Policy and Procedure Ass 1 (8)(1)-3 PDF

Title Policy and Procedure Ass 1 (8)(1)-3
Author Zainab Alwaely
Course History
Institution Curtin University
Pages 12
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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Assessment type ( ):  Questioning (Oral/Written) ☐ Practical Demonstration ☐ 3rd Party Report ☐ Other – Project/Portfolio (please specify) Assessment Resources: Computer with an internet connection to access the Blackboard Learning Management System and required websites School Curriculum and Standards Authority - https://scsa.wa.edu.au/ Education Department of WA Awards and agreements - https://www.education.wa.edu.au/awards-andagreements Education Department of WA Policies http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/portal/ Student Health Care in Public Schools Policy and Procedures (DET) http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframework/policies/student-health-care-in-public-schools-policy-and-procedures.en?cat-id=3457102 Department of Education - Emergency and Critical Incident Policy http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframework/policies/emergency-and-critical-incident-management.en %3Bjsessionid=b2f564b768919bd20675b8877b57%3Bjsessionidversion=/:1? bbp.9.policyID=15522043&bbp.s=10&bbp.e=select&bbp.10.pane=0&bbp.v=6&bbp.i=d0.1&g11n.enc=U TF-8 Department of Education – Duty of Care for Public School Students Policy and Procedures http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policies-framework/policies/dutyof-care-for-public-school-students.en?cat-id=3457100 Department of Education - Occupational Safety and Health Policy and Procedures http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframework/policies/occupational-safety-and-health-policy-and-procedures.en?cat-id=3458001 Department of Education - Emergency and Critical Incident Management Plan Template Folder location:

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframework/guidelines/emergency-and-critical-incident-management-plan-template.en?cat-id=3458013 Assessment Instructions: Assessment 1: Knowledge Questions This assessment is designed to assess the knowledge evidence requirements of CHCEDS001. You must answer 13 knowledge questions. You must answer each question correctly in order to meet the requirements of this assessment. You will need to access the above resources to answer the questions. You must demonstrate your knowledge by answering each question in your own words (not copy and paste from the website). You must also demonstrate sound literacy skills including grammar, spelling and punctuation. This assessment will take you around 3 hours to complete. You can request one on one support from your Lecturer to review and explain the requirements of this assessment. You will complete the assessment in class. Submit your completed assessment to the Blackboard Learning Management System. Guide – 1 bullet point = approx. 1 – 70 words (you will need to include enough information to address the question asked)

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Question 1 Education Assistants work under a range of different legislation and guidelines relevant to the job role. Access the Education Assistants (Government) General Agreement 2019 (see assessment resources) and answer the following: a. Research the web location of the agreement under which all education assistants in government (public) schools work under and include the web address below? https://forms.wairc.wa.gov.au/Agreements/Agrmnt2019/EDU015.pdf

b. Who would you liaise with in the school to discuss and clarify your conditions and hours of work as per your agreement?

The register education department or the bursa for catholic education. c. What are the ordinary hours of work per week for a full time education assistant as per the above agreement for education assistants?

The hours of a full-time education assistant education assistant are 32.5 hours per week.

d. Name three types of leave an education assistant may be entitled to as per the agreement for education assistants.

1.donating blood or plasma 2. maternity leave 3.leave without pay

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Question 2 Refer to the Department of Education WA (DoE) Job Description Forms (JDF) for Education Assistants (see assessment resources above) and answer the following questions: a. Outline three key roles and responsibilities of an education assistant at Level 1.

1.assisting the teacher in the educational programs in computers 2. assisting the teacher in wellbeing of the students and making sure that students are not ill or have any symptoms of sickness 3.helping the students with dressing, going to the toilet and bathing if necessary, cleaning dressing with soil. b. At which two JDF levels are you required to assist in the implementation of specialised education programs such as occupational therapy, speech and physiotherapy programs? At level 2 and level 3.

c. Are you required to design and implement behaviour management plans in consultation with teachers, parents and other specialist staff as a Level 3 education assistant? Yes, a level 3 education assistant is required to obligate the behaviour management plans with teachers, parents and staff. Question 3 Refer to the Department of Education WA (DoE) Code of Conduct policy (see assessment resources). What is the aim of this policy?

The aim of the policy is to provide a set of general guidelines to guide staff in their code of conduct. And as employees it aims to help with professional and personal decision.

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Question 4 Refer to the Department of Education WA (DoE) Code of Conduct policy. What are the four values that should be demonstrated in the day to day operations of the Department of Education?

1.learning 2. excellence 3.equity 4. care Question 5 Scenario The teacher was belittling the education assistant for the attempts she had made with making a worksheet. Which principle of the Code of Conduct policy was the teacher not following?

She was not following the harassment policy and personal behaver policy. All the employers must be treated and considerate and respected under the harassment policy.

Question 6 Scenario An education assistant was speaking to a media crew outside the school gates after there had been reports of a child abduction. Which principle of the Code of Conduct policy was he not following? Folder location:

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


The education assistant should not comment and not let any information out also to not use it personally or commercially.

Question 7 Scenario An education assistant rang her husband, a plumber, to come and fix the leaking taps. The plumber charged the school $400 to do so. Which principle of the Code of Conduct policy was she not following?

The education assistant was not following the conflict of intrest policy, going iton foraging behaviour.

Question 8 Refer to the Duty of Care for Students Policy (see assessment resources). Education Assistants are referred to as Non-Teaching Staff in this policy. a. What responsibility in providing duty of care for students does an education assistant have? To ensure the safety of students and other teachers or staff members and to ensure the safety of self. The education assistant duty of care is also to supervise the students and the equipment being used by the students or self.

b. Do education assistants have to accept full duty of care of students or do they have a choice?

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Education assistants have the right to refuse a request if agreed to the request they will have to take duty of care using reasonability’s without teaching staff. They have the choice to say no if they do not want to take the duty of care only if agreed they will owe the same duty of care.

Question 9 Scenario The teacher has asked you, as the education assistant, to work alone with Jason in the computer room. Jason has ADHD. His behaviour is unpredictable, and he has frequent meltdowns. Jason’s behaviour can be difficult to manage and sometimes dangerous to himself and others. You have concerns about this and are reluctant to assume full duty of care. a. Do you have the right to refuse Duty of Care for Jason? No / Yes (circle)

b. Write two suggestions to improve the safety of the student, other students, and yourself when working with Jason. 1. if the classroom teacher is watching the education assistant can take duty of care. 2.outside the classroom under the teacher’s sight in a covered area and the teacher is taking the duty of care.

c. Name one WA State Act (legislation) that would apply to the above situation. Occupational health and safety Folder location:

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Question 10 Scenario One of your colleagues has been asking you questions about your private life and has told you some suggestive jokes that have made you feel uncomfortable. You know this is not appropriate but want to check the policy before reporting it. a. Which Department of Education WA policy would you refer to (see assessment resources)?

Equality opportunity policy Discrimination and harassment policy Code of conduct policy Personal behaviour

b. Provide another example of a situation when you may need to refer to this policy (apart from being harassed). Folder location:

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Personal behaviour: Someone discriminating or acting mean in this situation you will use the personal behaviour by complaining or ignoring.

c. Name the WA State Act (legislation) that makes it unlawful to discriminate against other people due to their race, religion, age, disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, family responsibility and political conviction etc. This Act also addresses Equal Employment Opportunity in the public sector (see assessment resources).

The Equal opportunity act 1984.

Question 11 Access the Department of Education WA Student Behaviour Policy and Procedures document (see assessment resources). List three types of behaviours that require measures to be addressed in the School Positive Student Behaviour Plan.

1 care over suicide risk of mental health 2 all forms of bullying 3 drugs or alcohol Folder location:

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Question 12 Scenario You have been offered a day of relief at a school you haven’t worked at before. You are on duty during recess at and you make yourself a cup of coffee in a mug to take with you. As you are supervising in the playground one of the students run past you and knocks the hot drink from your hand. a. List at least two potential risks that could have occurred in this scenario. 1 burning himself, students, or others 2 the mug breaks and the glass will make the students or himself or yourself at risk. b. Who would you report these risks to if they actually happened? To the classroom teacher or if injury occurred in the incident will report to the health and safety officer.

c. Who would you seek information from to ensure you follow school policy? Go to the registrar and teacher. Question 13 According to the Occupational Safety and Health policy (2017) of the Department of Education WA, what are the four roles/ responsibilities of all employees to maintain a safe work place? 1 taking care for own safety and health and to abstain the effect of safety or health of any person through any act at work

2 following all instructions and working in a safe environment and following the procedures to protect their own safety and others.

3 reporting all hazards and disasters in workplace to the manager.

4 following the steps in occupational safety and health issues resolution process for solving safety and Folder location:

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


health issues as the department and parties under the OSH Act.

End of text referencing Education assistant (government) general agreement 2016 http://det.wa.edu.au/labourrelations/detcms/navigation/awards-and-general-agreements/ teachers’ aides awards 1979 http://det.wa.edu.au/labourrelations/detcms/navigation/awards-and-genrel-agreements/ code of conduct http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planing-and-accountability/policies-framework/guidlines/codeof0conduct1.en?cat-id=3457094 staff conduct and discipline(DoE) http://www.det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframework/policies/staff-conduct.en?oid=au.edu.wa.dettttt.cms.contenttypes.policy-id-11889934 student behaviour policy and procedures http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policies-framework/policies/studentbehaviour-policy-and-procedures-en?cat-id=3457115 duty of care for students(DoE) http://www.det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframwork/policies/equal-opportunity-discrimination-and-harassment.en?cat-id=3457096

Department of Education - Emergency and Critical Incident Policy http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframework/policies/emergency-and-critical-incident-management.en %3Bjsessionid=b2f564b768919bd20675b8877b57%3Bjsessionidversion=/:1? bbp.9.policyID=15522043&bbp.s=10&bbp.e=select&bbp.10.pane=0&bbp.v=6&bbp.i=d0.1&g11n.enc=UTF8

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Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions Qualification National code and Title

Unit/s National code/s and Title/s

CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support CHCEDS001 Comply with legislative, policy and industrial requirements in the education environment CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Policy and Procedure


Department of Education - Occupational Safety and Health Policy and Procedures http://det.wa.edu.au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policiesframework/policies/occupational-safe...

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