OB Project - Leadershp style PDF

Title OB Project - Leadershp style
Author Mohit Kumar
Course Business Management
Institution Institute of Business Management
Pages 13
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Detail analysis of Movie, Goodwill hunting, based on leadership styles shown in a movie...


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are profoundly indebted to our course faculty, Ma’am Tazeen Imran, whose enormous support, mentoring, guiding principles and constructive disparagement has enabled us to accomplish this task. Without his constant check and immense determination, we would not have been able to complete our term report. “Thank you Ma’am” for giving us this wonderful project through which we have been able to see Practical Implications of whatever taught to us in Organizational Behavior. We put forward our profound gratefulness for your support and generosity. We are also indebted to Szabist for providing us with an opportunity to augment our skills and rationale through such projects. Lastly, we extend our appreciation for our group members for their cooperation; collaboration and fortitude without which we could not have consummate the task by the dead line. Hopefully, this report will lead to the positive reception and commend for our hard work.


Plot: Meanwhile, a professor at MIT named Gerald Lambeau puts an extremely complicated math problem on the hallway chalkboard to see if any of his students are up to the challenge. Turns out, they're not. But, of course, Will knows how to solve it, and he writes out the answer on the chalkboard when no one's watching. After finding Will's answer, Professor Lambeau takes things up a notch. He leaves another problem on the board, one that only a few of the world's greatest minds can solve. And that’s when he catches Will. Yep: The janitor is the one solving the math problems. Lambeau tries to go after him to find out who he is. Meanwhile, Will gets himself into some trouble with the law when he assaults a police officer. Combined with his mile-long rap sheet, this assault puts Will on a one-way street to lock-up. But Lambeau tracks him down at the last second and makes a deal with the judge: Will can stay out of prison as long as he works with Lambeau on math every week and gets some therapy on the side. Will agrees to therapy, but mentally destroys the first five therapists Lambeau pairs him with. At first, Will seems like he's too much for Maguire. Within minutes of meeting each other, Will realizes that Maguire has a lot of sadness around his memories of his wife, so Will pokes at it until the therapist grabs him by the throat and threatens him. After Maguire's had a chance to regroup, he takes Will to a park bench and tells him that it doesn't matter how smart he is or how much he's learned from books. All that matters is that Will is too chicken to live life on any terms but his own, which means he'll never know true love or experience the best things in life firsthand. When he's not in therapy or in his math sessions with Lambeau, Will hangs out with a girl from Harvard named Skylar. Things go well at first, but Will is an orphan and has a deep-seated fear that, eventually, anyone he loves will walk away from him. So he makes a preemptive strike and pushes Skylar away before she can get a chance to hurt him. Tensions rise between Professor Lambeau and Will's therapist, Sean Maguire. See, Maguire thinks that Will should figure out for himself what to do with his life, but Lambeau won't be satisfied with any result eventually they both ended up in a deep heated argument. Meanwhile, Will keeps working at a construction job that he got through his buddy, Chuckie. One day, Chuckie confronts Will about how he's wasting his intelligence hanging around construction sites. But Will says it doesn’t matter as long as he's happy. Chuckie insists that Will owes a debt to all the other men working on the construction site who wish they had the gifts Will does. Chuckie's wish? That he'll show up at Will's house one day and find Will gone. In an effort to help Will get over his abandonment issues, Sean Maguire tells him the story of how he passed up one of the greatest baseball games ever to go on a date with the woman who would one day be his wife.. After he sees photos of the injuries Will got as an abused child, Maguire walks up to him and repeats the phrase, "It's not your fault" until Will breaks down and weeps. Turns out our boy's a little vulnerable.


In the final moments of the movie, Will takes a job with one of the think tanks that Professor Lambeau set him up with. But when Chuckie shows up at his door... he's not there. He left Boston and is headed for California in his car, hoping to get Skylar back.

Characters: Dr. Sean Maguire This guy lost his wife to cancer a few years before this movie starts, and he loves her more than anything. When Will starts pushing his buttons, asking if his wife was ever unfaithful, he loses his cool: “If you ever disrespect my wife again, I will end you, I will end you. Got that, chief? Most therapists would probably throw Will out of their office at this point—but not Maguire. He recognizes that there's something inside Will that's making him do what he does. And he wants to get to the bottom of it. After causing the initial outburst, Sean's wife ends up being what brings Maguire and Will together. It's not easy for Maguire to be Will Hunting's therapist, what with Professor Lambeau always breathing down his neck. The fact is that Maguire and Lambeau have completely different views on what it is to live a good life. For Lambeau, living a good life means fulfilling your intellectual potential, which is why he wants Will to work at a prestigious think tank. But for Maguire, the good life means making the decisions that are right for you and not necessarily right for others. Sean Maguire is kind of a foil for Will, showing the audience what it looks like to experience things instead of just read about them, like Will does. Maguire is a war veteran; the guy knows what it's like to watch someone die. Will, on the other hand, has only learned things from books, he's too scared to go out into the world and experience things for himself. Maguire spends the whole movie trying to get Will to open himself up to new experiences, sometimes by giving him the love he needs, and other times by straight up real talking. By the time the movie ends, Sean's combination of trust and straight-talk has help transform Will. But it has also helped transform Sean himself. He realizes he needs to take his own advice and start living again instead of sitting around feeling sorry for himself over losing his wife Nancy.


Will Hunting Will Hunting is the main character of the movie. He is a janitor at MIT, born and raised in slums throughout his life. Will is a genius when it comes to just about anything you can learn in school. In the very first scenes of this movie, we watch him solve some of the most difficult math problems in the world. And the moment Professor Gerald Lambeau finds out about Will's intelligence, he wants to make sure that Will uses his gifts to contribute to the world of math. And it's not like Lambeau is the only one who can see Will for who he is. Will knows his smarts pretty well himself, even. But instead of using them constructively, he tends to use his brain as a weapon to help him win fights. Will seems pretty happy to spend his days drinking with his buddies and goofing off. But there's a darker side to him that we only find out about after he's jailed for assaulting a cop. The judge at Will's court hearing where he is defending himself without presence of any lawyer gives a quick highlights of Will's criminal career “June '93, Assault. September '93, Assault. Grand theft auto, February '94. In the movie later we find that root causes for Will's emotional problems. For starters, Will was an orphan who experienced a lot of abuse in the foster families he stayed with and about the fact that he was stabbed by his foster father. Clearly these experiences have left a lasting mark on his personality. He's slow to trust people and he's determined never to live on any terms other than his own. Early on his relationship days with Skylar he will show that he has a pleasing personality. But is so worried about being hurt that he has a tendency to cut off happy experiences before they even have a chance to go bad. Eventually, Sean Maguire manages to get through to Will. You remember the scene: Sean talks to Will about his abusive childhood and tells him "It's not your fault" over and over (and over) until Will breaks down sobbing. After the breakthrough, Will finally seems ready to move past some of his lingering childhood fears and make decisions about his future. He even takes a job with one of the firms Professor Lambeau has set him up with. But instead of starting work he took his new car and heads for California to see Skylar again.

Dr. Gerald Lambeau: Dr. Gerald Lambeau is a brilliant mathematician working as a professor at MIT and is an old college classmate and friend of Sean Maguire. His main focus in life is Success and Prestige. And it's this focus that often puts Lambeau into conflict with Sean Maguire. After all, Lambeau hired Sean to help keep Will Hunting out of fights so he could focus on mathematics. But he's


not happy when Maguire goes as far as asking Will to decide on his own version of success. In an heated argument Lambeau bluntly tells Sean, "Don't infect him with the idea that it's okay to quit, that it's okay to be a failure because it's not okay." . The truth is that Maguire is probably happy with the life he's chosen, but Lambeau can only see him as a failure For him, the good life means using your potential to achieve success, fame, and admiration from the people around you. And that's that. Lambeau will not be satisfied if Will chooses any path other than the one Lambaeau chose for him. He can't stand the idea of Will throwing away his gifts because the truth is that Will could probably achieve more in one month than Lambeau has in his entire career. At end of the Movie Lambeau is upset enough to admit to Will that “Most days I wish I never met you. Because then I could sleep at night,” As he is not Happy with Wills decision to go to California instead working on a Prestigious Think Tank with Gerald.

Chuckie Sullivan: Chuckie Sullivan is Will's best friend. He is not stupid, but not school smart either. He has good instincts and is a skilled worker in a construction crew. He also inspires Will to move out of South Boston and be a success. In a conversation he tells Will "You’re sitting on a winning lottery ticket and you're too scared to cash it in". He lets Will know that he owes it to them to move out because they can't. He is not being loyal by staying by their side.

Skylar: Skylar is a Harvard student that starts a romantic relationship with Will. She is very intelligent but she is still amazed by Will's mental abilities. She has inherited a lot of money from her parents' death which enable her to go to Harvard. She tries to get close to Will repeatedly but his nature will not let her in. Their relationship was ended after Will’s emotional outburst when she forced him to tell about his past and family.



MBTI is the most widely used personality assessment tool. A100-question personality test that asks people how they usually feel or act in particular situations. Respondents are then classified as    

Extraverted or Introverted (E or I) Sensing or Intuitive (S or N) Thinking or Feeling (T or F) Judging or Perceiving (J or P)

Extraverted individuals are outgoing, sociable, and assertive. Introverts are quiet and shy. Sensing types are practical and prefer routine and order. They focus on details. Intuitive rely on unconscious processes and look at the “big picture.” Thinking types use reason and logic to handle problems. Feeling types rely on their personal values and emotions. Judging types want control and prefer their world to be ordered and structured. Perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous.

Will Hunting - INTP Math genius Will overanalyze everything to a fault. He is gifted at solving mathematical equations in his head, and also analyzes the costs and benefits of having a relationship. He lives in his head, always five steps ahead, brainstorming future negative possibilities. His strong memory allows him to retain complex formulas and theories he has studied, but it also keeps painful memories of abuse and abandonment fresh. Will is afraid to love others and let others love him. When he expresses his emotions, it’s in a violent, unhealthy way. Sean Maguire - INFP Sean lives according to his strong values and convictions. He is individualistic, romantic, compassionate, and insightful. Just as Will is able to dissect Sean’s life through a painting, Sean is also able to see straight through Will’s cocky bravado. There’s a lot of residual pain in his life, but he knows his past experiences give him the credentials he needs to be a good counselor and impact Will. Though he is a gentle person, he’s not afraid to get in someone’s face when he has to. He calls out Lambeau for being an arrogant, judgmental prick and slams Will’s disrespectful attitude. Gerard Lambeau - ENTJ When arrogant, charismatic Professor Lambeau discovers Will’s superior intelligence, he capitalizes on it to further his work in mathematics. Lambeau is overly ambitious and pushy when it comes to Will. He sees great potential in him and doesn’t want it to go to waste. He can’t sympathize with Will wanting to live a life outside of academia, because it’s not what he himself would do.


Skylar - ENFJ Skylar is popular, outgoing, and funny. She’s the first to say “I love you” and is eager to get to know Will’s family and friends. She is focused in pursuing her academic and career path. When Will refuses her invitation to move to California with her, she knows he’s hiding a deeper issue from her. She seems to fit in well wherever she goes and adapts well to whatever situation is in front of her. She works hard to learn her course material and envies Will’s natural ability to understand complex mathematics. Chuckie Sullivan - ESTP Chuckie lives his life impulsively. He’s the first to jump into a fistfight with Will and openly flirts with girls at the bar. He’s grounded in reality and has observed how intelligent Will really is. He holds Will responsible as a friend and one of the guys. If Will doesn’t move forward when he has the chance, it’s a disgrace to Chuckie and their friends who will never get a golden opportunity. Chuckie looks forward to the day when Will is no longer around.

Big 5 Personality Model The theory that will be adopted to analyze Will is the Big 5 factor model of personality traits which it represents the core description of human personality. Based on what is visible in the film, I believe that Will scores lower in openness and agreeableness but higher in neuroticism/emotional stability. To elaborate further why he scores lower in term of openness, it is because he never meant to change his life by using his gifted talent although being verified by the Mathematic professor. Lower in agreeableness, he can barely hit it off with the other people as he is only comfortable to stay within his comfort zone. He gets pissed off when people tend to understand more about him. He never opens up to anyone even to his best friends; for a genius to get a better life. On the other hand, higher in neuroticism, he is not stable of his own emotion as he could be a sweet tough guy or rude tough guy, introvert or extravert, and conscientious or unconscientiously in different scenes. He switches into either one depending on his mood. At times he is Emotionally Stable, especially at the time he is being watched by therapists and there he starts playing reverse psychology with them. And the time he is goofing around with friends he is not emotionally stable and starts taking out his anger on random people.

Self Determination Self-determination theory (SDT) is a macro theory of human motivation and personality that concerns people's inherent growth tendencies and innate psychological needs. It is concerned with the motivation behind choices people make without external influence and interference. SDT focuses on the degree to which an individual's behavior is self-motivated and self-


determined. This theory is perhaps the most important theory in this whole movie. The instances of this theory’s applications on the character of Will Hunting are numerous. At first glance Will is an ordinary guy working as a janitor at MIT, shortly after we see him solving an advanced mathematical question designed for grad students. Now it is important to note that this question was meant as a challenge for the class, which made it mandatory for everybody to try and solve it. Will hunting had no such extrinsic influence on him neither did he have any interferences or obligation to solve the equation. On the first go he solves the question, doing it correctly. The professor then proceeds to challenge the students with another even more difficult question, still under the assumption that it was one of his students who solved the first equation and not Will, the janitor. Will manages to solve that question also without much effort, while he is doing so he is seen by the professor and that’s when he talents as a mathematical genius are discovered. It is important to know that Will never went to a high end school or received a prestigious education. Instead, he learns all he knows from the public library, which is also mentions when he starts dissing the man who was trying to embarrass his friend in-front of a girl in a bar. It is clear since the beginning of the movie that there is no pressure or obligation for him to solve the difficult questions or proving the mathematical theorems or just reading up the books that he does in the public library. he simply does it because he is either curious or he just wants to show people that he can solve them if he chooses to do so, and that he might not have a privileged background but that doesn’t make him intellectually inferior to anyone. Another instance of his demonstration of his intellect is later in the movie when he visits the girl after he doesn’t call her for days, he asks her to go out with him but she refuses as the girl has questions to work on which she claims will take up her entire day. Will then proceeds to effortlessly solve it on a napkin and give it to her so she would take the rest of the day off and go out with him. Later in the movie when they start dating, there’s an instance when the two of them are sitting and the girlfriend is working, he offers to solve the questions for her but she refuses saying that it’s important for her to learn the questions herself. Then they proceed to talk about how Will dabbled In organic chemistry for fun, at this comment, the girlfriend is pretty surprised and says that nobody studies Organic chemistry for “fun” and that people are mostly forced into studying the boring subject, but Will shows that without external interference i.e. if it hasn’t been made an obligation on you, one could even enjoy things like organic chemistry and be good at them. All these instance support the self-determination theory and the fact that Will is a genius unlike any other.


Selective Perception Selective perception is the process by which individuals perceive what they want to in media messages while ignoring opposing viewpoints. It is a broad term to identify the behavior all people exhibit to tend to "see things" based on their particular frame of reference. It also describes how we categorize and interpret sensory information in a way that favors one category or interpretation over another. In other words, selective perception is a form of bias because we interpret information in a way that is congruent with our existing values and beliefs. Psychologists believe this process occurs automatically. During the movie where we can witness classic example of selective perception. Will and his friends are walking at night. One of the guys asks. They jaw at each other for a while before heading into a bar. Inside, one of the guys mentions that it is a Harvard bar, so it looks like they have taken...

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