Popcorn Ben Elton Summary PDF

Title Popcorn Ben Elton Summary
Course English Communication
Institution Karel de Grote Hogeschool
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Popcorn ben Elton : Summary Chapter 1. Bruce - Coffee Time USA / Police interview -> copy cat killings -> he denies it -> art imitates life Chapter 2 We meet Scout Diner-scene (they stayed in a motel)  Wayne is being rude to Scout  We dont know if they are the mallkillers  Scout is interrogated and says Wayne is the best guy ever while Bruce tells the police Wayne’s an evil psychopath Chapter 3 I stand here with legs on fire Mothers against Dead -> ‘yeah there was plenty of sex in the movie, but I bet you haven’t had any in a while’ Scout is depressed because Wayne died Chapter 4 In chapter four a brutal scene out of Bruce`s movie is described, while it is shown to the audience. The reader does not know it is just a moviescene. (Errol & Mister Snuff were gangsters, Bob is holding out on them in the matter of missing drugs). He thinks the needle in a haystack is a drugneedle. They torture the couple in hopes of finding the drugs. They argue a lot Chapter 5 Bruce shows the scene of chapter four to a group of students and their teacher to tell them something about producing movies. But then the teacher starts criticizing him due to the sexual parts of the scene so they start to argue. Facts: - Bruce likes to please young female students - He is self-confident - He is not used to be criticized - He is nasty and aggressive - He thinks he is reflecting Americas streets - He has been an outsider during his youth Chapter 6 Wayne and Scout are watching a movie  woman dancing in a bar and jams a broken beerbottle into the man’s loins rude truckers

Chapter 7 Professor calls Bruce sexist and unoriginal. Bruce gets angry -> he isn’t used to being critisized -> Bruce says he’s a mirror, but then the professor points out he only reflects the parts he likes in society (strikes a cord with Bruce)

Scout wants to go out -> they can’t or they’ll be arrested (you get the first sense they’re bad people) Chapter 8 Bruce gets kind of angry and embarassed in the limo We hear wayne and scout have killed the maid (on the radio , scout likes being famous) Chapter 9 Oscar night : bruce embarasses himself by saying ‘I stand here on legs of fire’ We here wayne and scout also killed the chef at the diner. The police thinks they are the mall murderers. Chapter 9 Afterparty Wayne and Scout are being called notorious and it makes Wayne horny Chapter 10 Wayne and Scout rob a shop on the highway -> she gets angry that there are no twinkies Chapter 11 “The after disaster” The eleventh chapter can be seperated in two parts. In the first part Bruce is interviewed at the afterparty of the Oscar award. He behaves really nasty so the interview does not last really long. After that he talky to a younf woman, called Dove but he uses her as an outlet for his frustration about the bad presentation at his college by insulting her. Moreover he is critizising society for not taking responsibility for anything but it is obvious that he is a part of it himself. The next day Dove talks about this experience at Oliver`s and Dale`s talkshow. After Bruce decides to leave the part the seccond part of the chapter starts: He meets his idol Brooke and is flirting with her. At the end they leave to watch his movie together. Chapter 12 : Wayne and Scouts robbery gets depicted like a moviescene. It seems like it could’ve been one of Bruce”s movies. He kills everyone so they can have sex. Chapter 13 : They enter bruce’s house (we don’t know it’s his house yet) Wayne scares Scout by attacking her. Chapter 14 : Brook and Bruce enter the house. Bruce wants to sleep with her as soon as possible but he can’t direct real life. WE first hear about his ex-wife Farrah. (In chapter 1 he called her his wife he obv still has feelings for her). Bruce keeps critisizing himself Brooke strips in an erotic manner Chapter 15 Brooke didn’t et a condom but a gun. She wants a part in one of his movies. While they are starting to have real sex Wayne appears.

Chapter 16 Wayne freaks out about meeting Bruce. They brag that they were in ‘America’s Most Wanted magazin’ Wayne asks Brooke how she does her pubic hair. The police go to the store where they killed everyone, they’re on their tail. Chapter 17 We know wayne had beheaded Bruce’s guard. Bruce tries to take a gun out of a drawer but Wayne already took it. Wayne advises Bruce to kill Brooke. He also reffers to one of Bruce’s movies. Bruce’s friend Karl comes to the house. Chapter 19 Detectives talk about Bruce”s movies Chapter 20 Bruce tries to convince Scout to give him her gun. Brook does scouts hair Chapter 21 The Police visit on eof the actors in Bruce’s movie to ask him some questions about his safety. Chapter 22 Bruce tells Karl the killers are actors. Karl says the media is going crazy about Bruce’s oscar win. Wayne kills Karl Chapter 23 The police ask susan schaeffer (female lead in OA) if she has seen psychos. She is eating so the police think there are killers in her house. Chapter 24 Scout attacks Brooke Chapter 25 Farrah and Velvet are at the door. Wayne tries to kill Farrah (because Bruce has said he wanted her dead) Chapter 26 The officers arrive at Bruce’s house. They know the mall murderers are there. News stations arrive. Wayne wants to be on all the channels but on 1 the simpsons is on and scout wants to watch it (dipicting her naiviety in a scary way) Wayne does change the channel They try to convince Wayne and Scout to escape but he called the tv channels. Chief Cornell : is glad it’s a race free crime, it seems like he doens’t like Bruce too much. They want an ambulance for brooke. He tells his plan to Bruce Chapter 27 The tv channels are debating what will happen in the house with experts who are just in it for the fame (many aspects of this are discussed in my latest book) Chapter 28 Wayne pulls a gun on Velvet , Scout tries to stop him. Wayne tells bruce to plead on their behalf (admit his “guilt”) Wayne contacts the police he wants a newcrew in the house 2 people in their underwear. Chapter 29:

Bruce is reluctant. Scout is impressed by Wayne’s use of what she finds difficult words. Chapter 30 : Dale and Oliver are considering going into the house.The chief tells them they would probably get a medal of honor. Chapter 31 Velvet tries to make her father give a confession. Farrah wants Bruce’s money transferred to her in case he dies. Chapter 32 The boss of the SWAT team is angry they can’t intervene because of the risks with the hostages. Chapter 33 Wayne seems to be directing the scene (the tables have turned). He strips Velvet of her blouse for ratings Chapter 34 The police says they’re kissing Wayne’s ass. It’s bad for them because hostages may get killed whilst they’re not intervening. Chapter 35 Bruce tries to make Wayne stop (the public hates you). Bruce wants to have a debate with Wayne.(the cultural differences will make them stars) They start airing Chapter 36 Wayne and Bruce start debating. The popcorn story Wayne says Bruce makes killing cool. Bruce says it’s entertainment and only inspires people who are already sick. Wayne sees ratings dropping and threatens to killl Farrah. Chapter 37 The media debates wether or not they are feeding Wayne’s crimes. They too take no blame in the situation. Wayne shoots Farrah. Chapter 38 The SWAT team enters. Wayne says they will give themselves up if the SWAT team leaves. Chapter 39 (movie scene) Wayne want everybody to stop watching Wayne goes crazy SWAT officers come in anyway. The shooting starts (wayne and scout open fire) Epilogue : Brooke’s parents are holding Bruce responsable and are suing him. Bill and Kristen’s families are suing the network. Velvet’s school headmaster blames society and the people who did not turn off their TV The people who did not turn off their TV are pursuing the companies for damages due to panic attacks and anxiety.

TV comanies are lobbying for guidelines and are taking actions against Congress and Capitol Hill. The police chiefs hold each other responsible. Wayne and scout’s families are saying it’s welfare’s fault Republicans blame the Democrats and vice versa Scout says it’s God’s responsibility (she’s in a mental hospital). People : Bruce: Bruce is a director, he makes violent movies, his last one was called Ordinary Americans, for which he receives an oscar for Best Director. His movies are controversial because a lot of people say he is responsible for the murders caused by two people, the Mall murderers, who act just like in his movies, they just shoot everybody no matter who they are. Wayne: He is one of the Mall Murderers, he is a young, strong man, but he is also quite smart, he intends to get away with all his killings by getting Bruce Delamitri to say he is responsible for all the killings. Scout: She is Wayne's girl, she isn't very smart, she is very tiny and pretty. She loves Wayne very much and she knows he has a plan to solve the trouble they got into by killing everybody, but she doesn't know how. Brooke: She is a former playboy model but she would like to be an actress, because she really wants a part in Bruce's next movie so when he invites her to come to his house she agrees. She seduces him, but when he touches her she pulls out a gun, he is terrified. When he asks her what she wants she says she wants a part in his next movie. She puts away the gun and he asks her whether she would sleep with him to get a part in his next movie. She refuses and he gives her a screen test, then she agrees to sleep with him. Velvet: Bruce's daughter, she really means a lot to him, but they don't really get along. She also wants to become a movie-star and she has already made a fitness-video. Farrah: Bruce's wife, Bruce and Farrah met at the shooting of a commercial for used cars, but they grew apart because as they got older Farrah could no longer do bimbo parts and Bruce started to act cool while she knew he really wasn't. They ended up hating each other and getting a divorce. Karl Brezner: Bruce's agent, he had been in business for more than thirty years. He comes to Bruce's house unexpectedly when Scout and Wayne are there too. Karl doesn't understand who they are and ends up insulting them and being very dead. Oliver and Dale: The presenters of Coffee time USA, Bruce is on their show on the day of Oscar night. When they talk about his movies and Oliver and Dale say he is responsible for the copycat-killings by the Mall Murderers, he defends himself but in a very unfriendly way, which is not very smart when half of America sees Oliver and Dale as their personal friends. Bill and Kirsten: They are send into Bruce's house when Scout and Wayne demand television coverage of the story from inside Bruce's house. They are only allowed to wear underwear so they can't carry any weapons along....

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