Title PAD 101
Author Nur Adriana II
Course Public administration
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 17
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THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM / ISSUED FACED BY THE MINISTRY Ministry of Sports and Youth manage the esports in Malaysia. The esports is the new defining of most advance online game nowadays that can attract young generation not just play online games but can a career from the esports and built a platform to success from hobby to a career. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually. The Problems that faced by ministry is Lack of Standardization, for instance, a lot of participants and players complain some of the tournaments lack authenticity and it can be challenging to find which tournaments are real and which one are full of scams. Next, Lack of infrastructure in terms of internet accessibility, training hubs and Mentors for example The Rural Development Ministry will focus on the development of high-speed Internet access infrastructure in rural areas to attract youth to venture into Esports. In 2017, the average internet speed in Malaysia was 8.9 Mbps, accessibility to the internet still a problem especially in rural areas. Other than that, there should also be more legitimate gaming hubs Open nationwide rather than just focused in Downtown areas only. Furthermore, there should be sufficient mentors and programmers to train and nurture future talents and see more of that with education institutes such as Asia Pacific University. Last but not least is Limited Sources of revenue The main source of revenue for esports organization comes form sponsorship. Esports organizations generally earn revenue by providing a platform for brands to market their products and services through the organization, with the popularity of the players. Player’s salaries, staff salaries, team’s gaming house, and equipment maintenance as well as miscellaneous costs such as travel expenses are just some of the cost that needs

to be given due thought. The ministry of Communications and Multimedia and MDCE Digital Economy Corporation in accelerating digital content creative industry must play the important role to in managing the esports problems. Next, Ministry play their role by creating Tournament and events to built up the esports team to push their goals to international. Other that that, The ministry of Finance play the important role by use the budgeting to support the esports in Malaysia. according to 2019 Annual Budget, MOF laid down RM10 Million to be invested in the development of Esports. It was the first ever annual budget announcement in Southeast Asia focused exclusively on the development of esports. Local and Foreign professional esports athletes, teams, organizations, esports event companies, private sectors and government agencies- all of which contributed to the production of the development plan for the future. So to make sure the esports in Malaysia to success, a lot of steps have been made by using planning, organizing, decision making and controlling.

2.0 PLANNING 2.1 Definition of planning Planning defining organizational goals, establishing a strategy to reach those goals and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate a coordinate activities. Planning is the most basic managerial function because without planning the organization cannot be function.

2.2 Importance and types of planning The first importance of planning is manager and employee put forth greater effort when following a plan. They will work together to follow the same path so the organization goals easily to achieve. For example, The Ministry of Youth and Sports provides many strategic priorities aimed to maintain the continuance of esports excellence in Malaysia. The plan will also serve as a reference point for all industry players to help develop the esports industry as a whole. The 5-year plan will shed some light onto the future of esports in Malaysia. The Government of Malaysia always will be supportive of the development of esports. It will become one of the key economic areas in the world of sports, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports has prepared to lead the nation to the betterment of youth and sports

2.3 Short term and Long-term plan The first planning is the proposed National Esports Hub project will serve as one of the key initiatives and catalysts in this Strategic Plan for Esports Development. A dedicated, well-located and affordable 500-person capacity national esports venue will reduce costs, set-up time and manpower requirements, thereby enabling more medium-sized events to be held regularly. A stage arena complete with lighting, sound, production, live stream, internet and networking facilities will be readily available for rent to third-party organisers for events and tournaments. The incorporated accommodation element will also make long-term esports leagues viable. Furthermore, the proposed National Esports Hub will also serve other esports strategic

initiatives, namely the Esports High Performance Program, the National Esports League, and the Public Education and Awareness Program. All the aforementioned programs as well as others held at the National Esports Hub will drive momentum to push the Strategic Plan for Esports Development forward and continuously attract high traffic, publicity, and exposure to the centre. Private sector joint ventures based on Request for Proposal (RFP) will be explored. In addition to government grants, private sector investments and sponsorships will contribute greatly to the cause. The efforts will be focused on refurbishing existing government facilities or building new ones to be used in the long-term development of the National Esports Hub. The centre will be a role model and reference for future esports centers in other states. Parents would more readily give permission for their children to join or attend events held in state esports centres, which will become a community centre of sorts for the esports community and fans alike. This will not only help provide a proper space for esports enthusiasts to socialise and grow, but also boost the confidence of the general public towards esports Next, the second planning is develop a national esports academy Centre to Train National Esports Athletes and Develop the Esports Ecosystem In Malaysia, there is a marked lack of esports academies that cover the whole esports ecosystem. For example, talent management and athlete development are areas that are largely unexplored. Currently, development of esports is mainly being run by the private sector and is not regulated. Thus, there is a need to develop a national esports academy to create a professional and controlled environment for the esports industry to grow. Develop young players is the main priority in building esports ecosystem. Most of the players are self-taught. There are no proper syllabus on esports whereby players can learn vital skills such as discipline, communication skills, and time management. Often, these skill sets make a world of difference between professional players and casual gamers. Currently, there are two small scale private esports academies in Malaysia, which are not sufficient to serve local esports scene. The National Esports Academy will serve to fill this gap and

serve national goals by developing these essential skills in national esports athletes. In the national esports academy, players will have a proper coach, manager, analyst, and fitness instructor - some players will even have their own dietician. Like traditional sports, the support team can guide and coach talented players becoming professional athlete. Private sectors can help by making investments to establish more esports academies.

2.4 Time frame The Strategic Plan for Esports Development will mark a milestone in the progress of the local esports scene in Malaysia. Esports has been active in Malaysia for more than 10 years. It has thrived and attained steady progress over the years. The strategic plan will be a roadmap for the future development of local esports ecosystem. It will cover all the fundamentals of esports, including but not limited to: players, organizations, associations, event organizers, as well as law and governance. It will not only serve as a guideline for the rights and duties of players, but also boost the confidence in Malaysia’s esports organization, convince private sectors to venture into esports, ease event organizers efforts in running esports events and tournaments in Malaysia, as well as serve as a reference for the Ministries and Government agencies regarding esports. The plan is the product of the contributions of multiple layers of stakeholders. The onground engagement with stakeholders will ensure that the plan reaches the optimum and ideal target group. It involves local and foreign professional esports athletes, teams, organization , esports event companies, private sectors, and government agencies - all of which contributed to the production of the development plan. The structure of the strategic plan encompasses a comprehensive 5-year plan from 2020 to 2025. It will take full commitment and cooperation from all stakeholders - from the grassroots level to key industry players - to fully realized its true potentials. Essentially, the Strategic Plan for Esports Development is designed to boost the confidence of the public towards esports. There are many perceptions about the industry, and not all are correct nor wellinformed. In the next couple of years, the plan will convince all stakeholders to venture into esports. The introduction of the strategic plan will unlock the full potential and

remove the misconceptions about esports in Malaysia, and thus expedite the development of esports in Malaysia.

2.5 Objective to achieve The goal of establishing state esports centres is not only to improve the caliber of current players and develop potential candidates into future professionals, but also to instil a culture of professionalism within players who are used to operating on their own from remote locations or team houses in which players both work and reside. According to Udemy, esports academies can improve the quality of the esports athletes in several ways, such as strategies players’ pro gaming career focus, goal orientation and approach, create a supportive environment around players to realized their pro gaming dreams, develop successful mindsets, define pro gaming dreams and goals, and target to realize those dreams. Next, educate on how to make the right decisions in the business of esports, pinpoint common mistakes young aspiring pro gamers and teams make in order to avoid them, teach the basic principles of how to maximum gaming performance and ducated on how to overcome common problems in esports team dynamics. Last, there are vision, mission and goals esports to achieve objective. First vision is to develop and promote a sustainable esports that benefits all parties in the industry. Next, mission is we aim to propel Malaysian esports to greater heights and put Malaysia on the map as southeast asia’s most active and attractive centre for esports excellence. Besides, the goal is divided into three three levels. First, community level is for all Malaysian to better understand and participate in esports, forming a healthy and close-knit community that can fully enjoy the benefits of esports in harmony with their peers. Next for competitive level is esports athletes to achieve success at international level esports tournaments and demondstrate that Malaysia is indeed a formidable contender in the esports scene. After that, the three level is industry level as a whole to bring positive economics impacts to Malaysia and stimulate job employment at multiple levels


Definition Organizing is a process function of management that involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives. Organizing is highly complex and often involves a systematic review of human resources, finances, and priorities. An organization is a group of people who work together. For esports organization take many ways to make sure esport to be the best. In the organization involves all levels of staff in dealing with problems. All the problem which like Malaysia lacks the infrastructure to become Southeast Asia’s leading esports hub and no dedicated esports high performance center to train and develop national athletes for international tournaments. With that problem ministry take step to overcome it with refer to organizational design decision to solve it. So here ministry overcome it with this concept to sette the problem.

Organising Strategy Organization is important because it helps to reduce the stress from the daily and chronic chaos in your life. Being organized helps you to manage the overwhelm you feel because you have too much to do, you do not have the time, and you don't know where to begin. In organizing must have specialization such as prepares students to turn a passion for gaming into a viable career , teens have another alternative to putting their hobbies on their hobbies as income-generating activities and introducing the term e-sports to the world as a new culture that is gaining popularity among teenagers. Meanwhile departmentalization such asthe Malaysian Electronic Sports Association was first registered and approved by the Malaysian Sports Commissioner, steady growth in eSports viewership and the trend is likely to continue in the coming years and steady growth in eSports viewership and the trend is likely to

continue in the coming years. The increase isn’t just limited to dedicated eSports. Authority Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said he was more focused on e-Sports and thus spreading Malaysia to the world , e-sports has immense potential and is not just a hobby, it is a proven career internationally and it is a good indication that e-sports will also continue to grow at a growth rate of 22.9 percent with more countries gaining broadband penetration. Line and staff authority have done many works to make sure esport can go to ensure that e-sport can reach Southeast Asian. Line and staff authority to try hard to make sure our national Esports Academy that will spearhead Malaysia athletes esports excellence. Chain of command with the support of the ministry and sufficient funds we can develop e-sport into Southeast Asia. Span of control the span of control can be precisely determined with the support of the ministry, which can develop e-sport in our country. Centralization and decentralization which is the sports minister, Syed Sadiq made the decision exclusively in the hands of top management, to appoint a competent athlete for e-sport to expand into Southeast Asia


Definition Decisions are made at every level of management to ensure organizational or business goals are achieved. Further, the decisions make up one of the core functional values thatevery organizational adopts and implements to ensure optimum growth and durability in terms of services and or products offered. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary the term decision making means the process of deciding about something important, especially in a group of people or in an organization. Decision making is a process of identifying and selecting a course of action to solve a specific problem. Every managers takes a thousand of decisions subconsciously and consciously making it as the key component in the role of a manager. Decision play more important roles as they determine both organizational and managerial objectives. Decision making problem seeks goals. To achieve it, an organizational will face a lot of obstacle in many things. So does e-sport in Malaysia, in order to achieve their goals to transform e-sport Powerhouse not only in Asean but also in Asia. Youth and sport minister and the government need to make a good decision regarding this matter.

Types of decision making There are two types of decision making. Programmed decisions and nonprogrammed are the basic types of decision that managers make. This depend on their authority, responsibility and position in the organization decision making structure. Programmed decision is a routine or repetitive decision that can be handled by established business rules or procedures. In this situation,

youth and sport minister used programmed decision because they take note that there is no standardization at the federal level. There are states that have the initiative to change their laws and to make it easier for sport operators to obtain their licenses. This problem have already happen before so that is why it’s programmed decisions. Next, budget 2019 announced that they will reduce fixed line broadband prices and allocate RM1 Billion for the National Fibre Connecting Plan to boost internet connectivity in rural areas. Asia Pacific University (APU) launched e-sport academy program to channel student passion for competitive gaming and Brickfields Asia College (BAC) also has an e-sport boot camp that teaches you to be a player, content creator or even manager. Then, youth and sport minister will also bring whatever facilities, investment and development there is so that e-sport gamers and players will have a place. Why this is a programmed decision is because e-sport industry in Malaysia are really in limited source revenue before.

Conditions in decision making Basically, the decision maker makes decision under the condition of certainty, risk and uncertainty. These are the conditions that managers may face as they make decision. Youth and sport minister acknowledge that many e-sport operators have been complained that is was difficult to set up their training center due to licensing issue. Youth and sport minister voice his hope that the government will received the budget allocating for e-sport under budget 2020. They also taking a risk because they don’t know whether it will be successful or not. It is also uncertainty because it’s now up to the internet operators to carry out their responsibilities.

5.0 CONTROLLING Definition Malaysian government will donate 10 million to the Malaysian Digital Economic Corporation (MDEC).Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq, along with major sports activists, will spend the RM20 million allocated by the government next year including the national leagues. KBS plans to work on a league system for e-sports that looks to be able to produce more competitive athletes, at another level that gives new teams a more competitive edge. KBS also began planning for the plan since January and emphasized five Key Strategies to include stake holders in the Esports industry such as professional players, industry movers, investors and government agencies. During the 2019 Budget conference, the government allocated RM10 million in private sector efforts. According to Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, the Malaysian government will donate 10 million to the Digital Economic Corporation of Malaysia (MDEC) to develop and use E-Sports, an activity and industry considered by the younger generation using software engineers and digital game developers. E-sport was also introduced to the country last year through Sports Malaysia (SUKMA)

The importance of controlling in E-sports ESports is the fastest growing sports industry with 148 million fans and players worldwide, with prizes and sponsorships worth millions of dollars.The live eSports competition has a huge audience - a total of 380 million viewers attended the eSports tournaments in 2017. launch of the Taiwan Excellence Esports Cup (TEEC) 2019 at the nation's leading eSports center, Pantheon, One City, Subang Jaya, Selangor. The launch is the first initiative for national athletes to prepare themselves for the eSports competition at the 2019 SEA Games in the Philippin...

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