Odyssey Book 11-20 PDF

Title Odyssey Book 11-20
Course Literature In English I
Institution Adelphi University
Pages 10
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Book 11-20 Thursday, February 15, 2018

12:45 PM

Book 11 ○ Arrive at the land of the Cimmerians ○ Summoned the ghosts on the beach ○ Spoke to many of the dead ○ Spoke to Tiresias § Told him that he would endure obstacles on his journey back to Ithaca but tha ○ Underworld in Gilgamesh v. Odyssey § Both need direction, a sense of purpose § More like an outer-world in the Odyssey § Gilgamesh seeking answers because of the death of Enkidu § Odyssey - aware of time passing, Odysseus may not recognize it, brings back to § Gilgamesh - the dusty house is the representation of the afterlife □ Yearning for like in the underworld in the Odyssey - the dead want the b to live □ House of dust - meaningless afterlife, they have nothing to do but sit and § The odyssey - the dead retain their identity and their reputation, legacy □ Achilles - wishes he had a bad life on earth still, opposed to being among ® Saying that it wasn’t worth dying for his country - then nothing is w worthless in the afterlife □ Odysseus' mother - died because she was missing him ® Makes him see his actions have effects on others □ Ties into a wider picture of consequences ® All that he is doing now will mean nothing to him in the afterlife ® Chasing honor and glory - causes suffering for loved ones ® Teaches you to appreciate where you come from - home is where home is where your version of heaven is - living surrounded by yo ® Sees his past and his present - has the opportunity to reclaim his f Book 12 ○ They went back to the island where Circe lives to get the body of one of their men an asked Odysseus to do ○ Circe then told Odysseus of what his journey home would entail and what he needed ○ His men needed to plug their ears with wax, and Odysseus needed to be tied to the s

he could make it

he realization that he misses home od of the sacrificed lamb, they still want gather dust he dead, ruling over nothing orth dying for - the honor of his death is

ou can relax, where there is peace loved ones ure bury him properly as his ghost had o do each step of the way ip when they passed the Sirens so that

they would not hear their song, only Odysseus could, but he would not be taken by t § Why was Odysseus the one who chose to heard it - wanted to say that he with one who could survive it ○ They then encountered Charybdis and Scylla § Charybdis - sucks in the ocean water down to the sea floor - they would die if t § Scylla - has 6 heads - would only kill 6 men, so they sailed close to her cliff (Ody dangers - he feared it would make them freeze) □ Circe says not to fight Scylla - but Odysseus attempts to (puts on armor a ® Arrogance - decides he is going to try to protect / save his men □ Does not tell his men that 6 of them are going to die ○ Come to the island of Hyperion the Sun - Circe and Tiresias warned Odysseus to keep § Odysseus tells his men to stay away and keep rowing, but they disagree and w in and they all say they will stay on the ship □ Odysseus gave in the decision of his men - saying that he could force the § They got stuck on the island for a month, trapped in by south and east winds of food § Euroylochus - convinced the men to kill a cattle and sacrifice it to the Gods so hunger while Odysseus takes a nap (was enchanted by the Gods to fall asleep) □ Was this free will or the Gods causing them to need to kill the cattle □ Reckless - willful disregard for safety, don’t care what the consequences ® The men were not reckless, they weighed the two outcomes and d § When Hyperion found out he told the other Gods to help him punish Odysseus □ Zeus says he will strike their ship with lightning § Zeus sinks his ship with lightning - Odysseus is brought back to Charybdis - he fills back the sea and he can see his ship's timbers again □ Odysseus jumped down to his ships remains and floated for 10 days - ev Book 13 ○ Back to present time - Odysseus with Alcinous ○ They pack the ship with gifts and Odysseus gets ready to return home at sunset ○ Odysseus arrives home but does not recognize it because Athena wants him to punis recognize he is home ○ Poseidon punishes the Phaeacians for providing safe passage home so many times to the Phaeacians on it just as it is about to reach shore ○ She disguised Odysseus as an old man, in ratty clothing so that he could go and talk t ○ Athena went to get Telemachus back from Sparta in Menelaus' palace ○ Ultimately - Athena just brings Odysseus home Book 14 ○ Odysseus speaks to his herdsman (under disguise) and the herdsman tells him of how

e Sirens ood it, he was strong enough, the only

ey sailed to close to her cliff seus' men did not know of these 2 d sword)

his men away from this island nt to rest for the night, Odysseus gives to do anything they don’t want to do hich sink ships- and eventually ran out at they could eat and wouldn’t die of

re cided starving to death was worse men ngs onto the fig tree above her until she ntually brought back to Calypso's island

the suitors before his wife and son so many men - and freezes the ship with the swineherd

the suitors are using up all of Odysseus'

livestock and wine and such ○ Odysseus made up a story of his history to tell the herdsman who questioned who O ○ They spoke of how Odysseus was missing, but Odysseus told the herdsman that Ody not believe this ○ The herdsman shows good hospitality Book 15 ○ Athena went to tell Telemachus to return home § Warns him of the suitors ambush and tells him to travel by night - a God will lo § Also tells him to stop by the swineherd hut first so that he will send word into home ○ The swine herder tells his story of his past and family ○ Telemachus returns home Book 16 ○ Telemachus arrives at the swineherd's hut ○ Eumaeus (swineherd) goes to the palace to tell Penelope that Telemachus has return ○ Athena then comes to meet Odysseus when him and Telemachus are in the hut alon § Athena removes Odysseus disguise, so that when he reenters the hut Telemac ○ Odysseus recounts his travels and the two plan to overthrow the suitors § Odysseus will enter the palace in a disguise and Telemachus will hide in the pa § The two plan to kill all the suitors ○ One of the messengers from Telemachus' ship brings news to Penelope that Telema § When the suitors find out, they are upset that their plan to kill Telemachus fai make a new plan to kill him, before he can call assembly § Amphinomus a more respectful suitor says they should wait for a sign from the ○ Penelope confronts Antinous in the palace about his plot against her son § Eurymachus calms Penelope with his lies, false concern for the safe return of T Book 17 ○ Telemachus goes back to the palace and Penelope and his nurse welcome him home ○ Telemachus tells Piraeus not to bring his treasures from Menelaus to the palace yet be able to steal them if the suitors kill him ○ Telemachus tells his mom that he did not receive much news about his father, and h returned to Ithaca yet § Theoclymenus tells Penelope that Odysseus is in Ithaca right now ○ Odysseus and Eumaeus make their way into town § On the way they encounter one of the suitors, who kicks Odysseus (in his begg § When they arrive at the palace the suitors greet Odysseus in a similar way - An ○ Odysseus insults Antinous who then hits Odysseus - when Penelope finds out she wa knows about Odysseus

ysseus was eus would return - be the herdsman did

k out for him e city to Penelope that he has returned

d (Eumaeus is in town) us can recognize who he is ce us has returned before Eumaeus can d and Antinous says that they should Gods before doing anything emachus

ecause he does not want the suitors to does not tell her that Odysseus has

r disguise) nous insults him ts to see the beggar and hear what he

○ Odysseus does not want the suitors to see him going to meet with Penelope ○ Eumaeus goes back to the swineherd - leaving Odysseus and Telemachus alone at th Book 18 ○ Another beggar arrives at the palace - Irus § He challenges Odysseus to a boxing match, but Athena gives Odysseus extra st § Irus wants to back out but the suitors took notice that they were going to fight § Odysseus soon wins the boxing match, just shorting of killing Irus ○ The suitors congratulate Odysseus for winning the match § Amphinomus is particularly nice to Odysseus and he begins to feel bad that so ○ Odysseus tries to warn Amphinomus to leave the palace because Odysseus is return § But Amphinomus does not leave, even though he has a bad feeling about the f Telemachus will be the cause of his death ○ Athena persuades Penelope to go before the suitors and tell them that she may have Odysseus telling her to take a husband if he has not returned before Telemachus "ha § Athena then tricks the suitors into bringing her gifts, because they should be b hers if they want to marry her ○ Athena causes the suitors and Odysseus to being fighting, almost causing a riot § Eurymachus insults Odysseus, and Odysseus returns the insult, causing Eurym misses and hits a maidservant § Telemachus steps into the palace just as a riot is about to occur, shocking the s Book 19 ○ When the suitors go to bed, Odysseus and Telemachus get ready for their attack on § Telemachus tells his nurse that they are storing the arms so that they do not g ○ Penelope then comes down to question Odysseus about his knowledge of her missin § Odysseus describes himself and speaks of how he met Odysseus § He says that Odysseus is still alive and will be back in Ithaca within the month ○ Penelope offers Odysseus a bed but he declines, he reluctantly allows Eurycleia (Tele § When she is washing his feet she notices a scar on his foot, and realizes that th § She is delighted and his Odysseus, but he calms her and asks her to keep his se distracting Penelope ○ Penelope tells Odysseus about a dream she has been having § An eagle kills her 20 pet geese and then says to her that he is her husband and § Odysseus explains what this dream means to her but Penelope says that she is way - the first man who can shoot an arrow through the hole of 12 axes Book 20 ○ Odysseus worries that he and Telemachus will not be able to take down all of the su § Athena reassures him that the Gods will make it possible ○ Penelope prays to Artemis to kill her - she is upset about losing her husband and hav


ength nd began to egg them on

n all of the suitors will be killed g soon ture , because Athena has said that o take a husband soon - as per begun growing facial hair" nging her things instead of using what's

hus to throw a stool at Odysseus - which itors and diffusing the situation e suitors damaged (they are removing the arms) husband

machus' wet nurse) to wash his feet is a scar Odysseus has et - while this is happening Athena is

as killed all her lovers oing to choose a new husband either

ors g to remarry

○ ○ ○

§ Odysseus hears Penelope in distress and asks Zeus for help § Zeus responds - a maid curses the suitors The next day the suitors all return plotting Telemachus' murder § Amphinomus convinces them to call it off Athena keeps the suitors mean-spirited through dinner so that Odysseus stays mad a § One of the suitors throws a hoof at Odysseus, and Telemachus threatens to kil Suddenly the suitors appear deformed, ghostly, and the walls seem to be covered in § A clear sign of their fate that is soon to come

them he suitor ood...

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