PHY7E-Spring 2021 Syllabus PDF

Title PHY7E-Spring 2021 Syllabus
Course Classical Physics
Institution University of California Irvine
Pages 3
File Size 224.3 KB
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Download PHY7E-Spring 2021 Syllabus PDF


Course Syllabus

Physics 7E Spring 2021 Classical Physics (Fluids; Oscillations; Waves; and Optics) Instructor: Dr. Howard Lee Lectures: Virtual (Pre-recorded lectures will be uploaded on MWF) Office hours: Friday 11am-12pm (by appointment)

E-mail: [email protected]

Pre-Requisites: Physics 7C and Math 2AB Co-Requisites: Physics 7E does not have a laboratory session or any other co-requisites. Physics 52A is a separate course with complementary reading, lectures, and hands-on laboratory experiences. Required Material • Textbook: University Physics – Young and Freedman (15th edition). o This course will require Chapters 12, 14-16, and 32-36. A special, paperback edition containing only these chapters is available in the UCI bookstore. Students are welcome to purchase the eBook or use an older edition of University Physics. • Homework: MyLab and Mastering Grade Composition: The final grade will be determined by the following weighting: Lecture Attendance: Homework: Participation in Discussion Sections Mid-term Exams: Final Exam (Comprehensive):

10% 20% 15% 20% 35%

Grading Scale: Students with composite scores 85% or higher, or who are in the top 15% of the class overall, will receive grades of A- or better. Final letter grades will depend enormously on performance on the Mid-term and Final Exams. This exam is the largest part of your grade because it is our only opportunity to guarantee against different forms of academic dishonesty that can occur in an online course. Scores for individual assignments will be posted on Canvas as they become available. It is your responsibility to ensure that your scores have been correctly recorded. If there are clerical errors in your recorded scores, notify your TA. No scores will be changed after the last day of classes. Lectures (Asynchronous): Students are responsible to attend the pre-recorded lectures. Attendance will be counted after you viewed the complete lectures. Participation scores from two lectures will be dropped to accommodate all manner of student emergencies, internet problems, and other common problems. Discussion sessions (synchronous): Tuesday, zoom meetings start in Week 2 (6th April). Students have chance to solve and discuss the physics problems in different breakout room with the Teaching Assistants and Learning Assistants. Students participate in the discussion and provide correct answers of the problems will receive scores for the “Participation in Discussion Sections”. Homework: Homework and Practice problems are assigned each week on Modified Mastering. Problems labeled “Practice” are recommended to help you, but they will not be graded. Problems labeled “Homework” must be completed by 11:59pm on Sunday night. Late submissions will not receive credit. At the end of the quarter, one homework grade will be dropped to accommodate all manner of student emergencies, internet problems, and other technical glitches.

Physics 7E (Spring 2021)

Course Syllabus

Exams (synchronous). Two conventional, written exams will be given. See the Midterm Exam and Final Exam webpages for more information. No alternate times or makeup exams will be available. Reading before lectures: Students should read the textbook before each lecture. This will familiarize you with the basic terminology for the lecture and provide a first introduction to the concepts discussed. Cheating: Anyone caught cheating on any assignment will automatically fail this course. In addition, the appropriate deans will be notified, and this course will strictly enforce the UCI policies on academic honesty Links to an external site. Cheating includes giving or receiving assistance on any exam, submitting work that is copied from another person’s work, and tampering with and/or re-submitting exams or homework. Cheating does not include discussing assignments with others or using outside reference materials to learn more. You are encouraged to work together, but any work turned in for a grade must be your own effort and not someone else’s.

Additional Resources Electronic Communication: Throughout the quarter it may be necessary to give additional instructions or announcements. This information will be broadcast to all students using Canvas. Take a moment to set the Notification Settings in your Canvas Account so that you do not miss any class announcements. Students with Disabilities: All University-recognized disabilities will be accommodated according to University policiesLinks to an external site. Physics Tutoring Center: Physics Department Tutoring Center Schedule SPRING 2021 Hours Online Tutoring Center hours begin Monday, April 5, 2021 COURSE 3B 7C 3C 7E 3C 7D 3B 7E 7D 3C 3A 7C 3A 7D 3C UPDATE


TA Atashi, Rose Hatfield, Kaleb Chellew, Blake Umeda, Rafael Everett, Nathan Dalager, Olivia Dugas, Katherine Paine, Johanna Al Masri, Carmen Smith, Dylan Staudt, Patrick Walker, Charles Pei, Xinyao Venkatesan, Vidya Baretz, Jason

DAY TIME Monday 12:00-2:00pm Monday 12:00-2:00pm Monday 6:00-8:00pm Monday 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday 12:00-2:00pm Tuesday 12:00-2:00pm Tuesday 6:00-8:00pm Tuessday 6:00-8:00pm Wednesday 12:00-2:00pm Wednesday 12:00-2:00pm Wednesday 6:00-8:00pm Wednesday 6:00-8:00pm Thursday 12:00-2:00pm Thursday 6:00-8:00pm Thursday 6:00-8:00pm



LARC Tutoring: Additional small-group tutoring is available on campus for a fee. See the LARC website for their tutoring schedule and openings. Interested students should contact LARC directly. Hints for best performance: • • • • •

Prepare for class; read material in the text before the lecture. Then read the material again after class discussions of the topics. Don’t miss lectures. Review and practice math as necessary. Practice, practice, practice. I want you to enjoy in the Physics! Let me know if there is any way I can make the class more enjoyable and interesting


Physics 7E (Spring 2021)

Course Syllabus

Specifically related to problem solving and homework: • • • • • • • • •

Review problem-solving steps provided in class and in the textbook. Make sure you understand what the problem is asking before you begin plugging numbers into equations. Try the worked examples in the book and from your notes — without peeking! Try problems that have solutions in the back of the book. Draw a picture whenever possible. Pay attention to units. Don’t expect to always work straight through a problem. Wrong turns and dead ends are often instructive. Check results to make sure they are reasonable. Get help—but only after trying the problem yourself.

And finally: Keep in mind that learning physics involves both understanding concepts and solving problems. The two processes are inseparable and support each other. Use one to illuminate the other, remain diligent, and it will all come together. And most important is having fun with PHYSICS!


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