Oxygenation Critical Competency Rubric PDF

Title Oxygenation Critical Competency Rubric
Author Fartun Osman
Course Accelerated Nursing: Nursing Care Of Older Adults (Clinical)
Institution St. Cloud State University
Pages 5
File Size 164.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 37
Total Views 137


oxygen delivery for older adults. safe admission of oxygen...


Oxygenation Critical Competency Rubric Student Name: ______________________________ Section: __________ Preparation and Planning:  On Time for critical competency  Required Paperwork and Materials (any checklists, rubric, medication cards, hand sanitizer, stethoscope, pen, watch)  Required Dress (Lab coat and name tag)  Student has reviewed scenario and Kardex (provided in classroom) prior to coming back to critical competency 

Skill must be completed in less than 15 minutes. Start Time HERE: _________ End Time HERE:________ (if longer than 15 minutes skill must be repeated) Scoring And Components

Meets Expectations – 2 *Cannot miss a starred item

Process 

Student enters room and uses KWIPES, (knocks, washes hands, identify, privacy (states or pulls curtain), explains procedure, maintains a safe environment)

o Student uses KWIPES

Needs Improvement-1.5

Below Expectations - 1

Comments and Score

If student remembers a starred item after the fact will be automatically scored here o Cannot be scored here o Cannot be scored here

NOTE: In the process phase you either do it or don’t if you miss one you will a zero; if it is a starred item, it is retest

Identifies 2 forms of ID before administration (looks at ID band has patient state name and DOB while comparing it Revised 2021

to MAR) Initial Respiratory Assessment

o Assesses degree of breathing difficulty



o Students needs some prompting but shows preparation and knowledge with a focused respiratory assessment (misses 2-3 items on assessment phase score here)

o Student shows lack of preparation and needs assistance several times to get through the focused respiratory phase (misses -4 items on assessment phase score here)

o Raises HOB to 45 degrees

Procedure/Interventions 

With administration student communicates therapeutically the need for medication (oxygen)

o Obtains SPO2 reading by using the pulse oximeter o *Verifies order for oxygen o *Student Identifies patient with two forms of ID before administration o Assembles oxygen equipment o Attaches flow meter and cannula o Adjusts oxygen level appropriate for the patient o Feels to be sure oxygen is flowing from cannula o Places cannula in patient’s nose with prongs down

Revised 2021

Focused Respiratory Assessment

o Obtains the rest of the vital signs

Performs a focused respiratory assessment thoroughly see boxes

o Pain

These do not need to be in order

o Asks the patient if they are having a productive cough

Coughing/Turning and Deep Breathing:  Splint surgical incision with a bath blanket or pillow if necessary  Deep breathing: Assist client to sitting position if possible, Inhale slowly through nose (x 3), With each inhalation, hold breath for 3 seconds, Exhale slowly and completely through pursed lips for 6 seconds, Voluntary forced coughing, after third inhalation, cough (x 3) while exhaling the air  Assess client’s breath sounds for improvement following breathing interventions

o Auscultates Lung sounds

o Students needs some prompting but shows preparation and knowledge with procedure /interventions (misses 3 items on procedure/intervention phase score here)

o Student shows lack of preparation and needs assistance several times to get through procedure/interven tions (misses 4 items on the procedure/interven tion phase score here)

o Assesses capillary refill o Verbalizes they are checking mucous membranes (can ID to instructor what they are looking for) o Student demonstrates therapeutic communication (eye contact, at patient level, conscious of non-verbal behaviors) o Student explains purposes of what they are doing and any equipment they may be using o Encourages the Revised 2021

importance of water (offer water) o Offers a tissue o Re-enforces teaching of deep breathing and coughing procedures (demonstrate to patient) (breath for 3, hold for 3 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds through pursed lips) o Discusses the reasons for coughing and deep breathing, oxygen therapy, and hydration o Listens to lung sounds after coughing and deep breathing o Places no smoking sign in room

Post Interventions

o Discusses other safety (2-3 items) precautions with oxygen therapy o Obtains post vital signs from instructor o Verbalizes to instructor

o Students needs some prompting but shows preparation and knowledge-misses 2 items

o Student shows lack of preparation and needs assistance several times to get Revised 2021

how student is aware of patient’s improved respiratory status (can list 2 at minimum)

Safety 

Upon leaving the room student ensures patient is safe; bed in lowest position, call light in reach, making sure patient does not need anything Completes skill in 15 minutes or less (automatic repeat if longer)

in first category

o Discusses with instructor the need for adjustment (they only need to discuss here they don’t need to adjust) o Bed is in lowest position o Cannot be scored here

through-misses 3 or more items in first category

o Cannot be scored here

o Patient has call light in reach o Completes skill in 15 minutes or less NOTE: NOTE: In the safety phase you either do it or don’t if you miss one you will have a zero

____/10 ***If you miss 5 or more points over the entire rubric you will automatically need to redo the competency

Revised 2021...

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