Position Paper on the Legalization of Sex Education in the Philippines PDF

Title Position Paper on the Legalization of Sex Education in the Philippines
Course Effective Writing
Institution Western Mindanao State University
Pages 13
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This is a position paper on the Legalization of Sex Education in the Philippines. This shows the arguments of the negative side in preparation for the class debate....



(Negative Side)

May 2020


The world in which young people grow up today is very different from that of their parents or grandparents. This may be especially true in developing countries. Compared with the youth of past generations, young people today have more opportunities and challenges. They are likely to have more independence from their parents and spend more time in school. They are likely to have widespread access to the radio and television and, increasingly, to the Internet and mobile phones. They are also entering adolescence earlier and healthier, postponing marriage and childbearing until later, and are more likely to have sex before marriage.

In response to these major societal changes, educators, researchers, policymakers and parents alike have become increasingly interested in the potential for sexuality education to help meet the needs of young people. Sex education is high quality teaching and learning about broad variety of topics related to sex and sexuality, exploring values and beliefs about those topics and gaining the skills that are needed to navigate relationships and manage one’s own sexual health. Comprehensive sex education refers to K-12 programs that cover a broad range of topics related to human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health and society and culture. The quality and quantity of evaluation research in this field has improved dramatically over the last decade, and there is now clear evidence that sexuality education programs can help young people to delay sexual activity and improve their

contraceptive use when they begin to have sex. Moreover, studies to date provide an evidence base for programs that go beyond just reducing the risks of sexual activity— namely, unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)—to instead address young people’s sexual health and well-being more holistically.

Yet, the fact remains that, too often, young people do not get even the most basic sexuality education and that misinformation about sex and its consequences remains common. Indeed, implementing comprehensive sexuality education programs remains a challenge in many parts of the world. To address these challenges, experts say that stronger responses are needed to engage governments, communities, families and young people themselves in sexuality education policies and programs. Specifically, they assert that sexuality education policies and programs must be based in human rights and respond to the interests, needs and experiences of young people themselves.

While most of the countries around the world are practicing the said program, the state of sex education programs in Asia is at various stages of development, like in the Philippines where the topic sex education is considered to be controversial because it deals with different topics which are sometimes too vague and too broad to be implemented largely in the society. While the population in the Philippines is fastgrowing, isn’t it the best time to include such program in their educational system?

Through the course of this paper, you will be able to know the advantages and disadvantages of implementing sex education. POSITIVE ARGUMENTS

Too many young people receive confusing and conflicting information about relationships and sex, as they make the transition from childhood to adulthood. This has led to an increasing demand from young people for reliable information, which prepares them for a safe, productive and fulfilling life. If this Sex Education be implemented this will responds to these demands;

Sound and Informed Decisions Empowering young people to make informed decisions about relationships and sexuality and navigate a world where gender-based violence, gender inequality, early and unintended pregnancies, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) still pose serious risks to their health and well-being. Equally, a lack of high-quality, age- and developmentally-appropriate sexuality and relationship education may leave children and young people vulnerable to harmful sexual behaviors and sexual exploitation.

Teens Need to Know Safer Options One of the biggest problems with abstinence-only education is that it denies teenagers the chance to learn about acceptable options other than abstinence. Given

that no form of sex education has been shown to effectively convince teenagers not to have sex, this is a significant problem. Presumably, parents and educators want adolescents to be as healthy and happy as possible. One would hope that would be true even if those adolescents aren't managing to conform to the standards of behavior that adults would consider ideal

Teach Boys to Be Good Men Part of staying healthy is seeking appropriate health care. As boys age, many of them stop going for preventative health care.8 This limits the opportunities they have to be screened for, among other things, STDs. One of the biggest risk factors for not seeking care is holding traditional views about masculinity.9 It’s important that young men learn early that taking care of their health is one of the most “manly” things they can do.


Legalizing sex education here in the Philippines remains a hot topic in the community, whether it will be implemented or not. Some of the religious groups debate over its appropriateness, whether it should be a part of secondary's education. So, these counter arguments towards teaching sex education came up;

Motive for Initiating Sexual Behavior

If awareness is introduced to the students, there are two possible effects; first, they can comprehend and understand the topic well and prevent from engaging in sexual intercourse, and the second is, it can endanger the students. How? the students will already know from sex education that there is safe sex and a way on how to do it. In this result, they may regard sex education as a motivation for sexual activity. It can corrupt young people's moral standing and would incline them to engage in it if they were too exposed to it. This assumption is supported by Vuttanont et al; who demonstrated that sex education programs provide students information that may result in sexual intentions and experimentation among some students.

Builds Up Curiosity about Sex

Learning about sex before they are mature enough to handle relationships, shoulder responsibilities, and think logically might even ignite their curiosity leading to even more immoral behavior. Their minds might be ignited enough to watch even more pornographic clips on the internet or read more erotic books or even have a first-hand experience of it all.

Paranoid about Sex Despite being of the same age, no children are alike. Some are more mature while some are still childish, far away from the realities of the world. Children are

like molten metal that is shaped according to what is taught to them today or what they experience. The talk of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, and their pictures might even make them paranoid or scared of sex. Children might think that there is too much at stake so it’s better to abstain from it. So, ultimately it might lead them to live an abnormal life.

Rise in Indecent Behavior

The details on sexual intercourse, human anatomy of reproductive systems in both sexes, and practicing safe sex may even turn into class jokes and ways to harass young girls for some boys. They might even become more insensitive to the feelings of love, trust, and respect.

Inadequate Teachings of Sex Education

If sex education will be implemented in secondary education. In terms of preparations, who will teach the students about this newly implemented program? How will be it presented to the students? In terms of period, how can the educator effectively teach the topic in having a limited time? These are just a few questions that exist if this proposal will be approved. Sex education is too broad and too sensitive to be presented and to be discussed. Presenting this topic will need dedicated time for the students to understand it successfully. And also, we need a dedicated educator that has broad

knowledge that can explain this topic to the students without facing a problem. Teachers are not adequately trained to teach sexual education to the students, and no course is directed on sex education. So, how will it be implemented in the class with incomplete preparations? These are some factors that imply the saying “no to sex education”.

Wrong Education Destroys Innocence Too much information or the wrong kind of sexual education can destroy the innocence of the youth. As Hillier and Mitchell started that; comprehensive sex education incorporates teachings on abstinence, safe sex practices, homosexuality, and sexual diversity. Since sex education is given in value-neutral surroundings, the youth lack guidance on the matter, and left to do whatever they want with the information provided.

When Educator Turns Predator

A lot of reports of sexual abuse come from people who are engaged in the education field like the principals of the school, teachers, and management of schools. Under such circumstances, it appears to be very unsafe to let our children learn about sex from them. Of course, not all teachers are like this but when incidences like these are on a rise, it might even give such people free access to manipulate with the young minds and their bodies.

Moral Issues The Philippines is known to be a predominant Christian-Catholic country, in terms of religious matters, we see sex education as a sensitive topic, that should be tackled only and explained only by the parents at home instead of teaching it in schools. We know priests, pastors and imams teach us not to go through sexual intercourse with someone unless we are legally bind together through marriage. Premarital sex, condoms, contraceptive pills are just a few things that the church prevented us to immerse in. But, if sex education will be approved, the students will be exposed to all of these things and may lead to a misconception of the teachings between the church and school. And, it will start to confuse the student about the right information to choose or to believe. Religious people also believe that sex education will negatively influence religious and ethical values in guiding young people in the matter of sex. So, they believe sex education is not necessary for educational purposes.

Tainted Modesty Sexual modesty is described as the inclusion of moral and religious modalities in sexual aspects. Accordingly, sex education could destroy modesty. There are two perspectives to address this matter: a contextual and religious perspective and a scientific point of view. As we observe, the Philippines has a high proportion of Christian people. But let's talk about Muslim people because we know that they are the

number one who opposed sex education due to cultural nurture, not religious beliefs. In their holy Bible or Quran, the Almighty compassion for all characteristics of human life and talks about reproduction, creation, family life, period, and even ejaculation. It is therefore quite possible and relevant for sex education to be provided in Muslim societies according to Islamic doctrine. From the scientific perspective, multiple studies have shown that comprehensive sex education could not be sexually erotic if it is ageappropriate and is provided accurately.


Though some research claim that sex education plays a crucial role in addressing the health and well-being of children and young people, the school may send the wrong message to students when their sex education courses are mere “how to do it and how not to get caught” lessons. The primary teachers of children are their parents. It is their right and their responsibility to teach sexual morality to their children, and perhaps the best lesson in sex parents can provide their children is the love and respect they show for each other. Children don’t need sex ed, they need chastity ed. Kids need to learn how to say no and why saying no is in their best interest – physically, emotionally, spiritually . Too much knowledge could be dangerous. The young minds armed with too much of knowledge about safe sex may consider engaging in casual sex too often. Instead of focusing on their career and responsibilities they may give much time to fun and frolic in safe sex. The incidences of premarital sex may gradually rise which is unacceptable to the Indian society. And since none of the contraception methods are 100% full proof, we might not see much positive impact on the rise of teenage pregnancies despite the sex education in schools.


Ivy Panda. (2020). The pros and cons of sex education in school research paper. Retrieved




Very Well. (2020). 10 Reasons to Support Sex Education in Schools. Retrieved from https://www.verywellhealth.com/support-comprehensive-education-schools-313308

UNESCO. (2018). Why Comprehensive Sexuality Education is Important. Retrieved from https://en.unesco.org/news/why-comprehensive-sexuality-education-important













Education .




Guttmacher Institute. (2011). Advancing sexuality Education in Developing Countries: Evidence






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