IMC451 Reflective Writing (Assignment 1/ Individual Assignment) PDF

Title IMC451 Reflective Writing (Assignment 1/ Individual Assignment)
Author Waznah
Course Organization of Information
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 11
File Size 308.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 71
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SUBMISSION DATE: 23rd May 2021

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: REFLECTIVE PAPER Hazimatul Waznah Binti Mohd Yatim 2020872488 IM2462ST2

Faculty of Information Management University Teknologi Mara Cawangan Selangor Puncak Perdana Campus Shah Alam

23rd May 2021




This course exposes students to the ideas, ideas, standards, and techniques that are used in the organisation of information, with a focus on catalogues, indexes, bibliographic utilities, and other similar organising entities. It also stresses the skills required to do basic cataloguing, recognise various information search methods, and use metadata. Class lectures, dialogues, and blended learning through i-learn were all part of the teaching technique. Group presentations, individual and group assignments, a test, and a final examination are all part of the students' evaluation. This assignment is to fulfil the assessment given for IMC451 course. This assignment aims to summarize, review and reflect on the topic chosen from the course lesson as to achieve an understanding regarding the topic given for this course. This reflective paper is based on topic 4 in IMC451 course that is retrieval tools. Retrieval tools aid in the provision of sufficient information to determine whether or not to pursue the acquisition of the real information package, as well as saving the user's time, whether the information package is a book, an archival artefact, or a site. This topic discuss about the system that help the user in finding and identifying information resources in all kind of types. This topic give a positive impression as learning a range of ways for mastering the course. This course has assisted in the development of abilities such as critical thinking, personal accountability, document description, indexing, and classification, all of which are used to offer systems of representation and order for knowledge and information objects. This knowledge can be applied to a lot of problems that are related to it.

Keywords – Retrieval tools, organization of information, information organization, library, bibliographies.





Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah s.w.t, the almighty god, the most gracious and most merciful and with the permission, I have completed the assignment. In performing this assignment, I am highly indebted to the lecturer by taking a guideline from a respected person who deserves the most generous gratitude. It would not have been possible to finish the assignment without the kind support, help and guideline of Dr. Norshila Binti Shaifuddin, IMC451– Organization of Information course’s lecturer from Universiti Teknologi Mara campus Puncak Perdana.

I also would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and friends for their kind co-operation and encouragement and to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing this assignment.











1.0 Reflective writing 1.1 Objectives


1.2 Analysis


1.2.1 Benefits


1.2.2 Limitations


1.2.3 Applications


1.3 Personal reflection


1.3.1 Initial reaction


1.3.2 Personal relate


1.3.3 Examples from own life


1.3.4 Integration with own life


1.3.5 Questions


2.0 References





1.0 Reflective Writing 1.1 Objectives The objective of this writing is to prove the understanding of the lesson given related to IMC451 course. Other than that, this writing also aims to help the student realize the real meaning of the topic. This kind of assignment is really helpful for the student as it makes student more focus in a specific topic to fully understand and comprehend it. Reflecting on previous experiences actually helps me to reinforce what I've learned and improve my knowledge and performance in the future. Overall, the lectures and tutorials in this course have broadened my perspective on information organisation by teaching me about the theories, concepts, standards, and technologies used in the field. This writing will be mainly focusing on reviewing topic 4, retrieval tools. In addition, I will offer my personal opinion on any problems or obstacles encountered while executing this project. In addition to the results I've obtained, some of my recommendations for refining the strategy will be presented.

1.2 Analysis The topic that have been chosen is topic 4, retrieval tools. As I have learnt, the topic is solely about the retrieval tools. Retrieval tools aid in the provision of sufficient information to determine whether or not to pursue the acquisition of the real information package, as well as saving the user's time, whether the information package is a book, an archival artefact, or a site. This topic discuss about the system that help the user in finding and identifying information resources in all kind of types. In my opinion, this topic can be said as the general description of the course in the basic way of explanation. This is because as the students already know, the basic retrieval tools that have been learnt are bibliographies, catalogs, indexes, abstracts, finding aids, register, search engine, bibliographic database and bibliographic utilities. All of the basic retrieval tools is overall of what we will get as learning outcome of the outcome. In the other topic we will learn more specific about each of the retrieval tools. This topic is clear enough related to the course directly. 1.2.1 Benefits When the students have mastered in the topic, they will surely help the others especially the information organization and make it easier for the flow cycle of the work in the organization. It can be seen as learning the topic, there are some benefits to the society over the world. A society is a group of people, or a group of people, who live together under a certain social structure. So, basically a society is any group of people around the world that Page |1



have the same interaction regardless the topic for example the organizations, the students, libraries and the political. To be more specific, the information organisation is complete when the workers completely comprehend and are familiar with the retrieval tools. Information retrieval technologies let library patrons find, obtain, and utilise information in a variety of formats. Bibliographies, indexes, and abstracts, as well as shelf lists, are the examples of information retrieval tools. Information retrieval tools are essential for achieving educational goals. Edom (2012) defines information retrieval tools as "basic processes or apparatuses that assist a library user in locating, retrieving, and using the needed documents from the library or information from a book or paper." Because information retrieval tools are extensively available in the library, students will undoubtedly make extensive use of a variety of information resources, and there will be a strong and positive relationship between the information retrieval tools provided and students' usage of the library. This is crucial because there is a strong, positive, and significant link between the library environment and the usage of the library by students. Information retrieval skills, such as the capacity to explore, select, analyse, and reuse data, are required by users. Working with a range of retrieval tools is one of these competencies. This is possible if students are exposed to and encouraged to use all of the user orientation and education programmes that are available. As this topic has a positive impact on students or society, it is synonymous with the fact that this course contributes significantly to the creation of a society that will lead the world's information organization in the future. 1.2.2 Limitations While learning this course in the current situation that is the pandemic COVID-19, I feel like it is a little burden and problem as to try to fully understand the lesson. As the learning lesson is progressing with online distance learning method, there is a little difficulty for me as I really need to fully concentrate because this is a new finding to me as I am not a person who knew much about this kind of knowledge. It is surely a new challenge for me to face in learning this course. In my opinion, there is no longer any need to theatrically improve the topic lesson. However, in my opinion, practical learning will be extremely beneficial to pupils. Consider a session in which students are taught how to use retrieval tools practically. Even if we live in an online world, it will be extremely beneficial if at least one day is dedicated to learning how to use retrieval tools effectively. Not to mention, a direct class session is an ideal situation Page |2



because students can immediately ask questions if they have any. Learning online can be difficult at times because there are multiple students asking the same topic, causing the discourse to conflict and some students to miss out. 1.2.3 Applications In this topic, I learned that while citing publications, everyone would undoubtedly use the bibliography as a retrieval tool. After that, we must look for catalogues in order to locate library materials. Catalogs allow users to search for specific things inside collections of information packages. The description of the information package in the catalogues is lengthier than the description of the bibliography. Subsequently, we will need to use a bibliographic database to look for published publications. A bibliographic database is a collection of printed or numeric items that have been digitally processed and preserved. We must employ archival finding aids while looking for archived materials. Finding aids, often known as inventories, are detailed descriptions of archive holdings. The finding aids serve as a catalogue with an additional access point. All of the stated situation proved that this topic is really useful in most of all the peoples’ daily life.

1.3 Personal Reflection 1.3.1 Initial reaction The first thought that came to my mind when learning the topic is that it is absolutely useful and really beneficial to all people. Even for some people who are not in the information industries, they are actually using it without realizing. From this topic, I discovered about surrogate record. Honestly, it is the first time I heard the word surrogate record. Initially, I was unaware about a lot of things related to the information industries. I have learnt the knowledge in new and deeper way. This topic left a positive impression on me because I learned a range of ways for mastering the course. This course has assisted me in the development of abilities such as critical thinking, personal accountability, document description, indexing, and classification, all of which are used to offer systems of representation and order for knowledge and information objects. I can apply all of those new knowledge to the problems that are related to it. 1.3.2 Personal relate Topic 4 has a positive impact on me because it relates to my academic life. The topic of retrieval tools has allowed me to increase my knowledge in the field of information. One of the most essential lessons I've learned so far is that retrieval tools are required as the Page |3



foundation for a system that organises recorded data. The information regarding bibliographies was really interesting. This is due to the fact that it is one of the retrieval tools that I discovered and used in all of my classes for completing the assignment given. In comparison to other tools, this one is the easiest to grasp. This tool is utilised in every semester since I need to finish the assignment and look up references. Bibliographies are the most intriguing and easiest to comprehend among the topics I've picked, which is retrieval tools. 1.3.3 Examples from own life When an information on a specific issue is needed, we question individuals who we believe may have it or we read about it. Retrieval provides the necessary data for reuse or production of new knowledge. Only relevant replies are provided to a user in order to achieve this. I usually found the topic, retrieval tools when we are in search of articles for assignment. It is easier to find information within the required environment as the information are gathered and stored and compiled neatly, appropriately and updated. I have never thought that the topic is related to my life as I am ignorant about this topic. But as I go through this topic, searching for the information, I found out that this topic is closely related to our daily life. However there are a few examples of things contradict to the topic such as hawkers selling foods at a stall. They do things repeatedly every day and it becomes a routine. A farmer working in the farm. All the things done is a routine. He may not need a retrieval tools. A mother doing house chores. It is also a routine in the life of most mothers. So, all these routine usually may not use retrieval tools. 1.3.4 Integration with own life In my opinion, the course and the topic will affect my life in the future. By learning about the retrieval tools, it makes me realize the tools is what I had been using all this while and it always help me in finalizing also completing each of my work. So, every time I am completing my work, I will think and feel thankful to this course even in my future job and life. I think it will help me to be a more organized person. An example where I will integrate the topic in my life is I will always remember in this era everything around me is related to retrieval tools. Another one of the retrieval tools is search engines. This is also one of the tools that I had been using ever since I am in my secondary schools up till now. I think, most of the people nowadays rely on the search engine in completing their work. Theoretically, search engine is a tool designed to identify instances of specified words or phrases in documents using computer systems, notably the Internet.

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1.3.5 Questions I recall myself as an enthusiastic, conscientious, and eager learner who was driven by a desire to grasp the unknown in primary school. I enjoyed utilising my imagination, books, and getting my hands dirty to explore the world. Curiosity, in my opinion, is an innate feature of children that drives the learning process. I believe that deep learning is asking questions, putting ideas to the test, and coming up with solutions. There are some more questions that were lingering in my head related to the retrieval tools topic. Regarding the directories, in the notes it is stated that directories is an alternatives to search engines and it is also stated that some of directories are organized using a traditional library classification but what are the example that I may know about it? Another question that I have is what the direct relationship between search engines and directories is. As a result, I utilised Google's search engine to get the solution. I discovered that directories are crucial search tools in which the human interface organises and categorises the Web for faster information accessibility. The material on the Internet is organised into categories by directories. Phone directories are something we're all familiar with. The white and yellow pages are in each one. The yellow pages organise material by subject, whereas the white pages categorise it by persons and organisations. Web directories organise information in a similar way. Although most directories have keyword search capabilities, the browsing capabilities are the most important aspect of any directory. General subject directories, metasites, and virtual libraries are the three sorts of directories.

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2.0 References










Wikipedia Contributors. (2021, April 20). Knowledge organization. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation.

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