Ppivms: Paivms - Types of movements to perform during assessments for the joints PDF

Title Ppivms: Paivms - Types of movements to perform during assessments for the joints
Author Fliss Anne
Course Physiotherapy
Institution Cardiff University
Pages 6
File Size 377.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 81
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Types of movements to perform during assessments for the joints...


Passi vePhysi ol ogi calI nt er ver t ebr alMovement s/PPI VMS

-Passi v ephy s i ol ogi calmov ement sofamobi l ev er t ebr als egment -Assessmentofphysi ol ogi calmov ement si sol at edt oonear eawi t hi nt hes pi ne 1)Toass esssegment al mot i ons uchashy per mobi l i t yorhy pomobi l i t y 2)Tocor r el at eanypas si v eabnor mal i t i est oact i v eandf unct i onal mov ementanal y si s Whatt ol ookf or -Qual i t yoft hemov ement -ROM -Pai nbehav i our

-Res i st ancet hr ought her ange -EndFeel -Mus cl eSpas m el i ci t at i on

Cont r ai ndi cat i ons -Act ueI nj ur y/i nflammat i on -Ex cess i v ePai n -Hypermobi l i t y -Pr egnant( posi t i oni ng) -Fr act ur eorsus pect edf r act ur e -NoCons ent -Act i v ej oi ntDi s easee. g.Rheumat oi dAr t hr i t i s. Ankyl osi ngspondy l i t i s CxFl exi on/ Ext ensi on

Patient Position:

Therapist Position: Hand Position

Direction of force:

Patient Position:

Therapist Position: Hand Position

Direction of force:

Supine - Head over the end of the plinth, resting on the therapist’s stomach. At the end of the plinth, Slight squat Supporting hand on the occiput and other supporting the head and index finger palpating between adjacent Spinous processes. Head lifted into flexion, and extended through the therapist squatting down.

Supine - Head over the end of the plinth, resting on the therapist’s stomach. At the end of the plinth, Slight squat Supporting hand on the occiput and other supporting the head and index finger palpating between adjacent Spinous processes. Therapist sways the hips and arms from side to side, to side flex the Cx feel for the movement of the vertebral arches.

CxSi deFl exi on CxRot at i on

Patient Position:

Therapist Position: Hand Position

Direction of force:

Supine - Head over the end of the plinth, resting on the therapist’s stomach. At the end of the plinth, Slight squat 1 hand supports the occiput, with their palm near the ear, the other supports the other side OR rests on the patient’s cheek. Palpate the far vertebral arches with the middle/index fingers. Turn the hands together towards each side, bringing the ear down towards the floor.

TxFl exi on/ Ext ensi on

Patient Position: Therapist Position:

Sitting on the edge of the plinth with arms crossed over chest Stood at the side. Reaches over the patient’s forearms “hugging” the patient

Hand Position

1 hand is palpating in between the spinner processes, the other supporting the back/upper arm/Shoulder

Direction of force:

Therapist flexes towards the patient to extend and extends, bending

knees to flex the patient’s Tx.

TxSi deFl exi on

Patient Position: Therapist Position:

Hand Position

Direction of force:

Sitting on the edge of the plinth with arms crossed over chest Stood at the side. Reaches over the patient’s forearms “hugging” the patient. Bend knee and go to toes (away) to side flex One hand supporting the axilla/shoulder, the other just below the scapula closest to you and palpating the near side of the SPs. Side flex the trunk away from the therapist and then towards (bending knees) Only slight movement to mobilise thoracic spine

TxRot at i on

Patient Position:

Sitting on the edge of the plinth with arms crossed over chest eaches o


g the ax ou and p nt torso .


LxFl exi on/ Ext ensi on

Patient Position:

Therapist Position:

Hand Position

Direction of force:

Side lying, pillow underneath the hips/waist (Lx in neutral), pillow under head, hips and knees flexed, Knees rested on therapist’s upper thighs. Stand in front of the patient, bends knees. Forearm slightly resting on patient’s waist. One hand palpating L3/4 interspinous spaces, the other holding the base of the patient’s feet. Sway’ your hips to flex and extend the Lx spine, but ensure its only the

Patient Position:

Therapist Position:

Side lying, pillow underneath the hips/waist (Lx in neutral), pillow under head, hips and knees flexed, Knees rested on therapist’s upper thighs. Stand in front of the patient, bends knees. Forearm slightly resting on patient’s waist.

Hand Position

Grasp feet gently, other on S.Proccesses of L3/4

Direction of force:

Lift feet upwards slightly to rock the patient’s pelvis

LxLat er alFl exi on

LxRot at i on

Patient Position:

Therapist Position:

Hand Position

Side lying, pillow underneath the hips/waist (Lx in neutral), pillow under head, hips and knees flexed, Knees rested on therapist’s upper thighs. Stand in front of the patient, bends knees. Forearm slightly resting on patient’s waist. holds over patient’s left hip with right hand, fingers spreading out behind the patient’s trochanter and the heel of hand anterior to the trochanter. Right forearm holds along the left femur.

Other hand palpates L3/4. Direction of force:

Using the right hand, tilt the patient’s pelvis slightly towards the therapist, stabilising the thorax with the left hand/arm.

Passi veAccessor yI nt er ver t ebr alMovement s /PAI VMS Whatar et hey ? -Passi v eaccess or ymov ement sofamobi l ev er t ebr al segmentwi t houtact i v epar t i ci pat i on -Gl i di ng/Tr ans l at i on/Sl i di ngmov ement se. g.PA/ PA/ t r ansv er s e -Assessmentt echni queofj oi ntt hr oughi t sav ai l abl er ange -Canbedevel opedi nt omobi l i sat i onsbyaddi ngi nanosc i l l at or ygl i dei nt ot het echni que Whydoweuset hem? 1)I dent i f yas y mpt omat i cj oi nt 3)Under s t andnat ur eofj oi ntmot i on 4)abnor mal i t y Whatt ol ookf or -Qual i t yoft hemov ement -ROM -Pai nbehav i our -Sympt om r es ponse Cont r ai ndi cat i ons -Ost eopor osi s -Act ueI nj ur y/i nflammat i on -Hypermobi l i t y -Fr act ur eorsus pect edf r act ur e

-Res i st ancet hr ought her ange -EndFeel -Mus cl eSpas m el i ci t at i on

-Ex cess i v ePai n -Pr egnant( posi t i oni ng) -NoCons ent

-Act i v ej oi ntDi s easee. g.Rheumat oi dAr t hr i t i s. Ankyl osi ngspondy l i t i s...

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