Ph values of body fluids PDF

Title Ph values of body fluids
Author NellieRND .
Course Anatomy and physiology
Institution The College of The Bahamas
Pages 4
File Size 112.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Phval uesofbodyflui ds Bl ood 7. 35 - 7. 45 ( 7. 40±0. 5) Sal i va 5. 4–7. 5 Gas t r i cJui ce 1. 5–3. 5 Bi l e 6–8. 5 ur i ne 4. 5–8. 5

Pl asma55%   

Pr ot ei ns. Wat er . Ot hersol ut es.

Pl asmaPr ot ei ns:                    

Account sf or7%. Res ponsi bl ef orcr eat i ngosmot i cpr es sur eofbl ood( 25mm ofHgor3. 3kpa) I fpl as mapr ot ei nl ev el f al l sflui dmov esi nt ot het i s sue( oedema) ,andbodyc avi es . Pl asmav i sc osi t yi sduet opl as mapr ot ei ns . Al bumi n: For medi nt hel i v er . Most l yaboundent . Car r i ermol ecul ef orl i pi dsands t er oi dhor mones. Gl obul i ns: For medi nt hel i ver&l ymphoi dt i ssue. Fuct i onsas Ant i bodi es . Tr anspor t at i oonofsomesal t s.E. g.t hyr ogl obul i ncar r i eshor monet hyr oxi n. Tr ansf er r i ncar r i esmi ner al i r on. I nhi bi t i ona:α-t r ypsi nact i vi t y . Cl ot i ngf act or s: Ser um =pl asma–cl ot t i ngf act or s . Fi br i nogen: Synt hasi sedi nt hel i v er . Ess ent i alf orbl oodcl ot t i ng.

Ot hersol ut es:     

I NORGANI CMI NARALSALTS: Act i vi t i es: Musc ul arcont r act i on. Tr ansmi ss i onofner v ei mpul ses . For mat i onofsec r et i ons. Mai nt enanceofaci dbasebal ance.

   

NUTRI ENTS: Pr i nc i pal l yf r om GI T. Monosacchar i des . Ami noaci ds. Fat t y ac i ds . Gl y cer ol .

       

WASTEPRODUCTS: Ur eaCr eat i ni neandur i cac i dar ewast ePr oduct sofpr ot ei nmet abol i sm. For medi nl i v er t r anspor tt oki dneys ex cr et e. HORMONES: Subst anc ess ynt hes i sedbyt heendoc r i negl ands . Endocr i necel l ssecr et ehor monesi nt obl ood. GASES: O2,CO2,Ni r t ogen. Mostoft heO2i scar r i edi ncombi nat i onwi t hhaemogl obi n.( Oxyhaemogl obi n) Mostoft heCO2i scar r i edasbi car bonat ei onsdi s sol v edi npl asma. Ni t r ogenandot hergasesi spr esenti npl asmabutnophy si ol ogi cal f unct i on.

Cel l ul arcont entofbl ood/For meel ement s:45% 1. 2. 3.

Er yt hr ocyt es( RedBl oodCel l s) . Pl at el et s( Thr ombocy t es) . Leukocyt es( Whi t eBl oodCel l s) . Al l bl oodcel l sar eor i gi nat i ngf or m pl ur i pot entst emcel l s.

Haemopoi esi s:i sapr ocessoff or mat i onofbl oodcel l s .    

Haemopoi esi si st ak espl acei nr edbonemar r ow. I n adul t s Haemopoi esi si sconfined t o flat bones,i r r egul ar bones,and t he ends ( epi physi s)ofl ongbones. Mai ns i t esar eSt er num,Ri bs,Pel vi sandSkul l . Somel ymphocyt esar epr oducedi nl ymphoi dt i ssue. Er yt hr ocyt es( RBC) :

  

RBCar ebi concav edi s cs . NO –nucl eus. Di amet erabout7μm ( mi cr omet er )

                 

Funct i ons :Gast r anspor tmai nl yO2,buti tcar r ysomeCO2 al so. RBCshapei sachar ac t er i st i c: Bi concave–I ncr easesur f acear eaf orgasexhange. Thi nness -Al l owsf astent r y&exi tofGases. Fl exi bl e -Squeezet hr oughnar r ow capi l l ar i es. NoI nt r acel l ul aror ganel l z–Mor er oom f orhaemogl obi n. Li f espani s120days. Devel opment of RBCf r om pl ur i pot ent st em cel l st ak esabout 7 dayscal l eder yt hr opoi esi s. I mmat ur e cel l sar er el eased i nt ot he bl ood s t r eam asr et i cul ocyt es,andmat ur ei nt o er yt hr ocyt esov eradayort wowi t hI nt heci r cul at i on. Dur i ngt hi st i mei tl oosesi t snucl eussocapabl eofdi vi si on. Vi tB12 andf ol i caci dar er equi r edf orRBCs ynt hesi s. HAEMOGLOBI N: Lar gecompl expr ot ei n. Cont ai ngl obul arpr ot ei n( gl obi n)andpi gmat ed. Eachhaemogl obi nmol ecul econt ai ns4gl obi nchai nsand4haemeuni t s,each onewi t honeat om ofi r on. So1haemogl obi nmol ecul ecar r yupt o4O2mol ecul es. So1RBC cancar r y280mi l l i n haemogl obi nmol ecul es .Theor et i cal l yoneRBC can car r yonebi l l i onO2mol ecul es. I f4bi ndi ngsi t esat ef ul l=sat ur at ed. Hb+O2=HbO ( oxyhaemogl obi n) .


o Low Ph:  

Met abol i cal l yact i v et i ss ue( E. g.ex er ci si ngmusc l e)r el eas eaci dwas t epr oduc t sso. Localphf al l s soaddi i t i onalO2r el eases....

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