Organizational Behaviour, Individual Assignment: Reflective Essay PDF

Title Organizational Behaviour, Individual Assignment: Reflective Essay
Author Aarti Jindal
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Thompson Rivers University
Pages 9
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whole course and multiple test reflections...


Organizational Behaviour

Individual Assignment: Reflective Essay


Introduction: Organizational behaviour is a study of human behaviour in organizational settings and the organizations itself. It is considered and categorized as the study of three levels – 




While working individually or in a group in an organization the behaviour is the very first thing that is noticed as well considered and later judged by others for performing various tasks. Human behaviour is a natural phenomenon which occurs or rather changes according to the situations and when or how it is taken into consideration by the other is known as perception. Though it is about the human behaviour in organizational settings, yet it is somehow very similar to psychology. Psychology refers to understand human nature and the criteria of what he does and why he does that when in a given situation just as in organizational behaviour where the behaviour is noticed of an individual by others in a situation. This Reflective Essay in Organizational behavior course will now work as great example of about how I was, what changes this course brought me, what did I learn about myself and my personality, how did I come up with the course, diversified students and last but not the least how did it work out working with unknown people in a group for two continuous projects and trusting them enough on everything like putting in equal efforts, striving for good marks and so on. This course helped me gain a new perspective about myself and people I worked with which proved to be a great and memorable time and would help me ahead.


About me: I am Aarti Jindal an International student studying at Thompson Rivers University, Canada. I did my Bachelors in English honours with Psychology as my major subject and my Masters in English Language and Literature all the way back from my home country India. In this university, I am taking the diploma course in Human Resource Management. Psychology always had my best interest as I always had this curiosity to study people, their minds and so their behaviour and learn how and why do they behave in a certain way. Keeping my interest in my mind I took this organizational behaviour in my first semester and it totally stood up to my expectations and so the basic reason behind taking this course of human resource management proved to be a great success as in my perception and my understanding regarding people when put in different situations. Organizational behaviour peeked my interest much more in reading people and their behaviours which acted as bliss. In this course, I and all my classmates were introduced to various and distinctive personality tests which helped us discover ourselves more deeply and clearly. We took basically five personality tests namely – 

Jung’s Typology Test

True Color (personality) Test

The VARK, a guide to learning styles

Big Five Personality Test

The Grit Scale

In the coming paragraphs, I would now discuss these tests in detail and discuss the results which enlightened all of our vision and help us gain new perception towards our own personality and the type of behaviour we do in accordance with it and the learning environment we adapt to.


Fantasy Project: It is truly said that ‘Your life is a reflection of how you think’. At the end of the day, what matters the most is what you think and accordingly how you behave. If you think good of others you will always be happy and never let those negative thoughts harm you anytime in life and vice versa. Our group was the most diverse group of all the six members had different personalities, varied true colours, no of learning styles and various other psychological assessments based on distinct types of personality tests. In total we had team members that contributed with 10 different known languages number of them known to one or the other, all with different colours, globally diversified and so on. I can totally relate to it as that what happened to me in this course while doing the Fantasy Project where we had some magic moments recreating Harry Porter era and the magic of it. Initially, it is not easy to work with five totally different people not just with caste or religion but with whole lot different backgrounds and culture. The project was for 10% which was quite a big deal when you’re heading for good scores on the subject. The major issue was the time management as everyone in the group had other priorities like job, family and so on which made it more difficult to handle and complete it on time. We were the group of six named ‘Diversix’ as we were the only ones with the most diversified people in one single group. Though everyone had the same goal of scoring good and not just one or two rather everyone kept other priorities aside for once and worked together as one team to get the project done in time and getting success in that. We did the project in the university at approximately 6.30 am in the morning while it was snowing heavily yet everyone was totally up and excited about it. To be frank, at first there were quite issues among us all and little arguments as they say lots of people so lots of brains and so lots of conflicts but slowly and steadily we got to know each other better, likes and dislikes, hobbies, differences which contributed further making the project a success and everyone agreed to the same thing, no more


conflicts, double the fun and memories. This project reflected a lot not just about them to me but in fact about myself as well that even I could be that fun and get along with such different people and work together as a team and in a team. Not just that but even it showed me the level of what my creativity and skills could go to and reflected a whole another side of me. The lessons that I learned during this project were priceless and future enlightening like compromising, adjusting, being calm, showing patience and most importantly understanding the other without judging them and relating to them and their problems. All in all, it was a great project and very light bearing as it taught me many things which would help me in my future in work as well as enhance me as an individual which is very vital these days and not lose one’s authenticity. MBTI Test: This test was one of the many and influential test given to us by our instructor. This test is known as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. It is known as introspective self-test which renders the information about the personality of an individual. There are 16 personality types according to this test. This test is all about how people perceive and take in the situations and the world around them and later make decisions. This test was made and introduced by ‘Katherine Cook Briggs’ and her daughter ‘Isabel Briggs Myers’ and after their name, the test was given its title. This test is based on ‘Carl Jung’s’ conceptual theory who speculated that human perceives using four psychological functions known as sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking. It also is known as ‘Jung Typology Test’. This test helped not only me but the whole class by changing their perception rather mirroring their actions accordingly based on these four principles which were eye-opening. Being different individuals, everyone’s results differed from one another depending on how they behave, what they are and what they do. Rendering the information about results mine were very much came as a surprise to me and forced me to analyze myself based on it and realize the truth. My results were as follows:


Introvert – the result came to be just 3% which refers that I am more of an extrovert person and learn by talking and interacting with people.

Intuitive – it was 25% and this renders the fact that I prefer more of my senses than intuition and enjoy learning environment which is in detail.

Thinking – the result was merely 12% and so concludes that I emphasize on the issues that can be personalized considering other people’s motives.

Judging – it is 13% which highly recommends that I am more of a perceiving person and acquire flexible learning environment.

True Color’s Test: This was yet another personality test given as an activity to discover our true personality and our true colour which further defines us and our behaviour. This was discovered by Don Lowry in 1978. It was basically created to categorize the learning styles with in accordance with the colour test. There are 4 colours orange, blue, green and gold to identify challenges and strengths of these personality types. According to this test, all personality types exist on the combination of these four colours representing their temperament. It is a way to identify and recognize other people’s behaviour and motivation relative to our own personality to learn the personality differences and characteristics. This was an effective test and made us more aware of how we are and act accordingly. Each colour represents different personality types like gold colour people are presented as pragmatic planners, orange colour people are very actionoriented, blue colour people are defined as people-oriented and green colour people are known as independent thinkers. Hence, my result varied from many others being different individuals coming out to be as Green colour which define me as an independent thinker and gives the indication that we could be good leaders and lead the team towards a successful oriented goal. This test helped me discover my hidden talent and aura that is of leadership and taking the


initiative either individually or in a group and team. This test literally reflected my other part of the personality which I was probably not sure of so to which I am very thankful.


The Grit Scale: This scale refers to the perseverance and passion for long-term goals. The creator of this test is Angela Duckworth and she wrote a book by the name of ‘Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance’ which was New York #1 bestseller. This is not about luck or talent rather it is about a goal that you care for a lot. My grit score was 4.30 which show that I have a very high power of passion and perseverance regarding achieving the goals that are very vital for me and for my beneficial and successful future.

Big Five Personality Test: this test is most common and mostly used in for psychological assessments. It is based on five-factor models of personality: 

Openness to Experience that is your interest in abstract ideas and creativity.

Conscientiousness that is to achieve long-term goals.

Extraversion refers to your interest in outside world for excitement.

Agreeableness of how u prefer others before yourself.

Neuroticism about how easily you bounce back from stressful events.

I am 92% ‘Open’ to new experiences and the people; I possess 73% ‘Conscientiousness’ to reach my long-term goals. Also, 62.5% ‘Extroverted’ to new excitement in the world. With 83% of ‘Agreeableness’, I always put others before me and consider them first. I ‘Neurotically’ bounce back quickly from stressful occurrences with 67%. All in this entire test again alike others succeeded in reflecting my personality truly and in the best


Learning Styles: The last but not the least, This is the ‘VARK Questionnaire-a guide to learning styles’ test which tells about the learning style of an individual and his best adaptation of the environment for learning something in any situation. The VARK stands for ‘Visual’, ‘Aural’, ‘Read/Write’ and ‘Kinesthetic’. It can be used by your boss, parents, workmates, partner, customers, and teachers and so on. It has helped people to know each other and assist them to learn more effectively in many situations. My results were Visual (2), Aural (10), Read/Write (4), and Kinesthetic (8). So basically, I am more of a person to learn aurally that is by listening and also mostly by kinesthetic which is by actually performing the task and learning way which is true in the reflection of my personality.

Conclusion: Therefore, out of all my courses I could say that Organizational Behavior is the one that has contributed the most to not only my professional life but my personal as well. It has taught me to perceive people with whole a new vision and accept them as they are. It has made possible for me to confide in different kinds of people with totally varied backgrounds in regard to my personal growth especially related to this course. Nonetheless, it has made me realize that people are different in terms of their personalities, having different priorities, yet they come together to achieve a similar goal which reflects the part of their being making this course a success. 9|Page...

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