Opposites - Lista de adjetivos opuestos PDF

Title Opposites - Lista de adjetivos opuestos
Course Inglés
Institution Colegio Salesiano San Ignacio
Pages 1
File Size 41.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 104
Total Views 156


Lista de adjetivos opuestos...


Opposites 3º

OPPOSITES - 3º ESO 1. Adjectives . asleep - awake . brave - cowardly . clean - dirty . dead – alive . early - late . fast – slow . friendly - unfriendly . generous - mean . good - bad . hard – sof . high - low . hot - cold . kind - unkind, rude . old - new . plentiful - scarce . real - imaginary . right - wrong . strong - weak . tall - short . useful - useless . wide - narrow 2. Verbs . to accept - refuse, reject . to arrive - depart, leave . to attack - defend . to break - mend, repair . to come - go . to detest - adore, love . to increase - decrease . to laugh - cry . to lend - borrow . to like - dislike . to lose - find . to open - close . to pull - push . to put on - take of . to sell - buy . to show - hide . to spend - save . to turn on - turn of . to win - lose

. big - small . cheap - expensive . clever - stupid . dull - exciting . easy - difficult . fat - thin . full - empty . gigantic - tiny . happy - sad . harmless - harmful . horrible - wonderful . keen - uninterested . male - female . open - closed . quiet - noisy . rich - poor . sharp - blunt . sweet - sour . thick - thin . wet - dry . young - old

. to admit - deny . to ask - answer . to begin - finish . to bring - take . to depart - arrive . to encourage - discourage . to insult - praise . to learn - teach . to lend - borrow . to live - die . to love - hate . to praise - criticise . to punish - reward . to remember - forget . to shout - whisper . to sit down - stand up . to stop - start . to wake up - fall asleep...

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