Online Exam conduct procedure PDF

Title Online Exam conduct procedure
Course Research Methods 2
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 2
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Online Exam conduct procedure...


Online Exam Conduct Procedure School of Psychology



Approved by Head of Psychology Director of Teaching Student Integrity Officer

Approval date

Effective date

Review date




Grievance Officer Procedure Statement To specify the process, rules and responsibilities for online exams and quizzes for courses offered by the School of Psychology. Purpose

This procedure should be read in conjunction with the UNSW Student Code and Exam rules and policy. This procedure applies to:


1. all UNSW students undertaking a course offered by the School of Psychology. 2. UG and PG students. 3. Students enrolled in exchange and study abroad programs. The following staff are involved in the development of this procedure: 1. Prof. Simon Killcross, Head of Psychology, 2. Dr Jenny Richmond, Director of Teaching (Psychology),


3. Dr Damien Mannion, Student Integrity Officer (Psychology), 4. Prof. Peter Lovibond, Grievance Officer (Psychology), 5. Dr Kathryn Hutton-Bedbrook, Dr Helena Pacitti (Coordinators of online courses).

Procedure and Exam Rules 1. Before access to the exam will be granted, students should a. read the online exam conduct procedure (this document) and have it marked as complete b. watch the “Expectations for online exams” video and have it marked as complete c. complete the “Test quiz: Browser and Connection” and have it marked as complete d. read the “Exam information” provided by the Course Coordinator e. read the information available at the “Steps to follow for online assessments” section of the Special Consideration website 2. Academic integrity in online exams a. Students are expected to read and following the UNSW Student Code of Conduct. Cases of exam cheating will be referred to the School of Psychology Student Integrity Officer and will be investigated in accordance with the UNSW Student Misconduct Procedure.

Online Exam Conduct Procedure

Version 1.0


Online Exam Conduct Procedure School of Psychology b. Standard penalties for exam cheating include receiving zero for the course. Repeat offenders may also receive zero for other courses or expulsion from UNSW. Penalties are also applied retrospectively (i.e. if you share content after you complete the course/graduate you can have your degree revoked). c. Some online exams are not designed to be completed open-book and this will be reflected in a strict time-limit per question. If the exam instructions state that the exam is not to be completed open-book, then no materials or sources of information other than the exam are permitted to be accessed d. Do not attempt this exam in collusion with other people. Collusion includes discussing, online or by any other means, exam content with other students. e. Do not engage a third party to take the exam for you. This is contract cheating (even if there is no money involved). f. Sharing the exam (in whole or in part), answers or “helping” fellow students in any way is a serious academic offence. Sharing behaviours include but are not limited to replicating the exam (e.g. screenshotting, photographing, recording, writing down questions/answers that you remember) and/or sharing that content in any way. Sharing information about the questions or answers with fellow students disadvantages both the student who shares and the student who receives shared information. 3. Technical difficulties during online exams a. The “Test quiz: Browser and Connection” quiz is designed to give you an idea of the format of the online exam, and to give you an indication as to whether your internet connection is appropriate for completing the exam. To this end, you must complete the “Test Quiz-browser and connection” on the same computer, platform and immediately prior to completing the online exam, to help ensure there are no technical problems. b. Students should familiarise themselves with the “Steps to follow for online assessments” section of the Special Consideration website before the exam; take screenshots of the information provided there in case the internet fails during the exam. c. If you experience a technical or connection problem during the exam, UNSW cannot guarantee you will be granted Special Consideration or a second attempt. In these instances, you must apply for Special Consideration (via the online portal) and attach supporting documentation (e.g. screenshots of timestamped speed tests, verification from your service provider) to support your claim. Once your application is received, your Moodle activity logs will be investigated to determine the outcome. If your Special Consideration outcome is approved, you will be granted a supplementary assessment or aggregate mark, at the discretion of the Course Convenor. If your application is not approved, you will receive a mark for the exam from the questions submitted prior to the technical issue (which may be zero). 4. Course Coordinators will a. provide exam instructions prior to the exam. The information should include details of the nature of the assessment, duration of the exam or quiz, open and close dates and times, number of questions/sections. b. be logged into Moodle and available via a Moodle chat activity for the duration of the exam to provide clarifications around exam content.

Online Exam Conduct Procedure

Version 1.0


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