Pandora\'s Box - Mythology essay PDF

Title Pandora\'s Box - Mythology essay
Course Intro To World Mythology
Institution Montgomery College
Pages 3
File Size 125 KB
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Pandora’s Box In the story of Pandora, Zeus had Hephaestus create a woman from clay. She was given as a gift for Epimetheus. On her wedding night, she was given a box and a key. She was never told to open it. Then, Pandora decided to peek inside the box; this caused all the terrible evils of the world came flying out. Pandora closed the box and started to cry. She opened the box once more as she told her husband what happened, and hope flew out. The fact that “hope” remained in the box showed that optimism was a part of their culture. People probably referred to the hope when they felt like giving up. The idea that hope makes the end bearable and that there is always a possibility of better things. Pandora manages to shut the box with only hope left in it and all her beauty is gone. The creation of all problems in the world and hope is significant because there cannot be too much of it; it needs to be contained in the box. The box contains all the problems in the world. Pandora opens the box and all the problems

come exploding out into the world. Horrible things come out: war, spite, crime, cruelty, famine, sickness, envy, wickedness. After the box was closed and reopened, hope was brought into the world. Zeus giving Pandora a “gift” filled with evil shows trickery. She embodies humanity’s curiosity, impulsiveness, and inability to obey instructions. It also shows how the gods shouldn’t be disobeyed. If people disobeyed a god, they will be punished and there will be harsh

consequences. People have a weakness towards temptations. It teaches people to be careful to curiosity. Pandora’s name, of Greek, means the “one who bears all gifts” (Loane). Her story explains why there is evil things in the world and how human weakness can cause our own destruction. She is an example of how curiosity can get the better of an individual and lead to disorder. Pandora had to know what was in the box, even though she was told to never open it. Her story shows even during the most dark and disturbing parts of humanity, hope will always give people the power to never give up. Overall, if Pandora didn’t reopen the box, there wouldn’t be any hope of the world. The hope balances the evilness that came into the world. The saying, “curiosity killed the cat”, is relatable of Pandora’s story due to her curiosity. He curiosity killed many people due to the horrible conditions of humanity that was brought out of the box. My role in the presentation was to find reliable images that conveyed Pandora’s story well. Through some of the images that were chosen, they demonstrated her consequences for opening the box.

Works Cited

“Fascinating Womanhood: Pandora's Box.” Samantha Field, 30 July 2015, Loane, Brian. “Pandora's Box Is Still Closed.” The Huffington Post,, 29 Sept. 2016,

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