Oleanna - Lecture notes 3 PDF

Title Oleanna - Lecture notes 3
Institution University of Surrey
Pages 1
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Second Year Module: Semester 1, Gender and Sexuality, Dr. Beth Palmer, focusing on David Mamet's Oleanna...


Ol eanna-Dav i dMamet Cont e xt : •J ust i c eThur goodMar s hal lannounceshi sr et i r ementf r om USSupr emeCour t ,whowasv ot edi n hav i nggr opedwomen •Bus hnomi nat esCl ar enc eThomasashi sr epl acement •Ani t aHi l l -Pr of es sorofLawf r om Ok l ahomat es t i fi est hatThomashassex ual l yhar as s edherdur i ngt hei rt i mewor k i ngatt heEual Empl oy mentOppor t uni t i esCommi s s i on •I nt er pr et edbyt hemedi aasa‘ hes ai d,shesai d’ c as e •Does n’ ts t opThomasf r om bei ngc onfi r medasj udgeonSupr emeCour t ,v ot e5248 •Si gni fi canti ncr easei ns ex ual har ass mentcas es( 6127i n199115324i n1996) •1992dec l ar ed‘ Yearoft heWoman’ whenr ec or dnumberofwomenr anf orofficei nt heSenat e ( 11)andwont( 5) ,al ongwi t h24newwomeni nt heHouse •‘ Thefi r s tdr af t[ ofOl eanna] ,he[ Mamet ]s ai d,waswr i t t ens omeei ghtmont hsbef or et heThomas Hi l lhear i ngs ,buti twast hehear i ngst hatl edhi mt opul li toutofadr awerandwor koni tagai n. ’ Br uceWeber . Pl ay : •Davi dSuc hetandLi aWi l l i amsi nt heBr i t i s hpr emi erofOl eannaatRoy al Cour t •Mal emember sofaudi enc ec heer edwhenJohnbeat sCar olupatt heend •Shei ssi t t i ngandhei spr owl i ngr oundher •Does n’ thav eal otofs t agedi r ect i onss ol eav esal otopent oi nt er pr et at i on Ol eanna: •Comesf r om f ol ds ong‘ Ol eanna’ byt heKi ngs t onTr i oaboutAmer i canc ent ur yUt opi anc ommuni t y •Ol eandAnnaar ec oupl et hatboughtpi eceofl andi nUSandt houghtt heywoul dbui l dUt opi ai ni t •Howev er ,l andwas n’ tf er t i l eenought opr ov i def ort hem andwentbackt oNor way Anc i entGr eec e: •Soc r at eswass ent encedf or“ cor r upt i ngt hey oung”asat eac her •Hi sdi s ci pl ePl at of oundedt heAc ademy ,t hebas i sf ormuc ht hatwoul dc omel at eri nt heEur opeanuni v er s i t i es •TheSoc r at i cmet hodi saboutdebat eandi nt er act i on,notl ec t ur i ngs i l entmas sofs t udent s •Ol eannai sabot c hedSocr at i cmet hod

TheTex t : •J ohnt al k sasi fhei sn’ texpect i ngans werf r om Car ol -us esi nt er r ogat i v eswi t houtl eav i ngt i mef or hert or epl y •Does n’ thav et i met oengagewi t ht heSoc r at i cmet hodpr oper l y •Languageanddi al oguei spr es ent edasas t r uggl ef orpoweraseac ht r i est ot al kov ert heot her...

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