Persuasive Letter - Grade: 94 PDF

Title Persuasive Letter - Grade: 94
Course English Composition I
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 4
File Size 57 KB
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Wilson 1 Taylor Wilson Composition 1 Persuasive Letter March 12, 2021 The Dangers of Smoking Dear Danielle, I know we have had this conversation many times, but I would like you to know that it is still something I feel very passionately about. I understand how hard it is to quit an addiction, and I have seen first-hand how detrimental it is to your health. We speak about you quitting cigarettes because you would like to set a good example for the kids. Knowing that smoking not only harms your body, but the secondhand smoke that the family endures is bad for our health as well. There are many other activities that I know you enjoy doing that we could look into doing together to get your mind off of smoking. These are just a few of the reasons that I would like you to consider in your endeavors towards breaking this harmful habit. The most important reason that I would like for you to stop smoking is because of how damaging it is to your health. The chemicals alone have been known to cause a lot of diseases, and I want to see you live a long and healthy life. You and I have seen many people close to us develop cancer due to long-term smoking. I would think that reason alone would be enough to want to quit, but addictions are diseases in their own way. We have both noticed that it is getting harder for you to catch your breath after smoking a cigarette, and the benefits of quitting for your health would be well worth it. You are my best friend, and I would hate to have you go through something that could have possibly been avoided.

Wilson 2 Secondly, we have had many conversations about helping you take the steps towards quitting because you want to set a good example for my kids. The day my daughter was playing with her dolls and pretended her Barbie was smoking, was the day you came to me and said you never wanted to pick up another cigarette. You hated that they noticed the smoke smell that lingered on your clothes. I have always supported you when you have mentioned quitting, and I want you to know that I always will support you trying to better yourself. I understand that it is one of your vices to handle the stresses of everyday life, but you also enjoy going on walks to unwind. Maybe that would be something that we could do together every time you get the urge to smoke. I’m willing to be your biggest supporter because I know you would do the same for me. Lastly, but certainly not least, I want you to quit because your smoking does not just affect you. The secondhand smoke is even more detrimental than being the one that is smoking the cigarette. It is a little frustrating that my clothes, home, and car smell like cigarettes when I do not smoke. It also affects my allergies and asthma really bad, and I find it a little selfish on your part because you know that; but I digress. Think about not only the health benefits of quitting, but how much money you could save as well. You spend almost $3,000 a year on smoking, and while that may not seem like much, we could use that to travel more, which is something both of us have talked about doing. These are just a few of the reasons that you should quit smoking, but there are many more that you should also consider. I think if you took the time to weigh out the pros and cons of smoking, you would find that the benefits greatly exceed the stress reliever that you claim it to be. Look at it this way, it has been causing you more stress financially and morally than it seems to be solving for you. You are an amazing person

Wilson 3 and everyone that you meet can see that. Do not purposely try to sabotage your life for a few moments of relief. I know that when you are ready you will rely on your support system to keep motivating you, and I want you to know that I will always be there for you to keep you on track. Just remember to take it one day at a time, and no matter how many obstacles get in your way to try and derail you, you have the ability to get through anything. Sincerely, Taylor Wilson

Wilson 4...

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