Old\'s Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Old\'s Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards Quizlet
Author Nancy Flores
Course Nursing Theory
Institution Texas A&M International University
Pages 15
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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

Old's Maternity Ch 7 Terms in this set (35) When discussing the

Answer: 1

feminization of poverty,

Explanation: 1. The reality is that many children will

the nurse educator will

spend at least a portion of their lives in single-

inform the students of

parent families.

what fact? 1. The out-of-wedlock birth rate is above 40%. 2. In 2012, 25% of the households headed by single mothers lived in poverty. 3. Poverty is not directly linked to level of education attained. 4. Women work fewer hours for more pay than men do.


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

The nurse is on a panel

1, 2, 3

at a conference

Explanation: 1. Increasing numbers of U.S. women

discussing poverty and

and their children are attempting to live on

health care for those

$23,550 or less, which is the current income that

living below the

defines the poverty level for a family of four.

poverty level. Which

2. Currently, two-thirds of Americans living in

statements should the

poverty are women and children.

nurse include?

3. The majority of single parent-families are

Note: Credit will be

headed by women, and these families are four

given only if all correct

times more likely to live in poverty than families

and no incorrect

with two parents.

choices are selected. Select all that apply. 1. The poverty level is defined as a family of four living on less than $23,550 per year. 2. Two-thirds of Americans living in poverty are women and children. 3. The majority of single-parent families are headed by women. 4. The greatest number of people living under the poverty level are the elderly. 5. Parental race does not affect the level of poverty.


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

There have been a

Answer: 1

number of historical

Explanation: 1. Historically, there was a perception

trends that have

that men were the sole breadwinners, thus higher

contributed to this

salaries for men were justified to support a family.

existing wage gap, including which of the following? 1. There was a perception that men were the sole breadwinners. 2. Women who were competitive in the work environment were viewed positively. 3. Women in past generations generally were not limited to certain occupations. 4. Increase in societal importance of women's intellectual traits.


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

In a community clinic, a

Answer: 1, 2, 3

number of women

Explanation: 1. Lack of health insurance continues

working low-paying

to be a major problem for the poor.

jobs come in for health

2. About one-third of women work in a cluster of

care in the evening.

"pink collar" occupations, which tend to be poorly

The nurse knows that

paid when compared with male-dominated

which of the following

positions requiring comparable levels of

is true about the

responsibility, skill, and education.

women's working

3. Women are paid less than men for comparable


work in virtually all occupations.

Note: Credit will be given only if all correct and no incorrect choices are selected. Select all that apply. 1. They have no health insurance. 2. They have "pink collar" jobs. 3. They earn less pay than do their male counterparts. 4. They will be receiving a pension upon retirement. 5. They have no problem securing child care.


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

The nurse is planning a

Answer: 3

community educational

Explanation: 3. Of households headed by single

presentation for

mothers, 40% live in poverty.

people living below the poverty level. The nurse knows that which of the following is the largest population in this socioeconomic category? 1. Adults in communal living situations 2. Young married couples under the age of 20 3. Single women with children 4. Single adults


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

The community clinic

Answer: 4

nurse manager is

Explanation: 4. Women receiving Temporary

working on a long-

Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) do not

term budget. The

automatically receive Medicaid services when

manager understands

they become pregnant.

that in the next few years, Medicaid is expected to pay for fewer births. This is, in part, because of which of the following? 1. The U.S. economy is becoming stronger. 2. More women are able to pay for private insurance. 3. New public policies are providing other forms of payment. 4. Rules for Medicaid have been changed.


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

The nurse working at a

Answer: 2

homeless shelter is

Explanation: 2. In 2012, the number of homeless

studying case statistics.

individuals fell slightly, by 0.4%, with the exception

Of the total homeless

of homeless families.

population served at the shelter, which group would the nurse's statistics likely uncover as the fastestgrowing group? 1. Unemployed women 2. Families with children 3. The mentally ill 4. The elderly

The nurse is working in

Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

an obstetrical clinic in

Explanation: 1. Women who receive adequate

an urban setting. The

prenatal care are less likely to develop severe

nurse knows that which

complications, such as preterm labor.

certain facts affect the

2. Women who do not receive prenatal care are 3

health care of this

times more likely to have low-birth-weight babies.

group of women?

3. Lack of prenatal care is a risk for infant

Note: Credit will be

morbidity and mortality.

given only if all correct

4. Decreases in health insurance coverage have

choices and no

led to declines in preventive health care.

incorrect choices are selected. Select all that apply. 1. Women who receive adequate prenatal care are less likely to develop preterm labor. https://quizlet.com/290186736/olds-maternity-ch-7-flash-cards/

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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

2. Women who do not receive prenatal care are more likely to have low-birth-weight babies. 3. A lack of prenatal care is a risk for infant morbidity and mortality. 4. Decreases in health insurance coverage have led to declines in preventive health care. 5. Women who do not receive prenatal care are more likely to have high-birth-weight babies.


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

The nurse working with

Answer: 4

a client who is seeking

Explanation: 4. The Family and Medical Leave Act

a family and medical

mandates parental leave for childbirth or adoption

leave knows that the

but applies only to companies with 50 or more

employee must meet


which eligibility requirement of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993? 1. Work at least 40 hours per week 2. Have been employed for at least 1 month 3. Work for a company with fewer than 50 employees 4. Be allowed parental leave for childbirth or adoption

A woman who works

Answer: 1, 2, 5

full-time approaches

Explanation: 1. Job security to return to the

her employer after

employee's former position or one considered

suddenly discovering

comparable is part of FLMA.

that she and her

2. Employees must work at least 25 hours per

husband will be

week to be eligible.

receiving a child for

5. Continued health insurance benefits are part of

adoption. The woman

the protections and benefits to both men and

knows that she is

women provided by FLMA.

entitled to certain https://quizlet.com/290186736/olds-maternity-ch-7-flash-cards/

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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

rights as a result of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993. The nurse knows that which criteria of the act apply to this client? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. Select all that apply. 1. An employee is entitled to return to the former position or one considered comparable. 2. The employee is covered because she works more than 25 hours per week. 3. The employee is covered by this act because 25 employees work at the company. 4. The act is part of a larger national paid maternity leave program. 5. The employee's medical coverage must


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

continue during the leave.

The nurse manager is

Answer: 1

discussing the Family

Explanation: 1. This is true. Men and women are

and Medical Leave Act

covered under the act for up to 12 weeks of

with the staff. What

unpaid leave.

correct statement does the nurse make about the act? 1. The act covers men as well as women, and they are allowed to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave and continue with their medical coverage. 2. Men can have 6 weeks under the act, where women can have 2. 3. Paid maternity and paternity leave does not occur in other countries. 4. The United States is the one country that has a paid maternity leave program.


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

The pregnant client

Answer: 1

employed at a factory

Explanation: 1. Women exposed to lead during

asks the nurse whether

pregnancy are at risk for spontaneous abortion,

exposure to chemicals

prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth

can cause harm to her

restriction, and brain, kidney, and nervous system

fetus. The nurse should


advise that exposure to which substance can lead to neurological damage? 1. Lead 2. Latex 3. Formaldehyde 4. Benzene


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

A new nurse is

Answer: 3

teaching a class to

Explanation: 3. Radon is the second-leading cause

expectant parents

of lung cancer. Smoking is the first.

about environmental hazards at home. Which statement, if made by an expectant parent, would indicate the need for further teaching? 1. "Air pollution is an environmental hazard caused by the release of toxins into the air." 2. "Indoor air pollution poses the more serious threat to women's health." 3. "Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, is the leading cause of lung cancer, which kills more women than any other type of cancer, including breast." 4. "Asthma is worsened by most forms of indoor air pollution."


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

Pesticide exposure can

Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

be linked to a variety

Explanation: 1. Pesticide exposure can be linked to

of adverse health

a variety of adverse health outcomes, including an

outcomes, including

increased risk of cancer.

which of the following?

2. Pesticide exposure can be linked to a variety of

Note: Credit will be

adverse health outcomes, including endocrine

given only if all correct


and no incorrect

3. Pesticide exposure can be linked to a variety of

choices are selected.

adverse health outcomes, including liver damage.

Select all that apply.

4. Pesticide exposure can be linked to a variety of

1. Increased risk of

adverse health outcomes, including birth defects.

cancer 2. Endocrine abnormalities 3. Liver damage 4. Birth defects 5. Cardiovascular diseases


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Old's Maternity Ch 7 Flashcards | Quizlet

10/19/21, 5:49 PM

Which of the following

Answer: 3

federal departments

Explanation: 3. The U.S. Department of Justice

actively investigates

actively investigates and prosecutes individuals

and prosecutes

who cross state lines to avoid paying child

individuals who cross

support, and now intercepts delinquent parents'

state lines to avoid

income tax refunds.

paying child support, and now intercepts delinquent parents' income tax refunds? 1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2. U.S. Department of Labor 3. U.S. Department of Justice 4. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,


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