Persuasive Essay - Grade: B PDF

Title Persuasive Essay - Grade: B
Author Lashaunte Fleming
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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Abortion: Pro-Choice...


Lashaunte Fleming June 23, 2019 PHI-105 Sarah Robertson The Abortion Decision An abortion procedure does not end with the sound of a precious crying baby. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing the embryo or fetus from the uterus. “Abortion has been a controversial issue for many decades. The Supreme Court legalized abortion in the first trimester in 1973 with the Roe vs. Wade case.” ( Guillaume,& Rossier, 2018, p.234). Abortion is a serious decision that should be left up to the woman as she has considered not only the factors but the life of both her and the child. Topic sentence needs to show which prong within the thesis this supporting paragraph will align with. All over the world, abortion is an issue, women have had abortions for different reasons. Women reasons for abortion include rape and incest which in many countries with laws prohibiting abortion made adjustments to allow it. In places like China and Bulgaria they once had population polices where they would use forced abortions to regulate fertilitythe population (Author’s last name, publication year). The most common reason for abortions worldwide was socioeconomic which is the concern of taking care of the baby due to income (Author’s last name, publication year). “The social condemnation of abortion is related to the conception of women’s role in society. Those who consider motherhood to be women’s principal role perceive the choice not to have children as deviant.”(Luker, 1984, p.38) Abortion is a difficult decision that is ultimately left up to the pregnant women. Women who considered abortion are concerned about their support system, the effects of another child on the kids they already have, and her goals. A woman has to deeply think about the life she can provide for the child, making sure that she is physically, mentally and financial prepared for the child. There are many

cases where abortions are used to terminate pregnancies in result of rape and incest. In some places this human right is prohibited, and women are forced to give birth to a baby to a baby created from one of the most horrid moments of her life. “In a substudy comparing subjects who were married and had at least one child, the unwanted pregnancy women more frequently reported that they were unprepared for their first pregnancy, ‘‘felt less happy’’ during pregnancy, and ‘‘felt like mothers’’ only after delivery.” (David, 1992 p.188) One of the most important factors in the whole abortion dilemma is the unwanted child(ren). Children born from unwanted pregnancies experienced a more complicated life. Studies have proven that Cchildren born as a result of unwanted pregnancy, grow up in unstable and more dysfunctional households (Author’s last name, publication year). further, “In the aggregate, denial of abortion for unwanted pregnancies entails an increased risk for negative psycho- social development and mental well-being in adulthood.” ( David, 1992 p.184). These studies show that Tthe kids are not as happy with life and even suffer from depression which puts them at a high risk for suicide David, 1992). As controversial as the abortion issue is, the main factors to consider are the reason behind the abortion, the decision maker, and the children of the future. The big decision are based on the past, present and future. The past being the situation or events that lead to an unwanted pregnancy. The present being the amount of support and security she can offer the child which will be important to making a decision. The children born from an unwanted pregnancy will be our future, studies have shown that they are prone to hard living. Women who participated in the studies also confirmed that their life after rearing the unwanted child turned out as expected (Author’s last name, publication year). As stated earlier, abortion should be based solely on the decision of the woman as she knows what is best for her and the unborn.

Be sure to be within word count range of 750-1000 by the time of final draft submission.

References David, H. P. (n.d.). Born Unwanted: Mental Health Costs and Consequences. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 81(2), 184–192. Echevarria, L. (2013). Pro-abortion rhetoric: from “pro-choice” to...? The Human Life Review, 39(3), 27– 38. Retrieved from direct=true&db=rfh&AN=CPLI0000579992&site=eds-live&scope=site Guillaume, A., & Rossier, C. (2018). Abortion Around the World An Overview of Legislation, Measures, Trends, and Consequences. Population (00324663), 73(2), 217–306.

Great reference page! Nice start to your essay. I mostly checked for the strength of your arguments and flow between ideas. I did not check for too much on grammar and spelling as you yourself should continue to revise and edit your work to prepare for the final draft. Over the next few days, you will need to revise the essay in order to work toward the best possible score in each section of the rubric as possible. Please reach out to me through the individual forum or through phone if you would like further review of the rough draft....

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