Organisational Behaviour and Organisational Development PDF

Title Organisational Behaviour and Organisational Development
Author Anonymous User
Course Master of Computer Application(MCA)
Institution Indira Gandhi National Open University
Pages 43
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#SUBJECT#MANAGEMENT #LESSON#ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR @$#SINGLE# difficulty:Medium language:English 1. Effective supervision is an activity of (a) Staffing function (b) Control function (c) Organisation function (d) Direction function. 2. Its basic premise is that the behaviour of human beings is determined by the sum of external environmental factors and not by internal needs, desires and wants. The reference is to (a) Skinner’s Operant Theory of Motivation. (b) Adam’s Equity Theory of Motivation. (c) Vroom’s Contingency Model of Motivation. (d) All of the above. 3. Ohio State University leadership model was developed during (a) Nineteen-twenties (b) Nineteen-forties (c) Nineteen-sixties (d) Nineteen-eighties 4. The observed leader behaviour was systematised by the use of (a) initiating structure questionnaire. (b) group behaviour questionnaire. (c) leader opinion questionnaire. (d) leader behaviour description questionnaire. 5. In the organisation, authority flows in a vertical line (a) from the top downward. (b) from the bottom upward. (c) Both ways downward and upward. (d) Either downward or upward. 6. Marketing manager may be classified in the category of (a) lower level of management. (b) middle level management. (c) top level management. (d) non-managerial staff. 7. The human relations theory does not lay emphasis on (a) People (b) Principles (c) Informal group functions (d) Human motivations 8. An informal organisation is (a) not portrayed in organisational charts. (b) not written and manualised. (c) customary, not enacted. (d) a set of work relationship that grows out of the mutual interactions of persons working together over a period of time. 9. It is a business situation in a capsule form; its purpose is to reduce the complex reality into smaller and manageable dimensions without mutilating the character of the reality. The reference is to the (a) Political variables (b) System (c) OR model (d) Economic variables

10. If a leader is seen to possess certain traits his leadership index can be read off a leadership meter. This statement relates to (a) Trait approach (b) Criterion approach (c) The administrative approach (d) Attitude approach. 11. Management by exception means (a) rewarding the efficient and punishing the inefficient. (b) only important problems are looked after by the top management. (c) all management is done by outsiders. (d) None of the above. 12. It is the application of mathematics and the laws and methods of physical science to the sphere of business and enterprise management. The reference is to (a) Operations analysis (b) Management science (c) Operations research (d) All of the above 13. McGregor’s Theory ‘X’ approximates to (a) Production orientation (b) Input orientation (c) Employee orientation (d) Employment orientation 14. Theory ‘Y’ approximates to (a) Employment orientation (b) Employee orientation (c) Input orientation (d) Production orientation 15. Which study in scientific management ensures that the working hours are regulated and proper rest pauses at scientifically determined intervals are provided to maintain the operational efficiency of workers? (a) Method study (b) Time study (c) Fatigue study (d) Motion study 16. Motivation is an element of (a) Control function (b) Direction function (c) Planning function (d) Organisation function 17. Motion study is an attempt to find out least waste method of labour and hence it minimises (a) production (b) conflict with the workers (c) fatigue, time and cost (d) None of the above 18. Time study includes (a) fixing time of entry and exit. (b) noting down the time of coming and going in factory. (c) preparing time schedule for workers and operations. (d) fixing standard time for doing a job under given condition. 19. Which of the following is considered to be a systematised cyclic pattern of communication? (a) Management Information System (b) Informal Information System (c) Formal Information System (d) All of the above. 20. Which of the following is not correct about the essential features of the internal communication process in an organisation? (a) Communication is symbolic

(b) Communication requires instruments like radio, telephone or television, etc. (c) Communication involves shared meaning (d) Communication involves people. 21. Method study includes (a) simplifying the production process by reducing the number of operations and distance travelled by raw material. (b) study of the various methods of job only. (c) study of movements of operation of a worker. (d) None of the above. 22. Close analysis of a given piece of work to eliminate unnecessary operation is known as (a) Automation (b) Work study (c) Scientific management (d) Time study 23. Which of the following statements about the basic characteristics of the phenomenon of motivation is not correct? (a) Achievement of goals creates satisfaction which in turn reinforce perpetuation of the needs. (b) An internal need within an individual creates a desire or drive. (c) Like needs, the goals also originate within the individual only. (d) It drives people’s behaviour towards goals that are pay-offs or incentives. 24. The scientific technique of task setting is known as (a) Work study (b) Time study (c) Motion study (d) None of the above 25. Which of the following theories provides a criticism of the classical theory of organisation? (a) Scientific Management Theory (b) Human Relations Theory (c) Administration Theory (d) Bureaucratic Theory. 26. PMTS stands for (a) Predetermined Motion Time System. (b) Production Management Techniques Schedule. (c) Present Management Time System. (d) None of the above. 27. PMTS is a technique of (a) Work simplification (b) Work standardization (c) Work measurement (d) None of the above 28. The traditional theory of organisation is based on (a) Specialisation (b) Principle of hierarchy (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 29. Operator Machine Activity Chart shows the relation between (a) Operators and Manager (b) Operator and Machine (c) Operators themselves (d) Operator and Activities 30. Work measurement aims at (a) Setting standards of performance. (b) Compensating the employees. (c) Evaluating the performance. (d) All of the above. 31. The ultimate aim of all leadership theories and models is to build

(a) a process that leads to optimisation. (b) a postulate to maximising benefits. (c) a cause and effect relationship. (d) a leadership model. 32. The definition, “The system is a group of interrelated procedures necessary to achieve a well-defined goal” is given by (a) Lawrence Dicksee (b) Zane K. Quible (c) James Littlefield (d) None of the above 33. The problem of flow of work should be solved by (a) The Society (b) The Clerks (c) The Govt. (d) The Office Manager 34. “It incorporates the relationship between perception, effort, expected reward and satisfaction.” The reference is to the ____ of motivation. (a) Vroom’s Contingency model (b) Porter and Lowler Expectancy model (c) Fiedler’s Contingency model (d) None of the above 35. Which one of the following formulae is used to calculate cross relationship under span of control? (a) n(2n/2-l) (b) n(2n/2+n-l) (c) n(n-l) (d) None of the above 36. Theory of collective bargaining was given by (a) J.R. Hicks (b) J.M. Keynes (c) John T. Dunlop (d) William H. Hutt 37. It is a desire to maximize one’s potential and to become what one is capable of becoming. The reference is to (a) Physiological needs (b) Self-esteem needs (c) Self-actualization needs (d) Security needs 38. Which one of the following defines coordination? (a) Orderly arrangement of group effort to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common purpose. (b) Actuating force which inspires a person to put his best for the fulfillment of a task. (c) Process of determining what is to be accomplished and what has been accomplished and if necessary applying corrective measures. (d) Process of transmitting information from one person to another or from one unit to another. 39. Management by exception introduces (a) reporting of significant variances. (b) computation of actuals in different spheres of performance. (c) requirement of full reports on-perfor-mance. (d) selective responsibilities-oriented reporting. 40. A leader who commands, skill and experience not shared by any other possess (a) Autocratic Power (b) Dominant Power (c) Monopoly Power (d) Coercive Power 41. In Vroom’s theory, motivation results from (a) Valence + Expectancy (b) Valence - Expectancy

(c) Valence x Expectancy (d) Valence -=- Expectancy 42. Which one of the following statements regarding “Skill mix” of management is correct? (a) Top management requires more human relations skill than others (b) Middle-level management requires more technical skill than others (c) Elton Mayo—Theory ‘X’ (d) Peter Drucker—Principle of Management. 43. Organisation deals with (a) Decentralising of activities (b) Departmentation (c) Centralising of activities (d) Division of work 44. The first systematic theory of organisation is known as (a) Classical Theory (b) Human Relations Theory (c) Scientific Management Theory (d) Administrative Management Theory 45. In line organisation, (a) scalar principle is followed strictly. (b) authority flows from man at the top to the man at the bottom vertically. (c) unity of command is followed strictly. (d) All of the above. 46. Functional organisation is based on (a) Discipline (b) Scalar principle (c) Unity of command (d) Specialisation 47. In an organisation, the most important element is (a) Tasks (b) Cost (c) People (d) Time 48. Hawthorne Experiments are related to the (a) Systems Theory (b) Classical Theory (c) Human Relations Theory (d) Scientific Management 49. “Focus on social environment” is related to the (a) Unity of Command (b) Human Relations (c) Unity of direction (d) None of the above 50. Which pattern reflects a pure executive form of management? (a) Committee (b) Line and Staff (c) Line (d) Functional 51. Henri Fayol classified industrial activities into (a) Three groups (b) Four groups (c) Five groups (d) Six groups 52. Division of work promotes (a) Confusion (b) Wastage (c) Inefficiency

(d) Specialisation 53. Which of the following theory is closely related to the bureaucratic theory of organization? (a) Human Relations Theory (b) Scientific Management (c) Administrative Theory (d) None of the above 54. Who said “Organisation is the form of every human association for the attainment of a common purpose”? (a) Luther Gulick (b) J.M. Pfiffner (c) J.D. Mooney (d) M. Monk 55. The principle of unity of command is concerned with (a) Remuneration (b) Activity (c) Persons (d) Respect of authority 56. The principle of order implies (a) Issuing instructions (b) Justice and kindness (c) One head and one plan (d) Right man in right job 57. The Scientific Management Theory oversimplified the workers (a) Motivation (b) Development (c) Imagination (d) None of the above 58. Who said “Organization is the relation of efforts and capacities of individuals and groups engaged upon a common task in such a way as to secure the desired objective with the least friction and the most satisfaction for whom the task is done and those engaged in the enterprises”? (a) Prof. Gaus (b) F.W. Taylor (c) C.E.M. Joad (d) W.F. Willoughly 59. Who wrote Management and Morale’ (a) F.W. Riggs (b) F.W. Taylor (c) FJ. Roethlisberger (d) None of the above 60. According to Willoughby, a standard scheme of departmental organization would include (a) division of personnel (b) office of chief clerk (c) division of mail and files (d) All of the above 61. Principles of management can be applied to (a) small organisations (b) big organisations (c) all organisations (d) None of the above 62. Henry Fayol is known as (a) Father of business management. (b) Father of scientific management. (c) Father of principles of management. (d) None of the above. 63. Who stated that the four Ps—purpose, process, person and place—are the basis of organization? (a) Marshall E Dimock

(b) Henri Fayol (c) Max Weber (d) Luther Gulick 64. Which of the following statements about the behaviour of organisations as system is incorrect? (a) Organisations as systems do not change once adopting to the needs of the environment. (b)The equilibrium sought by the organisation is a dynamic equilibrium achieved by a constant process of adoptation to environment. (c) Organisations, as systems, seek equilibrium internally. (d) Organisations, as systems, seek equilibrium with their environments. 65. Which one of the following statements does not mean Scientific Management? (a) The application of scientific methods to organizational problems leads to higher efficiency. (b) Standardization of work methods leads to efficiency. (c) Standardization of working conditions leads to efficiency. (d) Maintenance of congenial atmosphere at place of work leads to fulfillment of human needs. 66. Fayol concentrated on (a) Shop level (b) Middle level (c) Top level (d) Productivity 67. Fayol attempted to develop (a) Universal Theory of Management (b) Productivity Theory (c) Scientific Management (d) None of the above 68. Which one of the following is not the main concern of Scientific Management? (a) Efficiency (b) Production (c) Rationality (d) Mechanistic methods 69. Which of the following pairs of the administrative thinkers have described the Scientific Management as the “Physiological Organisation Theory”? (a) March and Barnard (b) March and Simon (c) Simon and Argyris (d) Simon and Likert 70. Taylor’s theory of Scientific Management was criticised as the mechanistic theory because (a) it stressed on the physiological aspects of the organisation. (b) it under-emphasised the sociological and psychological dimensions of the organisation. (c) it viewed men as adjuncts of the machine or industrial robots. (d) it over-simplified the worker motivation. 71. Planning involves (a) analysis of policies. (b) review of past performance. (c) determining future course of action. (d) None of the above. 72. Planning provides (a) basis for future policy formulation. (b) purpose and direction to all persons. (c) information to management. (d) None of the above. 73. The Scientific Management is described as the Physiological Organisation Theory because (a) it focuses on the economic factors of human motivation. (b) it is concerned with only that range of human behaviour which relates to production. (c) it addressed itself to the problems of shop floor. (d) it viewed man as an adjunct of the machine. 74. “Science, not rule of thumb”, according to Taylor, stands for

(a) scientific division of work between workers and management. (b) scientific selection of workmen. (c) one best way of doing a task. (d) obtaining harmony in group action. 75. When planning is reduced to black and white it is known as (a) Formal planning (b) Informal planning (c) Prospective planning (d) Retrospective planning 76. Operational planning is undertaken at (a) Workers level management (b) Lower level management (c) Middle level management (d) Top level management 77. Who among the following authors attached more importance to the structure rather than person in organization? (a) Chester Barnard (b) M.P. Follett (c) Luther Gulick (d) Elton Mayo 78. The classical theory of organisation is known as mechanistic theory because (a) it underestimated human factor and oversimplified human motivation. (b) it treats organisation as a closed system unconcerned with and uninfluenced by its external environment. (c) it does not explain the dynamics of organizational behaviours. (d) it has formal declared pattern of relationship established by law. 79. Who described the classical approach as the engineering approach? (a) James Mooney (b) Lyndall Urwick (c) Henri Fayol (d) Luther Gulick 80. The principles of organisation propounded by Henri Fayol are (a) Division of work, Authority, Unity of Direction and Commanding. (b) Division of work, Scalar chain, Stability of tenure and organising. (c) Scalar chain, Co-ordinating, Remuneration and Unity of command. (d) Discipline, Order, Equity and Initiative. 81. Planning is helpful for (a) raising employee’s morale. (b) reducing inefficiency. (c) better utilisation of resources. (d) None of the above. 82. Decision-making involves (a) selecting particular course of action. (b) selection from alternatives. (c) implementing a policy (d) None of these. 83. Which of the following is not correct? (a) Informal organizations are legal and rational. (b) Informal organizations are personal and emotional. (c) Informal organizations are spontaneous and sentimental. (d) Informal organizations are customary and societal. 84. Which one of the following is suitable for realising high performance goals of management? (a) Effective Inspection (b) Worker’s participation in Management (c) Whitley councils and quality circles (d) Effective Supervision.

85. Decision-making is based on (a) rational thinking. (b) government directions. (c) competitor’s policies. (d) None of the above. 86. Decision-making helps in (a) improving efficiency. (b) achieving organisational goals. (c) increasing profits. (d) None of the above. 87. The human relation theory of organisation under-scored the vital importance of the human side of the enterprise by drawing attention to (a) the social factors of work situation. (b) the psychological factors of work situation. (c) the physiological factors of work situation. (d) the social and psychological factors of work situation. 88. According to Neo-Classical theory, an organisation is (a) a structure with well-defined functions. (b) a structure with well-defined objectives. (c) a structure with order and objective rationality. (d) a group of people with a common objectives. 89. Behavioural Approach focussed on (a) decision-making in organisation. (b) actual behaviour of persons and groups in organisation. (c) inter-personal relations in organisations. (d) managerial processes in organisation. 90. Repetitive decisions are known as (a) Routine decisions (b) Operational decisions (c) Programmed decisions (d) None of the above. 91. Policy decisions are made at (a) Top level (b) Middle level (c) Operational level (d) None of the above. 92. The overall goal of Scientific Management is (a) higher industrial efficiency. (b) maximisation of social welfare. (c) maximisation of employment. (d) None of the above. 93. An organization structure is effective if it enables individuals to contribute to the objectives of the enterprise, this is known as (a) Principle of unity of objectives. (b) Scalar principle. (c) Principle of functional definition. (d) None of the above. 94. The Greatman theory of leadership led to the rise of (a) the Trait Theory of Leadership. (b) the Situational Theory of Leadership. (c) the Behavioural Theory of Leadership. (d) None of the above. 95. The hallmark of leadership is. (a) capacity to influence others to follow. (b) maintaining the core values of the organisation and its distinctive identity. (c) achievement of goals of the organisation.

(d) settlement of disputes in the organisation. 96. Organisation is the process of (a) defining authority and responsibility. (b) arranging various inputs. (c) increasing managerial efficiency. (d) None of the above. 97. Organisation deals with (a) decentralisation of activities. (b) division of work. (c) centralisation of activities. (d) None of the above. 98. Communication is defined as “Shared understanding of a shared purpose” by (a) Chester Barnard (b) Herbert Simon (c) John David Millett (d) Ordway Tead 99. “The Grapevine is valuable as a barometer of ‘public opinion’ in the organisation” is said by (a) Keith Davis (b) Norbert Wiener (c) Herbert Simon (d) Chester Barnard 100. The essence of communication is (a) Imparting knowledge (b) Sharing understanding (c) Transmitting information (d) Sharing information 101. Which is not a centralized communication networks systems? (a) Circle Network (b) Chain Network (c) Wheel Network (d) Y-shapeNetwork 102. Organisational structure is a means towards (a) achievement of organisational goals. (b) achievement of co-ordination. (c) achievement of effective performance. (d) None of the above. 103. Formal organisation is the (a) relationship based on personal likes and dislikes. (b) relations...

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