PHAR1811 Syllabus 2012 PDF

Title PHAR1811 Syllabus 2012
Course Foundations of Pharmacy
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 13
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unit outline...



PHAR1811 • Foundations of Pharmacy • Semester 1 2012 Unit of Study Contact Details Name of Course Coordinator Telephone number of coordinator e-mail address of coordinator Consultation times for coordinator

Erica Sainsbury 9351 2332 [email protected] Initial consultation by email

Brief Description of the Unit of Study Foundations of Pharmacy is a broad introduction to the discipline of pharmacy and the roles that pharmacists play in health care as well as the ideas, issues, skills and knowledge base required of a professional pharmacist. A number of topics are introduced but not covered in depth: they will be further developed in subsequent units of study and later years of the degree. Specific skills in research, critical thinking, writing and presenting are developed in the context of activities designed to orient students to their future profession. The intent is that students begin to think and behave as future members of the profession of pharmacy, and reflect upon the attitudes and beliefs that will shape their practice.

Unit of study aims/goals How this unit of study relates to other studied units

The key focus or purpose of this unit

How this unit of study prepares students for subsequent units

How this unit helps students to develop generic or other skills

This unit is a foundational unit in the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree. The key focus of this unit is to introduce students to the broad discipline of pharmacy and the role of pharmacists within the health care system. A secondary focus is to assist students to appreciate the standards required of tertiary study and to assist them to develop appropriate skills. This unit underpins subsequent units in social pharmacy and pharmacy practice. This unit specifically allows students to develop their skills in: 1. identifying, accessing, organising and communicating knowledge 2. problem solving 3. planning and achieving goals 4. working with others

Curriculum Learning Outcomes for this Unit of Study On successful completion of this unit of study, you will be able to do a number of things, some new and some differently from the ways you have done in the past. The Faculty has a comprehensive set of goals and learning outcomes for the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, which are broken down into outcomes for each year of study and are covered in the units which are covered in each year. For Foundations of Pharmacy, the detailed learning outcomes are listed in the following table. The learning outcomes are listed under four themes which create the framework for your learning in the Pharmacy degree.

Unit of Study Outline




Criticallyexaminesscientificevidence‐bothquantitativeandqualitative‐inorder toarriveatevidencebased conclusions. a. usethemostrelevantpharmacydatabasestosearchbothelectronicandhard copyresourcestolocatespecificpapersandtofindrelevantresourcesrelated totopicsasallocated b. identifydifferenttypesofpublications c. identifythestructuresoftypicalpublicationssuchasprimaryresearchand reviewarticles d. criticallyevaluatethequalityofarangeofsourcesofinformation Takesopportunitiestoengageinresearchandscientificendeavour a. demonstrateanunderstandingofthehistoricalandparadigmaticbasisof scientificmethod Identifiessourcesofdrugs,thewaytheyarediscovered,purified,characterised andanalysed,andtheirphysico‐chemicalproperties a. describetheoriginofearlymedicines







Providespharmacycognitiveservices a. identifyanddescribetherolesofpharmacistsindeliveryofcognitiveservices Providesprescriptionmedicinesandappropriate adviceandcounselling a. describetheroleofthepharmacistinprovidingadviceandinformationabout medicines b. identifythebasicelementsofaprescriptionanddescribeingeneraltermsthe processesassociatedwithprescribinganddispensingmedicines Providesoverthecounterproductsusingendorsedprofessionalprotocols a. recognisetherangeofpracticeprotocolsandqualityassuranceprocessesin placeincommunitypharmacy Preparessimpleextemporaneousproductstoappropriatestandardsofsafetyand quality a. usedispensingequipmenttopreparesimpleextemporaneousproductsfrom suppliedformulas Providespatienteducationinrelationtomedicinesandtherapeuticand monitoringdevices a. recognisetheroleofthepharmacistinpatienteducation Demonstratesanunderstandingofmanagementandorganisationalprinciples andtheirapplicationinpharmacysettings a. outlinethetypeandextentofbusinessoperationsthatwouldtypicallyoccur inasmall‐businesscommunitypharmacy b. demonstrateapreliminaryunderstandingofHRprinciplesapplicabletostaff inasmallpharmacybusinessincludinglegalissuesandcomplaintprocedures Demonstratesanunderstandingoftheissuesassociatedwiththedeliveryof pharmaceuticalservicesinarangeofruralandremotesettings a. discussthefactorsthatimpactuponhealth‐thesocialdeterminants‐andhow theseimpactuponthehealthstatusofruralandremotepopulations. b. applythedefinitionsanddifferencesbetweenurban,ruralandremote communitiesinAustraliatopractice‐geographically,historically,culturally, socio‐economically,anddemographically. c. describewhotheruralandremotehealthworkforceare,whattheydo,and identifytheopportunitiesandsupportsystemsforstudentswhowanttowork there.

THEME:PERSONALANDPROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT(PPD) 1. Appliesappropriateprinciplesandreasoningskillstoaddressethicaldilemmasin professionalandbusinesspractice a. demonstrateawarenessoftheethicalorientationoftheprofessionincluding issuessuchasconflictofinterest,confidentiality 2. Demonstratesappropriateattitudesandvaluesinpersonalandprofessional dealingsandbusinesspractice

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Foundations of Pharmacy © 2012 Faculty of Pharmacy • University of Sydney

Unit of Study Outline






justifyandapplyanappropriatedressandbehaviourcoderegarding professionalpresentationintheworkplace Workseffectivelyandcooperativelyasamemberofalearninggroup/team a. carryouttaskswhichrequirecooperationbetweenstudentswithinthe classroom b. organisecooperativeactivitiesusingelectroniccommunicationinself‐selected groups c. describethedifferencebetweenlegitimatecooperationandplagiarismand carryoutallcooperativetaskswithintheboundariesoflegitimatecooperation Engagesincontinuousreflectionandtakesresponsibilityforpersonaland professionaldevelopment a. identifythecharacteristicsofreflectivewritingasdistinctfromotherformsof writing b. identifyanddescribeappropriatesourcesofinformationandlearning materialswhicharenotspecificallyincludedinformalcurriculumdocuments c. explaintheconceptoflifelonglearninganditsimportanceforpharmacists Demonstratestheabilitytolearnindependentlyandtakeresponsibilityforown learning a. identifystrengthsandweaknessesinlearning b. seekconstructivefeedbackfromothersinthepursuitoflearninggoals c. identifylearningissuestoguideindividualstudy d. developandimplementplantoaddresslearningissues e. identifyappropriatesourcesofinformation f. locateandsummariserequiredorrelevantinformation g. communicateeffectivelyandefficientlytocolleagues,theoutcomeof individualstudy Demonstratesunderstandingoflawsthatgovernthesupplyofmedicinesandthe practiceofPharmacy a. recognisethePoisonsScheduleswhichgovernthesupplyofmedicinesinNSW b. describe,ingeneralterms,howthesupplyofmedicinesinAustraliais regulated c. explainthegeneralrulesgoverningthesupplyofprescriptiononly, pharmacistonlyandpharmacyonlymedicinesinAustralia

THEME:SOCIETYANDPHARMACIST(SP) 1. DemonstratesanunderstandingofthehealthcaresysteminAustraliaandthe rolesofthepharmacistwithinit a. outlinethekeycomponentsoftheAustralianhealthcaresystem,includingthe PBS,primary,secondaryandtertiarycare,privatehealthcare,pharmaceutical industry b. describetheNationalMedicinesPolicyandtheroleofpharmacistsinthe implementationofthispolicy 2. Promotes"bestpractice"inthepharmacotherapeuticmanagementofdrug dependence a. distinguishbetweendependent,recreational,harmfulandhazardoususeof alcoholanddrugsofdependence b. questionsocialattitudestowardsdrugdependenceandtheindividual c. demonstrateabasicunderstandingoftheroleofthepharmacistandharm minimisation d. recognisethepharmacotherapiesusedinthetreatmentofopioidandalcohol dependency

Please note that these skills and knowledge are preliminary and foundational – you are not expected to be an expert by the end of first year. A more concise summary of the learning outcomes is as follows: On successful completion of this unit of study, you should be able to

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Foundations of Pharmacy © 2012 Faculty of Pharmacy • University of Sydney

Unit of Study Outline

     

outline in general terms the fundamental characteristics of the profession of pharmacy, including professional and ethical dimensions, and describe some of the roles played by pharmacists in Australian settings discuss briefly some of the critical stages in the history of medicine, medicines and pharmacy describe the broad structure of the health care system in Australia and the place of medicines within the overall framework use simple descriptive statistical techniques to summarise and analyse data search databases for appropriate source materials and critically evaluate the quality and reliability of such sources describe and apply writing and referencing techniques appropriate to university study, and recognise and avoid plagiarism in all forms

and you will have developed skills in  

working effectively and collaboratively as a member of a learning group managing and presenting the results of individual and group project work in written and visual form

Alignment of Curriculum Learning Outcomes, learning activities and assessments How the assessments in this Unit of Study support the Unit’s learning outcomes

Learning outcome Criticallyexaminesscientificevidence‐both quantitativeandqualitative‐inorderto arriveatevidencebasedconclusions. Takesopportunitiestoengageinresearch andscientificendeavour Identifiessourcesofdrugs,thewaytheyare discovered,purified,characterisedand analysed,andtheirphysico‐chemical properties Providespharmacycognitiveservices Providesprescriptionmedicinesand appropriateadviceandcounselling Providesoverthecounterproductsusing endorsedprofessionalprotocol Preparessimpleextemporaneousproducts toappropriatestandardsofsafetyand quality Providespatienteducationinrelationto medicinesandtherapeuticandmonitoring devices Demonstratesanunderstandingof managementandorganisationalprinciples andtheirapplicationinpharmacysettings Demonstratesanunderstandingofthe issuesassociatedwiththedeliveryof pharmaceuticalservicesinarangeofrural andremotesettings Appliesappropriateprinciplesand reasoningskillstoaddressethicaldilemmas inprofessionalandbusinesspractice Demonstratesappropriateattitudesand valuesinpersonalandprofessionaldealings

PHAR1811 Last modified: 6 Dec. 2011

Activity types Lectures,workshops

Assessment component


Medicines information assignment,Historypresentation, Writtenexam,Statisticsquiz Writtenexam,Statisticsquiz



Lectures,workshops Lectures,fieldwork Lectures,workshops

Writtenexam Communitypharmacy assignment,Writtenexam Writtenexam




Medicinesinformation assignment,Writtenexam


Communitypharmacy assignment,Writtenexam






Self‐assessed,Workshop attendance

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Foundations of Pharmacy © 2012 Faculty of Pharmacy • University of Sydney

Unit of Study Outline

andbusinesspractice Workseffectivelyandcooperativelyasa memberofalearninggroup/team Engagesincontinuousreflectionandtakes responsibilityforpersonalandprofessional development Demonstratestheabilitytolearn independentlyandtakeresponsibilityfor ownlearning Demonstratesunderstandingoflawsthat governthesupplyofmedicinesandthe practiceofPharmacy Demonstratesanunderstandingofthe healthcaresysteminAustraliaandthe rolesofthepharmacistwithinit Promotes"bestpractice"inthe pharmacotherapeuticmanagementofdrug dependence

Workshops, assignments Lectures,workshops, assignments

Self‐assessedthroughgroup contract,Workshopattendance Allassessments

Workshops, assignments




Lectures,fieldwork, workshops




Learning commitments Credit points Face-to-face

Outside scheduled classes

Total number of lecture hours Total number of tutorial/workshop hours Total number of practical hours Total number of practicum hours Total number of groupwork hours Total number of hours of private study/work Total number of fieldwork hours

Commitment (hours)

6 33 30 1 n/a 12 37-76 4 117-156

The university allocates a number of credit points (usually 6) to each unit of study in your degree program. It has been agreed that 1 credit point is approximately equal to a minimum of 1.5 to 2 hours of student effort1 (ie time spent engaged in activities related to that unit of study) per week (ie a total of 117-156 hours for the semester). In Error! Reference source not found. (6 Credit Points), this time is split between face-to-face time (64 hours), fieldwork time (4 hours), group time (12 hours) and personal work and study time (37-76 hours). You should regard the outside class and personal study time allocations as a reasonable indication of the amount of time that is expected for satisfactory performance in the unit of study; however you are encouraged to spend additional time in order to perform at a higher standard.

Learner preparation Pre-requisites Co-requisites Assumed knowledge or skills Computer access requirements Preliminary reading required

This unit is a foundation unit in the Bachelor of Pharmacy and has no pre-requisites. Nil Good computer skills. Written and verbal English suitable for tertiary study. Computer and internet access is required. Facilities are available on campus but home access is strongly recommended. As indicated in lecture and workshop schedule.


Creation, variation and deletion of award courses and units of study [Online] (Accessed 09 January, 2006) PHAR1811 Last modified: 6 Dec. 2011

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Foundations of Pharmacy © 2012 Faculty of Pharmacy • University of Sydney

Unit of Study Outline

Assessment Component


1 Group report – community pharmacy 2 Group presentation – history topic 3 Statistics quiz 4 Group assignment – Medicines information assignment 5 Class attendance


6 Written examination


Due date Week 10 weekly workshop Week 12/13 fortnightly workshop Week 6 weekly workshop Monday April 23 5pm to Faculty Office Weekly – compulsory End of semester examination period

Date returned

Relative Weighting

Week 12




Week 9


Week 9 weekly workshop



* denotes the assessment must be passed to satisfy the requirements of the course.

Assessment Tasks Group Report – community pharmacy Description of task

Grading criteria Late submission policy

Following the fieldwork placement, and classes on pharmacy as a business, your small group will be required to compile and submit a report based on the observations you have made. Please click here for a downloadable copy of the detailed information and requirements for this assignment. If you do not read this information, you will find it almost impossible to complete the assignment satisfactorily. Grading criteria are included in the downloadable document. All assignments are to be submitted to the tutor in the weekly workshop. Permission for late submission may be sought only from the course coordinator and a maximum of three working days may be granted with sufficient, documented reason. Late submission without permission will be penalised at the rate of 10% per day late (ie 1.5 mark out of 15 will be deducted for every day late).

Group Presentation – history topic Description of task

Grading criteria

PHAR1811 Last modified: 6 Dec. 2011

For this assignment, your small group will be required to research and present an oral presentation on a selected topic related to history. The topics will be made available during the fortnightly workshops in weeks 8 and 9, when you will have some time to choose your topic and start planning your approach, and the presentations will be made during the fortnightly workshops in weeks 12 and 13. The detailed information and requirements for this assignment will be distributed in the fortnightly workshop in week 8 or 9. If you do not read this information, you will find it almost impossible to complete the assignment satisfactorily. Grading criteria are included in the information which will be distributed during the workshop.

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Foundations of Pharmacy © 2012 Faculty of Pharmacy • University of Sydney

Unit of Study Outline

Late submission policy

If further presentation sessions remain, the presentation can be made during a later session. If this is not possible, the presentation must be made for assessment by tutors at a date to be set by the tutors as soon as practicable after the final presentation session. Additional work, which may include a different format from the group presentation, and which may involve individual and/or group work, may be required to complete this component successfully.

Statistics quiz Description of task Grading criteria

Additional assessment

A multiple choice question quiz of 30-45 minutes’ duration will be held during the weekly workshop in week 6. Each question is worth a specified number of marks, which are indicated in the question paper. Students will receive an overall mark for this quiz which will contribute to the final mark for this unit. If a student is granted special conside...

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