Practical - Daily Work Pad- Week 2 PDF

Title Practical - Daily Work Pad- Week 2
Course First Professional Practice
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 8
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Daily Work Pad- Week 2...


Date: Tuesday 2nd June 2015 Time 8.45 9.00 9.00 10.10

Specific Learning Goals

 Discuss how a character feels  Share their ideas in a thought tracking activity  Predict what they think will happen

Responding to Literature Compare opinions about characters, events and settings in and between texts (ACELT1589)

30 minutes

Learning Experiences

Materials / Resources

Term: 2 Evaluation


ACARA Expressing and developing ideas Identify visual representations of characters’ actions, reactions, speech and thought processes in narratives, and consider how these images add to or contradict or multiply the meaning of accompanying words (ACELA1469)

10.10 10.45


 Identify subtraction vocabulary and symbols in number sentences  Solve a minimum of 6 subtraction problems with a partner

Introduction Read the title to chn. 5MC - Draw/Write - Predict what you think the story is about post it notes. 3MC -MOVE - Mix Pair Share Share their predictions with others. Lollystick 3 chn to share.

Post it notes Lollysticks

Main Body Show cover - what do you think it could be about now? Water Witcher Read the story up until the part where Dougie digs the hole but Book there is no water. What has happened to Dougie? How do you think Dougie feels? What might he be thinking? 2MC - TALK - SP - Discuss above. Hands Up to share and note on the WB. Chn to write on a thought bubble a sentence or two to describe how they think Dougie is feeling or what he is thinking at this point in the story. Teacher to model for the class. Teacher to support SAER students.

Thought bubbles

Thought Tracking Activity Students to make two lines down the centre of the classroom facing each other. Choose one student to be Dougie and students to each take it in turns to read their thought bubble to the class.

3. Children's ability to predict future events. Listen to and discuss what students think will happen/book about. Can they use the book to help them predict? Are their predictions relevant to the story content? Assess children's ability to empathise with a character based on a Red, Amber, Green scale. Green = Confident understanding Amber = Some understanding but more support/guidance needed Red = No/very limited understanding

Predict what they think will happen next - Time Pair Share with SP. Lollysticks Conclusion Read the end of the story with the chn. Was this what they expected? thought? How do you think Dougie is feeling now? Share ideas. Maths – Lesson 5 Subtraction Introduction- Place Value SP - Reading 2 and 3 digit numbers. Writing 2/3 digit numbers. Looking at the value of digits within a number. Can they expand the number so 53= 50+3. Can they put numbers together from expanded notation 60 + 8 = 68 - 2/3 digit numbers Whiteboards Lollysticks

1. Children's ability to discuss how a character feels. 2. Children's ability to share their ideas in a thought tracking activity Observe students through the whole mat discussion and their ability to put themselves in Dougies shoes in the Thought tracking activity. Assessment of their written work on thought bubbles.

Whiteboards x 23 Whiteboard pens x23

1. Children's understanding of subtraction vocabulary Observation of understanding through direct questioning and underlining of key terms and information 2. Children's ability to solve subtraction number sentences

Week : 7 – PW2 Notes

 Use appropriate materials to subtract (counters/MABs/ Numberlines)

Main Body Recap the symbol and vocabulary with students. SP - Rally Robin the 4 words. Lollystick Who can tell me another word for subtraction? Recap the symbol and students to make with body.



Observe students progression through the activity. Can children use the materials to solve the sum?

SP - How can we solve this problem? What could we use? What

ACARA would we need to do? Model and encourage student participation. Sol v es i mpl eaddi t i onand s ubt r act i onpr obl emsusi nga Lollysticks r angeofeffici entment aland Model how to solve using a numberline and complete several wr i t t enst r at egi es examples. Provide chn with a numberline on mat and they can ( ACMNA030)

Numberline Lollysticks

complete examples together. Fi r stSt eps  Sol vessi mpl es ubt r act i on wor dpr obl ems/ st or i es i nc l udi ngdi ffer ence Recor dsnumbersent ences usi ngt hesy mbol s+,-and=

Activity HA – subtracting 10 then unit not crossing the tens. (Subtracting a teen number). Teacher AA – G2 Blue – Connect 4 1-20 (pairs) AA – G2 Red – Connect 4 1-20 (pairs) SAER – Green- Subtracting with counters 1-10 Connect 4 game. Conclusion Sum Sense - Students need to make the cards into the correct number sentence - online game.

10.5011.10 11.1012.10 12.10 12.40

12.40 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00

RECESS Cultural Studies Guided Reading Tanya and I taking a group each.

LUNCH Silent Reading Literacy/History


Numberlinex23 Cards for G1 Connect 4 (120) x 8 Connect 4 (110) x 2

Assess children's ability to solve subtraction sums for their level based on a Red, Amber, Green scale. Green = Confident understanding Amber = Some understanding but more support/guidance needed Red = No/very limited understanding

Date: Wednesday 3rd June 2015 Time

8.45 9.00 9.00 9.50

Specific Learning Goals


Learning Experiences

Week : 7 – PW2


Roll/News  Identify new sounds in given list of words  Sort pictures/ words based on their sound

Spelling Students split into 4 spelling groups. Tanya and I have a group each and the words their way procedure is followed to introduce new words.  Review or introduce the new sounds  Show students pictures and all students say the words (discuss pictures of things students may not know) - HA words rather than pictures  Hand out the pictures around the group and students to take it in turns to place the picture under the correct sound. They say the sound and then the word.  Read through each list - saying the sound and each word.  Students do the sort themselves and teacher check. Students to again say the sound and each work.  Stick in their spelling scrap books. Teacher to write individual high frequency words for each child on their list of spelling words x2. Stick one in homework diary and one in their Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check book.

9.50 10/50 10.5011.10 11.15 11.40 11.1012.10

Materials / Resources

Term: 2

Group Spelling sorts Each childs spelling scrapbook

 Can students identify the new sounds  Can students identify the new sounds in words  Can students sort pictures/words based on their initial sounds?

Scissors Glue Each childs Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check book. Homework diaries


RECESS School Photographs  Identify number bonds to 10. 

Maths – Lesson 6 Subtraction Introduction - Number Bonds to 10 Domino Trains Introduce dominoes (most students aware due to the Woolworths dominoes collection) and model how to play. Explain that they need to create a train - there are carriages and each carriage has a set number of people in it. Working with a SP, students are to use the dominoes to make as many trains as they can with 10 passengers on board. Therefore finding as many ways to make 10. Lollystick some ideas. Put on Maths area for students to add to throughout the week.

2. Children's ability to find number bonds to 10

Domino sets x12 Large domino set for wall

Observe students progression through the activity. Can children manipulate the dominoes to find number bonds to 10.


12.10 12.40 12.40 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.50 3.00


LUNCH Music  Retell the main events from the story  Act out the story with a group of 3/4 children  Perform their retell to the class at the end of the session.

Introduction Recap the story. Wonder Ball - Ask what happened at the beginning? What happened? Watch: Main Body 6MC - MOVE - The Great Race - Sequence images from the story correctly Explain that today we will be acting out the story in groups. Lollystick to sequence images on the IWB In groups, students to work in mixed ability groups to act out the story. Dougie, Dad, mum, sister.

Images to sequence Groups Glue Ipad

Conclusion Children to present their retells to the class. Teacher to record on the ipad and then prepare QR codes so they can show their parents.


Beach ball or lollysticks if can't get one. You tube clip


1. Children's understanding of events within the story. Observation of students understanding through direct questioning and also peer discussion of the main events in the story. Observation of students ability to work collaboratively in a small group to sequence images from the story Observe and record (ipad) students understanding of events in the story through their ability to act it out as a group.

Date: Thursday 4th June 2015 Time

Specific Learning Goals

12.10 – 12.40

Materials / Resources

Term: 2 Evaluation


8.45 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.50 10/50 10.5011.10 11.1012.10

WPL4105 DAILY WORK PAD Learning Experiences

Assembly/Finishing Off PE

RECESS  Identify subtraction vocabulary and symbols in number sentences  Solve a minimum of 6 subtraction problems with a partner  Use appropriate materials to subtract (counters/MABs/ Numberlines)

Maths – Lesson 7 Subtraction Introduction Missing number sequences. Students to solve the missing numbers on their white boards. QQT activity completing the missing numbers for the sequences on their cards. Lollysticks Main Body Recap the vocabulary we use for subtraction – take away, subtract, minus, difference. Sticker challenge 5MC - Post sorting game on IWB Students need to work out the answer on the letters and post them in the correct post box. Model a few examples to remind the AA students of subtracting 10 then units for their activity today.

ACARA Sol vesi mpl eaddi t i onand subt r act i onpr obl emsusi ng ar angeofeffic i entment al Activities andwr i t t enst r at egi es HA – G1 - Yellow – Subtracting 10 then unit not crossing the tens. ( ACMNA030) Fi r stSt eps  Sol vess i mpl e subt r act i onwor d pr obl ems/ s t or i es i ncl udi ngdi ffer ence  Recor dsnumber sent encesusi ngt he symbol s+,-and=

QQT cards x 24 Lollysticks

(Subtracting a teen number). Independent (Cards + whiteboard) AA – G2/3 Blue/Red – Subtracting 10 then unit not crossing the tens. (Subtracting a teen number). Teacher LA – Group - Post sorting game - Subtracting 1-20 counters Independent Conclusion Word Problems – model then students to solve using their numberline/whiteboard then solve together on WB – Lollysticks.


Game on IWB


Cards for G1

Post sorting game for SAER

1. Children's understanding of subtraction vocabulary Observation of understanding through direct questioning and underlining of key terms and information 2. Children's ability to solve subtraction number sentences Observe students progression through the activity. Can children use the materials to solve the sum?

Assess children's ability to solve subtraction sums for their level based on a Red, Amber, Green scale. Green = Confident understanding Amber = Some understanding but more support/guidance needed Red = No/very limited understanding

Week : 7 – PW2 Notes

12.40 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00

LUNCH Silent Reading Science


Date: Friday 4th June 2015 Time

8.45 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.50 10/50

Specific Learning Goals

WPL4105 DAILY WORK PAD Learning Experiences


Roll/News Art  Identify the time correctly to o'clock and half past  Draw and tell the time correctly on analogue clocks to o'clock and half past  Match analogue and digital times to o'clock and half past.

Maths - Measures - Time Introduction Recap telling the time with the students. Show a large analogue clock face on the board. Which hand tells us the minutes? Which hand tells us the hours? Lollysticks. Main Body 5MC - Make me _____ on your clock. Is mine right? why? why not? 3MC - SP - Show chn a range of clock faces - what time does it say? what would that be on the digital clock? Talk to SP on each one separately and Lollystick. 3MC - SP - Show a digital time, students to make on their clocks. Lollysticks to show the class. Activity Worksheet which requires students to read an analogue clock and write the digital time (and vice versa). Draw missing hands on an analogue clock. Extension - Matching time game. Match the analogue to the written to the digital time. Conclusion Bring students back together and show some incorrect clock faces and times. Discuss what is wrong with them and Lollystick students to correct them

10.5011.10 11.1012.10

Term: 2 Week : 7 – PW2

Materials / Resources

RECESS Literacy Talking Homework Tanya Modelling


Small clock each Large Teacher clock IWB

Worksheet (Tanya provided)

Clock game


1. Children's understanding of time Observe students progression through the activities: - Can they make time on an analogue clock? - Can they correctly draw the times? - Can they draw the time written? - Can they match analogue time? Assess children's ability to tell the time to o'clock and half past on analogue and digital clocks based on a Red, Amber, Green scale. Green = Confident understanding Amber = Some understanding but more support/guidance needed Red = No/very limited understanding


Literacy – Big Writing Tanya Modelling

12.10 12.40 12.40 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.50 3.00

LUNCH Silent Reading  Edit their piece of Big writing  Assess their piece of Big Writing  Create a piece of artwork by being creative with materials provided.

Rotation Students are familiar with the structure of Rotation. Introduce each of the stations to students and explain what each station requires. Table 1 - Teacher - Rainbow writing and assessing Big Write Table 2 - Parent Helper - Playing a group game developing social skills - Memory Match game Table 3 - Drawing table Table 4 - Creative table.

ACARA Creating Texts Reread and edit text for spelling, sentenceboundary punctuation and text structure (ACELY1672)



Rainbow writing sheet Memory game Craft materials Drawing pencils Stencils Colours

1. Children's big writing Assessment and marking of Big Write for capital letters, full stops etc. 2. Children's Creativity Observe how students use and manipulate the materials to create their own piece of artwork....

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