Poems - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Poems - Lecture notes 1
Author Nico Boy Sarmiento
Course Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Institution Tarlac Agricultural University
Pages 9
File Size 50.9 KB
File Type PDF
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lately, when asked how are you, i
respond with a name no longer living

Rekia, Jamar, Sandra

i am alive by luck at this point. i wonder
often: if the gun that will unmake me
is yet made, what white birth



whatt hedeadknow byhear t Dont eCol l i ns-1996-

l at el y ,whenas k edhowar ey ou,i r es pondwi t hanamenol ongerl i vi ng

Rek i a,J amar ,Sandr a

iam al i v ebyl uc katt hi spoi nt .i wonder of t en:i ft hegunt hatwi l l unmak eme i sy etmade,whatwhi t ebi r t h

wi l l bur yme,howmanybul l et s ,l i k ea fl oc kofbl uej ay s ,wi l l comec ar r ymybl ack t oi t sfi nal bed,whi c hphot owi l l beus ed

t owat erdownmybl ood.t oda yi di d notdi eandt her ei snogodorl awt o t hank .t hebul l etmi ss edmyhead

andl andedi nanot her .t oday ,i pas s ed ami r r oranddi dnots eeabody ,i ns t ead as ugges t i on,adebat e,abl ank

pos t i tnot et her el ook i ngbac k .i hav en' tenoughr oom t obot hr ageand weep.i got oc r yandeac ht eart ur ns

t os t eam.Is ayImat t erandaghos t whi t ehandappear sov ermymout h

Let t ert oSomeoneLi vi ngFi f t yYear sf r om Now Mat t hew Ol z mann

Mos tl i k el y ,y out hi nkwehat edt heel ephant , t hegol dent oad,t het hy l ac i neandal l v ar i at i ons ofwhal ehar poonedorhac k edi nt oex t i nc t i on.

I tmus ts eem l i k ewes oughtt ol eav ey ounot hi ng butbenz ene,mer c ur y ,t hes t omac hs ofs eagul l sr i ppl edwi t hj etf uel andpl as t i c .

Youpr obabl ydoubtt hatwewer ec apabl eofj oy , butIas s ur ey ouwewer e.

Wes t i l l hadt heni ghts kybackt hen, andl i k eouranc est or s ,weadmi r ed i t si l l umi nat eddoodl es ofs c or pi onout l i nesandups i dedownl adl es .

Abs ol ut el y ,t her ewer es omef or es t sl ef t ! Abs ol ut el y ,wes t i l l hads omel ak es !

I ’ ms ay i ng,i twas n’ tal l l eadpai ntands ul f urdi ox i de.

Ther ewer ebeesbac kt hen,andt heypol l i nat ed aeuphor i aoffl ower ss owemi ght c ont empl at et hegr eatmy s t er i esandfi nal l yas k , “ Heyguy s ,what ’ st r ans c endenc e ?”

Andt henal l t hebeeswer edead.

Pr ai seSongf ort heDay BYELI ZABETHALEXANDER APoem f orBar ac kObama’ sPr es i dent i al I naugur at i on

Eac hdaywegoaboutourbus i nes s , wal k i ngpas teac hot her ,c at c hi ngeac hot her ’ s ey esornot ,aboutt os peakors peak i ng.

Al l aboutusi snoi s e.Al l aboutusi s noi s eandbr ambl e,t hor nanddi n,eac h oneofourances t or sonourt ongues .

Someonei ss t i t c hi ngupahem,dar ni ng ahol ei nauni f or m,pat c hi ngat i r e , r epai r i ngt het hi ngsi nneedofr epai r .

Someonei st r y i ngt omak emus i cs omewher e, wi t hapai rofwoodens poonsonanoi ldr um, wi t hc el l o,boom box ,har moni c a,v oi c e.

Awomanandhers onwai tf ort hebus . Af ar merc ons i der st hec hangi ngs k y . At eac hersay s ,T ak eouty ourpenc i l s .Begi n.

Weencount ereac hot heri nwor ds ,wor ds s pi nyors moot h,whi s per edordec l ai med, wor dst oc ons i der ,r ec ons i der .

Wec r os sdi r tr oadsandhi ghway st hatmar k t hewi l l ofs omeoneandt henot her s ,whos ai d Ineedt os eewhat ’ sont heot hers i de.

Ik nowt her e’ ss omet hi ngbet t erdownt her oad. Weneedt ofi ndapl acewher ewear es af e. Wewal ki nt ot hatwhi c hwec annoty ets ee.

Sayi tpl ai n:t hatmanyhav edi edf ort hi sday . Si ngt henamesoft hedeadwhobr oughtusher e, whol ai dt het r ai nt r ac k s ,r ai s edt hebr i dges ,

pi c k edt hec ot t onandt hel et t uc e,bui l t br i ckbybr i ckt hegl i t t er i ngedi fi ces t heywoul dt henk eepc l eanandwor ki ns i deof .

Pr ai s es ongf ors t r uggl e,pr ai s es ongf ort heday . Pr ai s es ongf orev er yhandl et t er eds i gn,

t hefi gur i ngi t outatk i t c hent abl es .

Somel i v ebyl ov et hynei ghborast hy s el f , ot her sbyfi r s tdonohar m ort ak enomor e t hany ouneed.Whati ft hemi ght i es twor di sl ov e ?

Lov ebey ondmar i t al ,fi l i al ,nat i onal , l ov et hatc as t sawi deni ngpoolofl i ght , l ov ewi t hnoneedt opr eemptgr i ev anc e.

I nt oday ’ ss har ps par k l e,t hi swi nt erai r , anyt hi ngcanbemade,anys ent enc ebegun. Ont hebr i nk ,ont hebr i m,ont hec us p,

pr ai s es ongf orwal k i ngf or war di nt hatl i ght .


I ’ m noty etc omf or t abl ewi t ht hewor d, i t ss hor tc l eanwoos ht hats oundsl i k e l i f e.Atdi nnerl as tni ghtmys i ngl egi r l s s ai di nadmoni t i on,“ I t ’ snotwi f eappr ov ed” aboutaf r i end’ supc omi ngt r i p.Thei r ey esr ol l edupandov erandoutt hei r pr et t yy oungheads .Wi f e,whydoesi t s oundl i k eaj ob?“ Ineedawi f e”t hef amous f emi ni s twr ot e,“ awi f et hatwi l l k eepmy c l ot hesc l ean,i r oned,mended,r epl ac ed i fneedbe. ”Awor dt hatc oul dbemade eas i l yi nt omai d.Awi f et hatdoes ,fix es s oot hes ,honor s ,obey s ,Hous ewi f e, fi s hwi f e,badwi f e,goodwi f e,what ’ s t hewor df ors omeonewhos t ar esl ong i nt ot hemor ni ng,unabl et oev enfi xt ea s omeday s ,t hek et t l es t eami ngov er l oudl i k eat r ai nwhi s t l e,shewhoc r i es i nt hemor ni ngs ,s hewhot ear sahol e i nt heear t handc annots t opgr i ev i ng, t heonewhowant st ol ov ey ou,butof t en i s n’ tgoodatev ent hat ,t heonewho does n’ twantt obedi mi ni s hed byhowmuc hs hewant st obey our s .

SofiaRoseSmi t h

DanceFl oor

Whatwas hesawaywhent hebl oodfi r stbur s t sf r om t hegunwound? Whatpar toft heBodyl eav esfi r s t ? Whatc el l ss ay" y esi t ' st i met ogo"bec aus et her e' sj us tt oomuc hbl oodl eakf ort he or gansofy out owor k . Yourhear t ,f orex ampl e,wi l l s t op. Ev ent houghi twas fl ut t er i ngf r om hi st ongueony ourearl obej us tamomentago ev ent houghy ouwer ebui l di ngs andc as t l esi ny ourmi ndofwher ehi shandswoul d t ouc hy ounex t andwhatk i ndsofy es es hewoul dmak ewi t hhi sbr eat h

Thes oundsbegi n t obangar oundy ouand f oras ec ondy out hi nk i t ' ss omeone put t i ngofffi r ec r ack er si nt hes t r eetoron t hedanc efl oor . Yourf av or i t es ongi spl ay i ng t heoney oui magi ney our s el f maki ngdanc evi deost oi nt hec ar

buty oudon' tneedav i deo c uzy ouhav et hedanc efl oorand y ouhav ey ourpeopl e andapl ac et hat l et sy oubewhol e

I magi ney ou' r et heSky l i k ebey ondt heEar t h y ourBodyi sj us ts ki n buty ou' r es omuc hbi gger I magi ney oumov ebey ondt he fl es hnow,l i k es oundwav es ,l i k es oundi t s el f y oubr eakopen l i k eac her r yt omat o bei ngpunc t ur edwi t ha s har pkni f eandpop t hel i qui ds pi l l sout ,t hes eedsandt hewat er andt her e' sj us ts ki nl ef t y out r yandc at c ht hel i qui dbuti t s mear sagai ns tt hec ount er andy ou' v el os ti t .

Andy ou' v el os ti t .

CanIgat hert hel i qui dofy ou? Thebl oodofy ou? Wher edoesy ourbl oodendandhi sbegi n? Wher edoesmybl oodend andy our sbegi n? Wher edoesourhumani t yendand y our sbegi n?

Youar eBey ondal lt hi s . Youal way shav ebeen.

T oday ,Iat es oup. Iputmymak eupon. Iwr ot eapoem. Idr ankwat er .Ibur neds age. Il etmy s el fbehel d. Il ett het ear sc ome. Il etmy s el fs i ngt o y ourf av or i t es ongsand pr et endedIwason t hedanc efl oorwi t hal ov erf ory ou.

ASmal lNeedf ulFact RossGay( Ссылк инавнешнийсайт . )

I st hatEr i cGar nerwor k ed f ors omet i mef ort hePar k sandRec . Hor t i c ul t ur al Depar t ment ,whi c hmeans , per haps ,t hatwi t hhi sv er yl ar gehands , per haps ,i nal l l i k el i hood, heputgent l yi nt ot heear t h s omepl ant swhi c h,mos tl i k el y , s omeoft hem,i nal l l i k el i hood, c ont i nuet ogr ow,c ont i nue t odowhats uc hpl ant sdo,l i k ehous e andf eeds mal l andnec es s ar yc r eat ur es , l i k ebei ngpl eas antt ot ouc hands mel l , l i k ec onv er t i ngs unl i ght i nt of ood,l i k emak i ngi teas i er f orust obr eat he....

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