Title PHYS 273 QUIZ Question BANK
Author Mounia Djaout
Course Energy and Environment
Institution Concordia University
Pages 9
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QUIZ 1The metric unit of energy is a) The Joule b) The BTU c) The calorie d) The electron voltIf the temperature of an object increases, the thermal energy a) Always increases b) Might increase c) Remains constant if nothing else changes about the object d) Might decreaseThe “c” in E=mc^2 refers to ...


QUIZ 1 The metric unit of energy is a) The Joule b) The BTU c) The calorie d) The electron volt If the temperature of an object increases, the thermal energy a) Always increases b) Might increase c) Remains constant if nothing else changes about the object d) Might decrease The “c” in E=mc^2 refers to a) An electric change b) The mass of light c) Photons d) The speed of light The sun’s energy reaches Earth in the form of a) Chemical energy b) Thermal energy c) Nuclear energy d) Kinetic energy e) Electrical energy f) Electromagnetic energy Saying “the electromagnetic spectrum” is the same as saying “visible light” a) True b) False You try to pick up your mom’s car but it is too heavy and it doesn’t move. After you are very tired. Which is true? a) You did no work on the car because you didn’t apply a force b) You did no work on the car because it did not move c) You did work on the car, that is why you are tired d) You did work on the car but the work is now gone because you have stopped A calorie is a) The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius b) A unit of energy that only applies to food c) The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit d) The work done by a one newton force acting over one metre

Work is a) The transfer of energy b) A force c) Momentum d) A Beyoncé song The energy due to the motion in a material is a) Chemical energy b) Thermal energy c) Nuclear energy d) Electrical energy e) Electromagnetic energy A joule is a) The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius b) Not a commonly used unit of energy in science c) The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit d) The work done by a one newton force acting over one metre

QUIZ 2 A laser is powered by a battery and is used to heat up a spot on a piece of paper. The energy flow is: Chemical  Electrical  __________  Thermal a) Kinetic b) Potential c) Electromagnetic d) Chemical Your little sister drops a bag of candy on your head from the rood of your house. Right before it hits your head it is moving quickly. Which describes the candy’s energy, from roof to head? a) The candy has lost kinetic energy and gained potential energy b) The candy has lost potential energy and gained kinetic energy c) The candy has not lost or gained potential energy d) The candy has not lost or gained kinetic energy You lift a cat from the ground up to a shelf 2 meters above the ground. Which is a description of the energy flow? a) Thermal energy  Electrical energy b) Thermal energy  Potential energy c) Kinetic energy  Electromagnetic energy d) Chemical energy  Gravitational potential energy According to the Law of Conservation of Energy if solar panels use the sun’s energy in Arizona, then there will be less solar energy for us to use in Canada. a) True b) False

If the total energy of a system increases this does not necessarily mean that energy was added to the system. a) True b) False A ball is rolling down a hill and gaining speed. Which is true? a) The ball is gaining potential energy and gaining kinetic energy b) The ball is gaining potential energy and losing kinetic energy c) The ball is losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy d) The ball is losing potential energy and losing kinetic energy Home appliances that produce heat tend to be low power. a) True b) False Which of the following is closest to being an isolated system? a) An ice cube sitting on a table outside in the summer b) An electric heater c) A very well insulated, opaque cooler d) The sun The chair is sliding across a rough horizontal floor. The chair starts with 100J of kinetic energy and slows down and comes to a stop. What happened to the kinetic energy of the chair? a) Kinetic energy ever only lasts for shot amounts of time b) The kinetic energy was transformed into heat due to the friction with the floor c) The kinetic energy was transformed into gravitational potential energy d) The chair’s kinetic energy did not change In an isolated system energy can be transformed from one form to another but the total energy in the system must stay constant. a) True b) False

QUIZ 3 Using the heat source and heat sink temperatures for a heat engine, you can calculate that the best efficiency (according to the formula derived by Carnot) is 60%. This means a) All heat engines operating these temperatures will be 60% efficient b) The worst efficiency a heat engine operating at these temperatures can have is 60% c) The best efficiency a heat engine operating at these temperatures can have is 60% d) The average efficiency of a heat engine operating at these temperatures is 60% The amount of energy released per 100 grams of fuel burned in a reaction is called a) The heat of combustion b) The latent heat c) The heat of transformation d) The reaction’s efficiency

Faraday discovered that a) All magnetic fields produce electric current b) Changing magnetic fields produce electric current c) You cannot produce electric current with a magnetic field d) Magnetic fields are always constant A battery contains 1000 joules of energy. The maximum amount of work it can do is 1000 joules. This is an example of a) The Law of Conservation of Energy b) The First Law of Thermodynamics c) Neither the First Law of Thermodynamics nor the Law of Conservation of Energy d) Both the First Law of Thermodynamics and the Law of Conservation of Energy Only a small percentage of the electricity we use is produced by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy a) True b) False In an isolated system the entropy of the system increases over time a) True b) False The measure of randomness, or disorder, of a system is called a) Energy b) Entropy c) Entanglement d) Entomology As the entropy of a system increases, the total amount of useful energy decreases a) True b) False A process that occurs spontaneously in one direction only is called a) Reversible b) Irreversible c) Undeniable d) Insatiable Which of the following is NOT a main product in the combustion of hydrocarbons? a) Carbon dioxide b) Oxygen gas c) Water d) Heat energy

QUIZ 4 In the U.S. about 50% of the total energy used is used in the transportation sector. a) True b) False Using the Sankey diagram: Most energy produced by coal is used for

a) b) Transport c) The energy industry


Per capita energy use is growing most rapidly in a) Canada b) U.S. c) China d) Europe Using the Sankey diagram: which of the following is not a main use of energy produced by natural gas? a) Residential b) Commercial c) Industrial d) Transport Coal consumption in North America has increased every year for the last 80 years. a) True b) False

Canada uses less energy per person than the U.S. a) True b) False Using the Sankey diagram: which is not a major source of electricity generation? a) Crude oil b) Coal c) Uranium d) Hydropower What percentage of Canada’s energy consumption is in the form of fossil fuels> a) Almost zero b) About 25% c) About 50% d) About 75% e) Almost all Which countries have the highest percent use of renewable energy? a) Low income countries b) Middle income countries c) High income countries The map shows the total energy consumption by country. Which of the following countries uses the most energy? a) Canada b) China c) Russia d) Australia

QUIZ 5 In North America the percentage of energy used that comes in from fossil fuels is increasing. a) True b) False Which of the following is NOT an advantage of oil over coal? a) Oil is the most abundant fossil fuel b) Oil is easier to transport c) Oil is more versatile d) Oil is cleaner burning There hasn’t been a major mining accident in Canada since the 1970s a) False b) True

The main concern for hydraulic fracturing activities is the effects on a) Worker safety b) Water and water systems c) Carbon dioxide levels d) Air quality Which of the following is NOT a factor that will decrease the amount of time that the world’s oil supply might last? a) Demand is increasing faster than the growth of alternative energy b) World energy demand is increasing c) Most oil reserves are in decline d) We will not discover new oil reserves in the future What fraction of the coal produced in Canada is exported? a) 50% b) 25% c) 75% d) none Hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) uses chemicals dissolved in water to breakdown the rock and release the hydrocarbons for extraction. a) True b) False Subsurface mining techniques are used when coal deposits are a) Too delicate b) Close to the surface c) Harder to access d) Of low quality Which of the following is NOT a factor that will prolong the amount of time that the world’s oil supply might last? a) The world’s demand for oil is decreasing b) Technology for oil detection is improving c) New oil reserves are being discovered d) Technology for oil extraction is improving Tight resources are oil and natural gas deposits that are a) Not extractible by conventional drilling methods b) Not accessible until we develop better technology for extraction c) Much deeper than conventional oil resources d) Difficult to access due to surface conditions

QUIZ 6 The intensity of sunlight at Mercury is greater than the intensity of sunlight at Venus because a) Venus is larger b) Venus is closer to the sun c) Mercury is closer to the sun d) Mercury is larger A heat exchange is a device that a) Produces heat b) Transfers thermal energy from one fluid t another c) Is not allowed by the laws of thermodynamics d) Quebec Hydro used to calculate heating costs The sun’s energy is produces by a) Burning of hydrogen b) Nuclear fission c) Boiling of hydrogen d) Nuclear fusion The amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth depends on a) All of the mentioned choices b) The time of day c) The distance from the equator d) The season of the year e) The amount of cloud cover The peak of the sun’s light spectrum is in the a) Visible b) Infrared c) Ultraviolet Considering only the amount of solar energy available, in which region would it makes the most sense to develop solar energy production? a) Northern Quebec b) Southern Saskatchewan c) The maritime provinces d) West coast of British Columbia Starting with energy production in the sun, choose the correct forms of energy to complete the energy flow description for a solar thermal electricity production system. Nuclear  X  Y  Kinetic  Z Choices: Chemical, Heat/Thermal, Mass/Nuclear, Kinetic, Potential, Electric, Electromagnetic Radiation Nuclear  Heat/ Thermal  Electric  Kinetic  Electromagnetic Radiation

The cost of electricity produced with photovoltaics has not changed considerable over the last few decades/ a) False b) True Starting with energy production in the sun, choose the correct forms of energy to complete the energy flow description for an active solar system. X  Y  Z Choices: Chemical, Heat/Thermal, Mass/Nuclear, Kinetic, Potential, Electric, Electromagnetic Radiation Nuclear  Electromagnetic Radiation  Chemical Which of the following is part of a home designed with passive solar heating? a) Use of solar collectors on the roof b) A greenhouse c) Little insulation d) Mirrors and lenses e) South facing windows...

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