Prelimination EXAM GE4-WPS Office PDF

Title Prelimination EXAM GE4-WPS Office
Author Hazel Joy Ruado
Course Corporate law
Institution Mabini Colleges
Pages 7
File Size 220.5 KB
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Mathematics in Modern Worl Lesson 1 exam...


ACTIVITY B B. In number 5 and number 8 I could not find any missing numbers. For me,there was no missing numbers there in the first place. 9.The given number sequence is a quadratic sequence because it has a second common difference. The difference between 88 and 77 is 11, 77 and 55 is 22, and 55 and 22 is 33 10.


1. Thus, Golden Ratio is used to determine the most mathematically beautiful face. The Golden Ratio, is present not just in mathematics, but may also be present within your own brain and body.

2. Why mathematics is indispensable? What is Mathematics? Is it just a subject? Why must we study mathematics for our whole school years? During my pre-school days I love mathematics so much. I enjoyed coloring patterns, making them beautiful. I like how I count addition and substraction using my hands and write it in the board. But as I go at the higher grade level, I don't want math so bad, because it not just dealing with colorful patterns and simple addition nd multiplication. Since mathematics mixed up variables and numbers I lost my interest. But at 8th grade where I enrolled Technical Drawing, I suddenly become interested in mathematics, especially geometry. I've learned that Mathematics is so essential in sketching 3D's artworks. You are going to calculates every lengths, edges , heights and width to perfect the sketch you want, especially when you are going to sketch houses, streets,bridges and buildings. Math is very important when it comes in buying groceries to estimate how many will you consume for a week and how much will you spend every week to achieve your Budget plan and to save your money. I personally love baking cakes and cookies, and we all know that correct measurements of how many cups of flours,sugars,cocoa and other measurements is very essential in order not to ruin the texture and shape of your patries. Same as cooking, in order to achieve the delicious and yummy taste of your dish you must calculate to measure your spicies and seasonings. Without doing calculations, it will be tastless or horrible. Mathematics are everywhere. From small things you do like how many hours will you spend for cleaning,washing, yoga, studying and meditating self time. To big things like savings and other professional works. Architects use patterns and ratio to beautify thier landscapes, blueprint and lay outs. Engineer use mathematical equation and computations to build an exact buildings to be built as plans. If he won't use math to compute the must quantity and quality of a materials,he could not create an expected buildings. And if he will miss some computation buildings he built might collapse anytime and will put many people in danger. NASA , PAGASA and PHIVOLCS use computation to measures public safety when calamity, danger and hazards might occur. They measures in advance to lessen and prevent danger from occuring. That's why they notify us if there will be a hurricane and storms for us to evacuate on a safe place. Mathematics is use to save lives. Mathematics is very essential, necessary and indispensable for us in every season, way and defintion.

Assignment: Layout a perfect collage photo that will be perfect on your social media account using golden ratio.


Mathematics exists in every way, everywhere. It will always be in our lives. In fashion, profession and even in technological developments. Some people would laugh at you at times if you are geek and nerd over mathematics. But mathematics is also beautiful because it makes things easier and accurate. Mathematics not only gives us solution to understand numerical problems but also by utilizing logic to make theories more real and convincing. It's always through discovering sample methods to help specific problem to be more understandable. Mathematics can help us organize patterns in the world, just like in the course we choose, we need to measure to balance things. We build sandy structures built by engineers using mathematics. Sometimes they are symmetrical, while others are asymmetrical, depending on how they are designed. Insurance is limited by mathematics. You can predict accidents, failures and health conditions. Almost anything can be counted. They use it to provide you with insurance that you think is worth while making money. Mathematicians did not create ideas, they discovered patterns and make it be proveb in a mathematical way, so that we can rely to those patterns and specific methods to solve certain problems. By the use of measurements engineers will be able to achieve the patterns and correct shapes and heights of something being build. So before the architects started to draw he/she makes a computations of how big and tall the bridges or building his/her client wants. The architects uses rulers and other measurements in drawing in order to make his/her sketch more realistic and pleasing in the eyes. Well it's not easy if you were just going to guess the measurements. You need mathematics to be able to compute and make an outcome that will make your client satisfied. And for the engineers, they will going to check if the measurements and quantity is correct. And before he will start to build a building he will calculate it first if the base or the given measures of the land that will dig from the bottom is accurate on how tall the building is. And if he happens to missed a vital measurements and that height of the base is only for the second storey building but they built a fourth storey building, that buildinh will be a danger zone if some calamities like earthquake hit that place. So Mathematics is not just a subject nor a mere equation thats been use daily for computaion, but also to prevent such accidents that will cause life's endangerements. In our pre-school days, our teachers used to provide us with coloring books for us to be relax while enjoying our study. We love to make colorful arts, just like we like to use patterns is this one will be pink and next one will be yellow. Mathematics came to our lives first without knowing what it is. Like the big pyramids in egypt. The eqyptians build them without knowing that there's a Pi, but they learned it through experience. And a river also has a Pi in it , from the start and how it ends. Fibonacci can be found almost in everywhere, from the petals of the flowers, seeds of the sunflower ,the human anatomy and everywhere in natures.

Every building you pay time in––schools, libraries, houses, lodging complexes, show theaters, and even your favorite frozen dessert shop––is the merchandise of mathematicsematical principles applied to style and construction.

Before construction staff will build a inhabitable structure, an designer should design it. Geometry, algebra, and trig all play a vital role in beaux arts design. Architects apply these math forms to set up their blueprints or initial sketch designs. They conjointly calculate the likelihood of problems the development team might run into as they bring about {the design|the set upning|the look} vision to life in 3 dimensions.

Since ancient times, architects have used geometric principles to plan the shapes and spatial sorts of buildings. In three hundred B.C., the Greek man of science geometrician outlined a mathematical law of nature referred to as the Golden quantitative relation. For over 2 thousand years, architects have used this formula to style proportions in buildings that look pleasing to the human eye and feel balanced. it's conjointly referred to as the Golden Constant as a result of it manifests virtually everywhere.

The Golden Ratio still is a basic geometric principle in architecture. you'll even decision it a unaltered archetype, because it evokes in mortals a universal sense of harmony after they see or change a building designed with this principle. and maybe not surprisingly, we have a tendency to see the Golden quantitative relation incontestable throughout “architectures” of the natural world. And as a students, we use to memorize the formula in order to follow the patterns and equations of a certain mathematical problems to arrive on a correct answer. And it's to pass the mathe subjects if you were familiar about equations and formula to follow the pattern of how it must be calculated. Thus, "MATHEMATICS IS A LANGUAGE OF PATTERN", discovering patterns makes us arrived on a correct answer that's been our questions for a long time.

2. "MATHEMATICS HELP CONTROL NATURE AND OCCURENCES IN THE WORLD FOR OUR OWN ENDS" Mathematics isn't just about numbers and variable problems to deal with. It is also about logics, posibilities and even the answers to our questions about future occurences. Just like Noah, one of the character on the bible he built an ark in order to survive the incoming flood. He used mathematical measurements for a big ark to fit comfortable the pairs of animals plus his families. He built not just a huge and large ark but also it's finest and quality that if ever the water might strike them it's hard enough to to broke out. The NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. In order to avoid accidents while exploring outside the space and to smoothens their discoveries ,Astronauts uses mathematics in order to make precise calculations, from how the spacecraft leaves Earth's atmosphere to how the astronauts pilot the craft. Designers use math to calculate distance, speed, velocity, and their own safety when creating space-faring vehicles. The Philippine Volcanology and Seismology or Phivolcs also uses mathematical calculations to determine hazards of how far lava will go down and will it will erupt, and also to know safety measures in order to lessen the effects and damgage of volcanic eruptions Typhoons, hurricane and other world phenomenon around the globe has a great connection in mathemtics. Researchers use system of partial differential equation called shallow water equations. Its use is to account equation for wind and water forces that builds up. They use mathematical theories and equations in order to predict the patterns of typhoon when it might ooccur. Also they use computation about determining the speed of wind signal either it might be a typhoon or just a low pressure area. And when it becomes a typhoom they use equations and computations to level the storm signal like signal number one, two or three. They use golden ratio to determine areas mostly will be affected the said storm. Using Probability and Statistics The weather forecasting is all done based on the concept of maths. Through this, we get to know about the weather conditions like whether it’s going to be a sunny day or rainfall will come. Mathematics also contributes a huge contributions in developing technologies for essential purposes. Like the people who's living on a rural area treasures the radio for it is only the medium thats informing them about some calamaities and weather imformation, so that they won't go for fishing on the sea or lake because of incoming storms or water hazards. Mathematics also use for discovering another modern gadgets not just to hear news and entertainment data but also to watch them. People on our community calculated and estimated first the range of the signals of channel if it is worth buying the televisions. In farming, the farmer calculates the amount of fertilizer and pestesides on their plants to avoid insects from distroying their products.

The famous Great Wall of China was built to protect their homeland from the envasion of northern nomadic nations. From the leght,width,base and height of the wall and the fine materials and quality to withstands years from being built up until now it clearly shows us the witty calculations and equations uses by the chinese to come up with that strong wall.

That is why mathematics is really important not just to boast our mathematical and numerical intelligence in school but also in our daily living and real situations. Mathematics isnt just a numbers to deal with, but also a reality that posseses every answers to our question and solutions to our problem, both economically and other daily activities and concerns. Some mathematical calculations may not stop calaminities for it holds on our futures but it helps us in preventing the hazards and giving us tipa on safety measures on how to deal with it wihout sacrificing lives and properties. Mathematics reigns on our daily life and decisions. Thus, mathematics was applicable before it was discovered....

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