Pre-Quiz for audition test PDF

Title Pre-Quiz for audition test
Author Meirah Alkuhali
Course Foundations of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Institution McMaster University
Pages 20
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Pre-Quiz Application Question 1

0 / 1 point

A genetic condition reduces the ability of the ossicles to amplify sound. Which of the following would you expect to be a symptom of the condition? A) Difficulty differentiating timbre B) Difficulty localizing sound C) Difficulty hearing all frequencies D) Difficulty hearing only high pitched frequencies Hide Feedback

Incorrect. Without the ossicles amplifying the vibrations, the vibrations of the oval window would decrease, making it difficult for the basilar membrane to detect sound. All incoming sounds would sound very muted and be difficult to hear. 0 / 1 point

Question 2

After a nuclear war, humans are now being hunted by two species of predators. Species 1 produces its hunting call at a frequency of 21,000 Hz, and species 2 produces its call at 10 Hz. After several generations, how do you expect the basilar membrane of humans to change? A) A longer basilar membrane so humans can perceive a wider range of frequencies B) A shorter basilar membrane so humans can perceive a wider range of frequencies C) A shorter basilar membrane so humans can perceive narrower, more specific ranges of frequencies D) A longer basilar membrane so humans can perceive narrower, more specific ranges of frequencies Hide Feedback

Incorrect. As the adaptive auditory range to avoid predators would now be 10 Hz to 21,000 Hz, a wider range than currently, this would be reflected by a longer basilar membrane. 1 / 1 point

Question 3

Which of the following is an example of co-evolution? A) Bats can use ecolocation to identify the movement of grasshoppers. B) When the majority of foxes develop the ability to partially enter rabbit holes, rabbits evolved to build deeper holes. C) Some cats have evolved whiskers to identify narrow enclosed regions. D) To access novel terrains, some fish have evolved to ability to jump out of water, while rodents evolved the ability to climb. Hide Feedback

Correct! In response to the evolution of foxes, rabbits evolved to build longer holes. Pre-Quiz Recall Question 4

0 / 1 point

Which of the following statements is true of pitch perception? A) Hair cells respond maximally to many frequencies. B) Low frequencies displace the basilar membrane closest to the base of the cochlea. C) High frequencies displace the basilar membrane closest to the apex of the cochlea. D) Hair cells respond maximally to one particular frequency. Hide Feedback

Incorrect. Hair cells respond to a range of frequencies but respond maximally to one specific frequency.

1 / 1 point

Question 5

Which of the following can be used to localize nearby sources of sound? A) Differences caused by a sound shadow B) Differences in pitch C) Differences caused by variations in purity D) Differences in sound intensity Hide Feedback

Correct! When sources are nearby, there is a detectable loss of intensity because the sound has to travel further to reach one ear. The brain can use these differences in sound intensity to localize nearby sound. 1 / 1 point

Question 6

Which of the following correctly compares inner and outer hair cells? A) Each outer hair cell communicates with about 20 afferent fibers, while multiple inner hair cells communicate with 20 afferent fibers. B) Each inner hair cell shares connection to the brain with other hair cells, whereas outer hair cells have a one-to-one connection. C) Axons from inner hair cells are thin and unmyelinated, while those from outer hair cells are thick and myelinated. D) Outer hair cells are more numerous and slower than inner hair cells. Hide Feedback

Correct! There are more outer hair cells than inner hairs cells and they are slower because they are unmyelinated.

0 / 1 point

Question 7

When sound travels through the ear, where along its path are the first and last occurrences of sound amplification, respectively? A) Ear canal, ear drum B) Ear drum, ear canal C) Ear drum, ossicles D) Ear canal, ossicles Hide Feedback

Incorrect. Since the ear canal narrows as it moves toward the eardrum, it amplifies incoming sound waves. In the middle ear, the ossicles create a lever system that amplifies sound vibrations even more. 1 / 1 point

Question 8

Which of the following correctly matches a physical property of sound with its psychological perception? A) Wavelength - pitch B) Purity - complexity C) Frequency - loudness D) Amplitude - timbre Hide Feedback

Correct! The frequency or wavelength of a sound determines its perceived pitch. Question 9

1 / 1 point

Which of the following statements about the ear is true?

A) The displacement of the oval window causes movement of both the basilar membrane and the round window. B) One of the functions of the ear drum is to separate the fluid-filled middle ear from the air-filled outer ear. C) The primary purpose of the ossicles is to transduce the displacement of fluid into a neural signal. D) The eardrum aids in the amplification of sound by vibrating at a higher frequency than the sound wave. Hide Feedback

Correct! The displacement of the oval window creates waves in the fluid-filled inner ear that causes displacement of both the basilar membrane and the round window. 1 / 1 point

Question 10

When do we rely on "sound shadows" to help localize sounds in space? A) When there is a time difference between two ears and we are close to the sound source B) When there is an intensity difference between two ears and we are close to the sound source C) When there is an intensity difference between two ears and we are far from the sound source D) When there is a time difference between two ears and we are far from the sound source Hide Feedback

Correct! For sounds that are farther away, the ears rely on the difference in intensity caused by the head, which casts a "sound shadow," diminishing the intensity at the distal ear.

Attempt Sco 6 / 10

Overall Grade (highest attemp 6 / 10 Done Pre-Quiz Application Question 1 1 / 1 point Conductive deafness stems from damage to the middle ear. Which type of treatment would be best to remedy middle ear damage? A) An implant that replaces the basilar membrane. B) Surgery that will reattach the basilar membrane to the oval window. C) A hearing aid that will amplify sounds. D) Therapy to help the individual adjust to the new frequency of sounds they will hear. Hide Feedback

Correct! The middle ear amplifies sound; damage to the middle ear is best remedied by a sound amplification mechanism. Question 2 1 / 1 point Suppose bats evolved to emit a lower frequency sound than they currently do. Based on the principle of co-evolution, which trait would likely evolve in moths over time? A) Mechanisms to emit the same frequency noises as bats. B) Mechanisms to emit even lower frequency noises than bats. C) Mechanisms to detect lower frequency noises. D) Mechanisms to detect higher frequency noises. Hide Feedback

Correct! Moths would adapt to the lower frequency noises by evolving mechanisms to detect these noises, thus aiding their survival by detecting the presence or location of bats. Question 3 1 / 1 point During an orchestral performance, a high pitch violin had a solo, followed by a solo by a low pitch tuba. How would the resonation of the basilar membrane differ between the solos? A) Compared to the violin, the tuba will cause the section of the basilar membrane closer to the round window to resonate. B) Compared to the violin, the tuba will cause the same section of the basilar membrane to resonate. C) Compared to the tuba, the violin will cause the section of the basilar membrane further away from the round window to resonate. D) Compared to the tuba, the violin will cause the section of the basilar membrane closer to the round window to resonate. Hide Feedback

Correct! The basilar membrane closer to the round window resonates to high pitch sounds, so the violin will resonate a section of the basilar membrane closer to the round window than the tuba. Pre-Quiz Recall Question 4 0 / 1 point Which of the following is true regarding auditory localization? A) The three main cues for localizing sounds are interaural time differences, interaural frequency differences, and pinna cues. B) It is difficult to localize sounds coming from directly beside you because the sound is only reaching one ear. C) Pinna that are dramatically altered reduce the ability to utilize these cues to localize sounds permanently. D) Sound shadows are especially valid cues for localization of distant sounds.

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Incorrect. The three main cues for localizing sounds are interaural time differences, interaural intensity differences, and pinna cues. Question 5 1 / 1 point Which of the following correctly describes the order in which a sound stimulus travels in the ear? A) Tympanic membrane > malleus > incus > stapes > oval window B) Basilar membrane > malleus > incus > stapes > round window C) Tympanic membrane > incus > stapes > malleus > round window D) Basilar membrane > incus > stapes > malleus > oval window Hide Feedback

Correct! Sound stimuli travel from the tympanic membrane through the ossicles in the middle ear to the oval window. Question 6 1 / 1 point How does the density of air particles affect the movement of the eardrum? A) Compressed air particles cause the eardrum to move outwards, whereas less compressed air particles cause the eardrum to relax its movement. B) Compressed air particles cause the eardrum to move outwards, whereas less compressed air particles cause the eardrum to move inwards. C) Compressed air particles cause the eardrum to move inwards, whereas less compressed air particles cause the eardrum to relax its movement. D) Compressed air particles cause the eardrum to move inwards, whereas less compressed air particles cause the eardrum to move outwards.

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Correct! A band of compressed air molecules causes your eardrum to get pushed slightly inwards, whereas a band of less dense air particles causes the eardrum to move outwards. Question 7 Which ossicle is closest to the outer ear?

1 / 1 point

A) Stapes B) Anvil C) Stirrup D) Hammer Hide Feedback

Correct! The hammer is the ossicle that is closest to the outer ear. Question 8 0 / 1 point Which of the following statement regarding audition is correct? A) The ossicles transfer incoming sound waves from the air-filled external ear to the fluid-filled middle ear. B) The basilar membrane narrows as it moves away from the oval window. C) The auditory cortex has a topographic organization. D) Sound shadow is used to detect location of sounds that are far away. Hide Feedback

Incorrect. The cochlea narrows at it moves away from the oval window. The basilar membrane

actually widens as it moves away from the oval window. Question 9 1 / 1 point Why is it the inner hair cells that mainly contribute to the signal sent to the cochlear nerve? A) Because they are myelinated and communicate with numerous afferent fibers to the brain. B) Because they are myelinated and share one direct link to the brain. C) Because they are unmyelinated and communicate with numerous afferent fibers to the brain. D) Because they are unmyelinated and share one direct link to the brain. Hide Feedback

Correct! Inner hair cells may be less numerous, but they are faster due to their myelination and have more individual connections with the brain, making them primarily responsible for transmitting the auditory signal to the brain. Question 10 Which two cues do bats rely on for echolocation?

1 / 1 point

A) Frequency and timing of returning echoes B) Timing and amplitude of returning echoes C) Frequency and timing of emitting sound waves D) Timing and amplitude of emitting sound waves Hide Feedback

Correct! When the sound bounces off the object and returns to the bat's ears, the bat's brain analyzes the slight differences in the frequency content and timing of the returning sound waves to determine the characteristics of objects in its environment.

Attempt Score: 8 / 10 Pre-Quiz Application Question 1

0 / 1 point

Denise's grandmother is having difficulty perceiving low frequency sounds. Denise must also yell in order for her grandmother to understand what she is saying. Which two psychological properties of sound is Denise's grandmother not properly processing? A) Wavelength and loudness. B) Loudness and timbre. C) Pitch and amplitude. D) Pitch and loudness. Hide Feedback

Incorrect. While pitch is correct and refers to the frequency of sound, amplitude is a physical characteristic of sound. The psychological property associated with the physical property of amplitude is loudness. 1 / 1 point

Question 2

Theo suffered from a burn that damaged his pinna. Which of the following processes are likely to be impaired due to this damage? A) Theo's process of sound identification will be impaired. B) Theo will have a hard time hearing high-frequency sounds. C) Theo's process of sound amplification will be impaired. D) Theo will have a slightly harder time localizing sounds. Hide Feedback

Correct! Pinna cues help us localize sound, specifically in terms of elevation. 0 / 1 point

Question 3

At her last visit, Dubrovka's doctor informed her that she had no damage to her outer or middle ears. Dubrovka, however, is still having difficulty distinguishing tones. Which of the following could have caused her symptoms? A) Damage to the outer hair cells because they are mostly responsible for amplifying the sound stimulus. B) Damage to the inner hair cells because they are mostly responsible for amplifying the sound stimulus. C) Damage to the inner hair cells because they are mostly responsible for detecting the pitch of the sound stimulus. D) Damage to the outer hair cells because they are mostly responsible for detecting the pitch of the sound stimulus. Hide Feedback

Incorrect. While outer hair cells are responsible for amplifying sound, damage here would not result in difficulty to distinguish tones. Damage to inner hair cells would result in difficulty distinguishing tones. Pre-Quiz Recall Question 4

1 / 1 point

According to what you know about sound localization as presented in the web modules, which of the following statements is correct? A) Turning your head may help to localize sound directly behind you. B) Pinna cues help to localize sound and are the same in all humans. C) Interaural time difference is useful for localizing sound at a far distance. D) Sound localization occurs readily when the stimulus comes from the front.

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Correct! When a sound is coming from directly in front or behind you, it reaches both ears at the same time and with the same intensity. It is, therefore, difficult to use interaural time and intensity differences to localize sound. Turning your head creates an interaural time and intensity difference with which you may localize sound. 0 / 1 point

Question 5

Which of the following is correct regarding the perception of sound? A) The audible zone of frequencies that humans can hear may overlap with what other species can hear. B) The perception of loudness corresponds to variations in the distance between each peak of a sound wave. C) The majority of sounds that humans hear are composed of a single frequency. D) Pitch is measured in hertz (Hz), which is the number of seconds it takes to complete one cycle. Hide Feedback

Incorrect. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), which is the number of cycles that occur per second. Question 6

0 / 1 point

Which of the following correctly describes the organization of sound processing in the brain? A) Sound is processed according to topographical organization. B) Sound signals are sent to the cochlear nucleus in the midbrain. C) Sound is organized according to where it is perceived in space.

D) Sounds with close frequencies are processed beside each other in A1. Hide Feedback

Incorrect. Sound is processed according to tonotopic, rather than topographical, organization. 1 / 1 point

Question 7

Which of the following would result from a longer basilar membrane? A) The ability to detect a larger range of frequencies. B) The ability to detect frequencies at quieter volumes. C) The ability to detect very high pitched sounds. D) The ability to detect very low pitched sounds. Hide Feedback

Correct! A longer basilar membrane allows species to detect a larger range of frequencies. Question 8

1 / 1 point

Which of the following statements about the ear is true? A) The eardrum aids in the amplification of sound by vibrating at a higher frequency than the sound wave. B) The primary purpose of the ossicles is to transduce the displacement of fluid into a neural signal. C) The displacement of the oval window causes movement of both the basilar membrane and the round window. D) One of the functions of the ear drum is to separate the fluid-filled middle ear from the air-filled outer ear.

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Correct! The displacement of the oval window creates waves in the fluid-filled inner ear that causes displacement of both the basilar membrane and the round window. 1 / 1 point

Question 9

Which of the following correctly describes the organization of the basilar membrane? A) Higher frequency sounds cause the end of the basilar membrane furthest from the oval window to vibrate. B) The basilar membrane gets narrower as you move away from the oval window. C) The basilar membrane contains hair cells that translate fluid movement into neural impulses. D) Lower frequency sounds cause the narrow end of the basilar membrane to vibrate. Hide Feedback

Correct! When the basilar membrane moves, so do the hair cells. 1 / 1 point

Question 10

Which of the following statements is true of pitch perception? A) Hair cells respond maximally to many frequencies. B) Low frequencies displace the basilar membrane closest to the base of the cochlea. C) Hair cells respond maximally to one particular frequency. D) High frequencies displace the basilar membrane closest to the apex of the cochlea. Hide Feedback

Correct! Hair cells respond to a range of frequencies but respond maximally to one specific


Attempt Sco 6 / 10 Overall Grade (highest attemp 8 / 10 Done -Quiz Application Question 1 0 / 1 point Fred hates the sound of the violin due to its timbre and high pitch. Which properties of sound correspond to these violin characteristics, respectively? A) High complexity, high frequency B) High complexity, low frequency C) High amplitude, high frequency D) High amplitude, low frequency Hide Feedback

Incorrect. Timbre corresponds to the complexity of a sound, and frequency corresponds to the pitch of a sound. Sounds from instruments are made of many sound waves, making them complex, and high pitch corresponds to high frequency. Question 2 0 / 1 point If the inner ear were filled with air instead of fluid, which of the following is the most likely difference in auditory anatomy compared to normal? A) The ear canal will shorten and narrow less as it no longer needs as much amplification. B) The stirrup will exchange positions with the hammer for the necessary increase in amplification to accommodate the lack of liquid in the inner ear.

C) The middle ear would be absent as there is no longer a need for extra amplification. D) The tonotopic organization of the hair cells and A1 would be reversed as the lack of liquid will result in a reverse of where frequencies are perceived along the basila...

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