Physics of Fencing - a guide for how to go about the assignment PDF

Title Physics of Fencing - a guide for how to go about the assignment
Author Keoni Haynes
Course How Things Work: Physics in Everyday Life
Institution Carleton University
Pages 4
File Size 195.2 KB
File Type PDF
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a guide for how to go about the assignment...


Physics of Fencing The module of study I have picked to do research in is the sports module and the sport I have chosen to analyse is fencing. Before any analyzation could begin, I had to ask myself simply what can be done, through research I found learned “you can predict the movement of something when under the influence of something else”(Normani, 2018, .Fencing is a fast paced sport which combines athleticism and speed for a thrilling fight. The sport encompasses 3 sword styles (foil, epee, and sabre) but for simplicity in reference we will stick with foil. Foil fencing target area is the only the torso front and back. In terms of physics the sport of fencing includes a variety of concepts which make the sport what it is. One of the most important concepts when it comes to physics is movement. In physics movement is classified under kinetics. “Kinetics is the branch of science that deals with the effects of forces upon the motions of material bodies or with changes in physical or chemical system “(Merriam-Webster, 2018). An example of this in fencing is when the fencer moves forward, stops, and moves back. This example is illustrated by newton’s first law of motion which states “Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.”(Hall, 2015, In terms of this concept the fencer is the object, which can be in motion or at rest.

Another concept of physics that can be proven from fencing is air resistance. An example of air resistance is the slowing of the sword’s blow, which generates a thick whip like sound when in movement. ”By definition, air resistance describes the forces that are in opposition to the relative motion of an object as it passes through the air” (Williams, 2016, Just like with any object air resistance can be calculated and reduced, the way to reduce the resistance of the blade are small yet fast movements from side to side when moving forward. Not only is the concept of air resistance seen during a bout (name of a fencing match) but before the start as well when the opponents solute each other using their weapons. Fast and thin wiping sounds are generated when this done, due to the fact both fencers are slicing through the air.

Since we have covered movement of sword and body in fencing let us talk about when these two things are combined. These pair of concepts can be classified as the attack. A fencers attack can be described using Newton’s Second Law. “The law defines a force to be equal to change in momentum (mass times velocity) per change in time” (Hall, 2015, This theory is able to yield a numerical value using the equation F = m * a. In terms of fencing mass is defined as body weight and the acceleration is taken from the speed of sword toward target area (torso). Just like in the equation if weight is multiplied by the swords speed we are able to calculate the force (Newtons) exerted on the opponent. Fun fact that amount of newton force each piece of protective equipment can take is displayed on the said equipment. Further proof of the connection between physics can fencing can be seen by actually working out the force equation. E.g.- a fencers weight is 72 kg and the speed of his tip to his opponents target is 1.8m/s. by applying the numbers to the calculation 72 * 1.8, we are able to figure out that due to their mass and acceleration the amount of force exerted on their opponent is 129.6 newtons or force.

Now, due to the fact that we have already applied comparisons between Newton’s first two laws pf physics why not include his third law as well. Newton’s third law can be interrupted as “… for every action (force) in nature is an equal and opposite reaction”(Hill, 2015, Newton third law sounds a lot like muscle memory, which is the concept if you do something enough times, your body will react to it with little to no thought. When this idea is applied to fencing it can be seen as the fencer’s muscle memory reacting to their opponents

attack. For example, once a fencer is attacking their opponent, that action causes the reaction of the second fencer taking a defensive position (parry). To reiterate simply the attack is the action, while the parry is the equal and opposite reaction. In conclusion it’s well known that fundamental physics theories can be applied towards different everyday activities. Also one of the best ways to see this relation is through an athlete competing or training for a sport. That is why I picked fencing, with its varying tempo and dynamic yet subtle movements. It posed as an acceptable template as to further analyze the concepts of kinematics, air resistance and Newton’s Laws of motion.

Bibliography 

Hall, Nancy. (2015, May).Newton’s Laws of Motion. Retrieved December 02, 2018 from

Williams, Matt. (2016, May). What Is Air Resistance . Retrieved December 2, 2018 from

Merriam-Webster (2018,November).Kinematics. Retrieved from utm_campaign=sd&utm_medium=serp&utm_source=jsonld. Normani , Franco. (2018, December). The Physics or Sports. Retrieved December 2, 2018 from

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Pinterest(2018). The salute before the bout... | Epee Fencing | Pinterest | Fence, Epee fencing and Multiple exposure. Retrieved December 02, 2018 from Youtube (2014, October). Fencing Physics and Motion. Retrieved November 28, 2018 from Easy science for kids (2018). All about Force- push and pull. Retrieved December 02, 2018 from Changes of Phase, Heat, Temperature | Zona Land Education (2018). The Mighty F = ma. Retrieved December 2, 2018 from ghtyFEqMA.html....

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