Practice Test 10 PDF

Title Practice Test 10
Author Anne Yan
Course Nursing and Wellness
Institution Humber College
Pages 16
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THEO 4400 Practice Test Part One


You are attending to a patient with asthma. This pathology is mostly focussed on the: a. b. c. d.


All of the following statements are true except: a. b. c. d.


Trachea Bronchioles Main stem bronchi Oropharynx and nasopharynx

Younger pediatric patients are obligate nose breathers The pediatric tongue is proportionally larger than the adults The smallest diameter of the pediatric airway is at the cricoid ring The pediatric trachea is more posterior than the adult trachea

Which of the following statements is most accurate a. Accidents and trauma are the leading cause of death between ages one and forty four b. Those who marry have a higher mortality rate than those who do not c. Life expectancy for males is now higher than that of females d. Cerebrovascular disease is the leading cause of death for persons over sixty years of age


You are called to attend to a 56 year old male patient who has tried to harm himself by cutting his wrists. The patient is alert and oriented and tells you that he is sorry; he just got carried away during a family argument. He appears quite calm and lucid. The lacerations are about 2 cm long on both anterior wrists and there is less than 100 ml of external blood loss on the floor. The patient thanks you for you assistance and offers to sign you refusal of care form. He cannot be convinced to go to hospital. You should: a. Restrain the patient and take him to hospital b. Respect the patient’s wishes, assess competency and have him sign the form c. Involve the police for assistance d. Contact your base hospital physician for advice


You are attending to a 34 year old male who appears drunk. The patient admits to drinking six or seven beers and is quite intoxicated. He accidentally cut his hand on a bottle cap and while the cut is not life threatening, it will require stitches. Can this patient refuse care? a. Yes, if he does not want to go to hospital then he can refuse care b. Yes, unless he is a minor c. No, intoxicated persons with altered mental status are not considered capable to make a competent decision d. No, they can only make decisions of implied consent


You are attending to a patient in congestive heart failure. He has had it for the last seven years and is frustrated with his loss of quality of life. He is alert and oriented and when you assess him is qualifies as competent. He adamantly refuses care and signs your refusal of care form. As you prepare to leave the house, the patient becomes unresponsive. You may now: a. b. c. d.


Treat him as you have implied consent No, a competent patient has refused care Consult with you base hospital physician before any decision can be made Notify the police to attend at the scene

In which of the following cases is it legal for the paramedic to release confidential information about a patient? a. When a third party require the information for billing purposes b. When the receiving facility asks for the patient’s name over the radio c. When the patient’s lawyer verbally requests the information from the service d. When the patient’s souse phones and requests an update on the patient’s condition


You are attending to a patient who has been shot in the chest by a large calibre bullet. You first priority should be to: a. b. c. d.

Recognize it as a crime scene and protect the potential evidence Provide care for the patient Protect yourself and your partner Notify law enforcement if not already done


Which of the following pieces of information must be kept confidential? a. b. c. d.


Select the most appropriate statement a. b. c. d.


The patient’s statements Input from the patient’s lawyer Advanced directives Input from the patient’s physician

The term for study of how a drug is altered as it travels through the body is: a. b. c. d.


There is really no difference between ethics and morals Ethics involve larger issues than a paramedic’s practice Every treatment decision a paramedic makes should be based on ethics Making a medication error and reporting it is an example of unethical behaviour

When a paramedic makes decisions based on what is in the patient’s best interests, which of the following should be considered first? a. b. c. d.


Gunshot and stab wounds Signs of suspected abuse Signs of communicable disease Observations made at the patient’s residence

Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Pharmaceutics Fick principle

A drug that mimics the function of the sympathetic nervous system is known as a/an: a. b. c. d.

Agonist Antagonist Sympatholytic Sympathomimetic


In order for drugs to have a direct effect on central nervous system tissue, they must be: a. b. c. d.


A drug’s ability to bond with a receptor is known as: a. b. c. d.


Osmotic pressure Hydrostatic pressure Hypertonic pressure Hypotonic pressure

You are administering Ventolin via a nebulized mask. You can avoid inhaling medication yourself by: a. b. c. d.


Affinity Efficacy Selective response Agonistic response

The pressure that develops when two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable membrane is called: a. b. c. d.


Water soluble Lipid soluble Rapidly absorbed Slowly absorbed

Have the patient take deep breaths and hold them Wearing a face mask Ask the patient to exhale away from you Maintain a tight seal of the mask on the patient’s face

An adverse effect on a patient that occurs as a result of the treatment rendering is considered to be a/an: a. b. c. d.

Malfeasance Nonfeasance Iatrogenic effect Malpractice


You are attending to a patient in respiratory arrest. The patient has a laryngectomy. Which of the following states are true? a. When ventilating this patient you need to cover the mouth b. When ventilating a patient with a complete laryngectomy, you do not need to cover the mouth c. When ventilating this patient you should ventilate the mouth and cover the stoma d. The end of the stoma should never be removed


What is the complication commonly associated with using the Sellick maneuver? a. b. c. d.


You are attending to a 34 year old male patient who was involved in a single car MVC. The patient appeared to veer of the road and his car struck a telephone pole. You should suspect: a. b. c. d.


A transient episode of hypoglycemia Mechanical failure of the vehicle Suicide attempt The patient must have been distracted

The best way to assess the mental status of a patient is to: a. b. c. d.


When pressure is applied improperly, airway obstruction results When performed improperly, atelectasis may occur The early release of pressure can result in obstruction Late release of pressure can result in aspiration

Speak with him Obtain a blood glucose reading Ask a family member if he is acting normally A complete set of vital signs

Why should a paramedic avoid asking leading questions? a. b. c. d.

Leading questions are a form of negative communication Some patients may tell you what you want to hear and not the truth Leading questions tend to develop a false sense of security in the patient Open ended questions wil always get a better response


During the patient interview, the paramedic should obtain the following information about the patient’s current event: a. b. c. d.

What is the patient’s marital status What is the patient’s general outlook Is this event similar to past events Is this event likely to occur again in the future


Often patients who experience trauma experience kidney failure. These patients are at higher risk for developing: a. Hypokalemia b. Hyperphosphatemia c. Hypocalcemia d. Hyponatremia


Sepsis, diabetic ketoacidosis and salicylate poisoning all may cause: a. b. c. d.


The retention of CO2 leads to increased circulating pCO2. This would result in: a. b. c. d.


Respiratory acidosis Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis

Respiratory acidosis Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis

Acquired hypersensitivity is known as: a. b. c. d.

Rheumatic fever Cancer Asthma Allergy


You are attending to a 63 year old male patient who has likely suffered from a stroke. The most likely cause is: a. b. c. d.


Each of the following is considered a health risk associated with obesity except: a. b. c. d.


Fever Vasodilation Leukocytosis Decreased capillary permeability

In an effort to keep the patient from becoming overly anxious during a patient interview, the paramedic should: a. b. c. d.


Hyperlipidemia Hypotension Gallbladder disease Insulin resistance

Which one of the following is associated with a local inflammatory response? a. b. c. d.


Aneurysm Atrial fibrillation Cigarette smoking Hypertension

Shun nonverbal communication Avoid facilitation wherever possible Stay away from silence as an interview technique Avoid the use of complicated medical technology

An example of a negative communication technique that the paramedic should avoid with patients and their families is: a. b. c. d.

Reflection Inattentiveness Asking for clarification when a patient’s response is ambiguous Being conscious of the amount of physical space between you and your patient


The way you speak, your posture and actions used to encourage the patient to say more is known as: a. b. c. d.


Which of the following is least likely to be an obstacle during a patient interview? a. b. c. d.


Empathy Confrontation Facilitation Reflection

A patient who is blind A patient who is over talkative A patient who is symptomatic A patient who is developmentally disabled

When treating a patient who only speaks a foreign language that you do not, and no interpreter is immediately available, which of the following can you do to best facilitate care for the patient? a. Use positive body language while you begin care b. Wait for an interpreter so that you can assess capacity and obtain informed consent c. Contact the police d. Treat this situation no differently than you would a hostile patient


The acronym AVPU is used in the initial assessment to: a. b. c. d.


Determine patient’s mental status Determine the patient’s chief complaint To determine the patient’s level of consciousness To determine the patient’s level of awareness

Which of the following clues indicate that there may be hazardous materials involved in an incident? a. b. c. d.

The family’s pet dog is barking at the front door Three out of the four family members are complaining of a headache Power lines are down at the scene of a motor vehicle collision There is advance notice of an infestation at the scene of a call


Which of the following examples is a potential threat to the paramedic responding in a residential area? a. A night time response to a house that has no lights on b. A response to a house with no one to let you in but a woman is calling out “I can’t get up” c. A standby at a fire scene of a fully involved structure fire d. A response to a suicide attempt with police on scene


You are working with firefighters to extricate the driver of a mid-sized vehicle who is trapped under the steering wheel after striking a tree with greater force. The patient is in respiratory distress with a rapidly decreasing level of consciousness. The decision has been made to rapidly extricate the patient. As you begin to do so a handgun falls out of the patient’s pocket. You should immediately: a. Back away from the patient and get the police officer to remove the gun b. Continue to remove the patient and do not let anyone touch the gun until the police officer can secure it c. Assign a firefighter to remove the gun from the vehicle and continue to move the patient d. Immediately remove the patient’s clothing to be sure that there are no other weapons


You are assessing the level of consciousness of a patient involved in a serious motor vehicle collision. The patient is wearing a helmet, his eyes are closed and is breathing irregularly. When you speak to him he does not answer but when you touch him, he moans and tries to move his arms. His initial level of consciousness is: a. b. c. d.


Alert Verbal Painful Unresponsive

The level of consciousness in an infant is best assessed by: a. b. c. d.

Calling the base hospital to consult Using the standard AVPU format How loud the infant cries Asking the patient or caregiver to determine if the response is normal


Anytime a patient sustains a high energy impact to the clavicles, the paramedic must consider the possibility of: a. b. c. d.


Initial assessment of the skin should involve: a. b. c. d.


Ears Axilla Tongue Palms or soles

Which of the following skin colours is not a finding associated with hepatic or renal failure? a. b. c. d.


Colour and pigmentation Colour, temperature and condition Pulse oximetry The presence of urticaria

When assessing the skin of patients with varying skin pigmentation, the most reliable place to assess is the: a. b. c. d.


Low blood sugar Hypoxia Neck injury Hypovolemia

Red or flushed Pale Jaundiced Cyanosed

In which of the following is the assessment capillary refill most reliable? a. b. c. d.

Fifty year old patient with COPD Twenty-five year old patient with anemia Fourteen year old patient with hypothermia Three year old asthmatic


An insulin dependant diabetic is presenting with an altered mental status and a decreased blood sugar reading. Which of the following pieces of information from the family is most important to the paramedic? a. b. c. d.


While obtaining the history and physical examination of an elderly patient, it is common to discover: a. b. c. d.


Traumatic injury Hyperthermia Concurrent medical problems Poisoning

You are attending to a 55 year old male patient complaining of chest pain with shortness of breath. The patient has clear air entry but his respirations are somewhat laboured. Given that he meets all of the other conditions, this patient is most likely to receive a/an: a. b. c. d.


Allergies Medications Past medical history Last meal

Diuretic Nitrate Bronchodilator Analgesic

You are attending to a 24 year old male patient complaining of dizziness but only when he moves his head. He also has nausea but the rest of his vital signs appear unremarkable. The only other history that you can ascertain is that he has a head cold that lasted several days. On which of the following systems should you focus your exam: a. b. c. d.

Cardiac Respiratory Neurologic Behavioural


During the typical time that you have patient contact, you must quickly establish a positive rapport with the patient in order to: a. b. c. d.


You are attending to a 78 year old female complaining of weakness, dizziness and nausea. She denies having chest pain or shortness of breath and is not a diabetic. Which of the following body systems should you focus on first? a. b. c. d.


Neurologic Pulmonary Abdominal Cardiothoracic

You are assessing a patient who has lost bowel control and has a decreased sensation in the legs bilaterally with impaired coordination. Your priority should be the assessment of: a. b. c. d.


Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Cardiac Neurologic

During the initial assessment of a patient complaining of chest tightness, weakness and light headedness, you find that he is quite hypotensive. His skin is pale but warm and dry. You should focus you exam on: a. b. c. d.


Make an appropriate patient transport decision Demonstrate professionalism to the patient Gain trust and cooperation from the patient Identify immediately life threatening conditions

Cardiac Neurologic Gastrointestinal Respiratory

When obtaining the history of a patient who has experienced a syncopal episode, your priority should be to ask about: a. b. c. d.

Pre-syncope information like what the patient ate today Post-syncope information such as duration of loss of consciousness Recent electrolyte imbalances The use of performance enhancing drugs


The most common cause of syncope are vasovagal episodes, orthostatic hypotension and: a. b. c. d.


Orthostatic hypotension is common in: a. b. c. d.


Ten minutes Fifteen minutes Twenty minutes Thirty minutes

Which of the following cannot be delayed or skipped in the management of a critical trauma patient? a. b. c. d.


Prolonged bed rest Blood loss of greater than 100 cc Antihistamine use All of the above

The maximum amount of time that a paramedic should remain on scene with a critical trauma patient, barring lengthy extrication is: a. b. c. d.


Cardiac dysrhythmias (Stokes Adams episode) Micturition Neurologic induced Dehydration

Full spinal immobilization Bleeding control for venous bleeding Hand fracture immobilization All of the above

Paradoxical motion, crepitation and asymmetry are all abnormal findings associated with the: a. b. c. d.

Head Chest Abdomen Pelvis


Which of the following is a unique physiological response: a. b. c. d.


A patient that has been burned in a house fire sustained multiple injuries. Which of the following is of primary concern: a. b. c. d.


Third degree burns to both hands First and second degree burns on the face and neck Clothing charred into the chest and back Wheezing present with a hoarse voice

You are assessing a patient who was the passenger involved in a motor vehicle collision. The patient was wearing his seatbelt and initially had no complaints of pain. Twenty minutes after the collision, he began to feel dizzy and looked quite pale and diaphoretic. You should suspect: a. b. c. d.


Children in shock decompensate slower than adults Children in shock appear worse than they actually are In late shock, children compensate for shock better than adults In early shock, children compensate for shock better than adults

Potential spinal injury Head injury Intra-abdominal hemorrhage Neurogenic shock

Your patient is a five year old who was struck by a car backing out of its driveway while she was riding her bike. She was wearing a helmet but it is cracked. She is unconscious and breathing irregularly. Which of the following applies: a. b. c. d.

Rib fractures are rar...

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