CPAP/MTAP- Analysis of urine and other body fluids PDF

Title CPAP/MTAP- Analysis of urine and other body fluids
Author Hazel Jean
Course Analysis of Urine and Body Fluids
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
Pages 8
File Size 243.5 KB
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Download CPAP/MTAP- Analysis of urine and other body fluids PDF


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CPAP – AUB WEEK 1 (PRE-QUIZ) 1. Which specific gravity value is assoc. w/ dehydration? i. 1.025 – 1.035 ii. 1.010 – 1.025 iii. 1.001 – 1.009 iv. 1.000 2. Bleach like odor of urine is assoc. w/ __. i. Contamination ii. Phenylketonuria iii. Normal urine iv. UTI v. Starvation 3. Which of the ff order is the corrected renal blood flow? i. Affecret arteriole – efferent arteriole – peritubular capillaries – vasa recta ii. Efferent arteriole – afferent arteriole – peritubular capillaries – vasa recya iii. Vasa recta – peritubular capillaries – afferent arteriole – efferent arteriole iv. Peritubular capillaries – afferent arteriole – efferent arteriole – vasa recta 4. Quantitative urine tests are performed in ___. i. 24 hr urine collection ii. Three glass collection iii. Midstream clean catch iv. Catheterized urine 5. These crystals resembles most of other urine crystals, therefore, there’s frequently a need to use confirmatory test such as cysteine nitroprusside. Which of the ff crystals is being described? i. Cysteine crystals ii. Sulfonamide crystals iii. Radiographic crystals iv. Cholesterol crystals

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6. Monohydrate form of calcium oxalate crystals appear microscopically similar to RBCs. To diff’n it from RBC, it requires differentiation by ___. i. Polarizing microscope ii. Adding thymol iii. Reduction using glacial HAc iv. Brightfield microscope 7. Most of the ff crystals are demonstrating birefringence. Which of the ff crystals only show weak birefringence? i. Cysteine ii. Leucine iii. Ampicillin iv. Sulfonakids v. Meglumine diatrizoate 8. Which of the ff tubules is assoc. to passive reabsorption of Na? i. Thin ascending loop of Henle ii. Proximal convoluted tubule iii. Thick ascending loop of Henle iv. Distal convoluted tubule 9. Which of the ff occurrences is not assoc. w/ diabetes insipidus? i. ↓ insulin function ii. Polyuria iii. ↓ specific gravity iv. Polydipsia v. ↑ glucose 10. Which of the ff conditions is not an effect of RAAS? i. Dilation of blood vessels ii. Sodium reabsorption in PCT iii. Sodium retention in DCT iv. Water reabsorption in CD 11. Which of the ff urine color is assoc. w/ B-complex vitamins? i. Bright yellow ii. Red iii. Brown iv. Dark yellow v. Pink

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12. Which of the ff description is not true of hyaline casts? i. Reported in per HPF ii. Consists almost entirely of Tamm-Horsfall CHON iii. Assoc. w/ emotional status iv. Visualization may be done using phase contrast microcopy 13. Presence of these types of cells in urine is indicative of trauma in the urinary tract. i. Squamous epithelial cell ii. Transitional epithelia cell iii. Renal epithelial cell 14. Which of the ff tubules does not reabsorb water? i. Ascending loop of Henle ii. Descending loop of Henle iii. Collecting tubules iv. Proximal convoluted tubules 15. Which of the ff enzymes is assoc to glucose reagent strip? i. Glucoronidase ii. Peroxidase iii. Glucose oxidase iv. Glucose esterase 16. First morning urine specimen pH of healthy individuals is usually at ___. i. 4.5 ii. 6.0 iii. 7.5 iv. 9.0 17. Urine temp for drug testing should be recorded w/n ___. i. 4 mins. ii. 2 mins. iii. 10 mins. iv. 30 mins. 18. Which of the ff component of reagent strip is not affected by ascorbic acid? i. Leukocytes ii. Blood iii. Bilirubin iv. Nitrite

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19. Which of the ff elements do not polarize light? i. RBC ii. Bacteria iii. Amorphous crystals iv. Hyaline casts v. Starch granules 20. Hyaline casts will stained ___ after application of Sternheimer-Malbin stain. i. Pink ii. Red iii. Blue iv. Brown v. Yellow 21. Which of the ff cannot be correlated w/ the presence of WBC microscopically? i. Ketones ii. Leukocyte esterase iii. Nitrite iv. SG v. pH 22. Excessive use of mouth deodorizers results to which of the ff urine colors? i. Green ii. Red iii. Brown iv. Pink v. Bright yellow 23. Oval fat bodies are reported using which of the ff objectives? i. High power objective ii. Scanner objecticve iii. Lower power objective iv. Oil immersion objective 24. Which of the ff color is assoc w/ pH 9.0 in the reagent strip? i. Blue ii. Orange iii. Yellow iv. Green v. Pink

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25. Double-indicator system used by commercial reagent strips to determine urine pH uses which of these indicator dyes? i. Phenol red ii. Bromthymol blue iii. Methyl red iv. Bromphenol blue 26. RBCs appear ___ in case of glomerular membrane damage. i. Dysmorphic ii. Crenated iii. Ghost cells iv. Non-nucleated 27. A vegetarian will have an increased amount of ___ in urine. i. Hippuric acid ii. Urea iii. Potassium iv. Ammonium v. Creatinine 28. Which of the ff is associated w/ Ictotest tablets? i. Bilirubin ii. Urobilinogen iii. Nitrite iv. Blood

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SY 2020-2021 SECOND SEM


CPAP – AUB WEEK 2 (PRE-QUIZ) 1. Which of the ff is the cause why CSF composition is different from urine? i. CSF flows in capillary walls lined w/ endothelial cells in the choroid plexus that are loosely connected. ii. CSF is reabsorbed in a one-way valve of arachnoid granulation. iii. CSF is produced in the choroid plexuses made up of capillary networks. iv. CSF is produced in 2 lumbar ventricles & the 3rd & 4th ventricles. - All BF are ultrafiltrate of Plasma (except CSF) - CSF (choroid plexus)  Dura mater: hard mother (close to skull)  arachnoid space  pia mater: soft mother ( close to brain) - BBB: made up of capillary networks  Not loosely connected, but tightly connected  Other molecules can’t pass thru  Tightly packed endothelial cells - Reabsorption: fluid vol. maintenance - Adult: 20 mL/hr (produced) 90-150 mL Neonates: 10-60 mL - Compromised BBB  Infection (meningitis)  Multiple sclerosis 2. Xantochromia is commonly caused by RBC degradation products in CSF. The presence of ___ CSF due to heavy hemolysis. i. Orange ii. Brown iii. Yellow iv. Pink

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Xantochromia  described only after centrifugation (supernatant)  pink, yellow, orange: ✓ solutes - causes: a. RBC degradation products (most common)  Color is dependent on amount of blood & length of ime Pink: ✓ small amt. oxyhb Orange – red: heavy hemolysis  Yellow: conversion of oxyhb to unconj. Bilirubin b. Disrupted liver function  ↑ serum bilirubin c. Pigments – carotene, melanin d. ↑ CHON coc.  

3. The supernatant fluid that is left over after each section has performed its tests may also be used for additional ___ tests. i. Microbiology ii. Serology iii. Hematology iv. Chemistry v. Cell cont - Tubes: 5 tubes (max) 3 tubes (routine) - Amt of spx depends on px’s condition - Order of tube to fill up: 4-3-2-1  Last portion (CSF collected) – 1st portion collected for CNS a. Tube 1: Chem & sero  Contains blood that may be from tap  Blood & bacteria does not affect chem & sero  Needs plasm olu b. Tube 2: Micro c. Tube 3: cell counting  Hema & clin microscopy d. Tube 4: micro & sero

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4. Which of the ff characteristics of CSF is assoc. w/ intracranical hemorrhage? i. Clot formation ii. Xantochromia iii. Even distribution of blood in CSF iv. Uneven distribution of blood in CSF Intracranial hemorrhage Evenly distributed ✓ ✕

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Pathologic ✓ lymlphocytes, monocytes (↑) & plasma cells Macrophage: RBC (spinal fluid) ✓ immature cells – leukemina

6. Which of the ff when found in CSF is indicative of prolonged & previous hemorrhage in CNS? i. Macrophage ii. RBC iii. Hematoidin crystals iv. Plasma cells - Hemorrhage RBC ➝ macrophage w/ ingested RBC➝ hemosiderin crystals ➝ hematoidin crystals (yellow)

Blood distribution Blood streak ✕ Clot ✓ (bloody) formation - Clot formation  ✓ fibrinogen, may be bloody  Meningitis, Crohns sx  Clot w/o blood  BBB damaged - Tubercular meningitis: web-like pellicle - Ref temp (18-24 hrs) - D-dimer test:  Detects fibrinogen degradation product  Latex agglutination immunoaasay - Microscopic exam’n

5. Which of the ff cells in CSF is assoc. w/ multiple sclerosis? i. Neutrophils ii. Monocytes iii. Plasma cells iv. Macrophages - Normal cells ✓  Lymphocytes & monocytes - ✓ neutrophil  Infection (Bacterial, viral, fungal, tubercular)

 Early infxn Multiple sclerosis 

Traumatic tap Uneven

 ✓ erythrophagocytosis  Macrophages w/ ingested RBC  Yellow hematoidin crystals


7. Which of the ff is NOT assoc. w/ tubercular meningitis? i. Lactate level >35 mg/dL ii. Lymphocytes present iii. Markedly decrease glucose value iv. Increased WBC count WBC Diff count CHON Glu Lactate -


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Bacterial ↑ Neutro

Viral ↑ Lympho

Fungal ↑ Lympho & mono ↑ N/↓ >25 mg/dL

↑ ↑ ↓ N >35 N mg/dL Lactate:  Produced when hypoxia (CNS)  Tissue destruction (infxn) Tissue destruction ➝ hypoxia ➝ ↑ lactic acid (CSF) ➝ ↑ lactate

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Tubercular ↑ Lympho & mono ↑ N/↓ >25 mg/dL

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8. Which of the ff chemistry profiles of CSF is assoc. w/ coma? i. >18 mg/dL glutamine ii. >70 mg/dL glucose iii. >45 mg/dL CHON iv. >24 mg/dL lactate - Normal values:  CHON: 15-45 mg/dl  Glucose: 60-70% plasma  Glutamine: 8-18 mg/dL  Lactate: 10-24 mg/dL 9. Which of the ff substances does NOT contribute to the acidic characteristics of semen? i. Protease ii. Fructose iii. Zinc iv. Mucus - Semen formation a. Seminiferous tubules  ✓ germ cells (spermatozoa)  Sertoli cells (nutrients) b. Epididymis  maturation, motility c. Vas deferens  ➝ ejaculatory ducts d. Seminal vesicles  Fluid  Fructose (60-70%) e. Prostate gland (20-30%)  Acidic  ACP, Zinc, protease f. Bulbourethral gland (5) 


10. The process of liquefaction of semen is responsibility of ___. i. Prostate gland ii. Epididymis iii. Seminal vesicles iv. Ductus deferens v. Seminiferous tubules

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11. Mobility of spermatozoa is developed in ___ i. Epididymis ii. prostate gland iii. seminal vesicle iv. ductus deferens v. seminiferous tubules 12. Complete specimen collection is important because it impairs the viability of semen when tested. When the last portion of semen is missing, which of the ff conditions results? i. ↑ semen volume ii. ↑ pH iii. ↑ sperm count iv. Specimen unable to liquefy - First portion ejaculate (missing)  Sperm count: ↓  pH : false ↑  specimen: will not liquefy - Last portion ejaculate (missing)  Semen Vol.: ↓  Sperm count: false ↑  pH: false ↓  specimen: will not clot - sexual abstinence:  2-7 days (not > 7 days) before  Prolonged abstinence: ↑ vol. ↓ Motility - Fertility testing:  2 or 3 samples  Not 3 weeks apart  2 abnormal samples considered significant 13. Culture may be performed when the color of semen is ___ i. White ii. Yellow iii. Green iv. Red v. Grey

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Red coloration  ✓ RBC  Abnormal Yellow  Urine contamination  Urine - toxic to sperm - affects motility eval’n  Prolonged abstinence  Medication Almost clear  Very ↓ sperm conc. White turbid  ↑ WBC  Reproductive tract infection

14. Which of the ff characteristics of semen are affected when synthetic liquefying agents are used? i. Sperm morphology ii. Sperm conc. iii. Motility iv. pH 15. Accdg. to WHO criteria, which of the ff criteria is used w/ a sperm that is moving slowly forward w/ a noticeable lateral movement? i. B ii. A iii. C iv. D 16. The recommended method of evaluation for sperm motility utilizes an approximate of ___ HPO fields. i. 5 ii. 19 iii. 20 iv. 25 v. 30

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17. Sperm agglutination w/ male serum is usually done when the sperms demonstrate ___ i. Distorted morphology ii. Clumping iii. ↓ count iv. ↓ motility 18. Which of the ff antibodies may be detected by immunobead test? i. IgA ii. IgM iii. IgG iv. IgE 19. Resorcinol as a reagent is used to determine ___ of sperm. i. Concentration ii. Motility iii. Morphology iv. Count 20. These are large multinucleated cells found in synovial fluid. i. Cartilage cells ii. Ragocytes iii. LE cells iv. Reiter cells v. Rice bodies 21. Viscous fluid may need to be pretreated by adding one drop of 0.05% hyaluronidase in phosphate buffer per milliliter of fluid and incubating at ___ i. 37 °C for 5 mins. ii. Room temp. for 5 mins. iii. 37 °C for 15 mins. iv. Room temp. for 15 mins 22. Transudates of serous fluid are usually assoc. w/ which of the ff conditions? i. Nephrotic syndrome ii. Infections iii. CHF

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GO GET THAT RMT (I GUESS. LMAO) 28. Which of the ff characteristics is NOT considered normal in vaginal secretion?

Malignant tumors

23. Chylous pleural effusion has strongly positivity in Sudan III staining because of ___ i. Cholesterol ii. Leukocytes iii. Triglycerides - Chylous: TG Pseudo: cholesterol

i. ii. iii. iv.

✓ few yeasts 4.0 pH ✓ lymphocytes ✓ clue cel cells ls

29. Lamellar bodies in amniotic fluid are quantitated which of the ff chaneels of cell counters? i. Platelet ii. RBC iii. Granulocyte iv. Agranulocyte

24. Sperm morphology is evaluated using ___ i. OIO ii. HPO iii. Scanner objective iv. LPO

30. Specimen volume collected for synovial fluid. i. 100 mL ii. 80 mL iii. 50 mL iv. 20 mL

25. Which of the ff chemistry tests in pleural fluid w/ esophageal rupture? i. ↑ amylase level ii. ↓ pH iii. ↑ ADA level iv. ↓ glucose level 26. Psammoma bodies are usually found in ___ i. Peritoneal fluid ii. Pericardial fluid iii. Pleural fluid iv. Synovial fluid 27. The positive result in fern test of amniotic fluid is indicative of the presence of w/c of the ff? i. Glucose ii. NaCl iii. CHON iv. Lactate

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