Personality Analysis of Tony Stark PDF

Title Personality Analysis of Tony Stark
Author Angelina Lewis
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Mt. San Jacinto College
Pages 6
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Utilizing, the Freudian and the humanistic approach of personality, the paper seek to explore personality characterists and distinguish key connections of the two speculations in the movie Iron Man...



Personality Analysis of Tony Stark Author's Name Institutional Affiliation Course name and number Instructor's Name Assignment Due Date

2 Introduction The fictional individual that will be analyzed for the fictional character is Tony Stark (also known as the Iron man) the main character in the of the Iron man movie franchise. When Iron man was still was a young adult he had passion for technology and machines. At the age fifteen years he completed his undergrad studies and by nineteen years of age he completed his masters degree while still in his teenage hood. Shortly after, when he was twenty one years he assumed control of Stark International managing to increase the companies revenue. In the movie, Stark manages to portray a series of traits, such as humanist and Freudian personality approaches. He played a major role in the movie and turned into an established both as superhero because of his wits and intelligence. Utilizing, the Freudian and the humanistic approach of personality, the paper seek to explore personality characterists and distinguish key connections of the two speculations in the movie Iron Man Humanistic Approach to Tony Stark Personality As the owner of the of stark corporation, the iron man first move was to remove the individuals that conspired and produced faulty brake used in the vehicle that killed both his parents, he then modified and improved the braking systems to prevent other individual from being exposed to similar accidents. Through Maslow's humanistic personality approach, iron man endeavors to advances to self realization and his prospective for development and fulfillment is determined via his ethical concerns to address issues through his company, which is also apparent as a superhero (CBS Interactive Inc. 2013). He promptly delegates his parent's personal assistant Potts as his right hand aide since she was more conscious of the organization's inward activities and Iron man uses her as a component in lieu of the Ego, where his character is apprehensive about interceding between the real world and his personal lifeexistence with his

3 personal aide being the extrinsic component with his emphasis on other inner issues of his existence. He accepts that there is a need to zero in on one piece of his ego Iron Man so there is no dispute morally between the Id and Superego drives needs. It is felt that Marvel Comics set up Starks character concerning the life of the rich and productive playboy Howard Hughes. It might be construed that the Iron Man persona was a picture of the weakness with respect to private endeavor during the 1960s when the character of the movie was established (Teague, 2013). While Iron Man did not simply fight socialists and outlaws from the Eastern Block, he likewise fought for the likelihood that anything is possible with determination and hard work. When Humanist approach of theory is looked at, the concept of was that everyone should try improve their self similar to individual-centered demeanor. Indisputable expected to fill in a field that outfitted him with responsiveness, affirmation, and empathy. Getting a handle on this point of view and with his steady exertion, Stark International transformed into a multi-billion dollar industry whose emphasis was high-tech weaponry deals for the Federal government of the United States. Evident brought in to working in the association's weapons zone and went to deal with tests that showed the association's military hardware. In Afghanistan, following a presentation of imaginative military commands, The team of Iron man was attacked, and during the battle, a mines exploded and in the process the disintergrated shells struck and entered into chest near his hear. Freudian Approach to Tony Stark Personality In his childhood, Tony Stark was a talented fellow who at age seven he was shipped off to school. It was not easy for him during his schooling years to socialize and identify with his peers (he was much on introvert), so much of energy was directed toward technology and machines. According to Freudian personality approach shows that Iron man character was conflicted with

4 various impetuses that would assist him in his present situation what’s more that was coming . Here Stark refined and persistently built up his character during the stages moving from the Oral Stage through the Genital stage where the Ego intervened the requests of Starks id, alongside the personality situated in all actuality (Novick & Novick, 2013). Iron man explored the stages however appeared to have a few clashes during the Oral stage but since of his knowledge give the feeling that he met the achievements at the fitting age if not sooner and even at a more youthful age had understanding and understood that his function on the planet and was moving toward a path that was a higher priority than he ever envisioned. Both Stark's parents were the major investor in Stark Industries. They were murdered in a road accident that was later found was set up by their competitor called Republic OiL. While at fifteen years of age, using Freud's' theory of the psychoanalytic speculation, Starks is in the genital stage where youthfulness begins. Here Starks superego serves to deal with his instinctual energies and shapes his character in a way that grants him to focus in his energy on preparing. As a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he graduated with two Master's declaration at 19. Starks' father's old mate Obadiah Stane would accept accountability for Stark Industries until Stark turns 21 and gets the association. comparison Apparent examination of character looked at Freud's psychoanalytical theory that conceivably recognizes Starks character as one with characteristics of an oral forceful character, which has opposition sections. This downturn is the outcome of some dispute between the heart and its id. Be that as it may, psychosis is the down to earth equal to the aftereffect of a near exacerbation in the association between the ability to be self aware and its present condition (outside world)" (Freud, 1959). Further pieces of information shows that Stark's character is hard

5 to access in psychoanalytic treatment, given his knowledge level. His exchange nerves, of failure to save his parent. Appropriately, he will endeavor to save the world is more reasonable in the Iron Man persona to examination reliant on his impression of derived safety in the covering and his mind as the mix of Starks character and Iron Man solidified will, all in all, show a narcissistic despondency that reflects and addresses conflict between the character and the superego, rather than the exchange mental issues as the Tony character alone, which incorporates a dispute between the still, small voice and id. The examine used humanistic personality hypothesis to recommend that Iron man’s life should be seen as an excursion of self-improvement. Almost immediately as opposed to confronting his parent's homicide, Stark rather entertains himself with schooling and designing ideas, separating himself from the torment of what was occurring in the now, misfortune. He at that point utilizes his organization as an impetus for ethical quality, the great versus the insidious, further showing itself as Iron Man, in this manner isolating himself as the individual that straightforwardly brings out retaliation on apparent indecencies, regardless of whether they are people, organization or even thoughts.



CBS Interactive Inc. (2013). Comic Vine, Iron Man retrieved December 03, 2020 from

Novick, J., & Novick, K. (2013). Two systems and defenses. Psychoanalytic Review, 100(1), 185-200. doi:10.1521/prev.2013.100.1.185

Teague, R. (2013). The American view of Freud’s couch. Psyccritiques, 58(33), doi: 10.1037/a0033545...

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