Paper 6. Dantes hell or personal hell PDF

Title Paper 6. Dantes hell or personal hell
Author Lakota Murrell
Course Humanities - Late Roman And Medieval Honors
Institution Valencia College
Pages 2
File Size 36 KB
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Paper 6. Dantes hell or personal hell...


Paper # 6 Total Word Count: 522

Personal Hell

Can a person choose their own hell? Is it possible that we are the creators of our own destruction? If it is actually true, would you classify and design hell based off of Dante’s Comedic Poem, specifically Inferno? Or would you design your own? When it comes to aftermath of capital punishment of convicts, the idea of sending them to hell and forcing them to suffer from the crimes they committed would seem like an ideal punishment for thousands of people. The unfortunate and yet fortunate fact is that no one has ever actually seen hell and returned to tell about it. Therefore we are forced to create our own idea or opinion about the afterlife and eternal torment of the damned. Would we condemn all of the world’s rapists, murderers, muggers, pedophiles, etc. to a hell based off of Dante’s Inferno or would we design a hell more based off of their crime? The hell that Dante designs and tells us about in his story, Inferno, tells us about the different levels of hell from limbo to eternal burning in the fiery pits. Each level representing a new and unfathomable hell based off of your crime, the lower the level the greater your crime. The story has struck fear into the hearts and minds of those who have read the poems. Churches drill the story into your hearts and

minds in hopes of making its church goers remain faithful and wholesome for their entire lives. Millions if not billions of people have come to accept this as their own individual hell and do their best to avoid it. Now a more logical and more interesting, creative, intense version of hell that people could be sent to would be that of their own imagination. People would be sent to the most harsh and dangerous environments ever to be imagined. The people would be sent to the deepest, darkest pits of hell where they will face their most feared things, creatures, superstitions, etc. In hell there is no salvation and no redemption for the crimes they committed. There is a higher chance of this being the true hell than the one that Dante created. However, real or not. Based off of the crimes of humanity, Dante’s hell remains one of ultimate despair and anguish that millions of people fear and will not dare to attempt to find out for themselves. As far as the question goes however, would a convict committed to death go to Dante’s hell or a hell designed off of them? I personally think that they would go to a hell based off of what crimes they committed and personality they had. The individual hell of the person would reflect that of them and what they did wrong. Murders could possible face an eternity of being stabbed/shot/strangled etc. While a pedophile/sex offender would face more, invasive, torments. The list of punishments can go on and on depending on the person. We will probably never know for sure, but I sure hope that I never find out. To those that do find out, good luck and my god be with you....

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