Outline Template Saving Money PDF

Title Outline Template Saving Money
Course Communicating In The Classroom
Institution Southeastern Louisiana University
Pages 3
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Jenny Gautier COMM 210 1 September 2017 Save or Indulge? I.

Introduction A. Attention-Catcher (aka Attention-getter, hook, teaser) – How many of you are satisfied with how much money is in your bank account? B. Listener Relevance Link (aka Tie to the audience) – Many college students are spending money, but they do not know how to spend it wisely. Some of us have support from our parents, while others are completely on their own. C. Speaker Credibility Statement (aka Credentials) – I grew up in a household that was split on how money was spent; my mom was the frugal shopper and my dad was the spender. Eventually, I took after my mom and I started by cutting coupons. I am still very frugal to this day. I see so many students struggling with money or how to keep a good amount. D. Thesis Statement – I would like to share with you today how saving money in college can make life easier and reduce stress. We will discuss E. Preview 1. Why it is so hard to save money 2. Easy ways you can save money (on/off campus) 3. How to apply these steps for financial stability in the long run


Body Why is it so hard to save money? A. Transitional Topic Sentence – In order to save money, we must first understand why it is so hard to. B. Evidence – Trent Hamm of The Simple Dollar gives one main reason why money is so hard to save: spending money on something you want satisfies you (2016). Another reason Hamm gives is: life happens. Nothing in life is free; we should pay bills, buy things necessary to live, and emergencies can come up at any time (2016). Also, some of us are just becoming responsible for our own money for the first time in our lives. C. Analysis – Everyone loves to shop; buying new clothes or gadgets can be exhilarating, and for some, addicting. For 18 years, my parents made financial decisions for me but once I got to college and got a job, I was left to make financial decisions on my own. We are not taught about making smart choices with our money in high school so when we get to the real world, we were clueless and irresponsible. D. Summarize – Since most children were never taught how to save money when they were younger, they tend to make irresponsible decisions and want instant satisfaction. Also, we can’t control life and things that may come up unexpectedly.

Easy ways you can save money A. Transitional Topic Sentence – Since we identified why money is so hard to save, let’s talk about easy ways to save money; on and off campus. B. Evidence – ON CAMPUS: Use meal swipes more than eating fast food; save for once a week. Southeastern Food Pantry is available 2 days a week for all Southeastern students to get food items for free. If you receive a refund check, put half in savings and don’t spend it all at once. OFF CAMPUS: Take advantage of your student ID; you never know who takes it. When grocery shopping, buy items that are on sale, use coupons, and buy offbrand items (sometimes they are just as good as or even better than the real brand). If you like to do extra shopping, save it to once a month or shop sites when they have sales. Unidays.com lets you know when sites have discounts for students. If you have a job, when you receive your paycheck, take care of necessities first and with whatever is left over put it towards a savings account or treating yourself. Budgeting apps and apps like groupon and retail me not allow you to budget your money and buy items and get services for less. C. Analysis – Since I am a frugal shopper myself, all of these things have worked for me. I like to shop but I limit myself. I see spending money as business before pleasure. I also make sure that I can put money into my savings as often as I can. D. Summarize – At first, saving money might feel different to you but practicing these principles can become a habit. Limit excessive spending and avoid splurging on unnecessary things. How to apply these steps for financial stability in the long run A. Transitional Topic Sentence – Lastly, let’s apply the previous ways to save money for the long run. B. Evidence – H. Jude Boudreaux from Time.com noticed the main conflict for young people: desire to prepare for the future or living and enjoying things now. He gives tips on how to save for the future while still being able to enjoy life now. He advises young people to understand their cash flow, limit monthly bills, and save for present and future goals (2014). C. Analysis - Don’t plan on spending more than you make, eliminate unnecessary occurring things from monthly bills (magazines, music, streaming services), and put aside money whenever you can for possibly buying a car, an apartment or the iPhone X. D. Summarize – It is possible to plan for the future while still enjoying your life now. Make sure to understand your money and get rid of things that are not necessities. III.

Conclusion A. Thesis restatement – To close, saving money is important and beneficial to college students because it will save us from stress in the future.

B. Main Point Summary (aka Preview restatement) – I talked about why it is so hard to save money, easy ways to do it, and how to take those steps and apply them to the future. C. Restate Listeners’ Connection (aka Tie Back to the Audience) – As we are starting to have more adult responsibilities, knowing how to properly handle money and how to spend it wisely has significant impact. D. Restate Your Connection (aka Credentials Restatement) – Growing up in a frugal household, I am confident in my choices of spending money and I am satisfied with what is in my checking and savings accounts because I have applied these principles and I stick with them. E. Clincher (aka End with impact) – The art is not in making money, but in keeping it. Proverb (2014). References Boudreaux H. (2014 July 16). 5 Secrets to Saving for the Future While Enjoying Life Now. Retrieved from http://time.com/money/2967676/save-future-enjoy-life-now/ Hamm, T. (2016 April 22). Five Big Reasons Why It’s So Hard to Make Financial Progress – and Strategies for Overcoming Each One. Retrieved from https://www.thesimpledollar.com/five-big-reasons-why-its-so-hard-to-make-financialprogress-and-strategies-for-overcoming-each-one/ Zhang, H. (2014 June 15). 10 Great Quotes About Saving Money. Retrieved from https://thoughtcatalog.com/helen-zhang/2014/06/10-great-quotes-about-saving-money/...

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