PHW Ch1 Notes PDF

Title PHW Ch1 Notes
Author Selena Rhodes
Course Personalized Health Fitness
Institution Montgomery College
Pages 4
File Size 57.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 1 Notes...


Personalized Health & Wellness Chapter 1: Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management

 Health: overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury  Wellness: expands the idea of health to include the ability to achieve optimal health  Risk factor: condition that increases one’s chances of disease or injury  Wellness: New Health Goals  Dimensions of Wellness  Physical wellness  Includes fitness level and ability to care for one’s self  Eating well, exercising, avoiding harmful habits, practicing safer sex, recognizing symptoms of disease, getting regular checkups, avoiding injuries  Emotional wellness  Ability to understand/deal with feelings  Optimism, trust, self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-confidence, ability to understand and accept one’s feelings, ability to share feelings with others  Intellectual wellness  An active mind able to detect problems, find solutions, and direct behavior  Openness to new ideas, capacity to question, ability to think critically, motivation to master new skills, sense of humor, creativity, curiosity, lifelong learning  Interpersonal wellness  Ability to develop and maintain satisfying and supportive relationships  Communication skills, capacity for intimacy, ability to establish and maintain satisfying relationships, ability to cultivate a support system of friends and family  Cultural wellness  Accepting, valuing, and celebrating different cultural ways  Creating relationships with those who are different from you, maintaining and valuing your own cultural identity, avoiding stereotyping based on ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation  Spiritual wellness  Guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to life  Capacity for love, compassion, forgiveness, altruism, joy and fulfillment, caring for others, sense of meaning and purpose, sense of belonging to something greater than oneself  Environmental wellness  Defined by the livability of surroundings  Having abundant, clean natural resources, maintaining sustainable development, recycling whenever possible, reducing pollution and waste

Personalized Health & Wellness Chapter 1: Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management

Financial wellness  Ability to live within one’s means and manage money to gain peace of mind  Having a basic understanding of how money works, living within one’s means, avoiding debt, especially for unnecessary items, saving for the future and for emergencies Occupational wellness  Level of satisfaction gained from work  Enjoying what you do, feeling valued by your manager, building satisfying relationships with co-workers, taking advantage of opportunities to learn and be challenged

 Chronic disease: disease that develops and continues over a long period of time  Heart disease, cancer, lower respiratory diseases  Lifestyle choice: conscious behavior that can increase or decrease a person’s risk of disease or injury  Smoking, exercising, eating a healthy diet  Behaviors That Contribute to Wellness  Be physically active  §Physical fitness: set of physical attributes that allow body to respond to or adapt to demands and stress of physical effort  §Sedentary: physically inactive  Choose a healthy diet  Maintain a healthy body weight  Manage stress effectively  Avoid tobacco and drug use, limit alcohol consumption  Protect yourself from disease and injury  Take other steps toward wellness  Develop meaningful relationships  Plan for successful aging  Learn about the health care system  Act responsibly toward the environment  Heredity, environment, and adequate health care interact  Example: sedentary lifestyle combined with genetic predisposition for diabetes increases a person’s risk for developing the disease  Reaching Wellness through Lifestyle Management  Behavior change: lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy behaviors and working to overcome unhealthy ones  Getting Serious about Your Health  Examine your current health habits  Think about your behavior  Talk with friends and family members  Choose a target behavior

Personalized Health & Wellness Chapter 1: Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management

Target behavior: behavior selected as the object of a behavior change program  Chances of success are greater if behavior change goal is simple  Learn about your target behavior  Assess how the target behavior affects your level of wellness  Find help 

 Building Motivation to Change  Examine the pros and cons of change  Compare short-term and long-term benefits and costs  Need to believe benefits to change outweigh costs  Boost self-efficacy  Self-efficacy: belief in one’s ability to take action and perform a specific task  Locus of control: figurative “place” person designates as source of responsibility for events in his or her life  Visualization  Self-talk: internal dialogue  Role models and other supportive individuals  Identify and overcome barriers to change  List key obstacles  Develop practical plan  Enhancing Your Readiness to Change  Precontemplation: No intention of changing behavior  Contemplation: Intending to take action within six months  Preparation: Planning to take action within a month  Action: Outwardly changing behavior and environment  Maintenance: Successful behavior change maintained for six months or more  Termination: Having exited the cycle of change and no longer tempted to lapse into old behavior  The stages of change: A spiral model  Dealing with Relapse  Most people make several attempts before they successfully change behavior  If relapse occurs:  Forgive yourself  Give yourself credit for progress  Move on    

Developing Skills for Change: Creating a Personalized Plan Monitor behavior and gather data Analyze the data and identify patterns Be “SMART” about setting goals

Personalized Health & Wellness Chapter 1: Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management

 Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Realistic  Time frame–specific  Devise a plan of action  Get what you need  Modify your environment  Control related habits  Reward yourself  Involve people around you  Plan for challenges  Make a personal contract  Possible sources of blocked progress:  Social influences  Levels of motivation and commitment  Choice of techniques and level of effort  Stress barrier  Procrastinating, rationalizing, and blaming  Take on your easier problems first, and build on your success over time...

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