Production and Operations Management Assignments and Quizzes PDF

Title Production and Operations Management Assignments and Quizzes
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Production and Operations ManagementAssignment 1 1. Production management decreases the reputation, goodwiorganization. Answer :False ll and image of business 2. Routing refers to deciding when to start and when to cactivity: False omplete a particular production 3. The first step in the strategic m...


Production and Operations Management

Assignment 1 1. Production management decreases the reputation, goodwill and image of business organization. Answer :False 2. Routing refers to deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity.Answer: False 3. The first step in the strategic management process is ________ . Answer: Environmental Scanning 4. Refers to the use advanced manufacturing technology ( CIM, additive manufacturing, robotics, mechatronics and automation, micro and nano factories, sustainable and green manufacturing), JIT, TQM, human capital perspective and human resource management. Businessmen should realize the importance of integrated production management system because it has a potential of decreasing costs and increase output which in turn can make profit increase.Answer: Integrated production management 5. Which of the following does not belong to the importance of production management to business organization? Answer: It helps in introducing old products. 6. Quality and cost control should be given a lot of importance in the production industry. Answer: True 7. It is an act of creating something useful. Answer: Production 8. Production management facilitates the optimum resource utilization Answer: True 9. Which of the following is the 4th function of production management? Answer: Production Planning 10. The focus of logistics is the flow of goods and materials from the suppliers, through the business organization and to the customers, with efficiency and cost effectiveness as its ________ priority. Answer: First Quiz 1 1. Which of the following is true with regards to capital productivity? Answer: With the given level of input and efficient use of existing technology, output increase can be achieved. 2. Which of the following function of productivity measurement and alignment is described in this sentence: Together with the cost data, productivity analysis helps in the evaluation of proposed changes to existing processes or products and introduction of new ones. Answer: Support Innovation

3. Organization's unit cost of production can fall as it expands because _________. Answer: It becomes financially advantageous to adopt existing technologies. 4. It refers to deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity. Answer: Scheduling 5. Which of the following does not belong to advanced manufacturing technology? Answer:Packaging 6. It refers to evaluating how the manufacturing of goods was done and if there is a need to take corrective actions. Answer: Process Evaluation 7. Production management helps in the expansion of business. Answer: True 8. Production management is not related to operations management. Answer: False 9. Production management helps to maximize the production costs. Answer: False 10. Level of inventories must be monitored by the production manager because if there will be overstocking, the working capital will be blocked and spoilage, wastage and misuse of materials may happen. Answer: True

Assignment #2 1. Demand forecasting aids an organization in controlling its production and activities related to recruitment.- True 2. Demand forecasting plays a critical role in budget making by estimating the cost and expected income or revenues.- True 3. Which of the following items need to be forecasted in business? - The prices of raw materials, the prices of supplies and required products, prices of competitor and the general market prices. 4. A business firm may not make demand forecasts for different regions and fix sales targets for each accordingly.- False 5. Demand forecasting is a sales estimate during a specified time in the future based on the proposed _________ plan and a set of a specific uncontrollable and competitive force.Marketing Plan 6. Through demand forecasting, an organization is enabled to take various decisions related to the business such as the production process planning, raw material purchasing, fund management, and product price decisions.- True 7. Which of the following are the critical decision making that business firm can do because of demand forecasting? Plant capacity decision, determining the raw material requirement and ensuring the labor and capital availability.

8. It means prediction the future as accurately as possible. , available information which includes historical data and knowledge of any future events that might impact the forecasts should be given.- Forecasting 9. These are utilized in strategic planning wherein market opportunities, environmental factors and internal resources should be taken into account.- Long Term Forecast 10. Forecasting can play a relevant role in many areas in business.- True Quiz #2 1. Forecast or time estimates are past oriented. – False 2. The business operations of a certain business firm and the industry where the business belongs are _________ of variation in forecast accuracy. – Causes

3. Which of the following steps is not included in Delphi method? - Future purchasing plans of customers are solicited. 4. Usually forecasting errors do not lie at the root of all important tie and cost tradeoffs of scheduling- False 5. Demand forecasting aids in estimating the ________ requirement in the future so that the raw material regular supply can be maintained.- Raw Material 6. Useful forecast about future uncertain events are not essential. -False 7. Types of goods do not affect the process of demand forecasting.- False 8. It refers to the trends like number of analyst following a firm within a period of time and the dispersion in their forecasts. – Analyst Following 9. Which of the following does not affect the process of demand forecasting? – Caprices of the Management 10. Demand forecasting helps in the long-term planning- True

Assignment #3 1. Success of business usually lies on the goods and services they offer in the market. – True 2. Which of the following does not belong to the ways on how to get information on the needs of customers? -Estimate the price of the product

3. Designers of product actually work with other professionals such as marketers and engineers. – True 4. In idea generation, listing of customer needs and the identification of ________ are done.existing weaknesses in one's products, gaps in your product range and product areas. 5. In screening ideas, business firm should consider _________. Competition, company's existing products , needs of the market and their shortcomings 6. Which of the following steps to follow in the product and service designing should be done after translating the needs and wants of customers into product and service requirements. -Refine existing products and services. 7. These consumer products are bought most frequently by final consumers. – convenience products - Convenience products 8. The fourth step in generating new products. - Launching and commercializing new products 9. Basically, product and service designing has - legal, ethical and environmental issues. 10. In prototype and market testing, which of the following should be considered? – consult the experts Quiz #3 1. Which of the following should be developed and included in the criteria to be used in screening business ideas? - Most brilliant identified needs of customers 2. In forecasting sales volume, which of the following topic/s in research can be the basis? customer needs, size of existing customer base and market. 3. All products follow all five stages of product life cycle. – False – No 4. Which of the following should be the first thing to do in generating new products? Generating and screening ideas for new products. 5. Documenting the specification of products should be done in product and service designing. True 6. It is a process of imagining and creating a thing or object which is meant for mass production.- product design 7. Which of the following is not an example of a convenience product? – bags 8. Through production documents, costs are increased. -False – reduced

9. These are industrial products used in operations and production. – Capital Items 10. The main objective of any business firm in designing its product and service is to earn more profit. – False - to deliver satisfaction to customers Long Quiz #1 1. Which of the following does not included in the qualitative methods of forecasting?- Moving average 2. Demand forecasting also enables the _______ to coordinate activities related to import and export and plan international trade. – Government 3. Which of the following processes are included in production management? - planning, acquisition, utilization and control of physical resources employed in the provision of goods and services. 4. Which of the following are the benefits of introducing new products effectively? Greater market share, price premium, quick reaction to competition and present of industry standard. 5. Which of the following is not true in routing? Deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity is included in routing. 6. There is no need for a manufacturing firm to integrate environmental issues in designing its products. – False 7. It refers to cross-functional coordination, integration and development of product simultaneously. – Wrong Answer : product design 8. Demand forecasting helps business firm to hire human resource according to how much is required. – True 9. Product design should be according to the ________ requirements. Customer’s 10. Which of the following is not a cause of variation in forecast accuracy? Instability of operations among industries is varied. 11. To satisfy the demands of customers which is to have a good quality products at cheapest prices, production manager should continuously improve quality of products. – True 12. By making own estimates called guess estimate or taking the help of market research agencies or specialized consultants, business organization can forecast demand. – True 13. The more educated an employee means lower human capital and of course labor productivity becomes higher too. – False

14. Services are the tangible form of product. – False 15. Which is not a characteristic of service? – Tangible 16. Human resource requirements are met easily through demand forecasting. – True 17. Forecasting is always an important part of planning, strategy and operation. True 18. Production is an act of creating something _______. Useful 19. Alignment of product mix is not needed in developing new products. False 20. Quantitative approaches in forecasting are subjective. False – Objective 21. Product has a good design if it is different than existing ones. True 22. The first step in strategic management process is strategic implementation. False : Environmental Scanning 23. Level of competition influence the demand forecasting process. True 24. In conducting preliminary analysis, graphing the data should be the end point. False : Starting Point 25. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good product design? Expensive 26. Aside from the physical item, customers buy satisfaction. True 27. The first step in the product design process is _______ . Concept Development 28. Marketing area is responsible for securing resources related to finances at favorable price as well as the allocation. False : Finance 29. It is not important for a manager to consider the measuring and managing personnel or employee productivity. False 30. Production management helps the business to face competition in the market. True

Assignment #4 1. Quality leaders do not prioritize attention to internal and external customers. False

2. Quality management includes_________ such as operations and evaluations. strategic planning, resource allocation and other systematic quality activities 3. Quality assurance serves as tool for management so as to provide confidence in manufacture/supplier in contractual situation. True 4. Transformation to total quality management starts when a business organization is already aware that product or service quality must be improved. True 5. Poor planning can hinder total quality management. True 6. Total quality management (TQM) is an overnight process. False 7. How a product looks, sounds, feels, tastes or smells is a matter of reflection of individual preference and personal judgment. True 8. Quality is sum of characteristics and features of products which bear on its ability to satisfy implied or stated _________ needs. Customers' 9. It refers to an improvement to the traditional way of doing business 10. The policy in quality is authorized by top management and but not forms an element of the corporate policy. False

Quiz #4 1. In selecting the supplier, see to it that it has a customer satisfaction and organization credibility track record. True 2. It is the process of influencing an organized group towards accomplishing its goals. Leadership 3. Implementation of concurrent engineering can be challenging but the competitive advantage means it is beneficial in the long term. True 4. He is the one who buys or patronizes products and services. Customer 5. One of the objectives to achieve in performance measure is to identify which processes needs improvement. True 6. It is the subjective dimension of quality. Aesthetics

7. The culture and actions of an entire organization will be transformed by changing the supplier's actions. False – Management 8. If a business firm has products and services with “high quality”, it can market the latter ineffectively. False – poor quality 9. Transformation includes _________ . Providing a new and outside view 10. Probability of malfunctioning or failing of a product within a specified time period reflects this dimension. Reliability Assignment # 5 1. If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best process view to use is the workflow. True 2. It refers to a coordinated effort to achieve product or service that did not exist before a given level of quality. – Project 3. A process dynamic view wherein order of activities is the focus of this dynamic view. Workflow 4. These are utilized to find non-compliances to requisites or defects. Quality Metrics 5. Empowering people is not a need at all because they have it already but business organization must help the said employees to take on their power. False 6. In analyzing the data, there will be no uncertainty. False 7. Business process develops in time but do not focus on dynamics. – False 8. It is really individuals who are managing themselves because many individuals are working on a variety of projects. True 9. The first stage of data driven approach to project management is ________ . Choice of measurement metrics for the project 10. When all the business requirements have been gathered, logical database models are basically determined by the logical database models. – True Quiz #5 1. In identifying relationship, the primary key of parent entity is inherited by the child entity as a non-primary key attribute. False

2. For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model, logical database modeling is required. True 3.

Which of the following does not belong to the group? CenterFlow

4. It is data-driven strategy utilized to improve processes. DMAIC Process 5. It is utilized in assessing the available resource use. Efficiency Metrics 6. Logical database modeling deals with the actual database designing which is based on the requirements gathered during logical database modeling. False 7. If the system mission is to navigate each process to its goals and objectives, utilization of input/output flow is advised. False 8. Which of the following can be done to transform performance management? Create a new mental model of business. 9. In the data collection, the collected data will be filtered, grouped together and processed. False 10. In implementing DMAIC process, there should be no skipping of crucial steps so as to increase the chance of a successful project. True Assignment #6 1. This should also be considered especially when the business where specialist skills are required. Labor Skills 2. The type of business premises for the business depends on its activities. True 3. The following are the strategic importance of business location except for – Short term decisions 4. A factor that may influence the choice of business location which refers to cost with regards to getting the raw materials for the business production or stocks for sale – transport cost 5. Which of the following business premises is not suited for production operation business? A small office 6. There is no need to consider the government in locating the business because they will not be regulated by it and the government will never provide special assistance to high unemployment assistance. False

7. One factor in choosing a location which refers to the nearness of the market in the business location. Market 8. Anytime when there is facility expansion of a space reduction, layout planning is performed layout planning is performed. True 9. In choosing a location, there is a need to research on the future competitors. True 10. The businessman should first gather data and information about the demographic and economic features and characteristics of the areas as prospective location for the business. True Quiz # 6 1. If workers can be able to perform multifunction by operating multiple equipments at the same time, multifunctional workforce can be achieved. True 2. Which of the following is not a limitation of functional layout? The line output is decided by the bottleneck machine 3. The following are the reasons fore re-designing layout except for Increase of the area of the actual assembly activity by reorganization 4. A usual layout problem wherein all the given material must be laid out, minimizing simultaneously the total space or transportation of resources between items or while some additional constraints between the items. Varying size, fixed contents 5. How many types of manufacturing layout a business can choose from? 5 6. Which of the following advantages does not belong to the product layout? Wrong answer With minimal handling cost for materials. 7. Deciding on Business location is usually made frequently. False 8. To have more business space, a business firm may choose a new business premise. True 9. Which of the following does not belong to the benefits of assembly line balancing? Wrong Answer Potential decrease in costs and increase in profits 10. A lot of wasted energy, time and confusion may result from a effective layout. False Lomg Quiz # 2 1. When the system mission is to integrate existing subsystems, the best process view is the input/ output flow. True

2. It isutilized in assessing the available resource use. Efficiency Metrics 3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a DMAIC process? Data-driven, structured problem-solving and a customer-focused framework. Non-structured problem solving 4. A maturity stage of data driven approach which includes decisions on how you will make the measurements – Wrong Answer Choice of measurement metrics for the project 5. ________ are used to integrate the quality discipline into the activities and culture of the business firm. Data, strategy, and effective communication 6. Which of the following is not included in the characteristics of quality leaders? Prioritize attention to internal and external suppliers 7. ISO 9000 can help a business organization in satisfying its managers. False 8. Quality is sum of characteristics and features of products which bears on its ability to satisfy implied or stated customer's needs. – True 9. Cost but not the size of land should be considered in locating the business. False 10. A DMAIC approach wherein individuals who are skilled in the method and tools such as process or quality improvement experts are the ones who lead a team. Team approach 11. They are the agents who actually perform the activities. Active participants 12. It is a named type of data representation which may apply to one or more attributes. Domain 13. Product layout is recommended for batch production. False 14. DMAIC process covers how one study, identify, change and do monitori...

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