Placement Goals and Action Plan Template PDF

Title Placement Goals and Action Plan Template
Course Research within Early Childhood Studies
Institution Liverpool John Moores University
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Core and Personal Placement Learning goals and action plan

Core Placement Goals 1.) To regularly review objective, improvement plans and career development plans.

Write down what actions you need to take achieve this goal  Identify the roles and responsibilities of a primary school teacher and determine if that is the job role I’m definitely driven towards.  Research the steps that need to be taken to become a Primary School Teacher e.g. volunteering in schools.  To self-assess my practice on placement to ensure that I adopt the qualities and strategies used by the classroom teacher.  To deepen my knowledge about continuous professional development (CPD) and use it to shape my practice.

2.) To demonstrate initiative by taking on problems/tasks outside his/her normal role without being asked.

 To develop future goals and targets to improve and strengthen my practice.  To follow through tasks and/or activities without instruction.  Observe the routines and daily activities that are carried out in the school and follow through the day without direction.  To assist the classroom teacher with tidying up, putting up displays etc at the end of the school day.  To help the classroom teacher and teaching assistant where necessary with any tasks without being asked to do it.

3.) To make decisions in appropriate situations and seek to learn from the outcomes.

 To find where all the resources and equipment are kept in the classroom independently.  Ask the pupils questions in their day to day learning to find out what areas of learning they find useful and motivating.

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Core and Personal Placement Learning goals and action plan  To listen carefully and observe how the teacher carries out a lesson plan effectively.  To plan and successfully carry out a lesson plan whilst on placement and to evaluate the outcome and what I have learnt from the lesson.  To decide the best strategies to use when carrying out numerous tasks and activities assigned by my placement provider and learn from the outcomes of them.

4.) To have regard for the impact on other people of his/her actions and decisions.

 To decide the appropriate method of observation to use when observing different children and to learn about the children’s development from the observation’s.  To demonstrate empathy to children and staff in the setting when dealing with sensitive situations.  To demonstrate a high level of respect for decisions all staff and children make in the setting and show appreciation for them.  Regularly observe how theory links to children’s emotions and actions.  To enunciate to and question children in sensitive situations to understand the impact of their actions and decisions.  To communicate effectively and develop reciprocal relationships with children and staff regarding their actions and decisions.

5.) To reflect on practice informed by theoretical understanding and recognise the underpinning principles

Research and review an amplitude of theoretical models in depth.

To recognise the vivid links between my own practice and how it links to differing theoretical models.

Observe my own practice to ensure that it aligns and informs with theoretical underpinnings.

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Core and Personal Placement Learning goals and action plan

Personal Goals

To self-assess the similarities and differences between my practice and a broad range of theoretical models.

To seek to learn from and adopt strategies from theoretical models in my practice on placement with the children.

Write down what actions you need to take achieve this goal

6.) To gain knowledge and understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National Curriculum and how they are delivered in practice.

7.) To carry out an observation to link theory and practice, to develop an insight of behaviour management and Special educational needs (SEN).

Read the EYFS and the National Curriculum to summarise their key points, objectives and themes.

Discuss with staff the underpinning aims and principles of the aims of the EYFS and the National Curriculum.

Research and recite information relating to the EYFS and the National curriculum about planning and assessment for teachers within the EYFS and the National Curriculum.

To gain a clear vision of the subjects, topics and characteristics there are within the EYFS and the National Curriculum.

To observe lessons, activities and tasks carried out by the teacher and the pupils and recognise the links to the EYFS and the National Curriculum. To make regular observations on behaviour and children with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

Observe a child’s behaviour in the classroom and identify how the behaviour is dealt with by the teacher/ teaching assistant.

To determine the types of behaviour that the children are demonstrating and link it to theory.

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Core and Personal Placement Learning goals and action plan

8.) To develop an understanding of the government’s and the settings policies and legislation regarding equal opportunities and health and safety.


To observe and develop an understanding of how play is integrated into the school setting and how play promotes children’s learning.

To distinguish definite links between theory and practical observations on children.

Research background information relating to any disabilities/learning difficulties on children within the class to establish their condition and what support strategies can be offered to them. Read and review the policies provided by the school to develop a deeper understanding of the underpinning principles of the policies.

Make clear notes from the settings equal opportunities and health safety policies.

Observe how equal opportunities policies and principles are developed in practice within the school.

To determine how the policies align with current government legislation regarding health, safety and equal opportunities.

Regularly observe children playing and interacting through different activities and tasks set out by the classroom teacher.

Ask staff on placement their views on learning through play.

Research a range of theories on play and make distinctive links between children’s play and learning.

To determine the different play resources and equipment that children are offered during their play and how these promote learning.

Identify the different types of play that the children demonstrate throughout their play.

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