Příprava na BEC Vantage 1 (B2) PDF

Title Příprava na BEC Vantage 1 (B2)
Course English 1
Institution Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Pages 7
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BEC Writing

Obsah Write a memo.......................................................................................................................................... 2 Write an email ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Write a letter ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Write a report.......................................................................................................................................... 5 Write a proposal ...................................................................................................................................... 7


BEC Writing

Write a memo      

40-50 words Memo =memorandum (a note, a message) Formal language No closings Memo is something like a mass mail, it is to be sent to staff, it is a type of internal communication Create the heading o Type memo/memorandum at the top the page o Lines for from, to, date and subject + fill them in Write the body o Do not use salutations in memos when you write to all stuff, use Mr Jones or Hi, Jones when you write to one of your colleagues o Introduce the problem in the 1st sentence (paragraph)  Due to extensive customer feedback/ Following conversations with our distributors/ Because of/ Due o And give some context o Suggest actions that the reader should take o Close with a positive summary Finalize it o Format your memo properly o Your name in the end is not necessary because the name is given at the top


BEC Writing

Write an email  

  

40-50 words Begin with a greeting o Dear Sir or Madam o Dear Ms Price/Mr Price (Thank the recipient o Thank you for contacting ABC company/ Thank you for your prompt reply State your purpose o I am writing to enquire about…/ I am writing in reference to… Add your closing remarks o Polite closing remarks o I look forward to hearing from you/ Thank you for your patience and cooperation/ Thank you for your consideration/ If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate and let me know End with a closing o Use Your sincerely when a name of the receiver is mentioned at the beginning o Use Your faithfully when it is not o Sign your full name


BEC Writing

Write a letter   

   

120-140 words Write your address at the top of the right, the recipient’s address just below this on the left, then the date Start and end your letter appropriately o Dear Sir or Madam  Yours faithfully o Dear John  Yours sincerely I am writing to apply/enquire/confirm/in response to the advertisement in Formal language, indirect questions o Avoid informal language, contractions, direct questions or exclamations marks Sign your full name Useful phrases o Furthermore, Firstly, Secondly, Finally o I am eager/keen to… o I hope you will consider my application favourably and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience o I would be very grateful (for the opportunity)


BEC Writing

Write a report    

120-140 words Formal language, objective, impersonal Report on Introduction o The report is based on information obtained from… o The aim/purpose of the report is to summarize/outline/present/discuss/examine/evaluate… and make recommendations for… o This reports outlines/looks at… o The report includes/consists of… Main body and findings o We found that… o The next stage is… o In the first part, I will outline/explain/illustrate/analyse… o In the second part, I will move on to look at/examine… o In the final part, I will draw some conclusions about/ make some predictions about… Conclusion o In conclusion, I would like to say that/I recommend/I suggest… in order to…/because o On the basis of the figures presented above… o This has the potential to be a successful project provided… o This will inevitably have an impact on… o In the light of the above findings, we reached the following conclusions… Recommendations o There are three main recommendations to make… o It is strongly recommended that… o Further research should be carried out to find out… o The marketing department should… o One of the big advantages of this proposal is… o A meeting should be set up between… Describing visuals o As you can see from the pie chart/graph/diagram/table… o The graph/… shows that… o By far (the largest source of energy) is… o (Oil) now/currently/at present accounts for/represents/makes up…


BEC Writing 

Survey report o Verbs  Choose, opt for, prefer, favour ST over ST, find ST attractive, believe, be convinced, ST appeals to SB, regard ST as… o A tiny minority of staff o Growing minority of staff o A substantial majority of staff o A limited number of staff o Around half the staff o Just over half the staff o The vast majority of staff o A very small number of staff o An increasing number of staff o Much more than 50% of staff o Not many staff o Approximately 50% of staff o Slightly more than 50% of staff o Nearly all staff Go up o Rise  =zvyšovat se  Rice – rose – risen  Sloveso intrazivní – nepojí se s přímým předmětem  The prices are rising. o Raise  =zvyšovat něco  Raise – raised  Sloveso tranzitivní – musí se pojit s přímým předmětem (tzn. Podstatné jméno v 4. Pádě)  They are raising the prices. o Surge (prudký nárůst) o Jump o Soar (vyletět nahoru, pridce stoupnout) o Increase Go down o Drop o Plummet (prudce klesnout, sletět) o Decline (klesat) o Decreace o Slide (poklesnout)


BEC Writing

Write a proposal   

 

  

120-140 words Proposal for A proposal o Should define a problem and describe a solution o Employ facts, not opinions o Analyse your plan or project, demonstrate possible outcomes Start with an introduction o No salutations in beginning or in the end State the problem o I am writing you with a new business idea/ This letter is a proposal…/ I would like to present/ The purpose of this report is to assess and recommend a taxi firm that will become our regular transporter/ The purpose of this proposal is to compare… Propose solution Include a schedule and budget Conclusion o After thinking about all the different facts or opinions/ I recommend that we should choose the… for the reasons given above/ On balance, although ABC is a strong contender, I recommend that we should choose DEF because…


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