POLS2133 S1 2020 - Final Exam - Take-Home Essay Questions PDF

Title POLS2133 S1 2020 - Final Exam - Take-Home Essay Questions
Course International Organisations in World Politics
Institution Australian National University
Pages 6
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The Australian National University, The School of Politics and International Relations POLS2133: International Organisations in World Politics, Semester 1 2020 Drs Dongwook Kim and Quynh Nguyen

FINAL EXAMINATION TAKE-HOME ESSAY EXAM 11 June 2020 INSTRUCTIONS This final examination for POLS2133 Semester 1 2020 is administered from Thursday 11 June 2020, 11:00 am to Thursday 18 June 2020, 11:00 am via our course Wattle. This exam totals 40 points, and it is worth 40% of the final course grade as per the Course Outline. Please provide a precise, coherent, persuasive, and well-structured answer to only one of the two essay questions below. Due Date Your take-home essay is due by 11:00 am, 18 June 2020 at Wattle Turnitin (that is, the “Take-Home Final Examination” dropbox in our course Wattle) in the Microsoft Word file format. The Wattle Turnitin dropbox will be closed off after that time. Your essay must not be emailed or handed in. Please note that a well-prepared student should be able to complete this take-home exam in no more than 2 days, and that we give you 7 full days, that is, 3.5 times as much time as a well-prepared student needs. No Late Submission and No Extension Note that the ANU does not permit late submission or extension for take-home examinations (Articles 25 and 28 of Policy: Student assessment (coursework)). Also, the Access and Inclusion Office has already confirmed that since we give you 3.5 times as much time as a well-prepared student needs to complete the exam, no extension is permitted. Things to Note about the Submission Process As already emphasised, the ANU explicitly prohibits late submission or extension of take-home examinations. As the Course Outline (p. 15) makes it clear, your submission time will be determined by the time at which your essay will have arrived within the Turnitin dropbox, as marked by Wattle Turnitin in our course Wattle. Failing to have the essay already uploaded by 11:00 am, 18 June 2020 will result in 0 point for the final exam. Please note that attempting to upload the essay around the deadline alone (as well as taking a screenshot of the act of uploading before the deadline) will not be considered as a submission. Even if you attempt to upload your essay right before the deadline, your essay may fail to be uploaded on time since it takes a few minutes for Wattle Turnitin to complete your uploading. As we already advised in Week 12 lecture, please be sure to allocate at least 1 hour for uploading your essay into Wattle Turnitin since your Internet connection may not be stable enough for Wattle Turnitin to process your uploading request on time. In other


The Australian National University, The School of Politics and International Relations POLS2133: International Organisations in World Politics, Semester 1 2020 Drs Dongwook Kim and Quynh Nguyen words, start to upload your essay into the Turnitin dropbox at no later than 10:00 am, 18 June 2020. Again, your essay will have to arrive within the Turnitin dropbox by 11:00 am, 18 June 2020. Uploading a wrong essay (for example, a paper for a different course than ours or your previous assessment task for our course) is no submission and will also result in 0 point for the final exam. Also, submitting your essay to a wrong place (for example, the Turnitin practice site) is no submission until and unless you complete uploading it on our proper course Wattle. Furthermore, emailing your essay is no submission since the ANU requires you to submit your assessment task through Wattle Turnitin only. Course conveners or tutors are not permitted to submit your essay to the Turnitin dropbox on your behalf. Last but not least, be sure to upload a correct, final version of your essay since you cannot replace your essay versions after the deadline. Only your essay submitted properly via Wattle Turnitin will be accepted and graded as per ANU rules. It is your sole responsibility to ascertain that your assessment has been properly uploaded on Wattle by the deadline. Please budget your time wisely. Our advice is that you should write your first draft as early as possible and then revise it multiple times, rather than attempt to write off a perfect essay at one stroke. Word Limit As will be shown in the Essay Questions section below, the word limit for your takehome essay is 2,000 words of text in length, excluding footnotes (or endnotes), the references, tables, figures, appendices, and the cover sheet, if any, from the word count. Per ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences, your essay must not deviate from the prescribed word limit either up or down by more than 10%. In other words, the acceptable word count for your essay is minimum 1,800 and maximum 2,200 words of text. Referencing As we already indicated in Week 12 lecture, you must cite and use at least three different outside references that are not assigned in the course to answer an essay question of your choice. Our course’s required readings cover all the key points of the essay questions, but they are a bit lacking in depth and detail. In the required readings, you can find useful bibliographical information on some important external readings. Also, you must never engage in any academic integrity breaches, such as plagiarism and self-plagiarism (that is, recycling). Cases of academic integrity breaches will be penalised strictly. Please see the Course Outline, pages 16-17 for more details on the ANU’s and our academic integrity policies. Submission Instructions (1) You should use 12 point Times New Roman, double-spacing, and standard one-inch (2.54 cm) margins.


The Australian National University, The School of Politics and International Relations POLS2133: International Organisations in World Politics, Semester 1 2020 Drs Dongwook Kim and Quynh Nguyen (2) In your essay, you must put your University ID number in the Header of your essay only, not in the main text. (3) You must put page numbers in the Footer of your essay. (4) Do not attach a cover sheet to your take-home essay. (5) Do not copy the essay question in your answer. (6) Put only the word count (in parentheses) at the top of the main text of your answer. (7) You are required to use the Chicago Style of referencing that employs either intext or footnote citations (of the author and year, page if direct quotation). You then type the complete citation in a “bibliography” (use the subheading) at the end of your document. Also, use footnotes (but not endnotes) for any brief explanations needed which are not integral to your argument. (8) If you may want to cite the lecture materials (such lecture-only materials as the three realist mechanisms of IOs), please provide the week and page number of a given lecture. For instance, use “Week 2 Lecture, 13” to cite the lecture materials from page 13 of Week 2: Neoliberal Institutionalism and International Organisations. (9) To save time and space, use “IOs,” “IIs,” “IL,” and “NGOs” to denote “international organisations,” “international institutions,” “international law,” and “nongovernmental organisations” in your essay. Grading Criteria (1) Your mastery of the course materials: you will not find an easy, ready-made answer to the essay questions, so you will have to use creatively, persuasively, and logically what you have learned and read to complete the assignment; you must demonstrate that you have done the readings; as you proceed through your points in your essay, you must engage in the relevant readings listed on the Course Outline or in the lecture materials and at least three different external readings. Generally, you should name the author(s) associated with each of the points and examples you are discussing in your answer, with relevant page numbers cited. Your essay should be your own individual work: do not get help from anyone else; co-authoring is not acceptable. (2) You must answer what is being asked and all parts of the question. Be sure not to include incorrect or irrelevant things in your essay. (3) Answer the question in your own words: Do not include direct quotations unless absolutely necessary. Abuse of direct quotations will be strongly penalised. (4) Quality of writing (5) Quality of argument Special Assessment Consideration Policy If you may have a documented medical or family emergency of severe, short-term, and unexpected nature during the take-home exam period, it is your sole responsibility to bring it to our attention via email and to make a special consideration application on time through the ANU. For the ANU policy on special consideration, visit: http://www.anu.edu.au/students/program-administration/assessments-exams/specialassessment-consideration. Note that per the ANU and the SPIR, an approved special consideration application serves as a basis for the course conveners to take your extenuating circumstances into consideration during the marking of your take-home


The Australian National University, The School of Politics and International Relations POLS2133: International Organisations in World Politics, Semester 1 2020 Drs Dongwook Kim and Quynh Nguyen essay. It is not a basis for an extension or a deferred examination. Thus, even if you make a special consideration application, you must still submit your take-home essay by the due date to benefit from this process. Academic Integrity Academic misconduct can seriously jeopardise your academic career, your future, and, if you are an international student, your ability to stay in Australia to study. It is the responsibility of each individual student to ensure that:    

they are familiar with the expectations for academic honesty both in general, and in the specific context of particular disciplines or courses work submitted for assessment is genuine and original appropriate acknowledgement and citation is given to the work of others they do not knowingly assist other students in academically dishonest practice.

Please note that we have zero tolerance for academic dishonesty including cheating, plagiarism, collusion, fabrication/submission of work that is not original, and recycling. Academic dishonesty will be punished by disciplinary action at the University level. For more details on the ANU’s Academic Misconduct Rules and what constitutes a breach of these rules, please see: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2014L01662 (Academic Misconduct Statute 2014), http://www.anu.edu.au/students/program-administration/assessments-exams/academichonesty-plagiarism (Academic honesty & plagiarism), and http://drss.anu.edu.au/asqo/breaches.php (What is a breach?). Specifically, the ANU defines plagiarism as follows: “Plagiarism is copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the words, ideas, scholarship and intellectual property of another person. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person. Plagiarism has also taken place when direct use of others’ words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or indentation, in addition to appropriate citation of the source (emphasis added).” It must be noted that intention does not matter for determining whether plagiarism has occurred: Whether intentional or not, plagiarism is plagiarism and, if the end result of your writing constitutes plagiarism, it will be punished as such. Also, please note that self-plagiarism (that is, reusing, in whole or in part, one’s own previous work for our course assignments) is plagiarism and will be punished equally. As the guideline for avoiding plagiarism in all your course assignments, you must refer to the section, “Successful vs. unsuccessful paraphrases,” which is available at the following webpage https://writing.wisc.edu/handbook/assignments/quotingsources/. This resource is also available at the end of the PDF version of the Course Outline on Wattle.

Note: Please see the take-home essay questions on the next pages.


The Australian National University, The School of Politics and International Relations POLS2133: International Organisations in World Politics, Semester 1 2020 Drs Dongwook Kim and Quynh Nguyen

ESSAY QUESTIONS You must answer only ONE of the two take-home essay questions below. If you might answer both questions in violation of our instruction, only your first essay will be graded. In answering the question, you must engage in the relevant readings listed on the Course Outline and at least three (3) different outside references that are not assigned in the course, and you must demonstrate your mastery of those readings. Note: To structure your essay, please answer all parts of the essay question in the order in which they are asked. Be sure not to include incorrect or irrelevant things in your essay. As a friendly reminder, do not copy the essay question in your answer.

Essay Question Option I (2,000 words, 40 points) Economic globalisation undoubtedly has profound impacts on the workings of international organisations and its member states. We ask you to explore the implications of globalisation on states and international organisations (IOs). A. Select ONE of the three international organisations dealing with economic issues discussed in class (namely, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization) and discuss how economic globalisation has affected the workings of that IO and how the IO has responded to globalisation. In your response, outline the key tasks and purposes of the IO at its inception and explain how these have evolved over time. B. Going beyond the international organisation you have selected in Part A, does globalisation lead to a loss of sovereignty of national governments? Some argue that with greater political and economic interdependence between states, national states have lost the political capacity to act. Others argue that globalisation has not undermined national governments’ state power, but has rather expanded it. What are the theoretical arguments underlying EACH side of the debate? In your response, please present and discuss the theoretical arguments discussed in Week 11 lecture and provide ONE example for a gain of national states’ power in response to globalisation and ONE example for a loss of national states’ power in response to globalisation. C. Under globalisation who do you think is more powerful? National states or international organisations? Why do you think this is the case? Please justify your response with regards to the international organisation you have selected in Part A of this task. (In your reply, please ignore other actors such as multinational corporations, nongovernmental organisations, etc.)

Note: Please see Essay Question Option II on the next page.


The Australian National University, The School of Politics and International Relations POLS2133: International Organisations in World Politics, Semester 1 2020 Drs Dongwook Kim and Quynh Nguyen Essay Question Option II (2,000 words, 40 points) Since the early twentieth century, there has been a major expansion in the number of international organisations (IOs) within the world system. For example, according to Week 1 lecture, in 1909 there existed only 37 IOs, whereas in 2019 288 IOs were active around the world. In view of this state of affairs, please answer the following question: How do neoliberal institutionalism, realism, and constructivism explain this tremendous growth in the population of international organisations, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each theory? Your answer must include the following: A. Unlike the theoretical memo and the research paper that asked you to explain the creation of a particular IO, this essay question requires you to explain the growth in the population of IOs. Although you are allowed to illustrate your points with concrete IO examples from the course materials, please be sure to explain the IO population as your essay’s main focus, rather than cataloging a “this IO was created-that IO was created” chronology. In other words, please answer what is being asked. B. You must choose ALL THREE international relations theories of international organisations—namely, neoliberal institutionalism, realism, and constructivism—and then explain the causes of IOs’ population growth with EACH theory. In Part B, you must explicitly specify at least ONE cause of IOs’ population growth as emphasised by EACH theory. Please note that rather than merely listing that cause, you must tell a story about how that cause has actually led to IOs’ population growth since the early twentieth century, as informed by each theory. (As we previously advised, you will not find an existing article that would provide an easy, ready-made answer to this essay question. So, please use creatively, persuasively, and logically what you have learned and read to answer the question.) C. In Part C, you must explain at least ONE STRENGTH and at least ONE WEAKNESS of EACH theory’s explanation of IOs’ population growth. Please do not lump your neoliberal institutionalist, realist, and constructivist explanations together. In other words, clearly lay out each theoretical explanation of IOs’ population growth separately within Parts B and C, respectively.



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