDICATE whether the food item is for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack. Click ADD TO MY MEAL. 5. Not every food will be in the database, please ask your instructor for help if you cannot find a food or use a close substitute.

Generating Reports Choose the reports option on the left-hand side of the page. The reports that you need to print include: 1. Logged meals nutrient summary 2. Meal details Assignment to be turned in to instructor Print out and put in a folder the following: (include name, class days, time and instructor name on outside of folder-please no 3 ring folders): 1. All Printouts requested above 2. Completed questions typed. NO HANDWRITTEN WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED, please use spell-check

Part 2. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Instructions *Type and answer in complete sentences. I. Analysis of my dietary intake based on dietary recommendations. A. Source of Calories- Record your source of calories. This tells you what percentage of the calories you consumed came from each of the energy-yielding nutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat) You will find this information on your NUTRIENT SUMMARY PAGE. 1.The US Dietary Goals are: Calories from protein: 10-35% Calories from carbohydrate: 45-65% Calories from total fat: 20-35%

My Average intake was: Calories from protein: Calories from carbohydrate: Calories from total fat: B. Discuss how your average daily intake of protein, carbohydrate and fat compare to the dietary recommendations. Address each nutrient separately. C. Using the recommendations, discuss what realistic changes you would make to your present diet.

D. What is your BMI? You will find your BMI under reports Classification Underweight: Normal: Overweight: Obesity:

or =30.0 BMI

1. Are you maintaining a healthy weight? 2. Compare your average caloric intake with what was recommended by the DRI (Dietary Recommended Intake on your profile page). Discuss whether the difference will have an effect on maintaining a healthy weight. 3. List the six highest sources of calories found in the MEAL DETAIL REPORT (from all foods listed on food list- use two foods per day). Record the calories for each food. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Part 3 Evaluate your fat intake (FOUND ON YOUR NUTRIENT SUMMARY REPORT A. Complete the following table Grams Average total fat consumed Average total saturated fat consumed Average dietary cholesterol consumed

Goal % Column

Note: -Total fat should be 100% or lower -Saturated fat should be 100% or lower and not higher than total fat. -Cholesterol should be 100% or lower. B. Do you choose a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat? Discuss ways that you can improve your diet to meet these goals. (Be specific in describing where and at what meals/snacks these changes could realistically be made.) C. List the six highest sources of total fat from the printouts and their grams (two foods per day): MEAL DETAIL REPORT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

D. List the six highest sources of saturated fat from the printouts and their grams (two foods per day): MEAL DETAIL REPORT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) E. List the six highest sources of cholesterol from the printouts and their milligrams (two foods per day): MEAL DETAIL REPORT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Part 4. Evaluate your sugar, sodium, fiber, and alcohol intake A. Discuss your sources of sugar. Does your sugar come from foods such as fruits, fruit juice, milk, etc., or does most of your sugar come from that added to your diet, such as regular soda, fruit drinks or punch, desserts, etc? How might your sugar intake impact your health? B. Regarding Sodium intake: 1. Are you 100% or lower for the recommendation for sodium? Yes or No 2. List your mg. of sodium. Goal % = 3. If it is too high, can you lower it? How? Be specific.

4. List the six highest sources of sodium from the printouts and their milligrams (two foods per day) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) C. Regarding Fiber intake: 1. Do you get at least 25 grams of dietary Fiber per day (yes or no) 2. List your “average” grams of dietary fiber:

3. List the six highest sources of fiber from the spreadsheet printouts and their grams (use two foods per day): 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) D. Regarding Alcohol: Do you practice moderation in your alcohol consumption, if you drink at all? Moderation for an adult male is no more than two drinks per day; for an adult female, no more than one drink per day. Briefly, explain your weekly alcohol consumption and whether you feel you need to change this.

Part 5. Evaluation of Vitamin and Mineral Intakes Review your NUTRIENT SUMMARY printout again under “Goal %” and discuss whether you need to improve in any of the following areas. You should explain why these nutrients are important in the diet and in what foods you would find these nutrients. 1. Folate should be 100% or higher. Did you meet this goal? If not what can you do to increase your consumption of folate. 2. All other vitamins should be at least 80%. Address each vitamin under 80% of goal. Discuss the function for each vitamin and what foods you would find them in. 3. Calcium should be 100% or higher. Did you meet this goal? If not what can you do to increase calcium consumption in your diet. What are the consequences of a diet that is deficient in calcium? 4. All other minerals should be at least 80%. Address all the minerals that are under 80% of the goal. Explain the functions of each, what foods would you find them in.

Part 6 Summary A. In your summary discussion, address the following: 1. Explain how you feel about the results of this diet analysis (the positive aspects about a computer diet analysis as well as the drawbacks of such an analysis). 2. Summarize your dietary plan aimed at increasing the quality of your life and decreasing the risk for chronic disease. How do your health habits impact your life today and in the future? *Your Instructor appreciates a personal write-up that shows genuine, thoughtful effort. This is your opportunity to shine....

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