MGT538 Reflective paper individual PDF

Title MGT538 Reflective paper individual
Course Managenent of ethics and develooment
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 7
File Size 164 KB
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INTRODUCTION Pregnancy is one of the wonderful moments of live for every woman. It brings positive atmosphere and joyful feeling not only to her, but also to the people that surround her. On the contrary, teenage pregnancy has been considered as a burden, not only to the girl but also to the family as a whole. Teen pregnancy is defined as any pregnancy that occur among the teenager girls in which aged 19 years or younger. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), teenage pregnancy is one in which the mother’s age is between 13 to 19. A research that has been conducted shown that an average of 18,000 teenage in Malaysia get pregnant each year with about 4,500 cases involve pregnancy out of wedlock. Based on the statistic in 2015 from the health ministry, around 14 out of 1,000 underage girls in Malaysia get pregnant every year, which adds up to an average of 18,000 girls per year. In comparison, Singapore’s rate is four pregnancies for every 1,000 underage girls, and Hong Kong’s, three out of every 1,000. This shows that teenage pregnancy rate in Malaysia is the highest compared to other countries. Studies also showed that most of the teen pregnancy cases in Malaysia involved girls from the urban poor family especially. Predominantly, these young girl are resulted from lacks of attention and also always being left alone with a lot of free time. According to a survey conducted by the health ministry, 35% of female youths believed that having sex for the first time will not lead to a pregnancy. Social acceptance of teenage pregnancy in Malaysia is still poor and restricted. It is also labeled as taboo, rape as well sexual abuse.


1. What is the issue concerned by students ?

Teen pregnancy issues has become an important matter of discussion as it presents further health risk not only for the mother but for the child as well. This obviously is a concern for me as well as the society. There are a lot of teens that are suffering while trying to hide their embarrassment and difficult situation that they may have to confront. There are several effects of teen pregnancy that affects every individual in a community, not only the individual victims. Firstly, teen pregnancy leads to abortion. For teen girls, abortion is linked to better outcomes rather than giving birth. The society has regarded teen pregnancy as something that is deeply shameful. Teens who are afraid of telling their parents that they are pregnant are often desperate to end their pregnancies. Abortion was a way for the pregnant teen hide her sexual activity from their parent. They would think that abortion is the only way for them to survive. Some of them may attempt self-induced abortions that using herbs or toxic substances, and some of them may sought out illegal abortionists whom were rarely medical professionals. As the result from these unsafe and dangerous abortion methods, many teenage or teen mother died. Abortion also be done discreetly and quietly. Teens that are facing financial problems and life circumstances will prevent them from raising their child in stable environment. Therefore terminating pregnancy may be the only viable choice for them. An induced abortion may resulted in long term psychological effects on the teen in which lead to depressions, post-traumatic stress disorder, guilt feelings, sleep problems and also anxiety disorders. Apart from that, teen pregnancy will also affects the mental health conditions of the teen mother. The teen might face a number of mental health conditions that is related to childbirth and being a new mom at such a young age. This is including depressions. Most of the pregnant teen did not finish their school because the pregnancy is too much to be handle along with their education. This is as the result from the people in the society that may look strangely at them. They are shunned from coming to school, their friends will not be by their sides as the parents may think that it is inappropriate to hang out with a pregnant friend in which may influenced them. This shown that teenage pregnancy is not acceptable in the society. Correspondingly, they are dealing with feelings of shame and denial that lead to depression and low self esteem.

Teenage pregnancy also give impact to the babies. Pregnant teen often and usually do not get adequate antenatal care in which may lead to detrimental consequences for the baby. As the result, infant death may take places. Children that born as a result from teenage pregnancy, may even faces greater challenges throughout their lives. This is including the chances of getting low educational level, and also worse behavioral and physical health outcomes. The child will also likely to grow up in poverty and in a very poor conditions. Having a teen parents that are having low chances of getting a job as well as low income may faces difficulties in bearing the family.

2. Give opinion on how the element of Personal Development can help to solve the issue.

In my opinion, teen pregnancy issue may be solve using all of the elements of personal development which includes intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, ethics and sustainability and also professionalism. The first element which is intrapersonal skills, is the skills about self awareness and controlling our own internal attitudes and inner process. It is also the foundation to building relationships with others. The issues of teen pregnancy can be solved if individuals change their attitude and self concept. Teen pregnancy occur as the result of social interaction between the teenagers and other people. Therefore teenager need to change their attitude by adhering to their beliefs. This is because one’s attitudes is shaped by their beliefs. Therefore, individuals need to think highly of themselves and appreciate themselves more. They also need to remind themselves that they are loved, so that they will not commit to negative things such as involving themselves in teen pregnancy. Individuals especially the teenagers also need to have their own principle and not to be naive in the society. For instance, they must not put their hundred percents of trust towards other people. By doing this, the issues of teen pregnancy in which has been rising in our country may be solved using intrapersonal skills. Another solutions for this teen pregnancy issues is by developing effective communications which is under the interpersonal skills. Individuals that have been facing with teen pregnancy issue, need to have an effective communication with the people that are close to them. They need to tell other people that surrounds them so that they are able to find the solutions together and the victims will not feeling all alone. For example their parents, friends and also their teacher or the relatives that they are close to. They need to let it out. By having an effective communications, they will have person that are able to understand their situations as well as the experiences that they are facing. Those people will also help the victims to go through the issue and making sure that this issue will not happen again to the other people in the society. From this, it is proven that interpersonal skills also helps in solving this issue. The next elements that may help in solving teen pregnancy issue is professionalism. This elements entails the importance of thinking. Thinking is among the highly demanded competence today as thinking has the ability to create new knowledge. The teenagers in this society need to have this skills. They need to think of the negative consequences of teen pregnancy if they are involved in this issue. This will requires them to think before they act. By doing so, they are able to prevent this issue from happening to them. In addition to the

teenagers that have already facing this issue, they need to think further about the solution they need to take in order to solve the issue. Thinking will also helps them in gaining new knowledge as well as makes themselves more creative. Teen mothers that are suffering from teen pregnancy issue, need to be able to create a solution through thinking. They need to be professionals in handling the situations well.

In conclusion, teen pregnancy is a complex and a serious issues that are faced not only by the local community but also by worldwide society. The victims are suffering not only mentally but also physically. Therefore, the society as well as the government need to joint hands in preventing this issue from rising any further. They also need to plan better solutions by implementing measures that are acceptable. Community awareness also need to be conducted with the objectives to increase and spread awareness about how serious teen pregnancy was. For example, conducting an awareness campaign, producing advertisement about teen pregnancy and also displaying info graphic about the negative effects of teen pregnancy.


General Line +603 7841 4000. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2020, from


Causes and Effects of Teen Pregnancy. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2020, from


The Star Online. (1969, December 31). Plain facts on teenage pregnancy. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from y


Lowen, L. (n.d.). The Top Reasons Why Teens Choose Abortion. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from

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