PM - Project Management Coursework Submission . Case Study - Burj Khalifa. PDF

Title PM - Project Management Coursework Submission . Case Study - Burj Khalifa.
Course Project Management
Institution Glasgow Caledonian University
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Project Management Coursework Submission . Case Study - Burj Khalifa....


Coursework – Written Report and Software Analysis Project Management – MHN220816 Author: Lauren Nelson Matriculation No.: BSc (Hons) Building Surveying PT

Recipient: School of Engineering and the Built Environment 7th December 2020







































































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1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 TOPIC BACKGROUND Once an abandoned military barrack site, a 460-acre multi-use development tower now stretches 2,716 feet (828 metres) above the city of Dubai. Gaining international recognition as the tallest freestanding structure and building in the world, the Burj Khalifa has proven to set dynamic and unprecedented benchmarks within the construction industry (EMARR, 2020). More than 160 storeys, this integrated vertical city incorporates hotel accommodation, private residential apartments and varied commercial premises (Boston Consulting Group, 2017). Labelled ‘an incomparable feat of engineering’, the $1.5 billion-pound structure was unveiled in January 2010 following a complex 6year construction process (EMARR, 2020). Alongside an experienced team, extensive knowledge and primarily the implementation of project management practices, Founder and Chairman of Emarr Properties Mohamed Alabbar achieved in creating a spectacular development. The practice of project management has been utilized over centuries. The design and construction of the Pyramids of Giza, the establishment of the Olympic Games and the first human moon landing were managed and executed by the application of key practice and principle elements recognized within the current project management profession (Project Management Institute, 2017). Now in the 20th Century, project management concepts have been internationally utilized to achieve driven and advanced construction projects.

Figure 1.1.1 – Night view of the Burj Khalifa, (EMARR, 2020) [1].

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1.2 AIM & OBJECTIVES Considering the application of project management within the development of the Burj Khalifa, the following report aims to critically analyse key concepts of the practice throughout the project life span. The importance of planning will be critically analysed with particular application to the structural wind engineering elements of the tower. Risk management will also be analysed through main project risks and potential mitigation techniques. Finally, investigation into effective communication within the diverse construction projects will additionally be provided. By the end of this report, it is hoped that a full analysis of key project management practices and their application to the Burj Khalifa development have been acknowledged and undergone detailed discussion.

2.0 PROJECT PLANNING 2.1 PLANNING BACKGROUND Internationally, industries and individuals recognise the value planning has within any action or decision. The process should demonstrate an overall strategy of detailed knowledge, preparation and execution to ultimately meet project objectives. (Reynolds, 2016). Perfection is impossible; therefore, the planning process is essential in creating a design and project capable of achieving the anticipated end result despite any challenges. The process determines the exact phases, individuals and methodology necessary in the management and execution of developments. Project objectives, risks, schedules and budgets are all established through the planning process; prioritising the precise information and resources needed to start and complete a project. Professional bodies and associations such as the Royal Institute of British Architects have introduced staged Plans of Works which organise project processes and establish “stage outcomes, core tasks and information exchanges required at each stage” (RIBA, 2020).

2.2 WIND ENGINEERING Examining the Burj Khalifa, a record-breaking skyscraper that simultaneously “addressed structural efficiency, constructability, building aesthetics and function” emphasises the importance of implementing planning into all aspects of the development (Baker et al, 2015). In order to bring this unique concept to life, Emarr Properties acknowledged the importance of “assembling a project team from across the world, with both experience and expertise in super-high-rise construction” to create this vision and attain new benchmarks within the built environment (Boston Consulting Group,2017). Construction Managers, Turner International were engaged to administer and coordinate the project plan and construction logistics, during the initial planning stages. Designers, consultants, contractors and suppliers were meticulously selected to provide collaborative forces of expertise beneficial to creating the complex Burj Khalifa structure. The structural design of the tower was formulated on several key “objectives in coordination and integration within the architectural design concept” (Abdelrazaq, 2010). As tall building design increasingly challenges gravity, wind forces are continually a primary concern and had key consideration during the planning stages.

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Figure 2.2.1 – Example of Tower design wind manipulation (MarcoDepisapia, 2018) [2].

Project architects and engineers collaborated to create an ingenious structural shape capable of manipulating and adapting to dynamic wind effects (Refer Figure 2.2.1). The structure spirals in a stepped form, presenting multiple building widths and tiers; disorganising the imposed wind vortices as it encounters the various building shapes and, in the process, reducing wind force speed and excitation (Baker et al,2015). Imitating an indigenous Hymenocallis flower, the geometric tri-axial structure form organises into a central reinforced core (Abdelrazaq, 2010). The concrete buttress core system emerges to the 156 th level, culminating into a steel braced sculpted spire (EMARR,2020). Combined with an outrigger floor system, the building imitates bamboo joints by resisting lateral loads and distributing gravitational stresses over the entire structure (SECC, 2020). Wind engineering became a very dominant factor in the project planning phases especially within the structural height and slender design. From the on-set, project parties collaborated to undertake extensive research and testing programs in order to study wind tunnelling, climatization, aeroelasticity and various other studies in order to optimise the Tower’s wind performance (Baker et al,2015). Throughout the planning and construction process, geometric structural design elements were constantly being reshaped as a result of continually aerodynamic data analysis. Visual motion detection devices were also strategically positioned throughout the structure in order to detect unsafe conditions and site capacity. Upon examination of the structural creative process, it is suggested that a collaborative team of experts and professionals were selected to form a specific skill set and placed significant importance on the planning phases throughout the project (Cartlidge,2020). Early integration of aerodynamic shaping and engineering established the necessary foundation of research and testing to creating an innovative engineered structure with the ability to tame dynamic wind effects (Abdelrazaq, 2010). Lauren Nelson/S1703559

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Incorporating an indigenous inspired architecture and the outrigger floor system, highlight the extensive preparation and design in achieving a structure of dynamic and cultural proportion. The continual application and monitoring of particular project characteristics throughout, enabled the team to incorporate any additional planning requirements, in order to attain key structural objectives (Professional Management Institute, 2017). Overall, implementing planning and project management practices within structural engineering elements were essential in the progression and success of the structure.

3.0 RISK MANAGEMENT 3.1 BACKGROUND Upon inception, Mohammed Alabbar, the Founder and Chairman of Emarr Properties had envisioned a development pushing the boundaries of modern innovation and technology; establishing new records within high-rise architecture. Standing 828 metres over the city of Dubai, approximately 330,000 m3 of concrete and 39,000 tonnes of steel were utilised to construct this awe-inspiring structure (EMARR, 2020). While proving to be an engineering achievement, the construction and design of the tower faced several associated risks.

Figure 3.1.1 – Risk Management: Mitigation Steps (Mitre,2020) [3].

Levels of risk and uncertainty are always present within any construction project and cannot simple be eliminated (Mantel et al, 2016). A risk management system is intended to control or eliminate risks and uncertainties. Industry professionals often prioritise risk management around objectives Lauren Nelson/S1703559

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such as cost, time and quality. However, a risk management system can also be used for safety and wellbeing factors. (ICE,2020). Mitigation processes are often utilised after identification and analysis elements to develop options and action to either “enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives” (Mitre, 2020). The process can be structured into three steps; Planning, Implementation and Progress Monitoring (Figure 5.1.1). The following sections will investigate application of these key mitigation elements within height related construction risks.

3.2 CONCRETE The tower design as highlighted previous, is combine by innovative structural systems to provide torsional resistance and solid reinforced support (Apaha, 2019). Creating a reinforced core to the building structure identified numerous risks within concrete works due to opposing factors which included the climate, durability and the physical restrictions of transportation to heights of at least 600 metres.

3.2.1 MITIGATION PLANNING Similar to project management procedures, before dealing with the issues head on, a skilled and experienced team was established to perform qualitative and quantitative risk analysis prior to construction (Project Management Institute, 2017). Particular parties involved included; Samsung Engineering and Construction Task force; supervision consultants, Hyder; the owner independent testing agency, IVTA; concrete supplier, Unimix and; top Quality team, CTL. Setting up expert leadership or teams provide a rich resource of information and the ability to identify and resolve risks and challenges (Ray, 2017). Project management principles highlight the importance of building a bank of skilled resources within the project team and experience. Failures and disasters often provide sobering lessons for evaluating and applying risk management. A holistic approach of examining the risks presented and the impact on the project objectives, as well as considering historic data will provide the basis of research for implementing mitigation techniques.

3.2.2 IMPLEMENTATION From early development of concrete mix designs, all parties collaborated together to undertake extensive concrete testing and quality control programs until the completion of all test and design verifications (Abdelrazaq, 2010). Figure 5.2.2 demonstrates the analysis and testing carried out as a result of the factors highlighted previously. Risk Factor Climate

Analysis and Testing

Heat of hydration analysis and testing were undertaken to establish exact construction sequence for large concrete elements and appropriate curing plans for each section (Abedelrazaq, 2010). Mock tests were carried out to test and verify temperature performance of differential concrete elements; certain mixtures incorporated measurements of fly ash and ice to limit heat gain and curing processes (Baker et al, 2015). All concrete mix designs were trial tested including various test programs for Durability mechanical properties, absorption, water penetration, chloride permeability and shrinkage (Abdelrazaq, 2010). All design grades requiring vertical transportation at least 600 metres were subVertical Transportaject to pump simulation tests. These demonstrated and gathered data on the tion pressures necessary to push concrete mixtures to extreme heights. Figure 3.2.2 – Risk Factors and relevant Analysis and Testing (Nelson, 2020). [4].

Identifying and analysing these specific risks enabled in the success of constructing the Burj Khalifa. The data gathered allowed the experts to create concrete mix designs that could withstand seasonal Lauren Nelson/S1703559

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temperatures, conduct pumping works over evening periods and perform in supporting a vast structure. A high-pressure trailer pump was specifically designed for the project and utilised within a 3pump station system that enabled accurate pressures for 165,000 cubic metres of high strength concrete to vertically travel approximately 600 metres over a 32-month period (Putzmeister,2015).

3.2.3 MONITORING Continual monitoring of implemented plans is essential in assessing “it’s efficacy with the intent to revising the course-of-action if needed” (Mitre, 2020). Monitoring project performance and the environment is purposed to collect, record and report data on all aspects of project performance (Mantel et al, 2015). Referring back to the initial planning and implementing stages, while analysing the current progress will ensure all project objectives are being met. In the event, risks have not been averted, a risk management plan will ensure the relevant action to be taken. The planning and analysis processes provided a foundation for appropriate risk responses to be planned, implemented and further monitored by experienced and skilled personnel. The success of this particular project element suggests that as an experienced team, significant risks and challenges were recognised potentially through previous failures and knowledge within complex high-rise construction. Establishing a team of expertise and skill allowed development of options and strategies, resulting in a collaborative decision on addressing the overall risk exposure, as well as treating individual risks within the concrete works (Project Management Institute, 2017). Despite analysis of only one particular area of the Burj development, the risk management processes applied and executed suggests management parties acknowledged the importance of implementing risk management within the dynamic and complex development.

4.0 COMMUNICATION 4.1 BACKGROUND Communication may possibly be the primary instrument in determining project success. While skills such as expertise and knowledge also play important roles, communication is the pinnacle of all management processes. Efficient exchange of information between all project parties and elements provide an essential network in achieving the desired project outcome (Rajkumar, 2010). Within construction projects, communication can take on various forms. The PMBOK guide (Project Management Institute, 2017) suggests communication management is a combination of both;  

Strategy development for effective communication and; Application of process activities to implement communication development.

The Burj Khalifa development provides a magnitude of examples where the importance of communication is prevalent in strategic development and application processes. Throughout the planning and risk management stages, project development excelled through collaborative communication between design and contractor parties. The following sections will now analyse key aspects in which the use or lack of communication management affected the success of the project in terms of global recognition and physical objectives.

4.2 CULTURAL CONSIDERATION Lauren Nelson/S1703559

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As a global project, the Burj Khalifa involved “as many as 7 million workers from 50 different countries” (Samsung C&T, 2017), with foreign residents constituting 95 percent of the UAE workforce (Human Rights Watch, 2006). Subsequent to participation in an equally diverse project team, Colin McBride of Turner & Townsend, emphasised the need to be hyposensitive and patient with different cultures. However, while the senior project team members may have experienced positive relations in this regard, labour reports suggest this was not translated down to workers on site (2020). The Human Right Watch report addressed numerous factors of exploitation and harsh working conditions for migrant workers across UAE construction projects. In 2006, workers staged a strike on the Dubai site over arguments of pay and working conditions; despite Samsung Corp denying any construction delays, violent protests ensued resulting in costly damages (BBC, 2006). The Burj Tower and the construction boom throughout the Gulf region were massively dependent on foreign labourers. A foundation of communication and cultural consideration could have avoided the situation entirely. Communication and cultural consideration needed vital recognition and application to create a successful working relationship with any diverse project team. Park JaeHyong, member of the Legal and Contracts Team at Samsung Corp supported this point by stating; “if you insist on applying global standards without regard to local culture and its peculiarities, you are bound to fail” (2017). Adhering to UAE federal labour laws and also establishing an effective channel of open communication between every project party may have mitigated the unfortunate circumstances and avoided global scrutiny.

4.3 COMMUNICATION AT HEIGHT During the initial on-site construction stages, team communication was achieved using traditional walkie talkie systems. Once construction began developing above thirty floors, the project manager of Samsung Corp, Chang Geun Lee explained the team “started to experience delays or no connection…particularly in the core of building” (Firetide, 2007). Samsung Corp recognised the importance of on-going communication during on-site works particularly within crane operation and in preventing construction delays. Korea’s largest IT service provider, Samsung SDS were engaged to investigate alternative solutions and improvements for the on-site means of communication. After unsuccessful attempts of exploring “a number of communication platforms and techniques” such as, amplifiers and coaxial cables, a successful solution was obtained through the implementation of a Firetide wireless mesh network (Firetide, 2007).

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Figure 3.3.1 – Firetide Mesh Node Site Set-up (Firetide, 2007) [5].

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