PAD Topic 1-2 PDF

Title PAD Topic 1-2
Course Changing Envr Soc, Bus & Govt
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Public Administration Topics 1-2 Topic 1: History of Public Administration Discipline: The Emergence of Public Management Reading: Henry pp. 36-54 (Chapter 2) Introduction for public management and private management:  Formal and informal structure in sectors o Formal structure is more complex in public management  Public sector is highly regulated and can be seen as inflexible  Too rule based to allow for any innovation between sectors  Made up of service organizations so its more difficult to improve processes in service organisations than in manufacturing ones because the customer is part of the process  Impossible to separate the public sector from politics  priorities are always going to be governed by political expediency, which is why politicians’ promises to stay out of operational decisions don’t usually last beyond the election night party. The public sector distributes the government’s resources, or the taxpayer’s cash, so business decisions will be coloured by political concerns. Organisations therefore find themselves caught between what makes operational sense and what makes political sense. o Private structure is less complex  Private sector is more flexible and open to innovations; profit and people driven o Informal structure is more complex in public management  The informal organization is the interlocking social structure hat governs how people work together in practice  The aggregate of, norms, personal and professional connections through which work gets done and relationships are built among people who share a common organizational affiliation or cluster of affiliations  Consists of personal relationships, social networks and communities of common interest and emotion motivation  Informal structure - anything out of constitution is this to respond to these players etc. in public sector is also complex because of rules etc  Players, actors etc  Evaluation Techniques o Social, cultural, political aspects with their life, and evaluate if they are satisfied etc o Search for instrumental and efficiency (private sector)  Goals in private sector o The public sector search for social and normative goals along with instrumental and efficiency  Public Interest o Freedom & equality criteria o People have to be happy and content o High $$- for a group w big means , you have to worry about that o No equity

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More complex in public sector because of all these factors You have to adhere to the law  Social/Normative Goals o Private is less complex o Public is more complex because they have to deal with and respond to government rules and regulations  Instrumental Efficiency o Search for instrumental and efficiency (private sector)  Goals in private sector o The public sector search for social and normative goals along with instrumental and efficiency  Planning range o Private management o Long range planning?  Private is the one that has most plan  Job Tenure o Masters (to him) o Time?  Politics o Included in the Public sector to adhere to the wants and needs of those involved o Involved in the public sector mostly  Equity o Public Sector o Being fair and impartial o That’s why they follow laws because they can’t be either a super democrat or a super republican  Policies must adhere to both  Efficiency o Private Sector o Working as productively as possible o Weber (1922): bureaucracy ensures goods and services can be produced in the most efficient manner possible The beginning of the discipline: Public Administration and Wilson (1887; LATE 19 TH CENTURY)  Goodnow wrote, Politics has to do with policies or expressions of the state will, while administration has to do with the execution of these policies.  Politics/Administration Dichotomy (theory) o Separation between politics and administration  Politics – legislature & are elected] Value- laden  Administration includes bureaucracy and are appointed (value –free; nonpartisan)  Deal with effectiveness  Efficiency  productivity o politics and public admin are separated but they gradually mix

o Paradigm works through theories (not policies) o The Politics-administration dichotomy is a theory that constructs the boundaries of public administration and asserts the normative relationship between elected officials and administrators in a democratic society. Reform began in the 19th cent. Started social science discipline o Began 130 years ago o Politics and admin were always separate!  We separated them in theory  1st theory Late 19th cent began with Woodrow WILSON (political science major at the time) o Admin or city admin- were hella corrupt  Chicago - NYC - etc were v corrupt o Massive immigration from ethnic groups to cities of us o Came form Europe for economic reason immigrating to be distributed to the cities. o Poor immigrants no lang no $$$ o No welfare state- no services for them or help (on your own) o Party political machines - have a whole parous of democracy taking care of immigrants - kept them English & get jobs & licenses to get lil jobs o Huge corruption project - informal relationship btwn them  They give vote to them, the democratic  Machines!!!!  Direct link to org. crime (Al Capone)- help the immigrants  Take under protection  IRS and counting issues like taxes- not just gangs etc. o Parties aren't the gov't – they can’t make up laws o Wilson refers to corruption and says that we should start to introduce s correct public admin  Motive:  Organize a clean professional government  Get rid of corrupt administration  Reform the cities  Corrupt administration  Created the discipline through his essay  Divide the politics from admin  Called for reform - against political machines Value-laden politics (ELECTED) o Presupposing the acceptance of a particular set of values o If something you say is value-laden you have put your personal and strong views into it.  You think something is better than the other o When a person makes a value-laden statement, he is implying that whatever he is saying is fact, rather than an opinion. Values are not inherently true Value free administration driven by effectiveness (APPOINTED) o Civil service

o Not think something is better than the other o Driven by effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity o Although the concept of a value-free, neutral administration is regarded by many as no longer tenable, no fully satisfactory substitute has been offered. History of six paradigms of public administration and Wilson (1887)  Paradigm 1: o Politics/Administration Dichomy  Beginning of the Discipline. – Wilson (essay)  the notion was to strengthen a distinct politics/administration dichotomy by relating it to value/fact dichotomy. Everything that public administrationists scrutinized in the executive branch was imbued with the colorings and legitimacy of being somehow “factual” and “scientific”, while the study of policy making and related matters was left to the political scientists. In political science departments, it is the public administrationists who teach organization theory, budgeting, and personnel while political scientists teach virtually everything else.  Public admin. Reform began in the late 19th century.  History context to why the economy developed as a theory  It all began with wilson  1887 wilson was a professor who wrote an article "the study of admin" o Faculty man. In political science  1st piece published in public admin  Beginning of the discipline.  10 years later- woodrow wilson becomes pres. Of wilson univ.  1913-then went to become pres of usa  Active in ww1 - leaugue of nations  Is it possible that the person who later would be the pres was so naïve that he didn’t understand that politics of admin are mix?  a theory that constructs the boundaries of public administration and asserts the normative relationship between elected officials and administrators in a democratic society.  Woodrow Wilson created this theory through his 1887 essay “The Study of Administration”  a theory that constructs the boundaries of public administration and asserts the normative relationship between elected officials and administrators in a democratic society.  The politics-administration dichotomy is an important concept in the field of public administration and shows no signs of going away because it deals with the policy-makers role as an administrator and the balancing act that is the relationship between politics and administration. o 1900-1926

The concentration of study during this period was on locus, where public administration should be.  Beginning of the discipline.  10 years later- woodrow wilson becomes pres. Of wilson univ.  1913-then went to become pres of usa  Active in ww1 - leaugue of nations  Is it possible that the person who later would be the pres was so naïve that he didn’t understand that politics of admin are mix?  He prob knew, but he was active in opening the municiple reform movement (progressive mvmt) o Late 19th cent early 20th cent. o Pioneers of the mvmt o Advocated for municipal reform  Reform US cities organize clean profess govt and get inbetween unethical and unprof govt system  Late 19th cent  Admin or city admin- were hella corrupt  Chicago - NYC - etc were v corrupt  Massive immigration from ethnic groups to cities of us  Came form Europe for economic reason immigrating to be distributed to the cities.  Poor immigrants no lang no $$$  No welfare state- no services for them or help (on your own)  Party political machines - have a whole parous of democracy taking care of immigrants - kept them English & get jobs & licenses to get lil jobs  Huge corruption project - informal relationship btwn them o They give vote to them, the democratic o Machines!!!!  Direct link to org. crime (Al Capone)- help the immigrants  Take under protection  IRS and counting issues like taxes- not just gangs etc.  Parties aren't gov't  Wilson refers to corruption and says that we should start to introduce s correct public admin o Divide the politics from admin o Called for reform - against political machines o Goodnow 1900 (Emphasis on Locus)  Goodnow’s Politics and Administration, 1900  contended that there where “two distinctfunctions of government”. Politics has to do with policies or expressions of the state will,

 while administration has to do with the execution of these policies Frank J. Goodnow (1859-1939) – in his published book on Politics and Administration(1900), he identified two distinct functions of government:  1. Politics – has to do with policies or expressions of the state will.  2. Administration – has to do with the execution of these policies. Goodnow and his fellow administrationists view public administration to center in the government bureaucracy. During the “public service movement” taking place in American universities in the early part of the century, public administration received its first serious attention from scholars. In 1914, the Committee on Instruction in Government of the American Political Science Association issued a statement that political science was concerned with training for citizenship, professional preparations such as law, and training “experts and to prepare specialists for governmental positions.” o Locus Focus  Locus means location of admin activity  Where is the location? Administration!  Admin should be v specific in gov't in public sector  Focus means the substance/content of the admin activity  POSDCORB- Substance/ content of the admin activity because that’s what we do in public admin o The content  Principles practice in public and private sector  The location isnt an issue  Public admin is loosing uniqueness  Apply the principles in both sectors  “locus (where)” or “focus (what).” A recurring locus of public administration is the government bureaucracy but often this traditional locus has been blurred. One focus of public administration has been the study of certain “principles of administration” but again this has been altered with the changing paradigms of the field. He observes that when locus has been relatively sharply defined, the other has been relatively ignored in academic circles and vice-versa. Below are loci and foci of reviewing the intellectual development of public administration. Paradigm 2: Principles of Public Administration 1927-1937 o Principles of Public Administration  POSDCORB - Focus  Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Reporting & Budgeting 

Gulick and Urwick Can be applied in both sectors of the field Scientific  ?  Work like machines (apply science to the practice of administration)  Efficient and effective 1933- the time of the great depression  time of social security 1937- Book was published & report submitted to Roosevelt  Gulick was chairperson releasing to the president 1927-37  loosing the uniqueness to The challenge  The challenge wasn’t paradigm 2 but the precourser of paradigm 3 Administrative Behavior  No politics in the group (Good group)  Social sec. law established  Private savings account for every American Citizen  So no one can can touch it (not even president)  Science didn’t work in long run so 1st time the Gulick started to be more political Simon (APPLIED AND PRACTICAL)  Noble prize for econ- social sciences  The “administrative behavior”  Simon says: Administrative behavior- refers full attention to concept of behavior  How do people behave in an organization?  What the administration should be like  Should isn’t an issue o He just wants to know how public administration would work in practice o How people behave in practice; like beurocrat o Much more applied does NOT apply abstract principles o Go look at people in practice THEN write your rules  Far more practice Observe behavior  then create theory (caused a huge revolution)  Abstract theory o Go to offices and admin o See how people behave in practice o In org. and communication o How to bureaucrats behave  Simon recognizes that we do informal things (Communication)! o Not just working o Talk to our coworkers about our informal life o o o

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o Bring behavior to the organization o Bernard & Mayo o Leads to decision making  People come to groups, talk, make decisions  Decision making  Limited by intelligence & resources -> not best decisions  Bounded Rationality; accepts that decision making is limited  Taking formal and informal theory and see if we can morph them together o Willoughby 1927  927 - F. W. Willoughby published his book, Principles of Public Administration, the second fully fledged text in the field depicting certain scientific principles of administration. o 1938-1950  The Challenge – (Barnard 1938) o Politics and administration could never be separated in any remotely sensible fashion. o The principles of administration were logically inconsistent. o Questioned the assumption that politics and administration could be dichotomized. This is supported by “A theory of public administration means in our time a theory of politics also.” o There could be no such thing as a “principle” of administration o 1947 – The reaction to the challenge  Positive with P.A.  Science of P.A. Paradigm 3: Public Administration as Political Science o Studies human behavior  Still in the political science department  1950-1970s o Case Studies  We take a story/real life office event and do role playing  Reflect on reality and learn to react and respond in a way they can react to what they'd be doing o Comparative public administration  How admin behavior influenced and effected by culture  Huge component in comparative human admin  Historic context  Moving from western societies to  Discipline moving to these areas: Asia  Different from west

Take this and start to compare to other countries and settings o What affects their world and behavior is their culture o Impact of culture in behavior  Both conducted in pub management & political science Paradigm 4: Public Administration as Management: (Focus) o 1950-1970  Focused extensively on behavior  1956 – An important journal, Administrative Science Quarterly was founded by an administrationist on the premise that public, business, and institutional administration were false distinctions. Thus, administration is administration.  1960s – Organization theory should be the overarching focus of public administration according to Keith M. Henderson and others. “Organization development” began its rapid rise as a specialty in administrative science due to its involvement in social psychology, opening up of organizations, and selfactualization of the members.  A conflict arises between the public administration and private administration as triggered by administrative science. However, after years of painful dilemma, it was conceived that the concept of determining and implementing the public interest constitutes a definition of public administration. o New Public Administration and Equity  Theory and counter theory  The new public admin (Frederickson is precursor to paradigm 5)  Counter criticist to public management is o Instead of looking at this sterilized pub manage ideas you look at is all the clients and every group and deserve in equitable service o Corner stone of public administration o Serve at an equitable style o No discrimination  Becomes dominant and is reforming burocracy o In public service have to serve the population o Focus in the problem that should be resolved specifically o Where is it all coming from  Each one of paradigm have roots of things separate of time  Kennedy - peace corps  Then - Lyndon Johnson  Great society in 1960s o Voting rights act in 1964 - began  Minorities voting o Urban renweal program in cities o Fed grants for education empoyment etc. go to communities all around usa

Paradigm 5: Public Administration as Public Administration (Locus) o 1970- Present  The term “public affairs” became popularized.  Public administrationists have been increasingly concerned on areas of policy science, political economy, public policy-making process and its analysis, measurement of policy outputs.  Public administration is, at last, intellectually prepared for the building of an institutionally autonomous educational curriculum. This is because of the presence of a paradigmatic focus of organization theory and management science and also a paradigmatic locus of the public interest as it relates to public affairs.  1971-1973 o 1970-1971 – Undergraduate enrollments in public administration increased by 36 percent. o 1971-1972 – Graduate enrollments went up 50 percent based on figures provided by NASPAA (National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration)  Graduate public administration programs that were part of political science departments sank from 48% to 36% during these periods.  Those programs connected with business schools (13%) appeared to be declining.  The percentage of separate schools of public administration more than doubled from 12% in 1971 to 25% in 1972  Separate departments of public administration accounted for 23% of the 101 graduate programs surveyed in 1971-73.  In an 18-month period between 1970 and 1972, the number of units pertaining public administration more than doubled to approximately 300. o It is time for public administration to come into its own as substantial progress has been in this direction intellectually. However, it remains to be done. Paradigm 6: Governance o 1990-Present  Governance  Governance theory and perspective builds on from the eclectic character of publicadministration yet also strongly exemplifies the widely accepted notion that Public Administration is both an art and science  The concept and theories of governance has gained wide currency in contemporary publicadministration o one that can be elevated to the level of paradigm o and some even equategovernance to public administration treating it as “proxy” or “public administration ofexpanded scope” (Frederickson, 2003)

Topic 2: Formal (Closed) and Informal (Open) Organization Theory; Reading: Henry pp. 56-79 (Chap...

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