Pre-Diagnostic Test - 25 MCQ-NA PDF

Title Pre-Diagnostic Test - 25 MCQ-NA
Course Human Resources Management
Institution Conestoga College
Pages 4
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CKE Pre-diagnostic Test 1) a) b) c) d)

An assessment center: a ) is a place where only tests take place. is used to standardize the evaluation of behavior based on multiple evaluations. c)Both a and b. d)None of the above.

2) Which of the following requires workers who do not join a union to pay the equivalent of union dues? a) Closed shop b) Dues check of c) Agency shop d) No lock out 3) a) b) c) d)

Criteria used to evaluate recruiting methods include all the following, except: turnover. job satisfaction. performance ratings. pay equity.

4) The students in Dr. Singh's class recently learned how to prepare for and conduct structured interviews. Robert, a student in the class, has just been given the opportunity to use those skills at work. This scenario is an example of: a) on-the-job-training. b) role playing. c) simulation. d) transfer of learning.

5) The _______________ interview appears to be best suited to the selection of candidates who have had prior work experience or engaged in voluntary activities or hobbies a) unstructured b) comprehensive structured c) situational d) behavioural descriptive 6) Alex is planning to schedule staf to convert the new HRIS system, which will require a number of people from the HR over the next month. This scheduling chart is known as a/an: a) Ishikawa model. b) critical path method. c) Gantt chart. d) transparency model.

7) An approach to training that demonstrates desired behaviour and gives trainees the chance to practice and role-play those behaviours and receive feedback is:

a) b) c) d) 8) a) b) c) d)

behaviour modelling. on-the-job-training. management games. case study. A CHRP candidate is someone who has: passed the NKE and NPPA and is in the process of recertifying. registered to write the NKE. passed the NKE and has written the NPPA. passed the NKE.

9) Sandra is the mother of one child, and she also takes care of her elderly mother. Unfortunately, Sandra broke her arm at work and will be of for nine months. She has to hire someone to clean her home and help her with her mother and child. These costs are borne by: a) Sandra. b) her employer. c) WSIB. d) EI. 10) a) b) c) d)

11) a) b) c) d) 12)

An employee data collection form should contain all of the following, except: categories, with brief explanations and examples. an explanation of the employer's employment equity policy. an explanation of PIPEDA. space for employees to write in information about types of accommodation that may be required. To address staf burnout and stress, you should (select the best answer): Provide more breaks from work Have surprise inspections and monitoring Evaluate work processes Expand decision making

The disadvantages of long-term incentives (LTIs) includes all the following except: Difficulty in establishing realistic long-term goals Encourages a long term focus Not much is known about the efects of these plans on corporate performance since they are relatively new. d) May not meet the criteria for good employee motivation

a) b) c)

13) a) b) c) d)

14) Act?

The province which forces employers to spend one percent of payroll on training is: British Columbia. Quebec. Manitoba. Alberta.

Which of the following is not a consideration when determining equal work under the Pay Equity

a) b) c) d)

skills gender efort responsibility

15) Recent legislation that could criminally charge those who are responsible for health and safety but fail to provide safe work environments pertains to: a) Bill C45. b) Bill 99. c) Bill C20. d) None of the above. 16)

Dan administers an IQ test to a potential new vice-president. This type of test is known as a/an: a) b) c) d)

17) a) b) c) d) 18) her:

personality test. aptitude test. ability test. achievement test. The method used in interviewing for high-level positions is usually the: situational interview. behavioural description interview. comprehensive interview. nondirective interview. Josephine is an employee performing a number of related duties and activities. This refers to

a) b) c) d)

19) a) b) c) d)

job. position. duties. None of the above.

The standard deviation of a question on an employee survey indicates: the diference between the average of the lowest and highest answers provided. the answer provided by most employees. how much agreement there is among the employee's answers. the level of confidence you can have that the result accurately reflects the employee's opinions.

20) Employee benefits constitute a/an _________ form of compensation intended to improve the quality of work and personal lives of employees. a) direct b) indirect c) total d) Partial

21) The one training program that difers from others because it is regulated through a partnership among government, labour and industry is the: a) apprenticeship program. b) assessment centre. c) simulation. d) programmed instruction.

22) To make certain that investments in training and development have maximum impact on individual and organizational performance, organizations should adopt which of the following approaches to training? a) Strategic b) Competency c) Systems d) Mandatory

23) Stan is examining the environment, strategies and resources of the organization to determine where training emphasis should be placed. In this instance, Stan is conducting an analysis on the: a) organization. b) task. c) person. d) All of the above. 24) a) b) c) d) 25)

Which of the following elements is not part of the CCHRA Code of Ethics for HR Professionals? Maintaining confidentiality Ensuring no professional conflicts of interest Ensuring dignity in the workplace Implementing only HR best practices in your organization Total Quality management is:

a) b) c) d)

a process for evaluating your organization's performance using a balanced scorecard approach. a process for reducing defects, improving cycle time and increasing customer satisfaction. the process of fundamentally re-thinking the design of your business processes. a set of principles and practices that is geared toward ensuring continuous improvement....

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