P2, M1 Discuss how work experience will help you prepare for employment in the health and social care sector PDF

Title P2, M1 Discuss how work experience will help you prepare for employment in the health and social care sector
Author Ella Douthwaite
Course Health And Social Care Values
Institution City College Norwich
Pages 2
File Size 103.6 KB
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Form HSC AG 3: Work Experience Placement Plan

Discuss how work experience will help you prepare for employment in the health and social care sector Experience in the health and social care sector will help with employment in several ways, Firstly gaining experience in this area improve vital skills that are required to work in health and social care, these include organisation and personal skills, these skills are developed by watching and listening to other staff members and asking for help in areas needed. Work experience will also help develop knowledge that will help interviews and job applications. Having work experience benefits a student because “Employers value competitive advantage and that's what work experience gives you’ (https://www.theiet.org/students/work-careers/workexperience/benefits.cfm 2017, viewed 25th October 2018) Being in an environment that is similar to the career I want to go into (in my case children’s nursing) will really help give me a real idea and an accurate representation of what working in this sector would actually be like. It also gives me an understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, its shown that ‘Young people are more likely to be successful in their job if they have done some good work experience” (Allaboutcareers.com date unknown, accessed 25th October 2018) Which explains how without experience a learner simply cant know the real expectations of a certain career or job prospect.

Discuss how work experience will inform your own understanding of the health and social care sector and your own career choices? Experience in different health and social care roles can help me determine which careers health care offers and would suit me best or choose in the future, this can be seen in completing work experience, For example working in a residential home would be a lot different then working in a primary school or day centre because different age groups can require different levels of attention and I could learn this in different placements. Although we learn procedures and policies in the classroom, being on placement really helps put words to action and seeing them used in a live, real setting helps us to learn examples of how they’re used in everyday life. As I am certain on what career I want to be in, work experience in a primary school will benefit me hugely because it means I will be able to experience being around and working alongside children for long hours and using the duty of care in a real setting, However, placement can also help me determine if being and working around children all day is the right choice for as I can see how it will be like. Work experience at this stage of my learning gives me a chance to change my mind on a career if I choose to which I think is a huge benefit. Employers also give credit to those who participate in work experience , ‘getting good work experience while you are at school will stand you in good stead when it comes to getting hired’ (https://targetcareers.co.uk/careersadvice/skills-and-experience/388-work-experience-for-school-students-what-you-need-and-howto-get-it accessed 11th october 2018) The skills gained on placement are endless and employers really value



Form HSC AG 3: Work Experience Placement Plan

Analyse how work experience (placement) can provide support in gaining a realistic understanding of the health and social care sector.’ Health and social care gives you a realistic understanding of the health and social care sector because you experience within a real organisation dealing with real service users, In some cases students can experiencing their future career and getting a head start at learning procedures and guidelines to help support them when they finally go into the real career. As my placement is in a primary school I will be experiencing taking care of children and helping them learn which is essential as a children’s nurse, I would also learn how to communicate in different ways that the child understands. Being on placement means you will be working along side people who also want to be in that profession and share the same goals as you which can help develop each others learning, “Placements provide the opportunity to be involved in team-based working” (https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/your-studies/academic-services/careers-andemployability/placements-and-work-based-learning, Date unknown accessed 25th October 2018) On the other hand placement doesn’t always provide a realistic understanding of the career because as you are not employed as a staff member the things you can do are limited and only attending once a week which means that building relationships with the service users could become more difficult, I also wouldn’t be able to experience different atmospheres on different days due to only being there on a Thursday.

Reference list: 1)

Theiet.org. (2018). [online] Available at: https://www.theiet.org/students/work-careers/workexperience/benefits.cfm 2017 [Accessed 25 Oct. 2018].


Ltd, A. (2018). Graduate Jobs, Internships & School Leaver Jobs | AllAboutCareers. [online] Allaboutcareers.com. Available at: https://www.allaboutcareers.com/ [Accessed 25 Oct. 2018]


Targetcareers.co.uk. (2018). Work experience for school students: what you need and how to get it | TARGETcareers Futurewise. [online] Available at: https://targetcareers.co.uk/careers-advice/skills-andexperience/388-work-experience-for-school-students-what-you-need-and-how-to-get-it [Accessed 25 Oct. 2018].


learning, P. and Plymouth, U. (2018). Placements and work-based learning. [online] University of Plymouth. Available at: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/student-life/your-studies/academic-services/careers-andemployability/placements-and-work-based-learning [Accessed 25 Oct. 2018]


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