Presentation Plan Template (WGU) PDF

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C464 Task 1 Presentation Plan – TEMPLATE The Making of The Mummy



Intended Audience Identify your audience for the speech. Be as specific as possible (include demographics if applicable).

The audience this presentation is intended for is those who find an interest in historical studies and/or egyptology.

Importance Statement Explain why your topic is important for the target audience.

This topic is important because it covers the complete embalming process and purpose of creating ancient mummies.

INTRODUCTION Requirements Attention-getting Opening Grab your audience’s attention with an interesting statistic, fact, compelling question, or story.

Thesis Statement Identify the claim and main points in one sentence. We recommend this format: Research suggests that (major claim) because (main point 1) and (main point 2).

Outline Throughout history, methods of embalming have been used for centuries and we are still practicing preservation of the body today, we use fluids such as formaldehyde to change the tissue of the body in order to slow down decay usually for funerals and medical studies. We often overlook the history behind the embalming process, we seem to have turned a once ancient and sacred preservation process into a symbol of all things spooky, you've most likely seen mummies on TV shows and movies, but how and why were mummies created?

But how and why were mummies created? Research suggests that mummies were created based on religious beliefs and the process involved priests who spent two or more months preparing the body into a hard cast of a mummy.

Preview of Main Points 1. List the first main point from the thesis 2. List the second main point from the thesis

Today I’m going to be discussing two main points: 1. The significance of what mummification meant to the ancient Egyptians. 2. The process of mummification.

*Use highlights for guidance, feel free to remove after

BODY Requirements Main Point #1

One subpoint MUST have supporting evidence (shown via an in-text citation). Please refer to the example for how to do in-text citations. Add as many subpoints as needed. We recommend three.


Main Point #1: First let's start by discussing what the mummification process meant to the ancient Egyptians ● Mummies were created in ancient Egypt through the embalming practice of mummification. ● Since the ancient Egyptians believed in everlasting life and embraced death as a new chapter, the embalming process was extremely important to the society ● Clark Liesl from PBS mentions, “The first ‘artificial’ mummies were made around 3000 BC. These early efforts of embalming were crude, but reflected the cultures emerging beliefs about preserving the dead to achieve eternal life.” (2) ● Just the thought of the mummification process can sound quite unsettling, but it’s actually a mindful and delicate process ● Tom Garlinghouse from Livescience writes, “Mummification was a widespread and honored tradition in the ancient world, one that was imbued with deep religious significance and often performed by skilled specialists.” (3) ● Ancient society viewed death as merely just a temporary pause rather

than a complete halt of life; this is what led them to have religious beliefs about mummification, ancient Egyptians believed that this practice made it so that the body would be preserved and able to be resurrected into the afterlife.

Main Point #2 One subpoint MUST have supporting evidence (shown via an in-text citation). Please refer to the example for how to do in-text citations. Add as many subpoints as needed. We recommend three.

Mark your plan to show your visual aid (it must be shown within either main point 1 or 2). Copy and paste your visual aid where you plan to support one of the main points. Add (Author, Date) underneath. Your visual aid needs to be something meaningful that helps your audience learn about or better understand what you are saying. If your visual aid doesn’t fit, please paste it underneath the template. Don’t forget to add your in-text citation underneath it.

Main Point #2: Now, let’s move onto the complete mummification embalming process ● On average this procedure took about seventy days to complete. This lengthy process began with priests who worked as embalmers, they would treat and wrap the body while reciting rituals and prayer. ● The first step was to remove all internal organs to prevent rapid decay, a special hook tool was used to pull the brain out through the nostril, careful enough not to cause damage to the face ● The organs of the chest and abdomen had to be removed via a cut on the left side of the abdomen ● Smithsonian editor writes, "They only left the heart in place, believing it to be the center of a persons being and intelligence" (1) ● Other organs such as the stomach, lungs, intestine, and liver were placed in marked jars or boxes called canopic jars, these jars would be later buried with the mummy ● Next, the priest embalmers would entirely remove all moisture from the body, this was done by covering the outside and inside of the body in a type of salt called natron, this salt had great drying qualities. ● Once the body was dehydrated, the natron was rinsed off, and this often

left the body looking very pruney ● In order to make the body seem more lifelike, the priests would fill out sunken areas of the body with linen, and even false eyes were added to the sockets ● The priest would then wrap the bodies with hundreds of yards of long linen strips ● Smithsonian editor shares, “To protect the dead from mishap, amulets were placed along the wrappings and prayers and magical words written on some of the linen strips” (1) Visual Element (4)

● This photo taken by Muhammed Amin shows an ancient Egyptian mummy pictured with amulets ● Often times the priests would place a mask of the recipients face in between layers of the head bandages so that the facial structure would still be prominent ● Throughout multiple stages of the wrapping process, the layers are coated with liquid resin multiple times ● Once the final wrap is done, the process is complete

CONCLUSION Requirements Restatement of Thesis To tie the speech together, restate the thesis from the introduction.

Outline So, why and how were the ancient mummies created?

Summary of Main Points 1. Summarize the first main point from the thesis statement. 2. Summarize the second main point from the thesis statement.

Main Point #1: ● Because this practice held great importance to this ancient society, it was seen as more of a religious tradition, preparing the dead for their journey in the afterlife. Main Point #2: ● This lengthy process averaging around seventy days was typically done by priests who would dehydrate the body with salt, remove all internal organs except for the heart, and proceed to wrap the body entirely with linen and resin to create a solid cast

Closing Comments End with a call to action, important point, or story to make your topic memorable for the audience.

Lastly, it's important to note that mummification was also used to preserve the bodies of animals such as cats, hawks, snakes, and dogs to be buried with the human, some reasons for this was the animals usually held a significance and symbolism to the human or they were domesticated pets to the owner.



1. Smithsonian. (date unknown). Provide a reference list that includes the author, date of publication, title, and location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, website URL) for each source. APA citation style is strongly encouraged.

If there is no author: Use the organization’s name as the author.

Egyptian Mummies. Smithsonian Institution. 2. Clark, L. (1998, January 20). Mummies 101. NOVA | PBS.


3. Garlinghouse, T. (2020, July 15). Mummification: The lost art of embalming the dead. Livescience.Com. cation.html 4. Muhammed Amin, O. S. (2016, June 16). Male Egyptian Mummy With Amulets [Photograph found in British Museum, London]. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from ale-egyptian-mummy-with-amulets/ (Originally photographed 2016, June 16)...

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