Organizational Leadership Final Report PDF

Title Organizational Leadership Final Report
Author Anjali Tamang
Course leadership
Institution Westcliff University
Pages 11
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this essay contains the description of leadership in different parts of the world and how different leaders performed under their leadership...




Analyzation of leadership of famous leaders Organizational Leadership June 18, 2020 Professor Choi


2 Abstract

This paper contains the leadership style of Adolf Hitler, Bill Gates and Abraham Lincoln along with the critical analysis of their attributes and qualities of leadership that helped them gain their followers. It consists of the short description of their background and struggle. This paper will help you understand the leadership style of the particular leader and their success.



“Leadership is a quality that not everyone can possess. “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” – Warren Bennis. To be a leader, one must have a vision a goal that sets the person apart from the crowd. A leader is someone whose action helps to lead a group of people with common interest. Some of the peoples who are perfect example of a great leader are Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln and Bill Gates. ADOLF HITLER “Adolf Hitler was also a great leader, not an ethical leader but a great leader. Born in 1889, Hitler became the chancellor of Germany from 1993 to 1945 which during the period bred the World War II. After the defeat in World War I, Germany had to sign the Treaty of Versailles, which held Germany responsible for all the damages and loss sustained during the World War I (Britten, 2017).” “The treaty left the people of Germany a huge economic loss. People were starving, they didn’t have clothes to wear and a place to live. During those times, Hitler joined the Nazi or the National Socialist German Workers' Party and became their leader eventually as he was one of the best speakers of the political party (Britten, 2017).” “How would anyone convince people to go for war when people were still suffering from the previous war? Hitler was an influential speaker and a charismatic leader. He was socially intelligent to know about what people needed the most and how to make the most of it. He played on the feelings of the German people. His campaign involved constant use of media and communication which portrayed him as a trusting, confident, and a respectable leader. Not only



that, it is said that his oral presentation was so good that it even led the church to believe that they were killing in the name of God. His charisma was as far as that (Britten, 2017).” “Although Hitler lost the elections in 1932, he became the chancellor of Germany which provided him the opportunity to get rid of all the other people of power so that he alone could rule over Germany. This eventually led to rise of World War II when Germany attacked Poland.” Despite the fact that he led the world into utter chaos and madness and brought upon the cause of 50 million deaths (6 million of whom belonged to the Jews), Hitler was a visionary who saw his Fatherland crumble to nothing and made it stand at the top. His stood up for his country and refused to pay the sum mentioned in the Treaty of Versailles which was about 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion), although 1/8th of the portion was already paid. He also was a military war strategist having been a soldier during the World War I, it added up to his experience on the battlefield. It helped him to conquer about almost 80% of Europe at some point of time during the World War II (Castillo, 2003).” “Hitler’s leadership style was that of an autocratic leader as he was a dictator, nonetheless. There was a clear line of command during his rule in Germany. The superior was to give the orders at each level and the subordinates to follow the letter which was subtler and complex. But Hitler did have a final say on any topic in which he took a direct interest, including details of military activities (Megargee, 2011). His autocratic leadership did have a certain benefit such as quick decision making, good for inexperienced soldiers, and directive leadership where it is needed. Although it also had its disadvantages. An autocratic leadership is good if you possess the qualifications for it. Hitler becoming a dictator, wanted to take command of his army lines so he made himself the commander-in-chief of the army in 1941. Now, this would mean that making decisions would not be as easy as it should have been. For example, in 1943, his



indecisiveness about an attack at Kursk eventually pushed the attack back from April to July - by which time the Soviets were well prepared (Megargee, 2011).” “I think Hitler’s leadership style worked in the beginning as Germany needed a strong leader with a vision that directed them to push for their betterment. Hitler came as a ray of hope to the struggling Germans and paved the path to destruction of the world with the view of betterment for the Germans. The autocratic leadership of Hitler did work for a large period of time when they almost capture 80% of Europe. As I mentioned earlier, Hitler was not an expert in handling military affairs and since the line of command required him to make the crucial decisions a wrong decision could mean a lot of lives lost. Following the war, Hitler became a megalomaniac who refused to listen to his military specialists and therefore lost the war for Germany. Therefore, I think a leader should be flexible in his leadership style so as to maximize the organization’s performance. A leader should also trust and have faith in his subordinates which Hitler clearly refused to do. Abraham Lincoln Background and history Abraham Lincoln was born in February 12, 1809 in Hodgenville Hardin county Kentucky. His parents were too poor that they moved to Indiana. His mother died when he was 9 and after his sister took care of her. Abraham Lincoln was always keen to learn and was a self-educated person [ CITATION Abr14 \l 1033 ]. As young, Lincoln worked in variety of jobs. They started live Illinois. At the age of 25 he moved into politics and became the member of legislature. During this he also studied law and became a lawyer [CITATION Busnd \l 1033 ].



Lincoln was inaugurated as the president of United States in 1864. He was member of dairy new republican party that protests against slavery. The southern state does not want Lincoln to be the president of the country due to which people did not agreed on the policies and started leaving the country. They altogether made a country called FOF confederacy. Just a month after Abraham Lincoln took over the office, civil war began in 1861. The was lasted for four years and costed 6000000 Americans. Lincoln issued Emancipation proclamation on January 1863. This was an order that freed the slaves in confederate state. The war ended in 1865. He helped southern state during reconstruction and wanted the country to help, forgive and rebuilt. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth in April 16, 1865. Lincoln is remembered for his short speech he gave at Gettysburg on Nov. 19, 1863. It was considered as one of the best speech in American history [ CITATION Phi92 \l 1033 ]. He is famous for leading the country during American civil war. His leadership in north helped the country to stay strong &defeating the south keeping country united. He also pushed for the freedom of slavers throughout the nation. Leadership style Abraham Lincoln was definitely a transformational leader and a change champion. His main aim was abolishment of slavery and positioning the union together. He had good communication skill. He had the ability to communicate his goals to people and influence them. Following are some of the leader styles that Lincoln use as a leader: 1. Charismatic: Abraham Lincoln was a kind of leader who able to inspire and motivate people and make them believe on what he believes. He was master in grabbing other’s



attention and making their listen to him when he speaks. In new Salem, while working on different jobs like shopkeeper, grocery shop owner, post master, he acquired social skill and honed story telling that made him popular. This shows charismatic Lincoln was. 2. Transformational Lincoln was surely a transformational leader. People easily get influenced by his personality. He was a changed champion who bring the end of slavery and preserved the union at the same time. He always communicated his goals to the people and kept the concepts always simple and understandable. He took decisions with the concern of citizens for the welfare of the country. 3. Democratic Democratic leader refers to the leader that involves his followers in decision making. Lincoln had a cabinet, including many of his political rivals. Lincoln was an extra ordinary personality who involved his enemies in his own team to take decisions while decision making process because he believes “Hold your friends close but enemies closer”. Lincoln always encouraged his team members to give their opinions and respected their ideas in the cabinet. Being a leader is not an easy job. One of the most difficult part of being a leader is to properly handle your emotions. Abraham Lincoln managed to control his emotions and make every decision precise [ CITATION Abr14 \l 1033 ]. He appointed salmon chase as his treasury secretary who was his top competitor. This shows the emotional intelligence of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln’s communication skill was affective enough to influence the people. He made



people admire and follow him. He had that charismatic power and leadership qualities that still makes people remember him whenever we talk about leaders. JUNG RANA BAHADUR Commanding General His Highness Shree Shree Maharaja Sir Jung Bahadur Kunwar Rana, born as Bir Narsingh Kunwar, 18 June 1817, Borlang, Gorkha – 25 February 1877, Patharghat, Rautahat), popularly known as Jung Bahadur was a Khas Rajput (Chhetri) ruler of Nepal and initiator of the Rana Regime in Nepal. Jung Bahadur took control of the government after killing a suspected usurper, Gagan Singh, who was accused of plotting to become prime minister with the junior queen in 1846 and put her son on the throne (Neupane, 2019). He was born as Bir Narsingh Kunwar but he became known by the name Jang Bahadur, given to him by his maternal uncle Mathabar Singh Thapa. His mother Ganesh Kumari was the daughter of Kaji Nain Singh Thapa, brother of Mukhtiyar Bhimsen Thapa of then ruling Thapa dynasty. Through the influence of his maternal side, he enjoyed privileges. During his lifetime, he eliminated the factional fighting at the court, removed his family rivals such as Pandes and Basnyats and paved way for the finding of Rana’s, introduced innovations into the bureaucracy and the judiciary, and made efforts to "modernize" Nepal. He remains one of the most important figures in Nepalese history, though modern historians have also blamed Jung Bahadur for setting up the dictatorship that repressed the nation for 104 years from 1846 to 1951 and left it in a primitive economic condition. Junga Bahadur Rana was an autocratic leader who believed in controlling all the power and authority to made the team stronger. Keeping all the love and affection besides, he was succeeded when he directed himself as planning which were well planned. In other hand, the absence of democratic leadership style helped him to maintain discipline that reward in the end



with the victory. It is believed that Junga Bahadur Rana was unethical and egoistic but a fearless and great worrier too. IN the same way Junga Bahadur Rana gives a major distribution for the development of the Nepali Society. He published Muluki Ain for the first time. In his ruling period, the Criminal activities were limited in the nation. He makes strict rules against gambling. He tries to abolish Sati and Slavery. He established Durbar High School and Introduce English Education in Nepal. During his Britain Visit, he brings typing machines. He also established Guide press. As I mentioned earlier, he was an egoistic and very rude person. He was a person with lack of humanity as he killed many people without any regrets (Lal, 2001). He got married to many women for his mean. Junga Bdr. Rana was not so happy man. Except for all those negative behaviours he was the best warrior of Nepal whose decisions proved best and useful to the country. Junga Bdr. Rana is the Person with a very clear Perspective. He could do anything for Power. He was so determined that if he thoughts of something to be done he never steps back even if it is going to cost his life to him. He was a very cruel ruler. He was extremely ambitious and he was the person with full attitude and aggressiveness.



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