PHYS 1c syllabus PDF

Title PHYS 1c syllabus
Author Richard Lee
Course Physics 1c
Institution University of California San Diego
Pages 4
File Size 124.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 76
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Course Syllabus for Physics 1B Electricity & Magnetism Winter 2018, Sec B00 INSTRUCTORS Professor : Philbert Tsai office : Urey Hall 6242 office hours : Tue Thu 11am - 12pm (subject to change) Mon 1pm - 2pm (subject to change) email : [email protected] TA :

Angela Berti email : [email protected] Angela will run small problem sessions throughout the week (see below) She will also be providing general tutor services at the Tutorial Center

MEETINGS Class Lectures : TuTh 3:30 pm - 4:50 pm , WLH 2001 Problem Sessions: Tue 2-3pm in SERF 329 Tue 5-6pm in SERF 329 Wed 12-1pm in SERF 383 Thu 5-6pm in SERF 383

RESOURCES Course Website Course Piazza Page Physics Tutorial Center CET Supplement Instr. Podcasts of Lectures

(subject to change) (subject to change) (subject to change) (subject to change)

Triton Education (TED) classroom site 2702 Mayer Hall Addition (3-6pm Sunday through Thursday) Teaching and Learning Commons (Geisel Library)

PREREQUISITES & COREQUISITES Pre-requisites : Phys 1B or 2B, Phys 1BL or 2CL, Math 10C, or 20C or 31BH or 11 (you cannot enroll in 1C until you have completed Phys 1BL and Math 10C/20C/31BH/11). Co-requisites : Phys 1CL REQUIRED SUPPLIES * Textbook : Principles of Physics, 5th edition (Serway & Jewett) with WebAssign Access* WebAssign purchase & setup video : * Kudu Online Resource - ($30 for full year access) - Course ID : mxfs7w * Scientific Calculator (non-graphing type) – no internet access or text/equation storage. * i-Clicker (classroom response system remote; $63 at UCSD bookstore) * Scantron forms, form F-289-PAR-L form. (you'll need at least 6 for the quarter) * #2 pencils (for scantron, during test)

ELECTRONICS POLICY Please bring a non-graphing scientific calculator capable of calculating trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent) and square roots to class. Laptops and tablets will be allowed during lecture for notetaking purposes only. Do not use electronics for other purposes (checking email, looking up something – even if its related to class). Abuse of this policy could result in the laptop/tablet allowance being rescinded. No cellphones usage is allowed in class at any time. If you require cell phone accessibility for emergency issues (child care, medical issues), please pre-arrange a meeting with the professor to make arrangements. All electronics except for non-graphing calculators are prohibited during quizzes/exams.

ILLNESS POLICY Owing to large enrollment of the class, it is an unfortunate statistical reality that several students will be ill or have some family emergency on any given day. For logistical and academic integrity reasons, there will be absolutely no make-up exams. Instead, each student will be allowed to drop one quiz to account for illness or emergency. (If you have a major / extended medical emergency, please keep documentation in case university academic petition becomes necessary at the end of the quarter). [Note: The “drop-1-quiz” policy is designed for medical illness and emergency. Do not plan to drop a quiz for other reasons (e.g., poor performance). If you do, you will invariable get the flu on the day of the last quiz.]

IMPORTANT DATES Five in-class exams will be given on Tuesdays : Apr 10, Apr 24, May 08, May 22, and Jun 5. The final exam will be on Monday, June 11, 3 - 6 pm

CLASS OUTLINE Oscillatory Motion (Ch 12) Mechanical Waves (Ch 13) Superposition and Standing Waves (Ch 14) Wave Optics (Ch 27) Electromagnetic Waves (Ch 24) Light, Reflection, & Refraction (Ch 25) Image Formation, Lenses, Mirrors (Ch 26) Quantum Physics (Ch 28) Atomic Physics (Ch 29) Nuclear Physics (Ch 30)

GRADING Grading will be based on: Class Participation : Clickers questions (10%) You receive full participation points for the day for answering all clicker questions (correct or not). In-class Quizzes (45% total) - You will be allowed to drop 1 quiz as part of the illness policy. Homework (15%) Final Exam (30%) Extra Credit You will receive a small amount of extra credit for correct clicker questions (not to exceed 1.5% final grade) You will receive a small amount of extra credit for extra practice HW (not to exceed 1.5% final grade) Homework Required homework will be assigned through WebAssign. Some required pre-lecture questions (included in 15% HW grade) may be assigned through (this will not start until at least 2nd week) Extra Credit (Extra Practice) problems will be assigned through GRADING SCALE A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89% C 65% - 79% D 50% - 64% F Below 50% +/- grades will be assigned at the instructor's discretion for those students whose course score comes in just barely below the cutoff for the next higher grade.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated and will be grounds for a failing grade in the course. Students are encouraged to study together to facilitate learning, but all products that directly affect the grades in the course must be the sole effort and work of the student. This includes all exams and quizzes, extra credit assignments, and responding to clicker questions. Bringing or possessing multiple i>Clickers in class is regarded as cheating and will result in the immediate confiscation of the clickers. Cheating, plagiarism, and all other forms of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the UCSD Policy on Integrity and Scholarship as found in the UCSD General Catalog. The Policy is also available online at: and is considered required reading for this course. Importantly, do NOT bring more than one i>Clicker to class. If you are found with two iClickers anywhere in your possession during class, both you and the registered owner of the other i>Clicker will be reported for academic dishonesty. (Turn in any extra iClickers you might have to the instructor for safekeeping at the beginning of lecture if you accidentally find yourself in such a situation). The instructor reserves the right to use classroom photography to verify attendance during clicker usage.

SUMMARY You are required to purchase Serway & Jewett 5th Edition WITH WebAssign online resource access Required Homework will be assigned through WebAssign. Setup video : You are required to acquire a subscription to for online resources access Extra Practice (for extra credit) problems will be assigned through the Kudu system. Some Pre-Lecture questions (counted towards regular homework grade) through Kudu. Setup Instructions : see pdf file in “General Information” section of TritonEd site. You are required to obtain an i>Clicker for use for in-class participation Price at UCSD Bookstore : $62.75. Older and used models of i>Clicker are okay too. i>Clickers are now in common use in many courses across many departments. Setup Instructions : use “Register your i>clicker” link on left panel of TritonEd site. It is recommended that you sign up access to the class page at ( 3rd party site / software) Registration is free, as is the available as a mobile app. Timely extra help and useful discussion will be available through the course Piazza page. Being in possession of more than one iClicker in lecture is considered academic dishonesty and will be dealt with accordingly. No cellphone usage in class.

*We have done our best to negotiate good pricing for students (approximately $200 cost for 3+ quarters worth of textbook and electronic resources, including iClicker). If this still presents an extreme financial hardship, please speak to the instructor in person....

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