Quizlet Human Sex Ch 7 PDF

Title Quizlet Human Sex Ch 7
Course Human Sexuality
Institution The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Pages 5
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Practice materials for human sexuality course....


Explain two specific ways love and intimacy are important for our physical & emotional health. Social support and love are related to stronger immune systems and decreases in allostatic loads, as well as fulfilling our basic needs to belong (to love and to be loved). Which two hormones are important in immunity and stress's effects on our bodies? Cortisol and adrenaline. What is one of our most basic needs? Explain. The need to belong includes our need to love and to be loved. What did the experiment on college students and their parents as well as heart patients find? When students were away from their parents they had significantly higher rates of hypertension and heart disease, and heart patients had more arterial damage.. Explain what attraction is. Attraction is anything that draws two or more people together. Explain in detail the seven concepts that answer the question of why we fall in love with someone. 1) Interaction of person and situation- settings influence attraction like the men who were on a poorly made suspension bridge or men who exercised were more attracted to unattractive women. 2) Proximity or propinquity- physical and/or geographical closeness, as smaller distances increase chances of falling in love. 3) Mere exposure effect- repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them. 4) Similarity and familiarity- may make someone seem safe and common interests can build relationships. 5) Positive affect- Byrne's laugh box study showed how people who laughed together tended to be more attracted to each other. 6) Reciprocity- liking people who return the feeling. 7) Smile factor- people who smile are seen as more attractive. How can attending class assist a student in being liked by another student? The mere exposure effect would increase the liking of the other student who attends class more as they are repeatedly exposed to the student. How can repeated exposure increase the likelihood that someone is liked by another? The more a person was seen by a potential dating partner, the greater likelihood that person would be asked out. What can happen over time regarding familiar people and others' attention?

Mere exposure effect is consistent over time; over time we lose attention of familiar people Do birds of a feather flock together or do opposites attract? Explain how both statements can be true. The saying "birds of a feather flock together" is true because the saying "opposites attract" is not supported by research. Birds of a feather flock together because we tend to be attracted to partners who are similar to ourselves in ethnicity, race, social class, religion, education, attitudes, personality, family history, political views, and attractiveness levels. The saying opposites attract can be true as the longer a couple knows each other, the more they get to know unique and interesting aspects about each other, and the less focused they are on looks being similar. Complete this statement: "We tend to like others who are _____________________." We tend to like others who are similar to ourselves. How is agreement an important force in attraction? Agreement allows common interests to help build relationships. What is true of couples more similar in attractiveness? Couples more similar in attractiveness are more likely to progress to committed relationships. Explain the matching hypothesis in detail. The matching hypothesis shows how people tend to pair up with others of similar attractiveness. The correlation between levels of attractiveness is highest for couples who meet and start dating within a month or so. Explain what attraction reciprocity is. Attraction reciprocity is liking people who return the feeling, as liking begets liking (i.e. kissing up can be helpful). However, if someone likes you initially it is very favorable, but if that liking is not returned then it can be a burden (unrequited love). People who smile tend to be seen as what? People who smile are seen as more attractive, sincere, competent, and happy; they can also simulate others to smile. How do most of us view attractive people and how do those views affect the way some people treat premature infants and some defendants? Physically attractive people are viewed as more interesting, cooperative, intelligent, sexually warmer, and healthier. Premature infants who were more attractive were picked up more and went home sooner, and some unattractive defendants receive longer and more harsh sentences in court cases. Explain the following concepts in regard to love: romantic sense of ecstasy, anxiety, physical attraction, sexual desire; idealize partner. Explain the following concepts in regard to love: passionate

can be part of romantic love; can lead to physical closeness; highly sexual part of love. Explain the following concepts in regard to love: companionate conjugal love: romantic love develops into it; feelings of affection, intimacy, and pleasure; many cultures based marriage on it assuming passion will follow. Explain the following concepts in regard to love: infatuation extreme emotions (passion alone); lack of trust; compulsion rather than trusting or thinking things through; willingness to take abuse or behave in destructive ways that one would not before the relationship. Explain the following concepts in regard to love: behavioral reinforcement when another person reinforces positive feelings in ourselves, even when the reward has nothing to do with the other person. Explain the following concepts in regard to love: cognition we love because we think we love; action first, interpretation later; doing things for someone makes us think we love that person. What is true of Robert Sternberg's research on three elements of love? It is not based on scientific research and should not be learned. Explain the four indications of infatuation. Extreme emotions, lack of trust, compulsion, and willingness to take abuse or behave in destructive ways. Complete this sentence: "Love shouldn't _____." Love shouldn't hurt. Explain the evolutionary origins of love. love developed from needs, to be protected, to protect children, and to bond in order to reproduce. Explain the physiological origins of love. when physiologically aroused, people are vulnerable to feeling love. Explain the biological origins of love. pheromones contribute to feelings of love, odor preferences are influenced by major histocompatibility complex (MHC), and neurotransmitters and the brain affect love feelings. How can physical arousal be confused with love? Emotion happens when aroused and then we put a label on it which can be confusing. What is the difference between lust and love?

Lust is a physical aspect, like being attracted to bodies and body parts; and these feelings of arousal as attraction can be confused with love. Explain the three concepts of the biological theory regarding origins of love. Pheromones (odorless chemicals) contribute to feelings of love, odor preferences are influenced by major histocompatibility complex (MHC), and neurotransmitters and the brain affect love feelings (i.e. increases of dopamine into the synaptic gap can make us feel like we're in love). Who is Mary Ainsworth, what is the Strange Situation Test, and define Mary's three types of attachment? Mary Ainsworth created the strange situation test to study a Mom and infant's bond. She hid in the home unobtrusively while observing, watched mom with baby, asked mom to leave, observed the baby, and watched the infants reactions when mom returned. Mary's three types of attachment are secure (separation distress is alleviated by Mom when she returns), avoidant (not bothered by caregiver's brief absences and ignore her when she returns), and anxious-ambivalent (tend to become very upset at departure of caregiver and exhibit ambivalent/unclear behavior when Mom returns). What were the results of Ainsworth's Strange Situation Test investigation? Insensitive and unresponsive mothers had infants who became insecurely attached. Infants deprived of attachment may become withdrawn, anxious, and eventually abusive. Explain areas of the brain used in each attachment style. Avoidant and anxious-ambivalent attached babies showed more activity in the right side of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), whereas securely attached babies showed more activity in the left side of the PFC. Discuss biological preparedness for moms and dads regarding infant attachment. Hormonal changes in pregnancy help prepare moms to respond to babies' needs, and testosterone levels in men drop after the baby's birth are related to increased responsiveness. How do the three types of attachment line up regarding percentage frequency by 9 months old? 55% secure attachment, 25% avoidant attachment, and 20% anxious-ambivalent attachment. Explain how infant attachment is determined (two factors). Infant attachment is determined by attachment anxiety (how much someone worries that their partner won't be available when needed) and attachment avoidance (how much someone distrusts their partner to maintain emotional and behavioral distance from others).

What are the correlates of secure attachment style? Securely attached people are more committed, satisfying, interdependent, and have well-adjusted relationships; seek and provide support when under stress; and have better mental health. How stable are attachment styles? Attachment styles have moderate stability over the first 19 years of life and later in adulthood. Explain adolescent love Adolescent love explores adult ways of loving such as how to manage emotions, react to love, and handle pain of love as they develop an intimate repertoire. Explain self-love Self-love means being at ease with both our positive and negative qualities while clarifying your own values and being honest with yourself and others. Why is self-love so important in adolescence? Self-love helps your interactions with others as you become more honest with yourself and your partner while clarifying your own values. What becomes more important in older adults than passion with their spouses/partners? Commitment becomes more important in older adulthood as sex-appeal at an older age and passion may decrease. What four concepts or actions can help love to last in a relationship? Healthy communication, strong commitment, mutual interest and intimacy with each other, and a lasting bond of trust. What are four characteristics of someone on the dark side of love? Jealousy, being addicted to love, going in and out of love, and manipulating and controlling others....

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