Reflective Writing IMC451 PDF

Title Reflective Writing IMC451
Author Vera Fred
Course Organization of Information
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 6
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1 REFLECTIVE WRITINGUnder the organization of information topic, I have learned about the information hierarchy. In this hierarchy, there are 4 levels, from data, information, knowledge and the highest in this hierarchy is wisdom. This hierarchy is relatedto the process of data processing that begin...



Under the organization of information topic, I have learned about the information hierarchy. In this hierarchy, there are 4 levels, from data, information, knowledge and the highest in this hierarchy is wisdom. This hierarchy is related to the process of data processing that begins with collecting data, organizing, summarizing, analyzing, synthesizing and finally decision making that is equivalent to the wisdom contained in the information hierarchy. Data is facts but only raw data and cannot be used as long as it has not been processed and information is meaningful data, that is, data that has been processed. Knowledge is how we organize information that has been processed and wisdom is how we apply knowledge in our work and life. I also learned about information, Information is result of analysis, synthesis evaluation based on available data. In other words, the data has been organized, structured, considered, communicated. Information can be available in various formats, namely data, images, texts, documents and sound. The purpose of people who are seeking information is to gain the knowledge, problem solving and data collection.

This topic teaches students how to efficiently collect and analyse data. This topic must also be mastered by the community in order for it to understand the proper way to select the information to be used. This topic's knowledge is widely used in libraries and other places where we obtain information. A librarian, for example, who provides a reference service must be able to correctly analyse information in order to provide the correct information to users. My initial thoughts when learning about this topic were that it would be simple to understand and apply in the future, particularly while working. In my opinion, the subject was presented because I want the community to be more knowledgeable in in analysing the information received. This topic appeals to me because it allows me to hone my informational skills. These abilities will be extremely useful to me as an information professional in the future.

Under the topic organization of information in different environments, I have learned about the information agency. Information agency is a institution or center to organize and provide information so that it will be retrievable for various purposes and also provide resources, services to the users and organize information so that it will be kept for posterity. There are 8 types of information agency which is library, 1

museum, digital libraries and archives, archive, art galleries, information resource center, knowledge center and record center. Library collections are developed primarily in three ways that is librarians learn about existing and new works from reviews, publishers, announcement, requests from patrons, donated gifts from patrons, organizations and government and prearranges relationships with book vendors that supply titles based on a pre-designed profile. Library rearrange information in three ways that is arrange and classify, cataloguing and classification process and using MARC (Machine Readable Format).

This topic is very useful for educating the public on the fact that there are many other information agencies available in the world besides the library. We can further diversify the way we obtain information by using the various types of information agencies that are available. This topic is ideal for students because it can help them obtain more information about their field from various information agencies. I was very happy when I learned about this topic because it taught me about other places where I could get information besides the library. This is a topic I will remember because it will be very useful if I work as an information professional in the future. I am confident that by researching this topic, I will be able to obtain information without having to rely on a single information source.

Under the topic bibliographic control, I have learned about the most common tools used in bibliographic control are bibliographic files, bibliographic databases and bibliographic records. There are three main activities of bibliographic control that is descriptive and subject cataloging, classification and indexing and abstracting. The purpose of bibliographic control is to facilitating access to documents or material, guidance in searching information, vital element for effective reference & information services, recording and expanding knowledge, stimulating R & D, avoiding duplication in R & D and encouraging cooperation, exchange and sharing of information between institutions and nations.

This topic is extremely beneficial in preventing the occurrence of things like information overload caused by uncontrolled information entry. This is critical in order to reduce the amount of false and misleading information disseminated to the public. Bibliographic control is essential for information analysts to use in order to 2

reduce the amount of unauthentic information. I am very excited to study this topic because it will broaden my knowledge. However, too much information can lead to confusion. This topic appeals to me because it emphasises the importance of evaluating information based on quality rather than quantity.

Under the topic retrieval tools, I have learn the needs and type of retrieval tools. Retrieval tools is a systems created for retrieving information and essential as basic building blocks for a system that will organize recorded information that is collected by libraries, archives and museums. The needs of retrieval tools is to help users to find, identify, select, and obtain information resources in all types. Retrieval tools also have various access point. It can be a name, title or subject term chosen by an indexer or a cataloger. There are 9 basic retrieval tools that can be using to obtain information. That is bibliographies, catalogs, indexes, abstracts, finding aids, registers and other museum databases, search engines and directories, bibliographic databases and bibliographic utilities such as RLIN and SILAS.

This topic is excellent because it allows the community to more easily find information by utilising a variety of materials. I really need a variety of materials to gather information in order to complete the assignments assigned to me by the lecturer. Knowledge of this topic is essential so that everyone can use various types of information materials to complete assignments or studies. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about this subject because it has made it easier for me to complete assignments and make references.

Under the topic purpose and level of bibliographic control, i have understand the meaning of bibliographic control, know how the information being recorded and organized in early civilization till present and familiarized with the activities of bibliographic control. Bibliographic control is refers to the operation by which recorded information is organized or arranged according to established standards and thereby made readily identifiable and retrievable. Factors involved in the idea of bibliographic control is information explosion, development of knowledge and information is being recognized as an important factor in any management. Bibliographic control levels have 5 stages. Start with individual, individual, national, international and the last one is universal. There is nine problems of bibliographic 3

control. That is to identifying materials, procurement of material, language, script use, geographical, cooperation, decrease in the number of professional staffs, legal deposit act and level of intellectual activities have gone down.

Also under the topic bibliographic control activities, there are cataloguing, indexing and abstracting. I also learn about the bibliographic elements. In bibliographic control activities, there are cataloguing, cataloguing is the process of making entries for a catalogue be describing volumes according to fairy well-codified rules. Indexing is is the process of analyzing the informational contents of records of knowledge and expressing the informational content in the language of the indexing system and abstracting is the preparation of abstract, usually in a limited field by an individual or organization. There are also 8 areas in bibliographic elements. The elements is title and statement of responsibilities, edition statement, material specific details, publication and distribution area, series statement, notes area and standard numbers and terms of availability.

This topic demonstrates how to ensure that the available information is always organised so that users can find it easily. I am very excited to study this topic because it teaches me how to organise information in various ways that are appropriate for the available material. This knowledge will come in handy if I ever work in a library.

Under the topic indexing and abstracting, I have learned about objectives of indexing and abstracting, abstracts and indexes format, main components of index, types of indexing, and good indexes characteristic. The main objective of indexing and abstracting is to build representatives to information materials that will be published in a suitable form that can be fed in into a database. The abstracts and indexes format can be found in card format, in printed forms, electronic resources format that are machine readable and also in the Web version. There are five main components of index, there are terms to representing the topics or features of documentary units, A syntax for combining terms into headings, search statements and in order to represent compound or complex topics, cross-references, a procedure for linking headings and search statements and the last one is A systematic ordering of headings or a search procedure. There are three basic types of indexing that is back of


the book indexing, database indexing and the set of prescribed procedure. Good indexes characteristic are easy to read and good syndetic structure.

Under the topic information representation, I have learned about bibliographic, surrogate and metadata record. Bibliographic record is the name that has been applied to the description of tangible information packages for examples books and sound recordings for many years. At times the term “surrogate record” has been used instead. A surrogate stands in place of someone or something else. And this term can be used for records representing any kind of information package in any kind of information retrieval system. We using one standard to prevent duplication of work, allow library to better share bibliographic resources, enables library to acquire cataloguing data that is predictable and reliable, enables library to make use of commercially available library automation system to manage library operations and allows library to replace one system with another. Examples of standard used in recording and description of information or documents is ISBD, MARC and Dublin Core.

I learned how to organise information material by following good index criteria from this topic. This topic also teaches the components found in the index. Using the proper methods, various types of materials can be compiled, allowing users to search for information in the virtual world while only using relevant keywords. As a result, I am very excited to study this topic and am confident that this knowledge will be very useful as I enter the workforce.

Overall, I am very satisfied and enjoy the learning process in this subject because it has provided me with a wealth of new information. Furthermore, I am able to hone my skills in various aspects of my career. The lecturers' excellent presentations also increased my understanding and ability to complete the syllabus in this subject.



Joudrey, Daniel N., Taylor, Arlene G., &Wisser, Katherine M. (2018). The organization of information (4th ed.). Library and Information Science Text Series.


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